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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Rose By Any Other Name(IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Rose By Any Other Name(IO)

Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:45 am
As their lips interlocked Junko was happy to feel that her affections had been reciprocated. After she began kissing him a bit aggressively she would feel him wrap his arm around her waist as he guided her onto her back. She would release his face with her left hand and allow him to interlock his fingers with hers as he pinned her to the ground. Her right hand would move to grab the collar of his shirt as she pulled him even closer to her. Everything was moving so quickly, that she hardly had time to think about the potential repercussions of her actions.

In an instant, she felt the hard surface of the rock they had been laying on change to that of a soft and comfortable bed. She’d open her eyes briefly to see where they had been transported to, and as she looked around she’d find herself in a familiar place, his bedroom. Though they often spent most of their time together in her room, she didn’t mind. After pulling away for a moment and informing him that she would stop trying to end his desire for her she would look at him expecting a response. However, instead, he would only respond by pressing his lips against hers once more.

She found herself stuck on what to do now, she knew she wanted more but couldn’t. If things grew to become more intimate she knew that she would be unable to enact her plan, and if Kiko ever found out it would certainly sever the thin connection between them. She would allow him to continue to shower her with affection hoping that he’d pull away on his own accord but she knew that wasn’t going to happen. While he kissed down her jaw and around her neck breathless sighs would escape her mouth as she enjoyed every moment of his touch.

After a few minutes of this, she couldn’t handle the guilt any longer as it began to eat away at her. Though every fiber of her being begged her not to, Junko would motion for him to stop. Thankfully Ren was a stand-up guy and he’d quickly pull away from her upon her request. She’d sit up and cover her face with her hands in an attempt to hide her embarrassment. Junko never seemingly was at a loss for words, but in this moment she found herself stunned. How was she going to explain to him why she wanted him to stop, what lie would she tell him now? After a few minutes, she’d remove her hands from her face, exposing her clearly flustered expression before speaking up in a timid voice.

”Ren… I can’t. I can’t do this right now. I want to, but…”

She’d pause for a moment as she collected her thoughts and attempted to calm the sensations inside of her.

”Darling, I’m just not ready yet. I’d like to wait if that’s alright with you, it’s just me... I need some time to think about it is all, it’s nothing at all against you I swear.”

She’d lay back down on the bed, and fold her hands together over her stomach as she stared up at the ceiling seemingly enveloped in her own mind. If he spoke to her she would listen anxiously as she hoped he’d take the rejection well. She truly didn’t want to hurt him, but didn’t want to end up hurting herself more in the process. After a moment she’d sit up once again and gaze into his eyes with a loving expression before she meekly spoke up once more.

”Would you be alright with getting ready to go to sleep? I’m not going to lie, I’m feeling pretty worn out from our lesson earlier and am a bit tired. I’d like to be with you tonight if that’s alright with you.”

Junko would look at him with a hopeful smile, wishing that he would agree with her offer. If he rejected her she would simply excuse herself from his room and make her way to her bed. If he agreed, however, Junko would slide out of the bed and inform him that she would be right back. She then would blow him a kiss before exiting the room and making her way to her chambers. She’d quickly close the door behind her as panic began to set in. The time for her to initiate her plan was coming sooner than she imagined, and she was beginning to freak out a bit.

She would make her way over to her vanity and stare at herself in the mirror for a few minutes as she attempted to reassure herself mentally. Junko couldn’t help but feel bad for herself in this moment, though she knew that the ones being potentially harmed in this scenario were Ren and Kiko. Tears would begin to well up in her eyes as she stared at the pathetic woman in front of her. She had grown too close and comfortable with him, and now her heart craved to be with him. This was what she was afraid of happening, she was losing her mind over just some guy. Though he wasn’t just some guy, he was Ren. He was cherished by all the people in his life, and she was among them.

She’d clutch the pearls around her neck and think of the importance behind the gift. This was just another thing she knew she didn’t deserve, along with adoration in the first place. With shaky hands, she’d remove the necklace from around her neck and stare at it as it rested in her palm. For a few moments, she’d stare at the pink pearl in the center, before placing it beside her jewelry box. She knew he had been waiting long enough and was worried he would try to come and check on her if she took too long so she would quickly attempt to calm herself down.

After wiping the tears from her eyes she would quickly undress, slipping out from the tight dress she was wrapped in and removing all of her various accessories. She’d change into a loose-fitting t-shirt and extremely short shorts that didn’t leave much up to the imagination. One last time she checked herself out in the mirror to ensure that no trace of her small breakdown could be seen on her face. Then she would promptly leave the room, and head back to his.

WC: 1086
Total WC:4188
Ren Kurosawa
Ren Kurosawa
Stat Page : Link
Mission Record : Link
Living Clones : Kitsunagi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46800

A Rose By Any Other Name(IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Rose By Any Other Name(IO)

Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:27 pm
Each moment of her body pressed against his went by so fast. He tried to hold on to the moments, freezing time just so he could feel her soft lips interlocked with his. He would have his hands travel along her side as he could feel she was enjoying it. As he kissed down her jawline and into her neck, she would sigh a breathless sigh. He prayed to the gods above and to the demons below that he would get to go farther, all the way if he would be so lucky. He had dreamed about this so many times in the time that he had known her, and this is the closest to a heaven he had ever experienced.

But his hopes were soon halted when he would hear Junko suddenly shift, and motion for him to stop his advancement. He pulled away from her, hoping that she was okay and not hurt. She would sit up and cover her face in what seemed like embarassment. "Oh sweetheart. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have brought it so far. I hope you can forgive me. I got a little carried away." He would rub the back of his neck and laugh.

She didn't say anything at first, just sitting there with her face covered. But then she looked over to him, with her face seeming to be flush with color. She was flustered, without words it felt. He would hope that she wasn't mad at him. When she spoke, she said that she wanted to go farther, but she had to think about it and that she wasn't ready to go that far yet. Ren of course understood. He would offer her a hug and would give her one if she accepted. "Thank you for sharing that moment with me. I am not mad at you whatsoever. The fact that I got to kiss the most beautiful woman on the island is blessing enough for me."

She would explain that she wanted to go to sleep, but that she wanted to sleep with him tonight. He would excitedly nod his head in agreement telling her that he would love to. She would excuse herself to go to her room to ready herself. He then thought for a moment as he stared at her as she walked out the door, he pondered if she would find the poem that he had left for her in the jewlery box. Maybe that would be of a further surprise for her tonight, as he tried to load up all of the surprises that he could in one night, just to make it as special as possible. He would think about it during the time she was gone, but he would ultimately lay down on his bed. He didn't realize just how tired he was himself.

As he lied there, he would hear her soft foot falls against the floor and he would shake with excitement at the idea of sleeping with her once again, her warm body pressed against his. The waking up in the morning. She didn't realize yet how much she made him happy, how much joy she brought to his life. How even just these small things were perfectly enough for him. He knew that she was going to be running a village soon, and he would want nothing more than to help with that dream becoming a reality. He didn't need all of her attention, and he didn't feel the need to travel anymore. He had all he could have ever dreamed and it was all right here.

When she would return to his room, he would lift the blanket to accept her into his bed. He would wrap his arms around her waist and nuzzle his nose into her neck. He would kiss her neck a few times, and he would speak softly in her ear. "My love. My sweet beautiful perfect Junko I need you to know. That just these small moments are more than enough for me. I don't need all of your attention or anything near that. I just need these small moments to remind me that you care about me the same that I do for you. Never forget that no matter what happens. Even if I was to lose everything, even my memory. My life is still complete with you by my side. You deserve every word that I speak to you. You really are the most amazing woman that I have ever met or ever heard of. There is not a single woman on this planet that could take your place." He would start falling asleep, pressing against her body's warmth.

With a sleepy kiss on her cheek he would say one last time before falling unconcsious, "Junko Tsukiko. I love you with my whole heart and that's never going to change."

WC: 878
TWC: 6005

+60 Chakra for Sakoshi (bringing it to 83)
+2500 words for Barrier Seal (Complete) For Sakoshi
+1005 words for Chakra Storage Seal (1005/1500) For Sakoshi
+2500 words for Chakra Scalpel (complete) For Ren
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Rose By Any Other Name(IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Rose By Any Other Name(IO)

Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:22 am
Upon entering his room, Junko would find him already lying down in his bed. She would close his door but not completely as she didn’t want to risk him waking up when she needed to exit. He then pulled back the covers and beckoned her to join him. As she slid in beside him, she’d allow him to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer to nuzzle into her neck. He then would softly kiss her neck a few times and a content sigh would escape her lips once again. Sivers would corse down her spine as he began to speak lovingly into her ear, his warm breath on her neck felt like ecstasy.

For what she believed to be the last time, he would proclaim her love for her as he often did. He explained that small moments like this were all that he needed to remain satisfied, and that no matter what he would always cherish her. As he brought up the fact that even with his memory erased, he’d still love her she would feel a bit of pain in her heart. A bit of her wished this would be true, that even after she altered his reality he would still somehow be the target of his affections. However, she knew that once it was completed, his attention would shift to her dear Kiko instead. She could feel herself getting choked up as he explained that there wasn’t another woman in the world who could take her place. He would end his proclamation by giving her a final kiss on the cheek. Junko attempted to savor this moment, wishing she could lay with him until the end of her days.

She wouldn’t respond to his comments, and would instead hold him just a little bit tighter as he slipped into unconsciousness. As she waited for him to fully fall asleep she’d attempt to memorize his face. He looked so calm and at peace as he rested happily beside her so she wanted to remember this version of him for as long as she could. Far too soon she’d feel his body completely relax as he was now completely asleep. Her heart broke at the realization that it was time to finally go through with her plan.

Junko would gently move any hair that lay on his forehead out of the way as she leaned in and placed her soft lips against his skin. She’d activate a technique she wasn’t too familiar with as she began the process of altering his memory. Every moment they shared together would change for him, relacing Junko with Kiko in his mind. In places where it wouldn’t make sense, she’d simply add Kiko to whatever situation they were in. She’d replace the feelings he had towards Junko, with the same emotions but towards Kiko instead. As she did this she could feel tears beginning to stream down her face uncontrollably. She would quickly wipe them away before they landed on Ren to ensure that he wouldn’t awaken in this moment.

Self-hatred boiled in her mind as she felt disgusted by herself at this moment. She knew that he didn’t deserve this, nobody did. Junko had begun to fall in love with the poor man, and this was her punishment for allowing things to get this far. She knew that he would do anything for her, anything to be with her, but she didn’t deserve such dedication. Her heart would nearly beat out of her chest as she pulled away from him and finished the procedure. For a moment she’d stare sadly at him knowing that he was no longer hers.

Gently she’d remove herself from his arms and slip out from his grasp. Before leaving the room, a journal placed on his dresser would catch her attention. Though she knew it was a breach of privacy to sift through his belongings, she felt as if she needed to check if he had written about Junko. As she flipped through the pages she found that he often did write about her, in fact, most of the recent entries were about the time they shared. Tears continued to stream down her face as she read a few of the entries and gazed at all the gorgeous drawings he had of her. It tore her to pieces knowing that she would have to get rid of these entries in order to maintain the story she had crafted in his mind. She’d rub her pointer finger and thumb together gently as a bit of water started to form at her fingertips. Junko would then small amount of water down the side of each page she wished to remove so she could take them out without making any noise. This also made it seem like no pages were missing. After each page that indicated her importance in his life had been removed, Junko would place the journal back in the same place she had originally found it.

As she exited, she’d turn around once more and look at him longingly for a few moments before leaving and heading to her room. Once in her room, she’d grab the necklace he had gifted her earlier on in the day, look at it solemnly then place his notes beside her jewelry box. She’d clutch the pearls in her hand before then making her way to Kiko and Jun's room. There she found Kiko anxiously pacing the length of the room, and Jun was seemingly nowhere to be found. This wasn’t unusual seeing as she often spent her nights drinking at one of the local bars in the area so she decided to not pay her lack of attendance much mind.

Kiko would look over to Junko as she opened the door and entered the room. Junko could tell that her dear clone was obviously quite nervous about the situation but understood why. She was about to make a rather large leap at Junko’s request and was unsure of what the future held. Junko would admit that the memory alteration had been successfully accomplished, and Kiko let out a sigh of relief. She then would explain a few things about the outings they had recently had, to ensure that she had an idea of what their history up until now was and what part Kiko now played in it. As she brought up the necklace Junko would hold the gift out for Kiko to take. Kiko would hesitantly take it as she listened to her creator's words.

She would finish off by explaining the date they had just gone on, however would leave out the part where they exchanged a kiss. Junko knew that this would upset her, so it was best if maybe didn’t find out, at least for now. For the time being Junko wanted to make this transition as smooth as possible, so she didn’t add anything that would potentially upset Kiko. Her clone seemingly remained neutral as Junko revealed as much information as she could to her. Junko felt like she was giving a mission briefing as she finished explaining the finer details of their encounters.

Kiko remained neutral looking as Junko told her all the things she deemed “necessary.” This scared Junko a bit as her clone was seemingly harder to read than herself. After she finished giving her the information, Junko mentioned that Ren was expecting to wake up beside her and requested that Kiko join him. At this, her clone would simply nod before placing the pearls on her bedside table. They would discuss a few more things before it was time to part ways, and Junko would thank her for assisting her. Kiko wouldn’t respond to this in words, but would just bow at her creator.

Soon the two parted ways, Kiko wandered off into Rens's room and fully closed the door behind her. Junko however would slowly make her way back to her bedroom. Once there she would attempt to maintain her composure as she collected the accessories she had worn on the date and made her way over to her jewelry box. However, upon opening it, she found a piece of paper hidden inside. She’d look at it confused for a moment before picking it up and examining it. As she began to read the contents tears would begin streaming out of her eyes once more, some occasionally dripping off her face and landing on the paper she now clutched in her hands. It was a poem from Ren about Junko, a thoughtful gesture on his part that was now slicing through her heart.

She’d fall to her knees as she now wept uncontrollably at the thought of losing him. He was perfect to her in every way, and in return, she only betrayed his love and dedication. She often found herself reveling in the pain she felt, but this was different. It felt as if somebody had reached into her chest, grabbed her heart, and pulled it from her body as her emotions consumed her. She sat there and sobbed for what felt like hours until her eyes could no longer produce any tears.

After stumbling to her feet, using the dresser in front of her to stabilize herself, she placed his poem with the notes she had collected from his journal. She’d gaze at the pile, now feeling completely drained and devoid of emotions as she wondered what to do with it. Junko knew she couldn’t bring herself to discard them, as now they were precious to her. For now, she decided she would hide them in the last place anybody would dare to look. After folding them up neatly, and as small as she could, Junko would place them in her underwear drawer under a pile of her clothes.

She would close the dresser with a loud sigh as she then moved to her empty bed. As she entered she yearned to instead join Ren once again but knew that those days were now over. She craved to feel his hands exploring her body once more, to feel his lips pressed up against hers. When she was with him, it seemed like nothing in the world could touch her but now that feeling of safety had been ripped away from her. Her heart begged her to return to his room, fix the mistake she made, and allow him to love her as he so desperately wished to. Her brain however reminded her that he didn’t deserve such a foul creature like her. He deserved a woman who could dedicate her time, and be everything she wished she could be for him.  Junko was unable to sleep for the rest of the night as she found herself consumed by the memories she shared with him.

Morning soon came, but she would remain in bed. She couldn’t handle the thought of leaving her room for the day, hell even multiple days. Junko would remain in her room, isolating herself from the world as she tried to console herself. She knew this wasn’t a healthy way to cope, but her body refused to let her get up and go. For the time being, she’d spend most of her days locked in her room, occasionally working on various permits for the village. However, most of her time would be spent lying in different positions throughout her room as she contemplated her existence.
Total WC:6092

Claims: (25% discount from max stats)
+60 Chakra for Jun Tsukiko (new total 106)
1125/1125 Poison Mist B Rank Previous training here
1875/1875 Chakra Scalpel
3000/3000 Creation Rebirth
1125/1125 Delicate Illness Extraction
81/2063 Armament Planting
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

A Rose By Any Other Name(IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Rose By Any Other Name(IO)

Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:58 am
Junko Tsukiko wrote:
Total WC:6092

Claims: (25% discount from max stats)
+60 Chakra for Jun Tsukiko (new total 106)
1125/1125 Poison Mist B Rank Previous training here
1875/1875 Chakra Scalpel
3000/3000 Creation Rebirth
1125/1125 Delicate Illness Extraction
81/2063 Armament Planting

Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

A Rose By Any Other Name(IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Rose By Any Other Name(IO)

Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:36 am
Ren Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 878
TWC: 6005

+60 Chakra for Sakoshi (bringing it to 83)
+2500 words for Barrier Seal (Complete) For Sakoshi
+1005 words for Chakra Storage Seal (1005/1500) For Sakoshi
+2500 words for Chakra Scalpel (complete) For Ren

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