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Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:56 pm
Mitsu takes a kunai off the rack with the other throwing weapons, testing it out in his hands. He focuses on it for a moment, a shroud of chakra coming off of it extending a meter before splitting at the tip and trailing down the sides of the kunai. The shape now reminiscent of a trident with the kunai as the center point. He swings it a few times, spins it on a finger to test its weight and finds it stayed much the same. With a quick flick he throws the kunai aiming next to the dummy's head and the dummy then finds itself impaled on a secondary spike. The shroud then fades and the kunai falls to the ground

He tries much the same with a few other weapons, throwing axes with a second blade, a shuriken with several extended points. He even takes a quarter staff and giving it a sharp shroud of a head akin to a scythe. He could have just made the weapons appear but he wanted to see how the jutsu would fare and how far it could really be pushed.

He doesn't trouble the sensei too much with questions however, figuring it was mainly hiroyuki's lesson. "Though sensei, If you don't mind me asking, anything you would suggest focusing towards or dipping into alongside weaponry?" He figured ninjutsu would be an obvious one but others eluded him. Medical would be good, so would space time, even puppetry could probably find a place if he dedicated himself to it

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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Sat Sep 18, 2021 1:50 am
Murata forms a handseal and her own kusarigama appears in her hand with a puff of smoke, having been stored in her scroll. "They are usually a bit smaller than this, but you can see the basic shape," she says, holding the chain and giving the weight a casually menacing spin. "A sickle and chain with a counterweight at the end. If either of you want to try learning defensive weapon techniques that require spinning, chains are good to practice on for the chakra control aspect, although you will still need to work with your weapon of choice to get the muscle memory down.

To demonstrate, Murata flows chakra through the kusarigama's chain, her Sword Storm causing it to glow an intense white as its shape blurs into that of a shimmering circle of glowing steel. With her other hand, she takes a simulated throwing axe from the array of weapons, with a flick hurling it against one of the other walls... upon which point it expertly ricochets back towards her, only to come into contact with the whirling chain and shatter into virtual pieces.

Murata lets the chain fall still, the weight of her chakra fading from the surroundings. She chats with Mitsu while Hiroyuki takes a look at his options.

"That one is... samurai sabre, yes? I have not had the opportunity to learn it," Murata says, clearly impressed with both of her students. "I would recommend finding ways to cover distance. That could be Ninjutsu to fight from afar as well as you do up close, ranged weaponry as Hiroyuki is looking into, or stealth techniques or Genjutsu to more easily --"


Murata's head whips around to look at what Hiroyuki is doing, eyes wide. Ah, that... may be damage to the underlying facility itself.

"...if anybody asks, that crater was here when we arrived," she says. "You need to keep it airborne. Here, I will show you..."

Murata demonstrates with one of the smaller boomerangs, quickly coming to terms with the fact that the tiny Hiroyuki is her undisputable superior in sheer strength. Still, she finds over the next little while that she has plenty to teach them. If either are interested in Sword Storm, she goes through the necessary chakra control drills and gives tips on keeping a handle on the rotation.

Mitsu Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Sat Sep 18, 2021 9:27 am
Mitsu would take the offer to learn sword storm. Taking to it quite nicely, able to spin and keep the chakra controlled and stable. However once he tries it for the first time with his actual sword he has a bit of an accident. He wanted to see how the sword of ryuchi cave would do with it. The sword extended to two meters long, more than double his size, and the sword storm being four meters in diameter. Bigger than any of the people in the room. "It is actually! Had trained it up with pinoch-" Then his hand slipped.

The sword storm proceeds to fly across the floor and spin like a buzzsaw clean through the dummy before the glowing white blade finally bonks against something and tumbles to t he ground, the color fading from the sword. Normally one might be scared they just nearly cut off their own limb but Mitsu.. well. "Ohhhh my gosh that is SO COOL!!" for his part is over the moon with the technique. A far cry from the stoic and quiet kid earlier. great wide smile on his face as he thinks on how he could use it further. His passions stoked by the fires of new jutsu. "Do you have any others like that Sensei??" His eyes are beaming and looks so excited


Mid Thread Claim

75% discount on Sword Storm 7.1 [625/625]

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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Sat Sep 18, 2021 10:17 am
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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Sun Sep 19, 2021 4:26 am
Hiroyuki watched on as he was getting used to handling the boomerang, and it seemed that his teacher was coaching Mitsu on the finer things of a technique called sword storm. It seemed like a really cool technique that allowed one to spin their weapon rapidly, making a protective barrier between them and other things. This seemed really cool, and something that Hiroyuki was fairly interested in, but he would have to pass on that particular thing. As he did not have a sword, and did not have enough money to afford a good one. Maybe he would get some sort of practice sword from a second hand shop and practice a bit, but for now, he was far more interested in the giant boomerang that he had just thrown. After the large smash, the small crater that was formed was subsidized and Hiroyuki had asked the sensei why it did not come back, but she had quickly told him that they needed to tell people that the crater was already there when they got into the room.

The damage done was something that was virtual… or at least Hiroyuki hoped that it was, they were technically in a virtual reality state right now. Still, just in case, he would follow the orders of his teacher, although he would of course tell his mother what had happened. Still, afterwards Murata walked up to him and told him that he needed to keep it aloft, and started to show him with one of the smaller boomerangs. “Ohh, okay, I guess I’ll keep practicing then.” Hiroyuki would say, before starting to walk over to the boomerang to pick it up. He then remembered that the virtual reality training room they were in had a great function for when you were practicing with the training targets, and that was that you could recall the projectile or thrown weapon with a gesture, and so Hiroyuki performed the gesture that was akin to calling someone over to him.

Just as he did that, the huge boomerang appeared in his outstretched hand, and he held it above him, watching Murata throw the boomerang in her hands very carefully. He had to adjust a bit because he could only throw it with the leather straps that were on either side of the boomerang, so the momentum and throwing angle would be slightly different. He took aim and adjusted his arm, before throwing again. This time he did not just use his entire strength in the throw, but tried to control it, although it was still sent hurtling towards the target that had re-assembled itself. Also what had happened this time was much better, as the boomerang had a bit of momentum and was actually traveling through the air and was stable. It started to curve, but the curve did not complete and it ended up turning ninety degrees and smashing into the opposite wall. “Hmm, I think I’m getting the hang of it.” Hiroyuki would say, before calling it back to his hand. He would then continue to practice with the boomerang until he could make it come back to him.
WC: 524
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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Tue Sep 21, 2021 12:44 am
Murata takes a deep breath, forms a few handseals, and creates two shadow clones.

...and summons Adzuki. She's going to need all hands on deck for these ones.

"Throw it over here, young master!" the red wolf yaps, chasing after Hiroyuki's boomerang at a rapid clip as they continue to practice. Murata works on chakra infusions with the two of them - it'll be quite useful for getting Mitsu's Sword Storm under control, and quite likely that boomerang, too. The basic infusion skill is easy enough, but in one day she's really only able to go over the basics of Flying Swallow and her own favored Incomplete Truth... it's enough of a start for them to work on their own time, for sure. 

After a few hours, Murata's got the hang of keeping up with them, though she's starting to visibly tired. Adzuki is still raring to go... seeing as he's leeching off her chakra. Maybe she can just... leave them with the wolf...

"Careful, Mitsu," Murata says offhandedly, telepathically bringing a weapon up to deflect a stray blade that had been headed to the back of her skull. "Oh, erm, you want to know that one too...? Alright, but that will be the last one from me for the day, I think the two of you have gotten a good start."

Murata wonders how jonin ever deal with THREE of them.

WC 231
TWC 1321

Moving 8 Strength to Speed (at a cost of 80 a word to untrain and retrain with Military Training Facility)

826 words to finish Commune at 25% max stat discount, prev partially trained here

495/1313 words into Tank at B-rank

Last edited by Murata on Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Tue Sep 21, 2021 2:27 pm
Mitsu's practice with Discovery goes fairly well. He figured it similar to samurai sabre just in a different way. Instead of applying shape transformation you apply a nature transformation. Though he wonders if it would be possible to apply such transformations with the kekkei genkai he had read about. What it might even do to the weapon... infact he already had lightning and water release? Maybe he could take it a bit further on his own. In his idle thoughts however he ends up sending another blade almost towards Murata's head. He looks mortified but when she blocks without even using her hands he's beaming once more and is already excitable again. Excited to learn more and train more and fight more. Its always a fun time with this teacher it seemed.

[TWC: 815]
75% learning discount

375 to B rank Psychic Weapon Manipulation [375/375]
375 to B rank Deflect [V7.2] [375/375]
65 to the voiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid
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Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:12 pm
Mitsu Hyuuga
Stat Page : Heeere
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 23

Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Wed Sep 22, 2021 12:54 pm
From Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2

Fucked up my claims here Ill fix it later


Mid Thread Claim

75% discount on Sword Storm 7.1 [625/625]

683 WC left

[TWC: 815]
75% learning discount

375 to B rank Psychic Weapon Manipulation [375/375]
375 to B rank Deflect [V7.2] [375/375]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Learning Some Weapons[I/O] - Page 2 Empty Re: Learning Some Weapons[I/O]

Fri Oct 01, 2021 8:29 pm
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