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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Mon Sep 06, 2021 6:24 pm
Hiroyuki was excited, as he had been practicing like crazy the last couple of weeks, and he was finally at a level where he could start learning his mother’s special fighting style. The excitement from that sort of got doused a little bit when his mother said that she had to prepare some things for the next week or so before he could officially start learning, and then told him to start learning the art of weaponry. He needed something that could defend his small and cuddly body from cold steel, and the best way to do that was from some sort of tempered weapon and high quality body armor. His mother knew where to get some chakra enhanced threads, but he needed to take some time to actually get used to using weapons, whether that was throwing them or defending against them. She also wanted him to learn about moving around in armor, as the extra weight and how armor hung off your body a bit differently than what you were used to needed to be taken into account. Hiroyuki sent a request to the administration office to ask about a weaponry teacher, and soon his request was accepted. 

He was already at the training facility, very early, as he had the task to set up the initial VR simulation that they would be using, and he was busy typing things in. He did not want to be too grandiose with it, so he made a simple gym type large building with plenty of safety mats, and a wall field with a bunch of random weapons, from large axes to throwing darts, there was anything and everything a person could want when talking about weaponry. Hiroyuki went into the VR simulation and wandered around, looking at the weapons while he waited for the teacher to arrive. His eyes are drawn to different weapons, and he wondered how they would feel in his hands, but he refrained from actually grabbing any of them yet, as he was going to wait for instructions from his teacher first. He also remembered something fairly important before they started, and got out of the VR simulation to change it a bit, quickly adding a large number of armor racks that had various types of armor, from padded robes to full plate, so that he could get used to wearing and moving around hin them.

He also made sure that the armor would shrink or grow to fit the body of whoever was wearing it at the time, so that if his teacher wanted to show him how to move in armor or something, the armor was not scaled so small, as he was very short compared to all of the other genin and ninja in the village.
WC: 463
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Mon Sep 06, 2021 7:34 pm
Mitsu was troubled as he walked to the training facility. He felt that at this point he'd reached some plateau in his capabilities so far. That his body was as strong as it could really be for the time. A frustrating realization but one he knew he'd have to come to eventually. Now it was more a matter of learning more and stronger techniques to advance but he felt that too would reach its limit soon enough. Blah. Frustrating! Stupid body cant keep up. He was never gonna beat Travin at this rate. Not with this lack luster body.

As he walked the newfound weight on his hip gave him a bit more confidence in himself. A black sheathed sword with a swirling snake deisgn around the pommel. It was an odd thing, but he wouldn't look a gift snake in the mouth. It was a useful sword and he would use his new contract with the snakes of ryuchi cave to the fullest extent. Though he wondered how much the summons could really help him given he didn't focus much on his chakra. Ah well. Something to learn today he supposed.

As he reached and headed inside the training facility however Mitsu noticed that one of the rooms had already been commandeered. Peeking his head inside Mitsu looks around at the racks on racks on racks of weapons and armor lining the walls. Aswell as seeing the SMALL ninja that was practicing in here. He gives Hiroyuki a wave before coming on inside. Taking a look at the swords and spears lining the walls and feeling along the armors. Even if they were faked they still felt real and physical. Wonders of science he supposed. "Guessing you're branching out into weaponry then huh? Need any help with it? If we're heading down the same road and we might be able to help one another" He said it with a calm smile to it. Kid got praised by the jounin so he must have some smarts to him. Might be able to learn a thing or teach a thing or two.

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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Mon Sep 06, 2021 8:35 pm
Murata steps into the doorway moments after Mitsu, displaying the dead quiet of Silent Killing. She is a kind-faced woman with dark eyes and dark hair, round-dot tattoos lining one side of her face. She holds a storage scroll under one arm, and in her other hand is a folded note from one of the technicians of the training facility, written to help her out with all of the new mumbo-jumbo. It feels odd for her to wear only a shirt, pants, and flak jacket (worn as a quick symbol of rank more than for any practical purpose) to weapons training, but she has been assured that the facility's upgrades will take care of the rest.

Her first impressions of the two? They are small. Soft. Quite similar to one another, though Hiroyuki is distinctly the smaller and softer. If she did not have some idea of what to expect from Hiroyuki beforehand, she would have been confused as to which she was here to teach. Hiroyuki's hands are marked with a distinct pattern of calusses - a hard worker, but one that has not yet been in many unexpected situations.

The other one - one of Kato's family... there are a few names that she could attach to that face.

"Good morning," she says to the pair. "Hiroyuki, and...?"

Murata walks in, picking up a naginata from the wall. She tests the weight of it in her hands, judging the simulation against the real thing and finding it suitable. She glances to the notes she's been given, and she steps to a set of chain armor similar to her personal set, giving it a double-tap on the shoulder. In a puff of simulated smoke, it appears on her body as if it had been specially tailored for her. "I've not had the opportunity to try out the new facilities," she smiles to them. "My name's Murata. I have been assigned as Hiroyuki's weapons teacher."

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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:53 am
Hiroyuki was having fun simply looking around at all the weapons and armor in the room that he had made, and although the room looked really basic, he enjoyed the more basic look. The room looked like a standard training area in a dojo, and outside there was a small garden with cherry blossom trees with a sand pit that seemed carefully raked to achieve a zen-like atmosphere and look. Soon, Hiroyuki noticed that another person popped their head in his room, and as he was about to ask the person what he could do for them, he realized it was Mitsu, the fairly competent looking Hyuuga that he had sparred together with, if you could call what happened a spar, a little while ago against Mr. Rentei. The young Hyuuga popped in with a wave, and so Hiroyuki smiled and waved back at him, greeting him. "Hello Mitsu, good to see you again!" He would say excitedly towards the newcomer, before the person had a chance to start speaking. Soon, the young man would look around and ask if he was learning weaponry and said that he was learning it too so they should help each other. Hiroyuki smiled and got really excited, his ears twitching and tail swishing as he realized he had gotten a new friend and training partner. "Yeah, that would be great, please do!" Hiroyuki would say, before remembering what he was here to do today. He got a little too excited and took a breath to calm himself down, becoming peaceful again. 

"Well, I'm supposed to be meeting someone who is going to be my weaponry teacher, they should arrive---" Hiroyuki started speaking, before another person walked into the room, interrupting him. He immediately became quiet as he noticed that this person was a bit older, and of course, a woman. It was not that Hiroyuki disliked women, he actually liked being around them more than men, but he was still really shy around any woman who was not his mother, so having a woman be his teacher was going to be a bit difficult, but he could get over it. It would be best if she was a bit forceful in her teachings, as in simply telling him to do things like a military training instructor, so he could properly focus. He did very well with directional training like that. As the woman walked in, she said good morning to him, and then trailed off, essentially asking Mitsu for his name. Hiroyuki looked down at the ground and started to stutter a little bit. "G-G-Good meowrning." He would say, before realizing he slipped back into his bad habit of saying 'meow' when certain words or phrases were brought up, so he put his hands over his face, it turning a beet red along with the tips of his ears. The deed was already done, and he could not take back the word he had just said, so he simply sat there in awkward silence until she said what she was here for and he nodded his head, still not daring to look directly at her yet.
WC: 523
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:36 pm
As for his own outfit Mitsu was dressed mostly in house clothes it seemed, lazy browns blues and whites on his robes, with wooden sandals . Not exactly fighting attire.
On seeing the woman arriving though and trailing off with his name Mitsu gives a slight bow with a smile. "Mitsu Hyuuga" He carried himself with a respect and grace befitting of his clan.

He watches as she appraises the armor and weaponry. An inquisitive an analytical look in his pale white eyes. Travin, Pinoch, Hiroyuki, Himself, and Murata? Seemed alot of the ninja had found use in bukijutsu. Could learn a thing or two from her. His thoughts however are interrupted by the "Good Meowrning" from hiroyuki. It takes all of Mitsu's willpower to not audibly go Awwww and embarrass the ninja further. He just gives the tiny one a pat on the head out of sympathy. Trying tot take attention off his mistake

"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Muratra, I didnt know that Hiroyuki had already arranged something with you. I was actually planning on training with my new gear here" He says it as he casually takes out his new blade, maybe wanting to show off juuuust a bit, a deep blue sheen to the metal. The sound and appearance a notable difference to the simulation. This weapon was a custom make. "Hope It's not an issue if I stick around?" He rests the blade flat side on his shoulder as he speaks He hoped he would be able to, not just for his own sake of learning but also because he felt if hiroyuki was left alone here the small cat boy might implode on himself.

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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:20 pm
"No need to be embarrassed of an accent," she says to Hiroyuki, not missing a beat. Is 'cat' an accent? It is now. She had briefly met Hiroyuki's mother while working with his father, and she presumes that she would be torn limb from limb if she did anything to embarrass this kid. It seems that he is going to be shy, so she will take the lead in seeing where he stands with the basics.

She lifts her chin in recognition of Mitsu's introduction as she moves to the weapons. "You may, if it's alright with Hiroyuki. What kind of weapons have you two worked with? ...besides the sword," she says, a hint of teasing entering her voice at the older boy's obvious flourish of that new blade. Murata puts down the naginata she's picked up for now, moving to paired dao, curiosity sparking in her eyes. She has not gotten to play with something like this before.
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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:25 pm
Hiroyuki was still a bit embarrassed, but he got a little head pat and some reassurance from the instructor saying that there was no need to be embarrassed of an accent, but he only had the accent thing in the first place because he was embarrassed, so it was a bit of a catch twenty two. Still, there was something to be said about how Hiroyuki could put away his embarrassment and shyness for a moment when he was being instructed about something, so at least he could progress with the training today. He had heard that Mitsu wanted to stay and train with them, and so Hiroyuki got a bit excited. Having another person here would help loosen up how tense and shy he was, so he was all for it, and it seemed that the teacher was also fine with it, as long as it was okay with him, so he of course agreed immediately.

“Sure! It would be great to have another partner!” Hiroyuki would say while giving a quick glance and smile to Mitsu, before his teacher started speaking about their weapon experience. Hiroyuki of course had almost none, he knew how to throw a shuriken and kunai from the academy at a target that was no more than fifteen meters away from him when they were practicing. He was decent at it, but there were plenty of other students that seemed to have far more of a knack at weaponry than he did at the time, so he was unsure about how he would approach it. He supposed that was why he asked for a weaponry teacher in the first place, eh? “I don’t have much experience, sensei. I just threw some kunai and shuriken in the academy, like everyone did.” Hiroyuki would say, not stuttering this time, as he was in learning mode. 

He seemed to perk up and stand a bit straighter, leaning a bit forward just to hear a little better, although he knew that this did not work, it was more of a subconscious thing of his. He really wanted to learn how to move around effectively in armor, so that he would have a much higher survivability than others that did not use it, at least that was the goal. Having a nice gi that was completely created out of the chakra infused threads that he mother was talking about would be amazing, so his current goal was that. He also wanted to learn how to throw things more effectively, since that was something that would help him out with enemies that did not allow him to get close to them.
WC: 441
Mitsu Hyuuga
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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:38 pm
"Aside from the sword? Well I have experience with kunai and the like. Smoke bombs and tags though I don't really know if those count as weapons or tools. I did get some sparring in spears and knives with my family though" Late night surprise wake up sparring with his cousins when they decide to drop a shaken on his forehead in his sleep. However the details didn't really matter much here.

"Tried a kusarigama a few times but honestly they're one of the more frustrating to use" Theres a slight hint of bitterness and shape in his voice. The bruise he had gotten didn't go away for weeks. Couldn't even go to school while it healed because his mother was worried over him getting made fun of! Either way his experience tended to be limited. Armor hadn't really been a problem for him. He wasn't the strongest but he was fast enough the armor hardly hampered him to begin with. Though he had admittedly put less thought into his armor than he had his weapons. Swords were just too cool to focus on other parts.

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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 4:21 pm
"What do you think you would like to learn? You use strength-based Taijutsu for the most part, yes?" Murata says, on a similar wavelength. He certainly doesn't look the type, so Murata is glad to know of this in advance. "So... something to cover your weaknesses, as well as an armor that doesn't interfere with your movement..."

Murata scratches at her cheek with a thoughtful hum, going over her mental catalogue of potential options. She is partial to polearms, but he might like thrown weapons better given his... size.

"Room, could you please provide throwing axes, boomerangs... various kunai and shuriken, and quarterstaffs as well," she calls, the simulation shimmering and providing her requested offerings on the wall - Murata stepping back in surprise as a particularly huge boomerang appears alongside the more reasonable ones. Is there someone in Kirigakure lugging that thing around? "Erm, as for armor... let's try a gambeson. You feel free to take a look or pull up items to your taste as well, Mitsu. I've been training with a kusarigama myself! They are certainly tricky."

Murata picks up a throwing axe, and making sure that she is well clear of the boys, she hurls it towards a target on the opposite side of the room. It spins through the air, digging deep just north of the bullseye.

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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:46 pm
Hiroyuki nodded profusely when their sensei asked if he was a strength based tai user, as he was very proud of his strength training recently. “Yes sensei, strength based almost entirely.” Hiroyuki was still wondering if he wanted to learn some sort of ninjutsu or something later, but he was also thinking of foregoing his chakra training and simply trying to become faster. This was something he still had not decided on yet, and he would simply figure it out later.

After that, he would simply wait for their sensei to think to herself, and then their sensei would then speak some more, asking the room to provide them with a variety of weapons, a lot of which Hiroyuki was familiar with, but some of them he was not. He also did not really know what a boomerang was, but when he saw the giant version appear on the wall, he was immediately excited. Their sensei then also said that he should start off with some sort of gambeson, which according to where she was looking, was a sort of leather armor. He did not mind the leather armor, it would be sort of like the chakra thread armor that his mother had been talking about, so it was still a really good practice for him. Hiroyuki nodded, obviously looking at the large boomerang on the wall before walking over to the gambeson and tapping it, making it poof in a small puff of smoke and appear on his body.

Hiroyuki then listened to Mitsu saying that he had practiced with a few weapons before, and was trying to learn something called a kusarigama. Hiroyuki put on a bit of a puzzled face when they said the name, as he had heard of weapons before of course, but only the most common ones, which were spears, swords, kunai, senbon, those types of things. Hiroyuki did not really see anything that could be called a kusarigama, and so as he looked confused around the room and back between the two talking about it, he really thought about what it could be. He also really wanted to ask them what it was, but he did not want to interrupt them talking about it, and so waited patiently until they were done speaking about it for a bit. Hiroyuki then finally chimed in, seemingly excited about finally being able to ask the question that was burning in his mind about the strange sounding weapon. “Umm sensei, what is a kusarigama?” Hiroyuki said, and you could clearly tell that he was struggling on the pronunciation of the weapon, but he had heard it said twice and tried his best, which was all that one could ask of him.

He moved and stretched a bit trying to get used to the armor he had placed on, and found the armor a bit uncomfortable at first, but nothing that he could not get used to. It did not seem to interrupt his movements, as he tried some random stretches, some of his kicks, and some other things that he wanted to try. He was still really excited about the giant boomerang, as it was even bigger than he was, and it seemed really impressive. He wanted to throw it really badly, so he walked over to it, realizing that it was a nice weight, really heavy. Normal people would never be able to even lift this thing, let alone throw it with any decent ability, but Hiroyuki was really different, and grabbed it off the wall without any difficulty at all. The weight of it made a sound when it was taken off the wall, as if the fake supports that were holding it to the wall were letting out a big sigh of relief. Looking towards the training dummies off to the far side of the room, Hiroyuki pulled the boomerang from the leather strap tied to it, and hurled it without any sort of technique.

He simply threw his entire strength into it and threw it towards a target, and the sound it made whizzing through the air almost seemed like it would break the sound barrier, as it made huge whooshing sounds as it spun through the air. Anyone who knew how to throw a boomerang would notice that it was not spinning fast enough to have the returning effect, so it just flew in a straight line and completely annihilated the training dummy and cracked the ground where it hit, leaving a small crater, the whole training room rumbling a bit from the impact. Hiroyuki was watching it and waiting for it to come back, but it was firmly embedded into the ground at this point. “Sensei, why didn’t it come back? I thought that’s what they were supposed to do when they were thrown?”
WC: 803
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