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Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
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Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

You'll always be my love, even if I never met you Empty You'll always be my love, even if I never met you

Sun Mar 10, 2024 7:08 pm
Continuation of this thread

The morning sun had yet to rise, but Ren had woken up in the early hours of the day. His darling Kiko was lying next to him, a pleasant sight indeed. There was little in this world that he didn't appreciate, but Kiko was one of the things that he couldn't bring himself to care for enough. Every single movement, every breath was a gift to this world, and he tried so hard to show her that. As he lied there, her hair would be a mess, tangling his entire head within it, but he didn't mind. He would take in the beautiful smell of her hair as he would reposition his body, still holding onto her gently.

He thought of the night before, how close they had gotten. The kiss that they had shared the night before on the rock. The time they spent in the restaurant. The necklace he gave her. The memories continued to run through his mind. But the one thing on his mind, the strongest sensation that he felt in his mind, was the time they spent on his bed just a few hours ago. The feeling of her lips interlocked with his, the heavy breathing that he could hear coming from her as he ran his fingers along her side, the sighing.

He couldn't help himself, his body began to wake up to full consciousness at the mere thought of her reactions to his affection. His body began to move by instinct, with his brain barely being able to tell him to stop. He would start moving his right hand, the one that she was currently clutching in her own sleep. He would gently rub her side, down to her waistline, and up her ribs, stopping just short of her chest. He would bury his own face into her neck, kissing it gently, pressing his body against her figure, gently at first, but becoming slightly more vigorous as the hunger grew more voracious.

He would gauge her reaction, making sure that she wasn't uncomfortable with his actions. But if she was okay with it to this point, he would turn her head slightly with his right hand, gently caressing her face as he began to kiss up the neck towards the jawline. He would kiss her just on the corner of her lips, before going back across her chin and along her collarbones down to her chest, stopping before he would go any farther.

He would realize that he was going way too far without speaking with her. He would gauge her reactions one more time. He would look into Kiko's eyes, provided she would be awake by that point. He would speak to her softly, "My love, my beautiful Kiko. I know you said you weren't ready last night. I apologize I pushed this morning, I couldn't quite control myself as you are just so perfect. I would love to go farther, and I love you so much. I want to ask how you are feeling about us going farther?" He would await her response, with a hunger in his eyes and his body prepared for the act that he was desperate for.

WC: 530
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

You'll always be my love, even if I never met you Empty Re: You'll always be my love, even if I never met you

Sun Mar 17, 2024 12:29 am
The night before had been rough for Kiko, she found herself in a rather difficult situation that her creator had put her in. Unfortunately due to Junko's infatuation with Ren, she refused to flat-out reject him and instead altered the man's mind to think that Kiko was the one whom he had fallen for. Admittedly Kiko was attracted to him, who couldn’t be? He was nearly perfect in every way. Kiko thought Junko to be an idiot to remove such a wonderful man from her life with seemingly no good reason. However, she was unsure of how she would adjust to being with somebody who was so affectionate.

Unlike her sister Jun, Kiko could care less about what others thought of her except for Junko that is. Even though she was upset with her creator, she still loved her and strove to appease her no matter the cost. That’s how she found herself in her current situation. In the days leading up to the night of the plan, Kiko’s head was in a spiral. Was she going to have to pretend to be more like Junko for him, would he even like her if she didn't? She hated the thought of having to be more upbeat and happy all the time and could see herself easily becoming tired of the facade.

She was far less likable than both Junko and Jun, and she couldn’t help but wonder why. It was like they saw the world through rose color lenses, while she experienced life in black and white. Thinking back on her recent day with Ren however, that was the only time that she felt like there was more to her than just being a copy of Junko. He had shown her such wonderful things and gave her a glimpse of who she could become. Finally, the night of the memory alteration had arrived, and she would spend most of her time waiting in her room, pacing back and forth.

As the night came to a close, Junko would enter her room and explain what had happened. She had allowed Ren to take her on an exquisite date and had gifted her a lovely pearl necklace. Junko would then go on to explain a few details of their previous missions and jobs together so that she would be aware of them if he brought it up to her at some point. Kiko wouldn’t say much as she listened intently to Junko's words, trying to remember every detail that she could. Junko would then ask that Kiko join him in his room, so as not to raise any suspicion. After they were done speaking Junko would hand over the necklace and excuse herself from the room.

Kiko would place the pearls on her bedside table and linger in her room for a moment before heading into his. Quietly she’d open the door, slide inside, and close it behind her. Once inside she would peel off her outerlayer to reveal a set of black and red undergarments, then she’d take a deep breath before sliding into bed with him. For the first hour she’d remain still and awake as nervous thoughts rushed through her head. This would change however when Ren turned in his sleep, wrapped an arm around her, and pulled her close to him. His warm embrace soothed her anxious mind and in return she’d wrap herself around him. Once comfortable she would quickly fall asleep as she listened to the sound of his heart.

Admittedly she slept amazing beside him, probably the best sleep she had gotten since sprouting into existence. She would wake up a bit as he began to come to consciousness. However she would soon be pulled from her slumber as she felt his hand traveling up her side. She then would feel his soft lips pressed up against her neck, she’d turn her head slightly to allow him to access her body, she didn’t do this knowingly but it simply felt right. His lips against her warm skin sent euphoric sensations throughout her body, leaving her mind empty as she only could focus on his touch. Kiko felt nearly breathless as various sensations overwhelmed her mind. It felt as if her hear was beating out of her chest while she gasped lightly for air. She could tell he was becoming a bit rougher with his touch, which she seemingly didn’t mind. He’d pull back for a moment to gauge her reaction, she’d open her eyes and turn her head to face him but was only able to muster up an accepting nod.

She would allow him to caress her face with his right hand as he began to shower her in affection once more. Nothing else mattered to her in this moment other than his touch and she was reveling in it. He would pull back after he kissed down the side of her neck, stopping just below her collar bone. Ren then would begin speaking to her which would pull her out of the trance like state her mind was in. He would inform her that he knew she said she wasn’t ready last night, but asked if she was ready now. She couldn’t help but be upset at the thought of Junko being in the position she was currently in, though she attempted to put those thoughts to the side for now.

It’d take her a few moments to reply as she contemplated the choices in front of her. Junko never had talked to her about such things so she found herself becoming a bit nervous at the thought of the activity. Though a bit of her wanted to, just so she could say that she performed such an act with Ren before Junko ever did. However she mostly wanted to because it seemed so appealing. She’d look up into his eyes as he gazed at her with a hungry expression, in return she’d give him an alluring smile before speaking up sweetly.

”I was thinking about it, and I actually do think I’m ready… Be sweet to me alright?”

She’d then reach up to him and cup the sides of his face in her hands. For a few seconds she’d nearly get lost in his eyes before she pulled him in closer and kissed him lovingly. Her mind would race as she became putty in his hands and the euphoric sensation would once again return to her.

(fade to black)

Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

You'll always be my love, even if I never met you Empty Re: You'll always be my love, even if I never met you

Sun Mar 17, 2024 5:58 pm
Her words were honey to his ears, her voice was a soothing balm for whatever ailment he could have ever or would ever face. Her skin felt perfect against his. She would speak in a soft tone, breathless even. Her words would cause his heart to race his already racing mind. She asked for him to be sweet to her, then cup his face into her hands. Suddenly, everything wrong in his life faded away. Every aspect of his life that he had ever felt sadness about would melt away in the blinding euphoria he would feel knowing that he was reaching such a peak. He wouldn't be able to bring the words to the forefront at her permission. Instead, he would just move his face forward and kiss her passionately, slowly moving his way down her body. He activates his chakra sensory just so he can feel her chakra shift as they moved forward.

(Fade to black)

When they had finished, hours had passed and they were both lying in their bed together. He would be tangled in her hair, their sweaty bodies pressed against each other in a loving embrace. He would still be wanting more, but he wanted to allow her rest when he realized that this was her first time. He would still be kissing her neck, nuzzling his nose against her cheek and running his hands across her chest and side, meandering into her waistline. The sounds she would make would cause his hunger to flare up once again. But he would bring himself to a place of peace once more.

After a few minutes of containing himself, he would grab her face gently, bring it towards his and kiss her, biting her bottom lip and gently pulling it. When he would let her face go. He would look into her beautiful crimson eyes, he would speak in a breathless, faltering tone, "Kiko. I love you more than life itself. You have been the biggest blessing in my entire life and no matter what happens, I am going to love you with my whole heart. Never doubt that. The very ground you walk on holds a sacred place in my heart. The air you breath is truly beyond my comprehension, coming to such contact with an embodiment of perfection. I promise you that I will never go anywhere that I don't feel that I can return to you. No matter how far I am. I will always come back to you. I know you have heard this so many times. But every time I speak these words, they only become more solidified within my heart."

He would wrap his arms around her delicate and beautiful body, turn her to face him, and he would press his body against hers, leaving no gap between them. His face would be millimeters from hers when he would speak his next words, "No matter where I may go or what may happen. I promise to always be here for you." He would touch their foreheads together, "Forever." When he was done speaking, he would let her respond if she would like.

He would then kiss her one more time before getting out of bed. He would look to her with a playful and thoughtful look. "I have an idea darling. How about you choose what I wear for our day out, and I choose what you wear. What do you think?" He would start grabbing some beautiful clothing from her closet and he would start looking at them and throwing a few options on the bed. "Of course your options are far more limited, as I haven't really purchased much in the line of clothing. But it still could be a lot of fun! What do you say?"

He would look to her with a mixture of loving and longing, awaiting her reply. When she would reply, he would decide upon a specific garment, and he would ask for her to get out of the bed to try it on. He would watch every twitch of her body as she would get out of the bed, get closer to him. He would have thoughts of embracing her once more, grabbing her and throwing her onto the bed, and having his way with her. He would throw the clothes to the side and grab her once more, with some aggression as he would get close to her face.

"I don't know what it is about you, sweetheart. But when I see you, I just can't quite contain myself. I want you so badly, again and for the rest of the day." He would kiss her passionately once more. His right hand would be gently placed around her neck, and his left hand below her waist. His eyes would be filled with hunger as he would pull away from her, breathing heavily. He would sigh. "But! We have a whole day ahead of us, well what's left of it. I say we go to a place for lunch!" He would grab the clothes and hand them to her. "I think you should wear these, my love." He says as he kissed her on the cheek and looked her up and down once more, awaiting her response.

WC: 858
TWC: 1388
Using Chakra sensory to memorize Chakra Signature
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

You'll always be my love, even if I never met you Empty Re: You'll always be my love, even if I never met you

Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:13 am
Kiko would lay in bed for a moment, tangled up with Ren as she attempted to catch her breath. She felt like she hadn’t worked out a day in her life compared to what her body had just been through. Her body didn’t want to move, and neither did her mind in this moment as the adrenaline faded from her. She’d allow him to continue showering her with affection for a few moments as she tried to collect her thoughts. After her breath steadied she felt him grab her face once more before leaning in and passionately kissing her once more, but before pulling away he’d bite her lower lip gently.

She’d lazily look at him with admiration in her eyes as he began to declare his love for her. This was the first time he spoke to her like this and it would make her heart flutter. Kiko was at a loss for words as he continued to explain his love for her, knowing that she would never be able to explain her desires for him so eloquently. He had such an amazing way with words and she couldn’t help but feel like the luckiest woman in the world to be beside him at this moment.

He’d wrap his arms around her and pull her as close as possible to him. Once again she was able to feel his warm body pressed against hers and excitement began to rise inside her once more. In a loving voice he’d tell her that no matter where he went, he’d always be there for her, forever. If she was one to cry, now would be the time that tears would well up in her eyes. However, instead, this only fed into her cravings to feel him once again.

He would attempt to get out from the bed, but as soon as he tried Kiko would stop him.

”My love, please just stay here with me. There’s nothing for us to do out there when I’d much rather be here engaging in more interesting activities.”

Should he accept, Kiko would push him slightly so he’d be laying on his back on the bed once more. Quickly she’d climb on top of him, place his hands on her hips and passionately kiss him.

(Fade to black and exit)
Total WC: 1459

Reserving WC claims for later
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

You'll always be my love, even if I never met you Empty Re: You'll always be my love, even if I never met you

Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:16 pm
He was thinking about what they were going to do for the rest of the day, and he was excited to see just what was on offer in the village for them to do, but she seemed to have different plans. His darling Kiko looked at him with the same hunger that he felt for her. He would consider just what that look meant as he spoke to her, but he would learn exactly what it meant as he began to get his body out of the bed. He would feel a soft and delicate hand be placed onto his, and as he turned his head, Kiko had set up in the bed.

Being that she was topless, his attention was immediately called for and brought forward. She asked him to stay there with her, that she would rather do more interesting activities. Ren couldn't help himself, he was overcome with passion and desire. Before he had the chance to speak, she pressed her hand against his bare chest and he was on his back, looking up at her. He could feel her weight as she climbed on top of him, pulling his hands towards her hips, which he grabbed onto when his hands got close enough.

She bent down and would kiss him, and he simply melted into her embrace.

(Fade to black and exit)
WC: 222
TWC: 1610

Learning Kiko's Chakra Signature
+1610 towards Autosuggestion (1610/3750)
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

You'll always be my love, even if I never met you Empty Re: You'll always be my love, even if I never met you

Tue Mar 26, 2024 2:40 pm
WC claims
+14 Speed
1500/1500 First form Water Surface Slash Previous training here (849 WC sspent)
610/2000 Ketsuryugan Awakened
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

You'll always be my love, even if I never met you Empty Re: You'll always be my love, even if I never met you

Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:30 pm
Kiko Tsukiko wrote:WC claims
+14 Speed
1500/1500 First form Water Surface Slash Previous training here (849 WC sspent)
610/2000 Ketsuryugan Awakened

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