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Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:32 am
Mission Details:

Grains of sand whipped and waned hitting the face of the Hoshimura as he dashed through the desert on the outskirts of Hoshigakure- his ronin robe armor flowed in the wind along with his two weapons that were strapped to his body, his katana to his back and his wakizashi to his left hip. "A top tier shinobi like myself being reduced to a flower boy.. its almost too ridiculous for me to accept.. but if Ayato says these flowers are of the upmost importance ill bring one back without an issue. Just have to make sure these bandits dont get the better of me or Monsoon." He thought to himself as he continued his trek through the desert looking for a grouping of people accompanied by scientists who would have the floral specimen on hand. Apparently there had been a stark increase in the amount of attacks of these groups of scientists for these "ghost roses" that were pivotal in the creation of antidotes against certain sicknesses. Zraix could understand the importance of such things but couldnt understand why they didnt just send shinobi straight to the source of these flowers so that they could be transported to the village directly- he would sigh as he finally came across a grouping of people, though it didnt seem like there were any scientists among them.

Approaching the group of people he would leap 4 meters into the air and land 2 meters in front of who seemed to be the leader f their group before speaking, "Sorry to interrupt your trip through the desert but ive been tasked with finding a group of people traveling with a ghost rose specimen and that rose there seems to be an exact fit. So I assume you all are who I was meant to meet up with?" The ronin had a suspicion that these people mi8ght be thieves who managed to snag a rose and were heading to sell it so just in case he approached them abruptly to scramble them and force them into a quick response. The leader of the group immediately replied stating, "We didnt order for any help but we are one of the few groups that are transporting roses. There have been many attacks on the groups delivering these roses so the higher ups decided to dispatch multiple teams to ensure that the roses made their way to Hoshigakure. We'll be fine on our own but thank you. Im sure the team youre looking for is further in the desert." He said with a smile.

Zraix would smile back, noting that there were five of them in total before drawing his katana and speaking, "See, the funny thing is. I was given direct instruction that any team delivering these roses was instructed to deny any attacks on previous teams or at all. So that alone tells me that you guys arent scientists from the village where those roses grow. You stole that sample and youre looking to make a quick buck am I right? That would also explain why you guys are so heavily armed." The leader of the group, red haired and long bearded would smile as he crouched into a fighting stance, three men behind him also readying into a fighting stance as one maintained his composure to hold the rose. "Well well well. Looks like Hoshigalure isnt making just anyone a shinobi these days. Too bad youre outnumbered and outmatched. You should have taken the generous alternative we gave you and run away with your tail between your legs. Now we have to kill ya. Get him." The shinobi said as he turned his back walking towards the man who held the rose.

The three shinobi that had readied themselves into a stance leaped at the Hoshimura ready to attack but before they could get to him he would close his eyes, opening them revealing the kenseigan- it appeared that none of them had any elemental affinity which was quite the disappointment. They each held Kunai knives and Zraix would coat his blade in a deep blue chakra that took the form of a 4 meter battle axe and grabbing the hilt now with two hands  he would swing it at a speed of 150 cleaving through all three men in one fell swoop. Their bodies would fall to the sand, blood pooling into it as the leader and the one other remaining shinobi looked panicked. "Whos next?" The ronin would say as he readied himself for the retaliation of the boss, unaware that his Uchiha partner would soon be arriving to lend him a hand dispatching of these foes.

WC =775
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:50 am
Monsoon would trail behind Zraix some meters, as he was instructed. As Zraix approached the group of shinobi, his plan replated in Monsoon's mind.

Wait for my signal, then incapticate most of them. Ensure to keep one alive, we'll need to figure out where their head of operations lay.  I don't expect them to be forthright with that information, but I know you'll figure out something...

His Primo's words would ring in his mind as Zraix made contact with the heavily armed group. Monsoon would be about 10 meters behind, hiding between the rocks and geography, making sure to suppress his chakra to avoid being detected. Thankfully, the ninja they encountered would not be skilled in sensory, and would not detect Monsoon.

The Uchiha would eaves drop on the conversation, noting his Primo's rhetoric.

You know.....he could make it less obvious.... he would think as Zraix announced his knowing of the group being less than trustworthy. As negotiations broke down, the Uchiha would peer from his hiding place, to get a better look art the situtation. He would see Zraix hold his blade and transfer his chakra to the sword, forming a shockingly burtal battle axe, a weapon that Monsoon did not think the Hoshimura could wield. Yet, with the finesse, skill, and a speed that Monsoon could not grasp, Zraix quickly dealt with three of the five shinobi. As he announced, whose next, Monsoon would act.

Leaving the rock that served as his cover, the Uchiha would unleash a devstating punch, which released an air cannon that was 10 meters wide and would travel 20 meters, more than enough distance to encompass the remaiing shinobi. As he unleashed his punch, he would yell,

AEGON! Behind you!"

Knowing that his announcement would give his partner enough time to react, he would continue with his taijutsu. His strength based blast would collide with the two remaining shinobi, overwhelming them and pushing them back. However, as soon as his punch was released, Monsoon would use his other hand to pull the air forward, creating air pressure that sucked in one of the shinobis. Because they were already knocked back by the Evening Elephant, they would be helpless as they were pulled toward Monsoon by world in sleeves. Monsoon would close then open his eyes, activating his three tomoe sharingan.

With genjutsu, he would interrogate the shinobi with genjutsu. After turning the shinobi into a slobbering, foaming mess, Monsoon would relay his information.

"it looks like he didn't know anything. We might need to find the other fauna analyses group...
Monsoon would shurg his shoulders, knowing that not much was accomplished when it came to their surveillance . Monsoon would turn to a direction, to where the headquarters of the shinobi would lay.

"If you want, we can head over to the borders, i know the location of their hideouts. We can stop their smuggling operation outright, though, that may prevent orders of ghost roses to be delivered within this cycle. 'll leave you to decide the course action. Monsoon would rest upon on the wall of the tavern, relaxing and waiting for his primo to give his next directive. Monsoon knew Zraix expected a level of motivation, but Monsoon could not be helped to give it, as he was working under the direction of Aegon.

[553 WC]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:50 pm
A familiar voice would cascade from behind as the ronin prepared for another attack to take out the remaining shinobi- it was none other than Monsoon Uchiha who without much warning fired off a taijutsu of the highest caliber directly at the ronin and the remaining shinobi. "What the hell am I gonna do with this guy?" Zraix would turn his head slightly just enough to see the sand whipping and blowing with the encroaching attack. At a speed of 150, the light ronin armor that he sported would sprout hexagonal structures leading from his shoulder blades creating wings that were 4 meters in span. The Hoshimura would fly diagonally to the left of the attack at a speed of 150, dodging the attack and watching as it hit the remaining shinobi and destroyed the rose sample along with them. A heavy sigh from the ronin accompanied by a would showcase exactly how he felt about the situation as a whole. He would continue to watch as Monsoon to no success would probe the last remaining shinobi for information and now it seemed the two of them were back at square one on gaining information and being able to bring back a rose sample to the village.

He would descend at a speed of 75 still gripping the chakra made axe and flapping his wings violently as sand blew past his Uchiha partner's face- he would look down at him as though he was his enemy but only for a moment, "Monsoon I have no problem with being a part of your strategy for landing techniques on enemies but we could have used them to lead us to the other bandit groups that stole ghost rose samples. Now were going to have to track them down on our own and im not sure were going to have an easy time doing so." His wings would fold back behind him as he landed next to the Uchiha and began walking towards the corpse of the man who had the rose sample before it was destroyed. He would reach inside of his pocket grabbing a small map that had a destination marker with an 'x' on it. "I understand you claim to know the location of their base but it ciuld be a false trail left behind in his mind by higher ups. A reverse genjutsu technique. Its a rare one but ive seen it done before. So, we can go off the information youve learned but it may very well be a trap so we need to have a back up plan just incase. Remember were not on this mission to fight or kill anyone we simply need to bring a sample back to the village."

Leaving the choice open ended he intended to make Monsoon decide what the next course of action would be as he was the one who destroyed the sample that could have ended their mission. It was also a very good opportunity for the Uchiha to gain the skills to lead as he was the second in command for their operation and thus would need to get used to calling shots once their organization expanded fully. "So, what do you want to do? Are we going off of your genjutsu prowess or do we head in another direction?"

Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:29 pm
Monsoon had not realized his leap would bring him close to the Hoshimura. Clearly, the effects of their last mission were still felt by the Uchiha, his head was still heavy. As he realeased his evening elephant, this thought came to him, a moment late. Zraix's chakra gathered under the shoulder of his ronin robe in response, having already heard the genin's forewarning. Chakra infused cloth would shift and hexagonal wings would crystalize, forming wings for the Hoshimura. Monsoon's sharingan would follow as Zraix gracefully avoided the technique. Still in his stupor, he would watch, transfixed at the simple master of flight Aegon displayed, in ways seeming appropriate. As he descended, the sun would catch his shadow, briefly blinding the Uchiha, who would wince and bring an arm to shield him.

The berating his Chuunin gave was well deserved, Monsoon would rub his eyes and answer with a low lid, blurry eyed stare. He smile sheepishly,

"My mistake, Aegon."

Zraix's assessment of the situation the Uchiha's actions brought were grim. Though, a darker though rose its hackles and growled.

Perhaps they should send stronger men then...

Hoshimura's remark about a possible reverse genjutsu rose a curious brow.

"Do you believe there could be a shinobi that could trick that of the Sharingan?" The Uchiha, feeling an ache in his temple, thought for a moment, recognizing that, perhaps, his skill in genjutsu was not sufficient enough to gleam such information. The thought, this truth, made him shudder. "Perhaps my 'prowess' could use some work.

Monsoon, with his aura glowing, flexed his back and calves, hovering his slippered feet inches above the ground. He faces the direction his sharingan predicted the outpost to be.

"Perhaps we find a middle ground? Let's take to the skies and survey the area. If we keep the sun behind us, we may be able to fool the enemy into thinking we're birds. Or, you, at least." Monsoon would say, punctuating his remark by rotating to face Zraix.

Believing the Hoshimua to be agreeable, Monsoon fly upwards with Zraix.

"You know...if you're theory about there being a high level genjutsu user is true, perhaps they've hidden it using it.

At his announcement, his eyes would comb the desert outskirts, the mountains canyons that they would soon fly over. Though his sharingan had fully matured, he could not see anything. As they continued to fly, the area in where Monsoon saw the hideout was coming up. However, monsooon still could see no sign of genjutsu. Or, for the hideout! The thought that their mission would fail due to the Uchiha dawned upon him as he flew, when another thought came to him. He looked to Zraix, whose expression was darkening as a similar thought of failure crossed his mind. If the ronin were to look at his subordinate, he would be met with a determined expression.

"Aegon, try scanning the area with Kenseigan.

If Zraix were to agree, he would see something surprising. Something that might even make him laugh. In the area described by Monsoon, which he gleamed from the now dead thief, was a white, stone building jutting from one of the crevices of the canyon, cloaked in space time Chakra. The Uchiha would need Zraix to describe the location, a castle that sat between films of space time chakra, invisible to all except those of the highest genjutsu or sensory, with its folly only being its space time nature. In one of the side ports, Zraix would see an open film of reality, the entrance and exit that the thieves would use to pull their raids.

Being blind for this portion, Monsoon would follow Zraix's lead, trailing behind him and hoping the Hoshimura would not leave him too far behind. They would lain on one of the rock faces. Now up close, Monsoon could see the strange distortions of reality and light. He wondered if this would be the case if he hadn't already known something was there.

"You know, now that we're here, it seems obvious! But, uh, what are we looking at here. I don't really see a clear way in."

To Monsoon's surprise, the strange distortion was an open gateway. He saw Zraix step forward and disappear into the backdrop in front of him. Shrugging at the sight, the Uchiha followed, walking through the space/time gateway.

The feeling was unfamiliar, strange, and alien. As if his being was being shunted to a different space. As he blinked, he found himself in a white stone tower, that floated on an island far off in the sea. Something like vertigo took hold, he braced.

"So, uh, remind me. The mission is just finding roses? Or are we shutting the operation down."

[788 WC]
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Wed Oct 25, 2023 7:08 am
Zraix could tell that his partner truly felt remorse for having expelled of the first rose sample and this was enough for him to drop it and move on to the task at hand- he was sure that they would be able to locate another sample, he just wasnt sure if the information the had would be enough for them to do so in a timely fashion and this worried him slightly. His free hand would angle palm upward under his chin as he pondered the question asked to him by his partner, "Unfortunately anything is possible given the correct mastery of chakra use. I dont put anything past a shinobi with the will to pull something off. Many of the greatest techniques of generations were born simply out of a desire to make the impossible possible.. now, that being said its not a guarantee just a thought that it could be a trap." The Hoshimura would smile as he heard the slightest bit of doubt from his partner about his prowess with the sharingan- in truth Monsoon's development of the ocular technique was leagues beyond what it should be at his level as a shinobi. The burly Uchiha might not have been blessed with his clan's affinity for the element of Fire but he was without a doubt a genius when it came to the use of the Sharingan- still, a bit of self doubt was key in the process of further growth so he would allow his partner to meditate on it as they continued their mission.

Zraix would hardly be able to contain himself as he witnessed Monsoon flex his musculature and ascend slowly into the air, showcasing that very familiar aura he had come to know. "Looks like im not the only one who picked up the ability to fly huh?" He said as his Kenseigan scanned his partner showing an influx of chakra to the muscles in his legs. "I cant exactly pin how yours works but im very interested in it. Youll have to go over it with me when were all done here. Ill follow your lead, I think taking the high ground is an excellent idea." He said as he took flight behind Monsoon.

Scanning ahead Zraix would do as he was asked and would scan the stone building that lay beneath them- by doing so he would see blurred red spaces lining the aura of the building and this would give him more than enough reason to descend and check out the space below. He would look around ensuring that he wasnt missing some secret passage but would be surprised to find a space time distortion that seemed to be a gateway. The Hoshimura would take in a deep breath as he walked through the gateway without hesitation, his sword still coated in chakra and his wings folded at his back. He figured Monsoon would follow his lead and come through the gate way as well and to his surprise what they found on the other side was far from what he expected.

Beyond the gateway the two were transported to a large stone tower on an island far off in the sea and the room they were brought to specifically housed twenty samples of ghost roses locked away in glass machines that had tubes connecting them to portal like structures. One look at these machines with the Kenseigan revealed that the machines were siphoning the large reserves of unique energy that the roses had and converting it into space time chakra for these portals. "Well ill be damned.. it seems these roses are much more powerful than we had originally thought Monsoon. Theyre being used as a way of instantaneous travel throughout the world. I didnt even know something like this was possible.." He said as he walked up to one portal and looking at it closely he could see the waves of heat energy that it exuded, showing a clear path to the lands of Volcano. Zraix had to admit that while he shuddered at the military uses these portals could have, he couldnt shake his awe and admiration for the power space time chakra possessed and in turn wondered what heights he could reach with such power.

More questions circled in his head as he wondered why the village would want a sample of such a flower- were they planning on utilizing its power for military dominance or were they just looking for a better way to expand trade? Nothing seemed to be the right answer at first thought and it wasnt truly his job to think on these matters though he couldnt help himself. There was however one other aspect of this situation that left him very confused and that was why they were alone in such a room. Surely a room of this value would command security of some level but, it was just as he began to realize the answer to this question that they were joined by an interesting individual.

"Im surprised that two of you managed to find this place.. but by the look of it you dont appear to be bandits who have wandered into this fly trap so to speak." A man with jet black hair and deep blue eyes emerged from the portal furthest from the two shinobi, he wore a long white lab coat and had circular golden glasses- his build was that of a slender but tall man hovering at 6 feet 1 inches and his expression was cold and mysterious. He began to walk along the strip of portals as he reached the tips of his fingers on his left hand into one and began to speak again, "You two arent the first to find this place. But ill be forthcoming in telling you that no one has left this place alive. You see, the work I am doing here will revolutionize travel, trade, combat and even the very landscape of the world." Removing his fingertips from the portal it could be seen clearly that they had ice shavings and crystals made of ice coating them and he would continue to walk, his gaze never once setting on the two shinobi. He walked slowly up to the portal that Zraix had stood in front of when they had arrived and stuck his frozen fingertips into that portal, removing them almost as quickly as he had placed them in, the result being his hand now dripping the melted ice onto the ground beneath them.

Turning to face the two shinobi and now 3 meters from them he would speak. "Now the last thing I would like to do is have an all out battle with you two ruffians and spoil the hub for my research So ill allow you to tell me why you're here before I dispose of you." He said with a superior expression on his face. Zraix would take this opportunity to sheath his katana, dispelling his chakra infusion around it before speaking, "So here's the thing. These roses while ill admit are beautiful and hold quite a bit of power, are dangerous in the wrong hands and its only taken five minutes for me to realize that you fall into that category effortlessly. So, were going to take care of you and shut this place down completely." He said before drawing his wakizashi and dashing at the man attempting to slash at his throat at a speed of 150- the man however would not make any efforts to dodge and instead would grab at a necklace he had hang from his neck with his left hand and making the confrontation seal with his right. Zraix's eyes would widen as his sword slipped right through the neck of his opponent as though it phased through and in that moment he saw the scientists neck become a blurred red.

Leaping back Zraix would quickly scan the man to see if he could pick up on any other remnants of space time chakra and the only wisps he could see were coming from the necklace that he held. The Hoshimura was more than positive that the technique used just previously was the Space time Uchiha technique that their very own comrade had used in a training exercise with them just a few days back, but he hadnt the slightest clue as to how this man was executing it. "Monsoon.. take a peak with your sharingan at that necklace. I have a feeling youre not gonna like what you see but I need you to confirm whats inside of it. Its giving off a large amount of chakra but I cant pin it" He would say to the Uchiha as he readied his stance just in case the scientist had a counter attack ready. He couldnt be positive but he had a theory that this scientist had managed to steal the eyes of someone from his partners coveted clan and was using that necklace as a conduit to use its ability and if this was the case this man was far more dangerous than evern Zraix could have predicted.



Last edited by Zraix on Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:00 am; edited 1 time in total
Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Fri Oct 27, 2023 10:04 pm
After gathering his bearings and getting over his transportation sickness, Monsoon surveyed the portals described by Zraix. Masses of chakra flowed from the iridscent roses housed in bulbous glasses, yet Monsoon's eyes could not make their exact destination: the image being fogged by the reflective space/time chakra. Their brief solitude was broken by a smart dressed man with a curious necklace dangling from his neck. The tomoe in Monsoon's eyes spun feverntly, catching glimpses of something truly atrocious. Rage's ember stokes into seething fury, the Uchiha was in disbelief at what he thought he was perceiving.

Monsoon was observed the chuunin Zraix as the man spoke, watching how Aegon analyzed the man's words and intentions. It dawned on Monsoon that his superior was conducting reconnaissance, the act of gaining information of one's situation and foe. Watching the ronin, Monsoon kept his rage in check and used the scientist's love of his own words to place him self strategically behind Zraix's right.

As was expected, Zraix knew the man to be of malicious intent, he drew his blade and went to behead the scientist. The man went to reach for his pendant, an occular sized orb of chakra swirled with activation, in ways reminsicent of Monsoon's kekaigenkai. This sight was all Monsoon needed to see, like a cannon he fired into action. The moment after Zraix slashed at the scientist, Monsoon, in tandem, would take a low stance, extend three fingers, and thrust his left arm like a ferocious spear at 150 speed the scientist's chest: to where the pendant on his necklace lay. His nukite would strike as Quick as Hsohimura's slash, the scientist, being cocky, would not expect the quick one-two combo.

Blood would spurt from his mouth. Looking down, he would see Monsoon's arm piercing his chest. He would look up, to see the swordsman standing upright, with his blade toward his left, and the martial artist, crouch down, with his body angling right. He would die before uttering another word.

As Zraix commanded, Monsoon withdrew his arm to examine the contents of the gore covered pendant. His heart dropped when he opened it.

Staring back at him was a singular, three-tomoe sharingan. Without a second thought, monsoon closed his hand, crushing the metal and eye between his palm.

"Let's not speak of this at the moment. We should gather these roses and return them to the village.

In somber silence, Monsoon gathered his portion of the roses. He left with Zraix, delivering them to their required destination.


Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:29 pm
Zraix wrote:



Approved for Exit/Mission Completion!
Stat Page : Jet Stream
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 171500

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:10 pm
Utilizing max stat discount to claim jutsu

Already have B Rank version of tech, using 2,250/2,849 TWC to purchase remaining portion of jutsu for S rank. [3,750/3,750 WC]

Remaining 599 WC towards Thunder Breathing Skill, [599/2,000 WC]
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:41 pm
Zraix wrote:
Utilizing max stat discount to claim jutsu

Already have B Rank version of tech, using 2,250/2,849 TWC to purchase remaining portion of jutsu for S rank. [3,750/3,750 WC]

Remaining 599 WC towards Thunder Breathing Skill, [599/2,000 WC]

Stat Page : Chakra Pressure
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 3000

A Rose by any Name [Mission]  Empty Re: A Rose by any Name [Mission]

Mon Nov 27, 2023 7:54 pm
Marabelle Blossom wrote:
Zraix wrote:



Approved for Exit/Mission Completion!

Spending WC on Burning Point [1,741/2,062]
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