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Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

To steal from the earth Empty To steal from the earth

Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:47 pm
Mission Details:

It was a still and quiet night, the snoring had paused for the last twenty minutes or so, but still Kitsu found himself waking up abruptly. He would see the branches in the trees waving around, marking the fact that there was wind blowing through the island landscape. His room was bathed in the ethereal glow of the full moon, a silent reminder of the forces awake during their times of slumber. He was drawn to this spectacle. He rose quietly, his feet finding the cool touch of the floor as he found his way to the window.

As he reached the window, he pressed his fingertips against the glass, finding its cool sensation pressing back against his skin. He stood there motionless, his eyes lifted, now staring directly into the moon's light, the sphere of pure enigmatic forces staring back at him with a cold indifference. The moon was full this evening, a perfect orb of a pale and luminous white as it glowed so intensely over the lands of the island of Moon. It's rays reaching out across the void and brushed against his skin, sending the hair on his neck to raise as it filled the room with a ghostly luminescence.

During this time of silent reflection, he would gaze upon the full moon's intensity with a fervent stare. He anticipated such great things from the moon that hung above. But his thoughts began to turn inward, focusing more on the questions that racked his brain daily—rarely ceasing the consciousness that he held within his mind. The stillness afforded him an opportunity to ponder, an act that he had been finding himself performing most frequently ever since his creation.  He would search the depths of his soul for answers that would elude him in the daylight. He pondered on just what his place was within this world, and why he was even created.

He would often ask Ren these questions, being so uncertain of his own existence and his purpose. But Ren would always reply with answers that never truly sated him. He was a clone, a mere construct of chakra that was able to generate a full and living body, but he had no biological ties to anyone. He wasn't truly related to anyone, he was a simple being of chakra, something that haunted him daily. He would attempt to move his body, to return to the forest where he could commune. But something stopped him. His very body seemed to rebel against his wishes.

Was it fear? He was certain of it. He felt mesmerized by the moon that hung above him, silently judging him much like he would judge himself. What meaningful relationships could a simple clone make with others? Could he even perform such acts? Ren often thought about having children. His mind was almost fixed on it. Did he consider Kitsu his child? He often claimed him to be one, but it never seemed to fit quite right to him. Otherwise, why would Ren still talk about having them with Kiko? His thoughts continued to ravage his mind as he stood there in the vast emptiness within the void of the moon's gaze.

The moon continued tracing its very fingers along its trajectory, guiding the sun to bring itself upon the world to begin a lustrous new day, full of wonder and excitement for most. But for Kitsu, the day time was when he was most alone. The spirits seemed to go to sleep in the day, leaving him to fend for himself amongst the others who called this island their home.

When he finally found the courage to turn his back on the monstrous and collosal moon, he would see the slight hints of blue beginning to tinge the edges of the sky, heralding the dawn of that new day. He had not communed with the spirits tonight, a sad state indeed. What more could a clone ask for? A simple life pegged between people who didn't understand you. He would step over Ren, and around Takeshiyama then Sakoshi. But then he would hear a faint voice calling out to him in the stillness of the early morning. He would hear the voice of his creator Ren speaking to him and brushing against Kitsu's ankle with his hand.

Ren would share a sleepy smile with the ashen-haired clone. Kitsu would feign a smile towards the semiconscious Ren before exiting the room. He knew that Ren meant well, but there was so much that he didn't understand about how he felt. The being created with no biological connection to anyone. Feeling as though he was alone on the island and within his own soul. There was so little for him in this world, or at least it certainly felt that way.

When he exited the room, he began to look around the house to see if anyone else was awake this early. When he saw that the common rooms of the house were empty, he decided to sneak out of the place once more. He wasn't going to get to the glen in time, but he could at least go out to Ren's orchard to commune with the trees there. With a short jaunt, he was within the fresh earth, freshly turned still from the orchard being planted only a couple weeks ago, and he brushed his fingers against the young trees and their tender leaves.

He would vanish within the orchard, hiding from the world outside of the natural boundary, knowing that the world couldn't penetrate such a barrier without him letting it. He would meditate there for only a small while before he could start hearing others awake in the house beside the small sanctuary. He rose from his position, and he groaned at the thought of the day ahead. He had heard word that they were going back to the mines today, but this time they were off to gather a rather peculiar metal this time around. He certainly wasn't excited for it, but it was going to be a challenge that he could continue to provide for the village that was to be.

He had been gaining a knack for this mining thing, the whole process seemed to start making sense to him. He didn't have the conventional means to mine ore and bring out the earth from its ancient slumbering place, but he had the know how and the speed to make up for it. It got him the result required for payment, and that was enough for him.

The mine they were going to was the same as the first time he had gone mining, but to a different section of the mine altogether. Allegedly there was a metal there known for it's extremly powerful durability. It was an interesting idea. Maybe it would be good to use a bit of that to enhance his own weaponry, whenever he would get weaponry that is.

They would walk together, Ren, Junko and Takeshiyama. They would head towards the mine that was a little ways to the north of their home. For a ways Kitsu would listen to the small talk that was going back and forth between the three of them. Some spoke of the village, some spoke of their history. Kitsu didn't want to really chime in because he had no role in the upcoming village and he didn't have history to speak of. It was always hard listening to others speak on the things that they have done, when he had done so little with his life because it literally just started.

They had arrived at the mine, and this time Kitsu was given more than curt instruction and a cold analytical stare from the supervisors. They had seemed to look forward to his coming, they had greeted him with a bit of warmth, about as much as could be expected from such a type of folk within this industry of the world. He was given a pick axe and told where he was to start mining for the day. He would of course thank the supervisors and tell them that he would do his best before heading down into the cavernous outcroppings that had been dug deep within the earth.

His initial approach to the corridors were one of reproach. He often thought if there were spirits even down this deep, maybe he could try to commune with them here. But he knew that he was taking from the earth instead of giving anything to it, so they would likely not want to speak with him here. The act of mining was always something that Kitsu knew was necessary for the world to continue. It gathered humans the resources they required to continue their progression, but that was another thing that bothered him.

He would begin mining, clawing into the dirt with his usual precision and calculation, but his mind couldn't seem to get away from the idea that he was stealing from the spirits themselves. With every swing of his pick, more of the eart was clawed away, and more of the natrural resources were pulled out of the planet. He felt this process barbaric and harmful to the planet at large, but still he continued. He felt it was what was required of him, to take from the earth and give to those that wanted to start a village. This was a purpose that he had been given, no matter how he may have felt about the entire situation.

With each strike of the pick, he could feel a small amount of his heart break. He wasn't sure how the spirits felt about this. It was something they had never given him guidance over, so he was unfortuatnenly stuck with the circumstance that he just didn't know what to do. He yearned for a purpose, something that he could call his own, but so far he had been nothing more than a lackey to provide Junko whatever it was that she needed for her village as that was always top priority to Ren and some of the others.

He did take a liking to Takeshiyama. He seemed to not have a huge worry for the act of the village's creation. He was more concerned with the traditions of his belief and the ways of his spirits or gods, or whatever he prayed to. There was certainly something to look up to there, but he wasn't sure just how to tell him that. He wasn't entirely sure if he should tell him that. Talking to people wasn't truly his strong suit, as one could easily tell by observing his interactions.

The earth was beginning to release the grasp on the metal that was before him. He did notice that this ore was rather strong, even with his swift and calculated strikes he was barely making any progress. It took him a long time, but he did finally manage to get just enough ore to fill the cart behind him with. He noticed that the metal was slightly lighter than the steel, but he still asked others around him to help him carry it into the cart for him, which others did oblige.

It was then time to have his cart inspected for the completion of the job. The cart was only half full, but even with that he was given a good job from the supervisor and two chunks of the metal in the form of ingots as a token of good work, along with his pay. Kitsu bowed to his kindness and accepted his pay, then he walked out of the mine. He couldn't get him mind off how the spirits would have felt about him taking that much from the natural world and giving it over to the artificial, but he would continue to try and get the guidance from the spirits in his communion tonight with them.

Missing a communion was hard on Kitsu's spirit, but he was sure to return to his normalcy.

WC: 2005
TWC: 2005

Completion of a S rank mission
10k ryo from mission rewards (not doubled for extra mat production)
100 AP (Doubled from Beloved Presence)
3 x Titanium (1 from rewards, 1 from mining, and 1 from beloved presence

WC claims:
+17 speed (getting to 150)
+3 chakra (getting to 53)
Using 2k words for Chakra Sensory
Dumping remaining 5 words

Last edited by Kitsunagi Kurosawa on Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 78125

To steal from the earth Empty Re: To steal from the earth

Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:17 pm
Twelve eggs, two chickens, a pound of bacon, and just enough greenery and vegetables to make it almost seem like it was a health decision.  One might have thought this was a meal he was preparing for multiple residents within the house, but in truth it was simply better known as….breakfast for one.  It was early, not so early as to be obscene banging around with pots and the stove, but earlier than one typically would like to be awoken.  The house always seemed to have an odd quality, of being bursting to the seams, but also oddly empty.  As though each member came and went as it suited them, and though they might pass one another they did not interact nearly as much as one might think.  Strange, but true… odds with the stables.  Where each man was more than a brother, but a part of your life.  There when you ate, there when you trained, there when you bathed half the time.  An intimacy that would cause a childish mind to snigger, and a lonely one to wish it had the same.  Most would use the word comradery, or a team…but that wasn’t it.  Not really, it was when Kaito really tried to put a word on it…a sense of intimacy.  Not between a man and a woman, but between spirits that knew each other’s struggles, and between bodies that shared the same fatigue….and minds that new they must fight, or they would surely die.  In truth he had not given much mind to the stables, and this was likely due to the nomadic nature of the recent years.  Ever since he had begun to travel, there was never time, there was never that reflection of what had been to make one consider what could be….until now it seemed. 
This was the first time he lived in such proximity to the same individuals, and in truth it was beginning to feel stifling.  Not only because of the too small bed, or the constant motion.  Those things he could overcome.  It was the differences in spirit and goals.  Around him where those who sought altruistic goals to create something bigger than themselves.  As for Kaito, the Oni, Takeshiyama….he sought to simply elevate himself and become bigger.  His dreams of the rank of Yokozuna, to be a champion whose name was enshrined in the world of sumo hundreds of years after his death was what he sought, and in truth that dream hung by a thread whose fibers seemed to stretch and break a little more each day.  All these thoughts flowed through him as the food flowed in.  A sense of fullness that had little to do with the meal and everything to do with the mind firmly took hold until he could stand it no longer.  Standing he would quickly clean up around him, leaving a note that he would restock the supply of eggs next, he was in town, and he prepared for the day.  Kitsu, Ren, Junko and himself had all been asked to assist in another mining operation. 
At this point there were two different mining locations, though per what he had been told both had opened and nearly connected.  The port town he had come into had requested further aid and had received an increase in artisans and workers of late.  It wasn’t gold, but it was bringing in people to work, and where there was work money flowed.  It had also turned out that the special vein he had found while looking for iron to be turned to steel was more than he had been led to believe.  Originally, he had simply been informed to continue and not worry, but now it was known that the vein had actually contained specks of a substance known as titanium.  He had never pretended to be an artisan, or a man who knew his way around the metals of the Earth, so that meant little.  Given the excitement of those who did seem to understand these things however, it was a big deal.  Few of these veins could be found around the world, and the commodities that one could make with the substance provided a large source of income, specifically with armorers and weaponsmiths.  Not only was the payday huge, they supposedly would even receive a small amount of the material for their own keeping….though Kaito thought this to be an off reward for a mission.  He had received similar payments in cobalt and steel before, and they looked like just rocks to him.  He’d been using them for weight training and throwing about in the yard near his makeshift dohyo, so maybe they did have some use after all. 
The time had come, and the group of four headed out towards the mines.  Along the way Kaito would provide some deeper conversation as to where he had come from and some of the finer points of why he traveled.  They would learn that he originally hailed from Demon Country, and that before traveling he had been apart of various stables for sumo.  He avoided the reasoning for why he had left this part of his life behind and skipped ahead to simply traveling to wherever the next big tournament would be.  Finally landing on the fact that a special tournament that would bring many of the best wrestlers to the Island of the Moon was set to take place in just over a month.  It was for the reason he had taken the job to protect the architect, thus earning some money for living as well as catching a mostly free ride to the island.  Along the way he’d discuss the ranking structure and some more lesser-known details to those that did not participate in the culture.  It was likely the most they had ever heard the man talk, as his eyes gleamed with passion that can only occur when one is truly passionate about what they are speaking about.
Still all good things must come to an end, and finally they reached the mine.  The foreman would come and grab each of them, directing them to varying locations and jobs to be performed.  Takeshiyama would watch Kitsu pulled away and could sense a bit of hesitation.  Though he had initially thought it because his body wasn’t suited for such work, lately he started to think it something else.  Even a thick rock will bend to the ever-flowing river.  Thus, he had learned just a small bit about the eccentricities and interests of his flat mates.  Kitsu seemed attuned to the world, or rather wished to be….he assumed that had something to do with it, though he had not brought it up.  That was a thing for the man to come to terms with, and if his ideals so strong he would have to face the consequences of breaking them, or breaking away from what was asked of him. 
Still these were ponderings for a different day, and better done over sake and food than dirt and stone.  Grabbing a new pickaxe that had seemed purposefully made for him due to its size, he would enter into a different section of the mine from Kitsu.  He believed Ren and Junko were near, though he had opted to focus on the work rather than the people.  Having finally learned from past mistakes he’d removed his kimono prior to entering the mine, leaving it safely suspended outside in the rest area.  Sweat had already started to bead on his chest and brow before the first swing, and after that….well it was hard work, what could one really expect.  His chest heaved with exertion as his breath came quick, almost in a rhythm with the swings of his axe.  Often times he would appear large, but it was almost always possible to mistake that largeness for soft.  During the day he was often seen with his kimono on, hiding his arms and chest, the feintest hint of a large stomach attempting to poke through thanks to the meals that he continued to make, causing himself and all those that partook to gain a little weight.  His training occurred in early mornings, or when others where not around, not for any deliberate reason, but because it was something private.  Something that was his, and his alone until the crowds came to see.  Where the cobalt had been pried from the earth, the iron easily smashed…the titanium was a different foe.  It did not wish to exit, it desired to be woo’d not so easily given.  One went about this not with the kind words one might provide to a woman, or elaborate gifts given to a village chief….but instead by the strength of one’s back….and the blows of ones arms.  His first strike had bounced off, and in that moment he felt embarrassed.  Though no one was looking, or at least he didn’t think so….the idea that his strength had failed him was simply unforgivable, and the culprit was the rock nestled deeply in mother earth’s bosom.  Not for long however, as his strikes became stronger, more pinpointed.  Not directly at the material but at the rock around it, the weak points that gave way easier than the substance itself.  A burning soon filled his body as he continued, filling several carts along the way in different areas. 
He was not given a singular point, but rather was moved from location to location to wherever was needing the strongest hand.  It broke up the monotony as he broke the earth, so there was no complaints from him.  At one point the side of the pick touched his leg, and sharply inhaling he looked down to find himself with a slight burn, the heat generated from repetitive use having cause the tip of the axe to glow red for just a moment before the darkness claimed it once again.  A small smile, and he returned at it until he was once again called away.  Soon the majority of the material had been mined, and further excavation would be needed to find more…if there was more.  Some where hopeful, some doubtful, but all agreed that the haul was good.  He would assist several men carrying the carts out of the mines, checking in on Ren, Kitsu, and Junko in turn.  He would commend each of them for however much they had, or hadn’t performed.  Opting to not dirty the kimono he would simply place it in a canvas bag he had brought and sling it over his back once back in the open hair.
His skin dust stained and streaked from work and sweat nearly matched his hair.  Looking at the sky, the majority of the day had been eaten away while they had survived in the deep dark.  Before they left he had a word with the foreman to hold all requests for at least a week, and though the man look displeased he did begrudgingly make a note in the ledger of workers.  Meeting back up with those that wished to walk back to the house they would make their return.  His wooden clogs had also found themselves into the bag, and he enjoyed the feeling of the road beneath his feet.  He examined the titanium ingot as they walked and shaking the bag to feel the envelop with ryo in it smiled.  Now….now surely he could hang his hat with work for a month….and return to what it was he really wanted to be doing.  No prize, no matter how great could surely bring him back….or at least these where the thoughts he had, as all men have a weakness, even if it is a different vice for each one.  Still the sins of tomorrow are merely the daydreams of today, so he didn’t dwell on it for too long.  Instead he offered to cook a feast when they got home, one that was mostly for him….but surely there would be a left over or two that would count as a whole meal for the others…….probably.


TWC 2008

10k ryo from mission + 4k B rank + (50apx50ry) 2.5k =  16.5k total ryo
+ 1 Titanium

2k WC towards

Last edited by Takeshiyama on Tue Feb 27, 2024 2:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added hyperlink to the material)
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

To steal from the earth Empty Re: To steal from the earth

Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:06 am
When a dream depicts reality, they seem all the stronger in the observer's mind. This is what has been happening to him the passed few nights. He would remember the day he came to the island, the day he had met Junko, and more importantly, Kiko. She was a darling on the beach, looking identical to Junko, the soon to be leader of the soon to be village on the island. She had a charm that was unmatched by any other he had seen before in his life, and he knew right then that he had to have her in his life.

The level of his attachment was alarming, even for him. But once he saw her, there was little he could do to stop it. His mind was constantly thinking about her; the way she walked and the seldom amount of speaking she did at first were so alluring to him. She was mysterious and he loved that about her. It was interesting to him how Kiko was always around Junko, but once he found out that she was a clone instead of a sister, it made a lot more sense as to why they looked so similar and why she never wanted Kiko to leave her side.

But what brought him in so close to her? He couldn't quite pin it down. He had met many beautiful women and shared nights with many of them. But for some reason this woman, there was just something about her that he couldn't get enough of. Was it her smile? Sure it was a beautiful one. But there were other reasons far more pressing. But what were they? Why was he so obsessed with this woman? He remembered the day that Junko, Kiko, and himself went on the mission together to deliver the cargo. Junko was quiet, but Kiko seemed to hit it off with him incredibly. They were just so smooth together. Everything just seemed to kind of fit with her.

The morning came, and the burst of light that scorched his eyes were enough to rouse him awake from his slumber, and dreams of Kiko. He rubbed his eyes, and he was met with the sight of the man that he had been paried up with a lot recently, the man known as Takeshiyama. Takeshiyama was an interesting figure. He cared little for the plans for the village at the moment. He cared more for his traditions and customs surrounding his sumo. Something that Ren could certainly appreciate about him, and something he would grow to quite enjoy.

He saw that Kitsu had already left the house once again, most likely in the middle of the night as he did the last time, and the time before. So much about that boy was troubling to Ren. He knew that Kitsu just wanted to learn his place, but he was so busy running from the place that had been provided, he was probably going to miss out on what was important.

He would walk out of the bedroom with Takeshiyama and he would ask if he would like to have his breakfast made for him again, should he agree. He would, of course, begin cooking. He was doing this a lot for Kitsu and Takeshiyama the last few days, and it was something that he very much enjoyed doing. Anything he could do to help others achieve their goals was all he wanted to do. He would start by making the rather large meal for the sumo friend of his, knowing that he would require a large amount of food for that body of his to keep moving.

He would then move to the meal for both Kitsu and himself. Kitsu had explained that he was very much enjoying of the meal that he had been making for them both since his creation. A simple dish with aromatics mixed with root vegetables, filled to the brim of the wok with rice, splashed with soy sauce and a few other sauces and oils, then within the mixture were bits of egg that had cooked within the leftovers within the wok, scraping up all of hte brown bits at the bottom. This was of course a very traditional meal and very simple to make, a good ole fried rice.

As he cooked, he would hope to see his darling Kiko. He hadn't seen her the passed few days and it was becoming a draw on his heart. He knew that she was likely busy helping Junko with whatever tasks she may have had aligned for their days, and with Ren leaving so early in the morning to go into the mines the last few days, it was no surprise that he hadn't seen her. But it was still something that caused him grief and he didn't want to continue feeling that feeling.

He felt that if he could just see her every day, all day, then he would be complete. He knew that this wasn't plausible as there was so much to do that Junko needed help with. But he still could have his dreams. After Kiko and his walk the other day where he had seen what she truly wanted for herself with the mirror genjutsu, he couldn't stop thinking of how nice life would be if the two of them could just spend their lives traveling the world together. Maybe he could bring along Kitsu so he could explore. Sakoshi seemed to be fine with the idea of sticking around and helping the village, so that seemed to be a perfect place for him to stay.

He did think about the village and what they were needing to do to put it together. He knew that there was plenty of problems that they were going to have to face, but he was dedicated to at least helping the others face those problems, the best way that he could. He hadn't ever been so dedicated to something before. But he felt that if it was important to Junko, then it would be important to Kiko, and if it was important to his beloved Kiko, then it was important to him.

After about twenty minutes had passed, the food was done cooking and he brought it out to the rest of the party. He gave Takeshiyama his food while he waved down Kitsu who had begun walking towards the house. They ate their food and then they headed towards the mines. These mines were the same that they had been to days previously. But this time, they would be going to a different part of the mine, where they only allowed a select few go. He figured it was because of the tremendous amount of help that they provided that they would be offered such an opportunity. Or maybe it was because they just needed the help. Who knew? But he liked to think it was because they were special.

As they went, he realized that Kiko was going alongside them. He was overjoyed with this and he would offer his arm to her. He would snicker and smile, before he would look to them all and ask them if they wanted to skip the walking and just get straight there. When asked what he meant, he would ask for them all to place their hands together. Once that was done, he would grasp all of their hands, and within a moment, they were gone.

Another moment passed and they apparated directly before the mine. Ren was overjoyed that it had worked! He had never teleported other people, and he had been learning this techinque in secret the last few weeks so he was excited that it worked. The party then advanced towards the mine's entrance where they were given their task, their tools, and their location. Ren would of course enter the mine with a chipper disposition, knowing that he was working alongside the darling and beloved Kiko.

He would make sure to work directly next to her, singing her songs and sneaking in a small nudge of the shoulder, "accidentally" bumping into her. He would simply gaze at her, watching her mine next to him. He was so proud of her, he was doing the exact same thing, but she just made it look so good. While he worked, he would do the same thing as he did the last time he went mining, he would begin to strike the ground with a rhythm, and he would of course incentivise the others to join in his timing. When the others would join in, he would begin to sing a song to the rhythm of their work.

The miners had heard of Ren doing this once before, so they quickly joined in on the fun. It started with Ren, then a few others, then it was a chorus of miners singing to their heart's content. He would continue singing his song until the job was done, figuring that it would just be a more enjoyable means of getting this type of work done when you were getting to do it with friends and fellow entertainers, rather than a long hole in the ground just by yourself with nobody to keep you company.

He would try to get his darling Kiko to sing with him. He would nudge at her side and tickle her slightly in a playful manner. "I want to hear you sing. I bet you have the most beautiful voice in the world, sweetheart." He would say to Kiko. Should she oblige his begging, then he would feel as though the day was won and he didn't even need a reward or payment at that point, for her voice was enough. If she didn't or was to embarrassed, then of course he would respect it and he would back off from the requests, but he wouldn't pull away the affection.

As the job began to die down and Ren had mined a decent amount of the ore from the walls that surrounded them. He saw that the job was good and decided to load up his materials to the carts behind them. He would of course help Kitsu when he asked other to help him load up the carts as well. After the carts were loaded, he would see the supervisor coming down the corridor, and he would inspect everyone's work. Takeshiyama would of course have the most out of them all, but he was still proud of his small pile of resources. The supervisor saw that the work was done, and he with a genuine smile, he thanked Ren for keeping his men in such great spirits with his song. Ren would bow deeply in response to the kind words.

Ren would receive his payment in the form of his ryo for the shift, and two chunks of the Titanium in return for his long day of work. He would bow once more, thank the supervisor for the payment and he would offer an arm to Kiko once more. He would walk with her out of the mine, with Kitsu directly behind. When they exited the mines, he would ask if they all wanted to be teleported back to Junko's home. To which he would of course perform such an act if it was requested, but he would allow those that wanted to walk, to walk the distance instead.

He and whoever teleported back with him, would appear at Junko's home once more. He would see as Kitsu would leave the group to immediately go to the forest so he could continue to commune with the spirits. He nodded his head, proud of what the boy had done today. He then turned to Kiko and asked if she would like to go for a walk, or just simply sit together, or cook together, just do anything with him. If she would accept, then they would have a day together to get to know one another. If she would reject him, then he would simply accept the rejection and be on his way.

WC: 2014
TWC: 2014

Completion of S rank mission
+10k from mission rewards (not doubling as I will be doubling the Titanium reward)
+5k from AP conversion
+2 Titanium (doubled from Beloved Presence)

WC claims:
+40 AP for Kitsunagi
+891 towards Imitation Black Hole (completed for Kitsunagi) (previous Progress)
+1123 towards Weapon manipulation (1123/2500)
Kiko Tsukiko
Kiko Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Record
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21500

To steal from the earth Empty Re: To steal from the earth

Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:31 am
Kiko's mind had been rather busy for the past few days, emotions and thoughts surged through her head like a flooded river. Junko had recently altered Rens's memories to make it seem like he instead was infatuated with Kiko. This had been a rather rough change of pace for her, as she wasn’t used to the adoration she received from him. However, before the incident, Ren and Kiko had gone on a long stroll around the island. To her, they seemingly hit it off and got along really well. He had put her under a genjutsu that allowed her to see what her ideal self was, and she saw a vastly different person looking back at her. The Kiko she saw was a bit stronger, seemed well-equipped, and looked to be some sort of wanderer. Since then she dreamed of pursuing the reflection, she couldn’t help but wonder about all the beautiful things she’d see if she could just leave.

She knew Junko wouldn’t just leave, in all honesty however Kiko wasn’t ready to leave. Though she was eager to chase her dreams, she also knew that Junko was relying on her to help start the village. Kiko wished to keep her creator safe was her top priority regardless of how she handled some situations and she now found herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. She was sure if she could grow stronger, she believed that Junko would allow her to roam Moon Country freely. Also, she believed that Ren wanted to go as well, from what Junko had told her Ren was a rather competent combatant so he and Kiko could look out for each other.

The day prior Junko would pull Kiko aside and ask that she go to the mines with some of the others, Ren being among them. She would explain that she had promised to go with them but was needed elsewhere. Kiko wouldn’t inquire as to what she was doing, knowing that Junko would have told her if she thought she should know. Kiko would happily agree, both because she had recently gotten a bit stronger and she wanted to spend more time with Ren. Though the situation was a bit awkward, she was drawn to his personality and at least attempted to make things work.

That night she would go to bed rather early, wanting to ensure she’d be able to awaken early and feel rested. Morning would come far too soon, she’d awaken to the sounds of Jun creeping into the bedroom. Kiko could smell a bit of alcohol on her sister as she stumbled slightly in the room, though remained silent as she plopped into her bed. She would attempt to fall back asleep, but after about 30 minutes she would decide it best to get up for the day.

Kiko noticed it was still dark out as she peered up into the sky from her bedroom window, and the house was seemingly quiet. Recently she had been taking long, early morning walks to the settlement to purchase fresh ingredients for Junko to use for breakfast. However this morning she didn’t need to do that, so instead her destination would be a local bakery. She was unsure of when the others would get up, but she decided she’d like to treat herself a bit.

The island was always prettiest at this time of day, and she loved feeling the sun kiss her skin in the chilly morning air. As she came upon one of Junko’s favorite bakeries, Kiko would order a handful of different pastries. She didn’t know what most of them were, but they all looked and smelled delicious. After the transaction was complete Kiko began making her way back home, she hoped that the others weren’t waiting for her.

Upon entering the home Kiko would hear people moving throughout the home, most seemingly in the kitchen. She’d made her way into the room as the three of them looked to have finished their breakfast, and before her would be Ren, Takeshiyama, and Kitsu all sitting together. After making herself known she would apologize on behalf of Junko and would inform them that she would be taking her place. She didn’t really know much about the other two in the room, so she was excited to get to know them. Kitsu was a clone like her, but other than that she knew him very little. Similar to her relationship with Takeshiyama, Junko never informed Kiko of any information about the man. However if Junko invited him into the home, he was at least trustworthy.

She would present the pastries as a gift for the four of them to share as she didn't contribute to breakfast much. After placing the baked goods on the table, Kiko would walk over to Ren and sit beside him after kissing him lightly on the cheek. Soon they would all finish eating and begin heading to the mind, as they walked Kiko accepted Ren's arm as he held it out for her to take. As Takeshiyama spoke of his travels and history, Kiko would listen happily. She loved to hear the stories of those around her, that was one of the many reasons she adored Ren as well. He seemingly always had a song or a poem on his mind filled with the many stories he had found.

Kiko had never heard of most of the things Takehiyama had spoken about, though the name Demon Country did sound a bit menacing to her. She would ask questions when it seemed appropriate and was engaged in the conversation. Similarly to Junko, Kiko now had this alluring aura around her that seemed to make people just a bit more interested in her. Though she was significantly funnier than Junko.

However, before they get too far, Ren suggests that he save them the trip and simply teleport to the destination. She was unsure of this, as part of her reasoning for agreeing to come was to traverse the island more. Though she knew she would be tired from walking the distance, and wished to conserve her energy for when she began working. Kiko would agree to the teleportation idea and lock her hands together with Ren and Takehiyama

They were instantly then transported to the front of the mine, as they suddenly appeared she felt a bit of vertigo as she assessed her surroundings. Kiko would hold tightly to Ren as she steadied herself hoping that he’d catch her if she fell. Thankfully she was able to maintain her composure, and the dizziness faded. Soon the four of them would wander into the mine, they would come upon the man in charge and explain why they were there. Kiko would let any of the others take charge in this exchange, not wanting to be forward.

The man in charge would equip them with the proper tools, and safety equipment, before leading the group of them to their new location. Kiko was a bit uneasy as she was guided through the snaking tunnels, she couldn’t help but feel a bit claustrophobic. If the walls collapsed around then, she knew that there would be no escape for her and this scared her. She would attempt to stay close to Ren as they worked, she found that just being around him invoked a sensation of relaxation and fun that she often didn’t feel. He was like rays of sunlight peeking through storm clouds on a rainy day.

Thankfully Ren, as usual, provided her and those among him with various forms of entertainment. He would occasionally bump into her or nudge her playfully if he noticed she was getting frustrated, which would pull her out of her anger. He also sang for all the miners, some even would join him in keeping on beat. Kiko would attempt to maintain the rhythm with the others, though sometimes she’d hit it just a bit too early or a tad too late. She was embarrassed about this, but nobody seemingly minded as many did the same. Ren would then invite her to sing along with him. At first, she would deny his request, but as the day dragged on she would eventually join in. Similar to Junko she had a radiant voice, though Kiko lacked her confidence and would sing just loudly enough for Ren and and a few others to hear.

At some point, she’d stop to take a quick break and catch a breath. She could feel the sweat dripping from her face as she took a few deep breaths. Her muscles were beginning to grow sore and painful, she wondered if Junko would be able to ease the pain once she got home. Feeling a bit constricted in her clothing, she would pull off the black t-shirt she was wearing revealing a tight but secured sports bra binding her chest. She’d let out a sigh of relief as her skin was now able to breathe a bit better. Quickly she would get back to work, her skin would shine slightly as any amount of light hit her body and sweat dripped from various parts of her body.

Thankfully the day didn’t drag on much longer than that, and at the end of the day, Kiko had a rather large pile of ore. Obviously, Takehiyama was the victor out of the four of them since he was probably stronger than all of them combined. Though Kiko was pleased that she had been able to extract a bit more than Ren had, she couldn’t help but the amount seemed insignificant compared to Takehiyama’s pile. As they returned the tools and safety gear Kiko and the others would have their payment handed to them. As she moved she could feel every muscle in her body begging her to remain still, she hadn’t ever experienced this intense of a workout and knew she’d be sorry the next day. Pain would surge through her body with every step she took, though she would attempt to hide this from the others.

She happily agreed when Ren suggested they teleport once more back to Junko's home, she was excited to not have to walk the long trek to their home. The group would then join hands again before being quickly swept away one last time. Similarly to before Kiko felt a bit dizzy as they appeared in Junko's front yard and she’d hold onto Ren to support her. However, due to her near exhaustion, it took her a little bit longer to recuperate.

Takehiyama would suggest making a feast, and Kiko would happily agree that it would be a wonderful idea. Looking over to Ren she’d ask him to play some relaxing music for her while they waited for Takehiyama to finish cooking. If he agreed Kiko would slowly find her way into the living room, where she’d flop down on the couch. She’d groan in pain as she attempted to get comfortable but soon would stop to listen to Ren if he did what she requested of him. Soon Takehiyama would finish making dinner for the group, and Kiko would slowly make her way into the kitchen. While they ate, she would thank them for allowing her to assist them in the mission and attempt to hold a pleasant conversation.


Mission Rewards:
10,000 Ryo / 50 AP / 1x Titanium
Rewards doubled from Beloved Presence
Final rewards 20,000 Ryo/ 100 AP/  1x Titanium

WC Claims:
+18 Speed
2000/2000 Water Breathing Previous training here
651/1500 First Form Water Surface Slash B Rank
Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

To steal from the earth Empty Re: To steal from the earth

Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:52 am
Takeshiyama wrote:

TWC 2008
10k ryo from mission + 4k B rank + (50apx50ry) 2.5k =  16.5k total ryo
+ 1 Titanium

2k WC towards

Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 198214

To steal from the earth Empty Re: To steal from the earth

Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:54 am
Ren Kurosawa wrote:


Kiko Tsukiko wrote:

Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

To steal from the earth Empty Re: To steal from the earth

Thu Feb 29, 2024 1:49 am
Kitsunagi Kurosawa wrote:

WC: 2005
TWC: 2005

Completion of a S rank mission
10k ryo from mission rewards (not doubled for extra mat production)
100 AP (Doubled from Beloved Presence)
3 x Titanium (1 from rewards, 1 from mining, and 1 from beloved presence

WC claims:
+17 speed (getting to 150)
+3 chakra (getting to 53)
Using 2k words for Chakra Sensory
Dumping remaining 5 words

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