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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Of Weapons and Warriors

Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:52 pm
Hand that guides fate:
Let the world watch:

“UGhhrawrrrugh..” The noise that made no sense to any ear human or animal came fromt eh mountain beneath the sheets. The sun had broken through the window, and he was instantly regretting his choice in location. Rubbing his eyes with enough force to concuss a normal man, he forced himself to stand and cast off what had been the warm embrace of sleep. The second best embrace one can experience within the confines of a bed. Sitting up from his floor bound bed, he’d look around the room for a small clock. The time was mid morning, and though he wanted to fit in some training before the day truly got on, he knew he also had to be ready for an odd job that had been requested. It had been the blacksmith that had approached him with the job, and then he had subsequently left notice of it within Junko’s house for anyone else that wanted to join in. He’d been told it would take ample time, but the man making the request had ample funds…so it was hard to turn down.

Standing in a state of undress he would walk past the window unbothered, and begin to tame his hair from his sleepy state. Puling it tight into a top knot he would tie it off before folding it forward, his two horns framing it. Reaching down on the sink he would take a jug of sake, before pouring himself a large mouthful, swishing it he would then spit it into the sink before completing his morning rituals. As he did so he thought on the various jobs that he had completed during his time here. It was true, he had nearly stopped all work, with only the smallest of odd jobs popping up. It had caused some to come by the property to check on him, of which he would promptly shoo away. Though he enjoyed the buzz that was starting to collect around the village at the upcoming tournament, it did make things more annoying when he wanted to be left alone to focus on his true work. The joints did not move any easier with age, and as much as he hated to admit it…. It finally was starting to catch up to him. Perhaps a benefit of his lineage he had surpassed the average age of retirement again and again. Still, this may be a fact the commentators loved to discuss, it was a fact that he was starting to feel heavier in his back and knees with each passing day.

Another grumble, before tying off his muwashi, and exiting the doorway. Outside he would take a nearby broom and sweep the clay mound into a spreading motion so the fresh layer covered the surface. Taking a small water jug he had purchased, he would wet the area slightly preparing it for his own personal religion. He had a couple hours before the appointed time when they were all set to head out, with whoever had decided to go, so he would make the most of it. Should any of them come out early, he would merely grunt a hello before returning to his training, not allowing for much in the way of distraction. Should they watch, they would be used to this behavior having seen it many times by this point.

He would move through each motion of Shiko, Koshiwari, Suriashi many times past what seemed plausible, only to finish and begin the next movement. Sometimes hold a log as he moved his feet across the ring, deeply within his squat. Sweat poured from his face and body despite the lingering briskness of the morning as he continued through movements. Once these were completed, he would move to the largest and strongest tree in the area. Leaning down, both fists would kiss the ground for the briefest of movements before he launched himself up and forward colliding with the tree. Sometimes with both hands palm out, sometimes alternating his shoulder, and even others it almost seemed like his head had connected. The sound like thunder with each strike. Around the tree he had tied a woven cushion to protect the tree as best he could. It already showed wear and tear, despite being relatively knew.

All these things continued until around noon when he would wash off in a large water basin outside the home before throwing on a kimono and tying it off with a belt. His typical blue with white clouds and red sash. The mission he had heard was about formulating a weapon, and thus had been instructed to bring with him any weapons he might have to either test out the one they were to be working on, or use it in the “acquisition” of any materials. Supposedly the paying client liked creations of the oddities kind, and thus it may be required. The location wasn’t far off from the Tenga ruins either, which despite still having yet to see any real danger there he was constantly told of its dangers. So with that knowledge he would lift the Kanobo shouldering it, and walk towards the house or towards his traveling companions should they already be out waiting for him. Around the handle a black and white snake would have been resting in the sun, it would take this moment to slither through his sleeve until it was up and wrapped around his neck, like that of a necklace. Its head ducked down into the kimono, leaving someone to truly not realize a living creature was playing necklace.

With his Kanobo shouldered, and still a little breathless from the workout he would meet his companions, and be prepared to set off. The house of the well-paying client was close to the ruins, in a small patch of forest just outside the old city gates. A treacherous location if the rumors where to be believed, and yet there it was. They would make their way towards the home ideally so they could get started, or at least hear what the man wanted them to do.

TWC 1015
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:54 pm
"Why does this world torture me so with the people being so squabbling good-for-nothing insects that squirm around this wretched village? I feel as thought I have done nothing wrong, and yet. I am stuck to die here, completing menial tasks with insignificant people. I hate it here. All of the people are worth nothing to me and yet here I am shoveling the shit of their lives. These people don't know what is good for them. They don't know how to truly live. They don't understand the thrill of a hunt, or the task that it is to kill a man. They simply only know how to take. How to steal from the world that they were just splatted on the floor of. These worthless pitiful twits who believe the world is just theirs for the taking. I shall spit on each one of their graves and simply dance upon it. One by one they all deserve to be mutilated and burned, torn to shreds by the true rulers of this island, the spirits that claimed this realm so long ago. They would hate these humans. But yet. I am one of them. I am no more than miserable pathetic wretch myself. To be scorned by this planet, and deprave it of its riches I am no saint. If there was a god above then he would be spitting on my own grave. Much like he has spat all over my life."

Kitsunagi would speak harsh tones to the world around him. He would apologize for his own existence, understanding that it is so feeble, and that his efforts to provide for the earth have been futile. After many hours of speaking to the earth and the spirits that dwelled within the forests. He would cover himself with the latest kill's blood. A lowly bandit who sought to find the cunning fox and to kill him. But little did they know that Kitsu had always been prepared for such a thing. He had killed this one rather slowly. Bled him with each arrow's shot. The small blades cutting across his skin as a hot knife would through butter. His crimson liquid would fall before his own body. Kitsu would keep him alive long enough for him to feel his entrails fall out of his abdominal cavity, and have Kitsu's face be the last thing he'd ever see. The man's eyes would roll into the back of his head, as he lie there dying.

Kitsu would put the man's blood upon himself, covering his clothing with the fresh blood, and painting his face and arms with the same. He would feel its warmth wrap around him like a warm blanket, like the very embrace of the spirits themselves. He always felt so alive during these times, the times in which he had taken a fresh kill. The power that he felt, and the rapturous feeling of taking a man's final breath was so invigorating for him. So little scratched the itch of his existence like this feeling.

He would finish his ritual, giving the man's body to the wolves and the other animals of the forest, then he would bring himself to his feet and begin wandering through the woods, ready for another day. But it was then that he heard a very familiar voice echoing through his mind. It was Ren. He was telling him it was time to return home, that there was a mission to do with him, Takeshiyama, and that damned Kiko. Ever since he had gotten this damned seal he had been summoned nearly daily for tasks that he would have to accomplish.

He would speak to Ren, complaining and telling him to find someone else. But he wouldn't relent. He would begin to lecture Kitsu on the duties that needed to be accomplished. For the sake of not hearing the rest of his vapid argument he would relent himself. Kitsu hated being around Ren and Kiko. They were always so happy and joyful. It was a miserable experience watching them both be completely insanely in love with one another. He still felt like there was something off about Kiko. She always seemed a bit... off to him.

He would try to shrug these thoughts away. But it kept him rather guarded against Kiko in all regards. He walked through the forest, and he brandished his bow and held three arrows in his hand. He would concentrate on the surroundings, ensuring there was no one near him. But of course there was so much crap in his mind now that he couldn't really focus on what he was doing. He snapped a twig here, a branch there. He was acting quite clumsy and he hated it when he would get so flustered that he could no longer walk in a straight line quietly.

When he exited the woods, he saw them all there. Takeshiyama standing taller than the others, he was fine. He had no real issues with the sumo. He was a simpleton that didn't seem to have much to care about when it came to the village, which is probably why Kitsu found him more interesting. Or at least less infuriating than the others. But beside him was both Ren and Kiko. He would spit on the ground as he continue walking closer to them both. When he was 20 meters away, he would see that Ren's face would be quite upset.

Ren would tell him to go get cleaned up. A sentence that Kitsu knew was coming. He stripped naked right there in front of them all. Exposing himself to the other three that would be his party. Then he would reach out his hand. Ren would grab a new set of clothes from his knapsack and hand them over to him. Kitsu would grab the clothes and wander off behind the house to get cleaned up. After a few minutes, he would return, fresh and clean, feeling much less comfortable with his appearance. He would motion that he was ready, and he would leave when the remainder of the party was in the same state.

WC: 1024
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:22 pm
Normally his mornings were concerning for him. It had been this way ever since he had created his darling Kitsu. There was so much that that poor clone of his didn't understand about the world. He didn't understand love, compassion, music, art, none of it. The only thing he seemed to understand was violence. He sought violence like none other that Ren had seen before. It was almost as if that was his natural state, was to hurt others. Ever since he had taste blood for the first time, in the sense of when he had taken his first life, he had become completely obsessed with killing. 

Ren was thankful that at least the aggression was being pointed in a decent direction. At least he wasn't trying to kill innocent civilians. But part of Ren's mind was just wondering when that would change. When would he turn into a murderer? He hated the thought of it. It kept him awake most nights, scared that he didn't know exactly what Kitsu was doing or if he was hurting someone else, or worst yet if he had been captured and was being hurt himself. It was something he couldn't bare the thought of.

But this morning, for some reason, it didn't bother him. He could feel Kiko's warm skin against his own, lying in their bed. Her perfect body curled up against his own as they laid together. The night before had been quite exhausting, as ever since their first time, they had become rather attached. Thankfully in more ways than one. He rarely wanted to get out of bed. For staying in bed with Kiko all day brought it's own reward, sometimes several time in a day. But being with her was the one thing he cherished most. 

He had worked so hard to build this relationship with her, and now that he finally had it. There was nothing else that he could truly feel he wanted for, except for Kitsu's safety. He would run his hand up Kiko's exposed thigh, and he would brush his face against the back of her shoulder, gently kissing her neck. With a slight jolt of energy shooting through his spine, he would shiver at the feeling of her skin, pressing against her slightly more. He would kiss her neck, leading up to her ear, where he would begin to whisper to his darling Kiko.

"Sweet heart. We must get up. Takeshiyama had said that there was a possible job for us to complete today, and he has invited us to join it. But if we are to stay in bed all day... again, then we will not get anything done my love." Moving his right hand up her side and to her face he would turn her face towards his. Brushing against her nose with his own, he would kiss her forehead, then her right cheek, then her left, finishing at the lips. He got out of the bed, exposing his unclothed body to the world as he pushed away the blankets. 

His tattooed body would shine against the sun whose rays were peeking through the windows. He would snag another look at his darling Kiko, quivering at the sight of such perfection. He grabbed the blanket and he pulled it back up to cover her, knowing that she liked to lie in bed for a while after waking up, having her time to just rest while she tried to wake up the rest of the way. But he was slightly different than her, the moment he would get out of bed, he just wanted to do things. 

He used his telepathy seal and he would send out a communication with Kitsu. Of course Kitsu would argue with him about the job that they had to do that day. But Ren wouldn't relent. Instead he stood firm, commanding him to return to Junko's home where they would all meet and they would be able to get this mission underway. After a bit of arguing and a small lecture in the mind, Kitsu would relent, much to Ren's happiness. He would turn around to Kiko, and he would tell her that Kitsu would be joining them today.

"I know that he seems rather offputting and he is already and always kind of angry, but I do ask that we try to be nice to him. I want him to love you and honestly I want him to love me. I think spending too much time in that forest is just going to rot his brain entirely and he is going to hold resentment towards us all forever. But I worry that it may all be for not for that matter. But I would love it if you would indulge me with him. You are always so good, I would just be so thankful towards you my love."

He would lean over and kiss her beautiful lips, pressing his own against hers and interlocking them for a few minutes. He couldn't quite help himself with her, as she was just the pinnacle of what he felt a good companion could be. He understood that it took him some time to make her realize that about herself. But once she finally accepted it, he could no longer feel anything but happiness. After feeling her lips against his own, every desire in his body would be to return to the bed, but he knew that there was work to be done! So he left the room, after peeking under the blankets one more time and laughing.

Shortly after he would arrive to the stairs with his beloved Kiko and they would descend them together. They would go outside and meet with Takeshiyama, and then see a bloodied Kitsu walking towards them. Ren would panic for a moment, but when he realized it wasn't his blood, he would become more upset with him walking around covered in blood again. 

Kitsu would arrive and Ren would hand him his clothes to go put on. He would protest with his eyes, then strip down naked in front of them before grabbing the clothes and walking around the house to change. Ren wouldn't lose eye contact with him, knowing that this was his attempt at dominance in the situation. When he would return, Ren would look to the rest of the party and ask if they were ready to depart. Once they were, he would grab Kiko hand and interlock his fingers with her, and he would be ready for the days travel and the job that would follow in suit.

WC: 1100
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:21 am
Recently Kikos life had become quite a bit better as she was now spending most of her time with Ren. She was beginning to grow comfortable with him and wanted nothing more than to be at his side at all times. Recently she had been allowing him to see a bit more of her fun-loving and goofy personality that she hides away from the world. He truly brought out the best in her, and she wished to do the same for him. Though he was already amazing so she was unsure of how much she could actually provide him with. Unfortunately, she shared similar insecurities as her creator so it was hard to believe his words sometimes. Thankfully when she would bring up these thoughts, he would reassure her that she was enough for him. He often would perform for her, which she completely adored. The fact that he could sing, play music, recite poetry and more completely enamored her.

At first, she didn’t think she would enjoy Junko’s plan and figured that she would inevitably have to break it off with the poor man. Now however, it was hard for her to even fathom not sleeping by his side every night. Junko had warned her that this was going to happen, Kiko should have known that she would be correct. Though she found Ren to be extremely attractive, she felt as if she was slowly falling in love with his soul. He always knew the right thing to say, and just exactly how to say it. She felt comforted by the fact that while he was around, she never had to interact much with others as he usually would take the lead in most situations.

It was a bit odd how similar Ren and Junko were to her, they both were very social, outgoing, musically talented, and maybe a bit too empathetic towards others. Her relationship with her creator had changed quite a bit since the memory alteration. Thinking of it, Junko had also changed. Where Junko used to inquire about her life and missions, and seemingly took a great interest in her. However, now Kiko was lucky to get a few words into a conversation before Junko seemingly would retreat back to her room. She had been in there for quite some time, only really coming out to eat, use the bathroom, and assign tasks to the others. Admittedly Kiko was a bit worried about her, however, once she voiced her concerns Junko would just reassure her that she was busy with village paperwork.

She couldn’t help but feel hurt by the lack of attention she received from Junko, but would never admit that to herself. Part of her was upset with her creator because she had placed Kiko in this situation with Ren, but the other part of her was grateful for the opportunity to be with such a man. It was all very confusing for her and as she thought about these feelings she would quickly be consumed by them. So for the most part she attempted to keep her mind busy with more pleasant activities should Ren indulge her.

One early morning she’d awakened to Ren sliding his hand up the side of her body before kissing her neck gently. Her eyes would roll back in her head slightly at the euphoric feeling of his touch and she’d move slightly to give him a better angle. Since they spent their first night together their mornings had been filled with various intimate activities, and she hoped that would continue. However, after kissing her neck once more, he’d lean in close to her and whisper into her ear. He would then remind her that they had agreed to take up a few jobs with Takeshiyama and that they would need to leave soon. She’d let out an exasperated sigh as she buried her head farther into the pillow.

However, he would move his right hand up her side once more before caressing her face and turning her body towards him. She’d become a bit flustered as he rubbed his nose up against hers, kissed her face, then gently kissed her soft lips. Mentally she begged him not to get out of bed, and instead remain with her. Though she knew that they couldn’t, so she would allow him to climb out of bed unimpeded. With the covers pulled off of her, she’d arch her back, stretch out her arms above her head, and yawn loudly. He would watch her for a little while before throwing the blankets over her once more.

For a few moments, she’d continue to lay in bed and admire his body. She’d trance his tattoos with her eyes as she watched him move around the room. He’d pace slightly as he seemingly was communicating with somebody mentally, she wished to ask but figured he would tell her once he was done. Her assumption was correct as he turned to her and stated that his clone Kitsu would be joining them. She’d roll her eyes slightly at the notion, but wouldn’t vocally complain as asked her to be nice to him. However, she’d give him an empathetic look as he explained his worries about Kitsu resenting the rest of the group. Once he finished speaking she’d sit up in bed, covering herself up slightly, and respond in a sweet, caring voice.

”My dear I’m sure he’s just going through a rough patch. We were only created just recently, so it’s difficult to find where we belong in this world. If it wasn’t for you, I could have easily found myself in the same position as him. In all honesty, I resented Junko quite a bit for making me. I was a fully formed adult with no sense of who I was or could be. Even now I find it difficult to engage in social interactions and have a bit of a hard time coping with reality. My best advice is to keep trying, but maybe allow him some space to grow into his own person. I promise you I’ll be on my best behavior today, but only because you asked so nicely”

She’d laugh a bit before he made his way over to their bed once more. They would then kiss for a few moments before he decided that it was time to get moving. After peeking under the covers once more, he would then exit the room, allowing her to get dressed. Kiko would then lazily slip out of bed and begin getting dressed. She was unsure what kind of work they would be doing so she decided to go with something comfortable but practical. Kiko would slip on a loose t-shirt that was cut to stop just below her chest which exposed her midriff. She then would slide on a tight pair of black shorts that hugged her body graciously, and over that, she would pull on a short, black, pleated shirt that stopped halfway down her thighs.

After she was done getting ready, Kiko and Ren would head downstairs to meet with Takeshiyama and Kitsu. Kiko greeted the rather large man with a deep bow of respect, she had only really worked with him once before, but knew that he and Ren had recently spent some time together. Before she could greet him, they would notice Kitsu coming towards them. As usual, he was covered from head to toe in blood, and she could see that Ren was angered by this. Kiko would watch him with a neutral expression as he approached the group, though she wouldn’t speak up to greet him or offer him a bow.

Admittedly she didn’t like him too much and wasn’t going to be showing him respect since she knew it wouldn’t be reciprocated. She knew that he only arrived covered in blood like that to get a reaction out of Ren, seeing as Kitsu knew he didn’t like it. Personally, she didn’t see what the big deal was but knew that it wouldn’t look good to be conducting official business drenched in blood. She’d watch as Ren insisted that he change and offered him some new clothes. This would be met with a glare from Kitsu, and in an act of attempted rebellion, he would strip naked in front of the three of them.

Kiko was rather unimpressed with this action, as it was clear that he was simply seeking attention at this moment. She’d gaze into his eyes with a neutral expression, unbothered by the sight before her. Though Kitsu was a clone of Ren, he was nothing like his creator. She couldn’t help but think that she was like this with Junko, but that worry would soon fade as she realized Kitsu and her were vastly different. As they waited for him to change, Kiko would turn to Takeshiyama and attempt to speak with him once more.

”Takeshiyama, it’s a pleasure to work with you once more. I’ve heard some rather good things about you from my sister Jun, so I hope you find my companionship satisfactory.”

While both Junko and Jun had very loud and outgoing personalities, Kiko seemed completely different. She kept a rigid posture, her body seemed to be in amazing shape, and she seemed to be neutral on most things. When she spoke, it was very direct and not filled with a bunch of fluff words like her sisters. Though she did seem to carry the air of charm around her like her sisters. Soon Kitsu would return to the group, cleaned up, and changed into the attire that Ren provided. After ensuring that all members were ready, Ren would take Kiko’s hand and they would all begin to walk to the destination. She hoped at least one of them knew where they were going since she still was a bit unfamiliar with the layout of things.

Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:38 pm
It seemed that the crew was together, and it was an interesting one to say the least.  The other three would arrive, Ren and Kiko by themselves followed up by Kitsu.  He watched with total
Indifference as the man stripped down out of his soiled clothes to change in front of them.  To say it didn’t bother him in the least was an understatement, in truth it saves time so he was pleased the man hadn’t gone off to shower or groom in other ways, he was prepared to leave so any way to keep that from being delayed was a bonus.  

Kitsu was generally…. A bit more melancholic than he preferred.  However it wasn’t in a way that caused any real trouble.  The man was capable, he just seemed to have his own agenda on what he wished to do, and it wasn’t often that he was actually doing it.  He could see that as being frustrated having been in that situation many times before. Ren, who put off the de facto leader vibes was friendly and he counted him a friend.  He’d worked hard with him, and though his talents where in other things besides physical labor…he never stopped trying.  There was something to be said for that.  Kiko….he probably knew the least about.  He had seen her about with the sisters, but in truth he rarely said more than two words too her or gave her much thought.  As the days continued to go though, his kind was becoming more and more focused on a singular task.  He’d grunt at her kind words, a little formal for his take, though it seemed to match her stature.  It was interesting to see Ren and her together, perhaps it was the opposites that attract that provided the chemistry.  “I’m sure it’ll all be fine….I am here.”  He’d say with a smile.  Hard to say if he was making a joke or being arrogant, though his own confidence was something that was nearly Always on display.  

“I think it best we head out and get this show on the road.  The place is a decent walk.”  He’d say quickly and efficiently before leading them away.  The walk would take nearly an hour, Deep into the plains, and very close to the tenga ruins.  The skyscrapers seemed to pierce the horizon if one looked in that direction.  He’d watch the others, as always he measured their nerves, even if he still….legitimately still had not seen a single thing to be worried about.  It was as though he was completely excluded from an established arc in a manga….was he a side character?  No…impossible, he was the main character of his story, whatever pathetic creatures that thrashed within the abandoned streets where nothing but fillers to the world. 

After the walk they would arrive at the home, Takeshiyama glad of such a thing.. to say the walk had been a pleasant one….was some amount of give and take.  Ren and Kiko seemed comfortable with one another, his understanding of them being a couple aiding this.  Which only seemed to grate on the nerves of Kitsu, who was not a bundle of sunshine even on the best of times.  He knew of Kitsu’s obsession with the spirits, so during the walk he would mention the shrine of the boar he and Jun had cleaned days before.  “So…these spirits, what exactly….are they?”  He’d ask.  Within the boarders of demon country…the spirits had never been anything his clan cared much for.  Despite the near religious nature of sumo, it was a very different thing to be sure.  He would attempt to converse with Kitsu to learn more, and to ideally
Keep the group moral from imploding since things already seemed slightly tense.  

Still, they would arrive at the house, and Takeshiyama would hand off the kanobo to Kitsu if he was willing to hold it for a moment, the massive instrument dropped into his arms should he accept it, if he didn’t he’d merely let it fall to the ground with a deep thud as the earth caught it.  He would let the others know that he would contact the benefactor and see what their task was.  

Walking from the group he’d knock on the door, before he was greated by a man nearly as big as he was.  The man may not have been as thick, but they stared at eachother eye to eye without difficulty.  “We are here to work…”. He’d say simply which would get a gruff grunt from the former warrior.  He would explain to them that there was several tasks he wished them to accomplish.  Three to be specific, 1. Gather unique materials to forge into a weapon, he could do the forging.  2.  Test out an armor that he had crafted through sparring with him once the weapon was created, and finally 3. Do not eat his house.

With that he handed him a list and slammed the oddly delectable door.  He’d never thought of eating a house before, but it probably was worth a lot of calories.  Shaking his head and erasing the thought form his kind he’d return to the group.

“Well….ummm this is what we need to do.”  He’d say simply, handing over the three tasks.  “The man is putting on the armor now, it may be best to split up the tasks.  Kitsu and me can go gather materials for a weapon….Ren and Kiko, once he has his armor on why don’t you two spar with him to see if it works….he said that it’s…..unusual.”  He’d say with a heavy shrug.  Reaching he’d take back his kanobo, and begin to walk away hoping that Kitsu would continue to follow him.  “O and don’t eat the house!” He’d say shouting back at the other two, but providing no other directives.  

He’d make his way towards the outskirts of the tenga ruins.  If Kitsu made any indication of nerve or resistance in going he’d simply say “afraid?”  With that no matter what he’d continue on.  His goal was to find something….interesting…s. Weapon.  That was the directive and the creatures he had seen within where interesting to say the least.  Perhaps a bit of old technology and some prices of the creatures would fulfill the conditions of an odd weapon.  

TWC - 2066
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:22 pm
Kitsu would get his clothes arranged and situated. He would groan as he would walk around the house once more to meet back up with the group. When he got there, Takeshiyama would say that it was time for them to start moving the party towards the mission location. He would hold his bow in place and simply walk along with the rest of the party. As the party moved away from Junko's home, he would see that they were headed for the ruins that were nestled roughly an hour or so away from their current location. He would feel a brewing excitement grow within his body.

He wanted nothing more than to return to the ruins, to finally be able to see the disgusting and wretched bastards that called themselves bandits. He would often think of the fact that they thought they were bandits, when truly they were so bad at it. He knew that he would be a much better bandit than these miserable bastards were. He would sneak on people, and he would take their lives before they even had the chance to think as to what made the noise. The thought of killing someone when they weren't looking seemed enticing to him, something pleasurable.

He could see the skyscrapers reaching for the sky with their skeletal frames, acting as silent sentinels looming over the horizon, protecting it from passersby. The excitement that built within him before was raging like an inferno. He wanted nothing more than to see the blood spill from another haughty and arrogant so-called bandit. During his rushing thoughts of chaos and murder, the very thing the spirits had called upon him to provide, he would hear Takeshiyama's voice mention the spirits, and suddenly his train of thought was halted. Looking over to the mountainous figure, he would smile.

He began with a tone of explanation, without his usual arrogance when he spoke as if the spirits were the only topic he would never speak so incredulously about. "The spirits are the ones that govern the natural world that surrounds us. For so long they ran free within this island, there are several types of head spirits that governed the natural forces, such as the wind, water, lightning, fire, and the earth itself. With each primal spirit controlling their respective element, they created smaller spirits that would help govern the remainder of the island, the smaller spirits are messengers of the primal spirits, and they are known as Kodama." He would pause for a moment to see if there was questions.

If none, he would continue, "These Kodama are what I commune with on a daily basis to understand just what the world around me wants from me. They have given me tasks, they have conversed with me personally and have proclaimed their desire for the world and what it is that they want, so I do what I can to provide that for them. They ask for the death of those that go against the forests and the natural world of the island, and I have dedicated my days providing that for them."

When he finished they would arrive at a house of some sort. Takeshiyama would hand him the Kanobo, which Kitsu would surprisingly be able to carry with little issue. He would speak with an individual within. He spoke of a list of things that needed to be done, but Kitsu wouldn't hear any of it. He would simply return within himself, contemplating what the man's demeanor would be if he had plunged an arrow right for his throat. He thought of how wide his eyes would get as he made the realization that he would die this day.

The door would slam in front of him and Takeshiyama would take point in the situation, handing out tasks. He offered that Kitsu go with himself to find the materials for a weapon, Kitsu would agree to the plan with a nod and a nonchalant hand wave. Ren and Kiko would be given their jobs and Ren would accept it graciously as he would look into Kiko's eyes, causing Kitsu to vomit slightly in his mouth.

When Takeshiyama would begin heading for the ruins, Kitsu's mouth would water. Just the mere thought of being so deep within the ruins caused him immense pleasure. He would follow the sumo, with his bow now drawn and an arrow summoned from his armor. He would scan the horizons to see anything there was to see, and he would pray that there would be a poor pathetic bastard dumb enough to challenge them so he could watch his head explode with the fore of his arrow. But he would stay tucked behind Takeshiyama, knowing that up front and personal was something he could do, but it wasn't something that he cared to do.

WC: 808
TWC: 1832
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Sun Mar 17, 2024 7:56 pm
It was always something with Kitsu. The anger that he felt from him when he would walk around the house was palpable, but he would just learn to ignore it for the time being, at least he was doing what Ren asked him to do. As Kitsu was gone, he would smile to the sumo and then smile more sheepishly towards Kiko. He knew that he was soft on Kitsu, but he didn't know what more he could truly do. He was just thankful there wasn't too much fighting about it. When he would return, Takeshiyama would speak that they should start leaving, to which Ren would agree.

They began walking in the direction of the ruins, and a small feeling of nerves would run through his body briefly. He hadn't been to the ruins in quite some time, and he was more concerned about his darling Kiko being there for too long. He didn't want any of them  being hurt, but the idea of Kiko being harmed made him feel a pain shoot through him. He would hold on to her tight, calming himself knowing that no matter what he would be able to get her to safety, and Takeshiyama was there to keep his darling Kitsu safe as well.

There was a silence from Kitsu for a while, but he would not stop himself from talking with Kiko. He would look at her from time to time, but most of his words weren't spoken out loud. He would be conveying messages to her via their telepathic connection given to them by Sakoshi. He would be describing in great detail the different things that he wanted to do with her, and the positions that they would be in. The messages that he would send would be in depth descriptions of them tangled together, describing the things that she would feel, the vast amounts of pleasure and small amounts of pain and how it would cause her to explode. He would describe what she would be wearing during their activities, and the detailed process he would take to dismantle the clothing itself and ravaging her. He would hear Takeshiyama asking Kitsu about the spirits, and he would hear his darling Kitsu explaining the spirits of the island of Moon, and he would enjoy to listen to Kitsu become so passionate about something.

He would of course not stop talking to Kiko about his desires, but he would not allow his face to become contorted, nor would he allow his emotions and desires to betray his face. To the onlooker, he would be a cheerful statue, unmoving and unnerved. The fear of her being harmed in the ruins dissipated due to the sheer amount of desire that he had for her.

They arrived at a house just outside the ruins, and he stopped transmitting his messages to Kiko for just a moment. He listened to the jobs that were required of them, and when the door was slammed on Takeshiyama, he gave Ren and Kiko the job of sparring with the individual.

He would accept this job, but he wasn't going to have his darling Kiko be put in any danger from this man. But he had just the idea when it came to causing someone to get into a fight without actually needing to be in it with them.  Shortly after Takeshiyama and Kitsu would leave, the man would walk out of the house and begin to yell. "You and me, damn it. Come here!" The man would sprint towards them both. Ren would look to his darling Kiko, wink, and he would start showing her images of just what he wanted to do with her in his mind.

The man would begin to fight Ren, but the fight would be completely in his mind. He would have used his genjutsu clone technique to have the man start fighting an image of himself, completely cloaking Ren's real presence. He would explain this to her telepathically. He would instruct her to look as if she was watching him fight and to not look at Ren himself. He would guide her through more scenarios between them as the man would continue shadowboxing with the imaginary Ren.

He would stand there and laugh to himself as he felt he had a grip on Kiko's consciousness and this man's arrogance. The fight before them, in Kiko's eyes, would be this man simply throwing his weight around in a pointless dance with whatever was in his mind. But Ren would take this time to walk behind her and give her a shoulder massage, kissing her neck as he did it, reminding her to stay still and not give away the illusion. He would simply watch for a while, letting Kitsu and Takeshiyama perform their piece of the gambit.

After a while, and after he had become overwhelmed with desire for his Kiko, he would wrap his arms around her, and he would teleport them back to their room. He knew that Takeshiyama and Kitsu might be able to do the job themselves, but if not, well he didn't mind failing if it meant he could taste his darling Kiko once more today. They would appear in their room and Ren would turn her around, hunger fueling his every movement. He would pick her up, and toss her on the bed before climbing on top of her.

(Fade to Black)

WC: 901
TWC: 2002

Learning Takeshiyama's, Kitsunagi's, and Kiko's Chakra Signature
Completion of first two missions, failure of third
+18k + 28k + 4k + 4k = +54k total Ryo from mission rewards (doubled with Chakra Signature)
160 AP total AP (Doubld from beloved Presence) = 8000 ryo
Total Ryo added = 62k

+2000 towards Autosuggestion (3610/3750) (Previous Progress)

Last edited by Ren Kurosawa on Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Wed Mar 20, 2024 10:39 am
Kiko would attempt to listen to Kitsu as they walked towards their destination though she would have a rather difficult time concentrating as Ren was holding most of her focus. Though her face and body language would indicate otherwise she was she was beginning to feel rather flustered. As they held hands her palms would quickly become a bit sweaty as her own thoughts mingled with Rens words. She found herself lost in thought for most of the trip as she focused on maintaining her composure in front of the others.

Soon they would come upon a rather run-down-looking home which seemingly was their destination. Kiko would watch as Takeshiyama took the lead, which she was happy for him to do. She was unsure if she’d actually be able to speak to people while Ren was speaking lewd suggestions in her head. She’d watch the exchange between the two relatively same-sized men but would be a bit off-put by the slamming of the door. Takeshiyama then would return to the group and inform them of their plan. Kiko would offer an accepting nod as Ren agreed with what he said. She’d contemplate for a moment about whether she’d have to attempt to go toe to toe with the man and was unsure if she was ready for such a thing.

The group would then split up, leaving Kiko and Ren to test the durability of the man's armor. Shortly after Takeshiyama and Kitsu left, the man would exit from his home and issued a challenge to them. As he sprinted forward Kiko would reflexively reach for her katana but wouldn’t unsheath it as it looked as if Ren had a plan. She’d remove her grip from the hilt of the blade as the man seemingly began to fight an invisible enemy. Telepathically he’d explain to her that he had put the man in some sort of genjutsu and would tell her to watch the fight as if it was really happening.

Not wanting to break the illusion Kiko did as instructed though due to the various acts that Ren was describing to her, her face would redden slightly. She’d stiffened slightly as she felt him approach her from behind, she was attempting not to break the facade but it was getting increasingly difficult to maintain her composure. Keeping her eyes trained on the man, she watched as his armor seemingly fit him well and looked to be protecting him well against the phantom enemy he was fighting.

She’d then feel Ren grab her around the waist, and before she knew it they were back in their room. For a moment she’d think to question him on this decision as they were leaving the missions behind. However, this would soon leave her mind as she felt him pick her up and then toss her on the bed. She knew Takeshiyama and Kitsu were more than reliable, and hopefully, they would pick up their portion of the payment before returning home. For now, her mind would focus on the moment as she began to engage with Ren.

(Fade to black and EXIT)

WC: 515
Total WC: 2169

Reserving WC claims
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:43 pm
Taking back his Kanobo, Takeshiyama would lead them into the ruins.  It would take some time but eventually they would find the mismatched creatures that lived within the dilapidated buildings.  In truth, none of them where much of a threat and between arrow and heavy steel....they were dispatched by the pair.  Takeshiyama would gather up pieces of carapaces from some of them like crab claws, and other mutations undoubtedly brought on by the technologies that had laid forgotten.  Within an hour or so, they would have enough raw material to return back to the house and give it to the man.

The man, looked....tired.  he would explain how he was able to fight all out against Ren, and that the man had truly exhausted him in their sparring session.  He would go on and on about the flexibility and toughness of the armor that he had wanted tested out, and how the boy was much tougher than he looked.  Glancing around he wouldn't see the pair, and with a roll of the eyes at the freeloaders he would hand over the equipment that Kitsu and he had acquired within the ruins.  He'd help the man strip down the materials staying longer than any of his compatriots.  If you wanted to make sure something was done correctly, you had to do it yourself as the saying went.  Still despite the old man being a bit eccentric it wasn't hard work.  The man proved himself a capable blacksmith and though Takeshiyama helped him, the man did the majority of the work, while he focused on moving and lifting materials as directed.  Before long the man had crafted an interesting polearm with one side having what looked like a scorpion tail, and the other end with a crab claw.  

With that they would go over the order of accomplishments.  1.  They had in fact gathered materials, 2. Takeshiyama had in fact helped him craft the new weapon 3. Ren had assisted him in sparring so that he could use his latest armor invention, and 4. they had not eaten the house.  He still wasn't sure what that last directive had been about, but still if it counted it counted.  perhaps he was used to more strange adventurers than them, it was hard to judge.  

Takeshiyama would gather up the ample rewards and walk his way abck to his house.  He was half tempted to skim some off the top from the others given he had stayed longest and put in the most work, but still....he was a man of some honor.  He would pass off the rewards to the three on the kitchen table in Junko's house, assuming they would find it and take it.  if not....well that was up to the honor of someone else.  He'd retire home a days work done.

TWC - 2536


(Mission details.  - Failure of S rank, not attempted.  Needed 8400 total wc to complete the first two missions of B and A rank. TWC done by group at this point = 8,474)

Claims - Completion of the B and A rank mission.  Failure of S for not attempting
+80ap to Wiggly Woo
9000 + 14000 + 4000 + 4000 = 31k total ryo gained
1k words for Hidden Mist
1k words for Fabric Smoke
500 words for Mist Servant

+15 to speed for wiggly woo

Also having Wiggly-Woo memorize the chakra of Kitsu, Ren, and Kiko

Last edited by Takeshiyama on Wed Mar 20, 2024 9:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Of Weapons and Warriors Empty Re: Of Weapons and Warriors

Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:48 pm
Kitsu would not think much during the remainder of this mission as it was all quite boring. He would simply follow Takeshiyama as they went to gather different materials. For a brief moment there was a fight, but with a swift swing of a weapon, and an even more swift arrow, the creatures were quickly taken down. Takeshiyama would break off pieces of the creatures that they had slain, and after a while they had enough to return to the old man in the run down house. An awfully dreary place, a place he wasn't sure why anyone would bother living in.

When they returned to the man, he explained that he had sparred with Ren and he was beat tired. But Kitsu knew that there was no chance that he fought the man. This was a battle of the mind that the wretch was put through and he didn't even know it. Kitsu would look around and neither he, nor his Kiko were anywhere to be found. Kitsu had an idea that they had just teleported back to their house for their more interesting activities, something he didn't completely fault them for as that would probably be a lot more entertaining than what he and the sumo were doing.

They gathered their rewards and off they went, back to the village. He cursed Ren for leaving them here, as he didn't really feel like walking back to the village, but it was what it was. He would have his conversation with Takeshiyama while he had the chance, and when they returned, he would bid him farewell.

WC: 268
TWC: 2100

Completion of first two missions, failure to the third
+9000 +14000 = 23000 x 2 = 46000 total ryo added because of Beloved Presence
+80 AP
Total bonus AP currently = 836

+1500  towards Chakra Suppression (Complete) (Max stat discount applied)
+500 towards learning and mastering for no handseals Quiet Footsteps (Complete for learning and mastering)
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