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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:16 am
The Chuunin exams were right around the corner, and Kotetsu  had a couple things  he still wanted to learn before then. It was time to advise a certain scar-covered Chuunin that he  was ready for round two of their training. Assuming that Kenshin Uzumaki was available and still willing to help him out. He had definitely grown stronger since he last saw the intimidating Chuunin. After getting ready for the day, he collected his gear, and wrote a small note that he hoped he would be able to get delivered to Kenshin.

He made his way to the mission office, where he could get a messenger to deliver the note. It wasn't urgent, but it appeared there were a couple messengers that weren't busy, so Kotetsu politely asked one of them to deliver the note for him.

The note was a fairly simple one, it was paper and folded in half. It had four lines of text. all written fairly neatly, for a seven year old boy of course. It read as follows.

"I have become stronger."
"I will be in the training grounds if you would like to pick up where we left off"

The messenger said he would try to deliver it to Kenshin personally, failing that, it would be left at his residence. With the most important aspect taken care of, Kotetsu then made his way back to the training grounds. he hoped Kenshin would be inclined to show up so that he could learn whatever else Kenshin had to teach him. There wasn't much that Kotetsu could still learn at the level he was at, but anything he could learn would definitely help in the upcoming Chuunin exams.

The training grounds were practically deserted right now, which likely suited him for this particular situation. Since Kenshin did not seem to like to be around a large group of people, the less people there were, the better off it would be. Sitting down in an open spot of the grounds, Kotetsu decided it would be funny to see if he could fool Kenshin slightly. Since he now had the ability to suppress his chakra levels, he reduced them down to the point where he was when Kenshin and he last parted ways. It was a risky move, since Kenshin could walk in, determine that Kotetsu had not indeed gotten stronger, and would leave. 'I hope I'm not outsmarting myself with this little trick here...'Kotetsu thought to himself as he sat there, enjoying the beautiful day that was unfolding around him.

WC: 426
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Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Thu Nov 23, 2017 7:44 pm
The scar faced Jounin of Hoshigakure would exhale lightly as he finished up his training exercises. It was around ten o'clock in the morning, and as such he had just finished his basic skills training. As per usual his snow white skin was covered in a rather light sheen of sweat, almost making him appear to glisten in the sunlight. His silver mane was a few shades darker from all the moisture it had absorbed since Kenshin had begun his training, while his training clothes were damp to the touch. All in all, it would be obvious to any who saw him that the stitched and scarred young man had been training quite heavily for awhile now... especially if they were to take a look at the training grounds themselves.

The remains of various earthen constructs littered the training grounds, but it was obvious that each and every one of said constructs had been destroyed in a variety of ways. Small craters and scorch marks littered the area, and deep trenches had been carved into the earth itself, whilst scores of kunai could be seen all throughout the wreckage of the training grounds. All in all... the scene was almost like a miniature battlefield... minus all the blood, body parts and corpses of course. The tri hearted teen would survey his work with a small smirk, truly since he had attained the rank of Jounin his power had been growing by leaps and bounds... and he was nowhere near done just yet.He would need to become much more powerful if he wanted his plans to come to fruition.

That train of thought however, would be broken by the feeling of an approaching chakra signature... and a signature that he was familiar with at that. He could safely say he didn't exactly dislike the owner of the familiar signature, but at the same time he wouldn't go so far as to say that he liked him either. He had to admit though, he was more than a little impressed by just how much the owner of the signature had managed to improve in the short amount of time since they had parted ways. The growth of their chakra reserves alone was impressive, and he knew that if the reserves had grown so much the boy must have been doing some rather serious training, and as such he had most likely learnt some other tricks along the way.

Yes... the young Yuki that he had taught some tricks to not too long ago had definitely grown stronger... and he was no doubt here to take Kenshin up on his offer of further training. If he recalled correctly, young Kotetsu wished to learn some powerful Water Release techniques, and the Shadow Clone technique... and he had said he would teach the youngster if he grew stronger. But... if the child truly thought that Kenshin would teach him such powerful techniques simply because his chakra reserves had increased in both size and potency... well, he thought wrong. Chakra reserves were important to any shinobi, there was no doubt about that... but in the end, if one didn't know how to use those reserves correctly... then they were simply liabilities, especially if they somehow gained a hold of powerful techniques.

So, if young Kotetsu truly wished to learn the tricks that Kenshin had promised, he would have to show that he had truly grown stronger in body, mind and spirit.

Kenshin would form a very recognisable cross shaped hand seal, and in a puff of smoke, an exact copy of him would appear. The copy and the original would share a smirk, before the original sank into the ground, coming to a stop when he was 20 meters below the surface. As the original went below ground, the clone would walk over to the remains of one of the various earthen constructs and lean rather casually against it. Facing the direction in which Kotetsu would enter the training grounds from.

The clone would be within plain sight of Kotetsu once he entered the training grounds, which would no doubt change his actions from his last post. There shoul be no way for Kotetsu to tell that the Kenshin who stood before him was not the original, and unless he possessed some form of chakra sensory he would have no way of knowing that there was another Kenshin hidden 20 meters beneath the surface of the earth.

Both the original and the clone would share a smirk as Kotetsu entered the ruined training grounds, his eyes no doubt being drawn to the clone Kenshin that stood among the destruction.

Let the games begin

WC: 776
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:06 pm
‘It would seem that I didn’t need to send that messenger…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he entered the training ground to see the scar-covered Kenshin surrounded but what looked like broken stones, craters, burn marks. Like a miniature battlefield without all of the death and dismemberment. Kotetsu would smile as he made his way through the debris towards the older shinobi. “It would appear that someone’s having a busy day.” Kotetsu called out to Kenshin as he got within speaking distance. ‘I can’t tell if he’s done for the day or if he’s still in the middle of training…’ Kotetsu thought to himself. It was almost a repeat of their last interaction. But that was a little while ago. Kenshin could have added more to his repetoire, just like Kotetsu, so it’s possible that he was still in the middle of practising. Just to be on the safe side, Kotetsu kept himself in full readiness in case he had to dodge out of the way. It wouldn’t surprise Kotetsu if Kenshin decided to incorporate the young Yuki into his own training session.

“If you’re not busy, I was hoping we could pick up where we left off. I’ve definitely gotten stronger since the last time you saw me.” He says to the scar-covered shinobi. ‘I hope he’s still up for helping me with those jutsu…’

WC: 226
TWC: 652

(Sorry for shitpost. No inspiration right now xD)
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Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Fri Dec 01, 2017 2:06 am
The clone would watch the young Yuki with a small smirk upon his scarred face. The childs eyes were naturally scanning over the destroyed training ground, before finally settling upon the clone who stood amongst the carnage. 

"It would appear that someone's having a busy day" he would say in what seemed to be amusement, earning a light chuckle from the clone. It was glad that the original had created him for something like this, as it meant that he could at least feel a bit of amusement before his 'life' ended and he was dispelled.

"I suppose you could say that." the copy of the Jounin of Hoshigakure would, small traces of amusement clear in his voice.

"If you're not busy, I was hoping we could pick up where we left off. I've definitely gotten stronger since the last time you saw me" Kotetsu would say, earning yet another light chuckle from the clone.

"I can tell, your chakra reserves alone have grown quite a bit larger since our last meeting." the clone of Kenshin would comment, giving Kotetsu a small smirk as he did so

"But surely you don't expect me to teach you techniques as powerful as the Shadow Clone without giving you some type of test first?" the silver haired clone would then ask, it's smirk only growing larger as the words left its mouth. 

"Your test is simple." the clone would say as it formed the Tiger hand seal at it's maximum speed (80).

"Impress me." it would say simply, before it began to exhale mist. This mist would spread outwards from the clones position and quickly cover the entirity of this relatively small training ground (20 meters in diameter with Kenshin's clone near the centre and Kotetsu near the edge). Once fully formed, the mist would make it next to impossible for either Kenshin's clone, or Kotetsu, to see more than a single meter in front of them. Due to the fact that the mist was charged with Kenshin's chakra, it was also impossible for anyone to sense the clone that hid within the dense cloud, and just in case, the clone was actively supressing it's own chakra.

Of course, it should be noted that they would be able to sense the original Kenshin, who was still hidden 20 meters belwo the surface of the earth, as he was unable to supress his chakra whilst using his Hiding Like a Mole technique. 

The clone would silently make it's way closer to Kotetsu, or rather, his chakra signature, coming to a complete stop only five meters from the youngsters position. Once there, the clone would form two hand seals, first came the boar, followed by the ram, both formed at the clones maximum speed (80). 

As the clone performed this technique, the eye that Kenshin kept hidden behind his eye patch would begin to react in a way that he had yet to experience. To the clone the eye began to analyse the chakra of Kotetsu, and changed his own to make it harder for the boy to break free from the Genjutsu that he had just trapped the boy in. 

'This eye... it has Genjutsu empowering abilities' The clone would think with wide eyes, before a dark smile spread across it's face.

The original would love to know this, and he would when it dispelled, but for now, it would simply wait in the mist for Kotetsu's next move. The youngster would be trapped within his Genjutsu for now, and as such, he would be seeing exactly ten copies of Kenshin crawl out of his surroundings. These copies would be smiling rather eerily, and walking towards the Yuki at 10 speed, although he would only be able to see one of them due to the mist that surrounded him. 

WC: 635
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Wed Dec 06, 2017 12:15 am
"I suppose you could say that." was the response that Kotetsu got from his initial statement. Kenshin then gave him a response, after Kotetsu had asked him his question.  "I can tell, your chakra reserves alone have grown quite a bit larger since our last meeting. But surely you don't expect me to teach you techniques as powerful as the Shadow Clone without giving you some type of test first?"  'He wants to test how strong I've become...' Kotetsu thought to himself. Apparently Kenshin wasn't finished speaking though, since he said two short sentences; "Your test is simple. Impress me." before making a tiger hand sign and blowing out a wave of mist. 'Hidden Mist jutsu...'  Kotetsu thought to himself as soon as he saw the cloud starting to appear. He jumped back about 10 meters and made a quick six hand signs of his own at his max speed (125), now that they were obscured from Kenshin's view. Bird, Rat, Ox, Monkey, Rat, Snake. The Sky immediately darkened and rain started falling.

"Oh. Right. Almost forgot..." Kotetsu said out loud, before calling out louder. "By the way Kenshin. I ran into someone not too long ago. Someone you might like to meet. They seem to have the same abilities as yourself. Well, in terms of your Earth Grudge Fear. I believe the man said his name was Thorfinn."

As soon as the first rain hit the ground, Kotetsu knew immediately where Kenshin was in the mist. 'Moving right towards me eh?..' Kotetsu thought to himself as he planned out his next move. Obviously Kenshin could sense his  chakra signature, which would make it impossible for him to avoid being seen, unless he suppressed his chakra, but there was no point in that since it likely wouldn't impress the veteran shinobi. Instead, he went with a different approach.

Kotetsu quickly clapped his hands together, breathing in a considerable amount of air. That activated his Wind Rejuvenation technique. His next step was to clap again and shoot a gale of wind right at Kenshin (Power 90, speed 40). His third action is to quickly pull out a kunai from his pouch and throw it at Kenshin (Speed/power  141, sharpness 100), roughly in the center of his torso. The kunai would pass through the jutsu, the rough blast of air causing the kunai to increase in speed and power. The wind jutsu would also have a side benefit of pushing some of the mist away from Kotetsu, giving him a little more viewing room. 'Let's see if that impresses him...' Kotetsu thought to himself with a smirk as he slowly backs away from the mist, giving him even more room to maneuver. It wasn't really necessary, but he'd rather see Kenshin as well as know where he was standing.

WC: 462
TWC: 1114
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Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:23 pm
Well... it seemed that Kotetsu had not grown as much as he had hoped, at least if his reaction to Kenshin's Hidden Mist was any indication. As soon as the clone of the silver haired jounin began to exhale the mist the child made the mistake of jumping back, something that any experienced shinobi would tell you is a bad thing to do in a fight... and Kotetsu was about to find out why. At his top speed (80) the clone of Kenshin would change his hand seal from Tiger to Ram, before seemingly vanishing in a blur of pure speed. Now, Kotetsu would be able to see Kenshin close the ten meter gap between them despite his usage of the body flicker technique. But due to the speed at which the clone of the stitched and scarred medic was moving (170), and the speed that the Genin was jumping back (36), there was no possible way for the Genin to have reached more than two meters by the time that the clone reached him.  

To make matters even worse for the young Genin, due to the fact that he had jumped back, there was no real way for him to avoid what the clone was about to do to him. The clone would have moved a total of twelve meters with it's body flicker, putting it right in front of the boy who had jumped back. At it's max speed (80) the clone would shoot its right arm out and grab Kotetsu by the throat, before slamming him down towards the ground. And, to make things worse for the youngster, the clone had activated its Added Weight Rock Technique the moment it had touched the boy, increasing the weight of his body to the point that it would be impossible for him to move (65 strength or higher required to move). When the boy hit the ground the impact of Kenshin's slam, and the newfound weight of the boy, was enough to cause the ground around them to crater.

"Never jump in combat unless you have a way of avoiding any attacks that may be launched at you." The clone would say as it looked at the downed form of Kotetsu.

WC: 372
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:05 am
The jump was a mistake almost immediately after he had made his move, and he would pay for it. Kotetsu did not know what made him jump upwards instead of simply moving backwards, but it was too late to alter that move now. It would seem that Kenshin would capitalise on his mistake too, as he had sped right towards him. While he could track the scarred shinobi's movements, there was nothing he could do to stop it. 'Only one thing I can try to do now...' Kotetsu thought to himself. As Kenshin reached for his throat, Kotetsu would clap his hands together as he leaned his head back to give him maybe another second or two, and breathe in as much as he could before the hand closed around his throat, making it harder to breathe. It wasn't much, but It was enough to get his wind rejuvenation going though. Kotetsu found that he couldn't move for some reason. That left him with very few options. They were in a shallow crater formed by the impact of the body slam, stunning the young boy for a short period. Kenshin then said "Never jump in combat unless you have a way of avoiding any attacks that may be launched at you." as he looked down at Kotetsu. "You're right...It was a pretty stupid mistake on my part..." the young Genin said in response as he created a series of spears of Ice around them (Power 125, Speed 90). The first two were formed right under Kenshin's feet, spearing upwards through them and pinning him in place. The next  thrust would come from behind Kenshin, one through the middle of his chest, and one through each kidney. That was what Kotetsu hoped at least, assuming the spears actually pierced the scar-covered shinobi. That would be the only thing Kotetsu could do in this current situation, and he hoped it would work.

WC: 321
TWC: 1435
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Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:22 am
"You're right... it was a pretty stupid mistake on my part." the young boy would say in response to the clones admonishment, before launching some type of last ditch attack at the clone. The young Yuki was using his clans advanced element, Ice, in order to create spears to impale the clone of Hoshi's favourite and most deranged medic. Now, while most would reprimand Kotetsu for his willingness to kill his superiors... Kenshin was the type to applaud him for that type of ruthlessness... but in this case it seemed more like stupidity on the part of the youngster. He came here seeking Kenshin's help in learning some new techniques... well how exactly was he supposed to do that if he had spears of Ice pierced through his heart and kidneys. Kotetsu had basic Knowledge of Earth Grudge Fear, but he had absolutely no idea that the 'person' he was currently fighting possessed three hearts. 

Honestly, he was not sure whether or not he should applaud or berate the child for what he attemtping to do right now. In the end the clone would allow itself to be impaled by all of the spears, figuring it would be best to leave this decision to the original. It could have saved itself by simply actiivating its Damage Reduction Shield... but why bother, it was, after-all, a clone... and thus, expendable. Besides, it had seen enough for the original to decide what he wanted to do, so it felt no need to stick around any longer now that those orders were fulfilled. The clone would give a rather loud gasp as it felt the Ice cold spears pierce completely through it's kidneys and hearts, and with a mix of a cough and a chuckle it would disappear in a puff of smoke. 

The moment that the clone popped it's memories would flow back to the original, who was still hidden in his initial position 20 meters beneath the surface of the earth. The original, much like the clone, simply wasn't sure what to feel when it came to the young Yuki... did he feel pride at how willing he had been to go for the killing blow to end the fight... or did he feel disappoinment at the boys stupidity for actually doing so with someone he wished to learn from. As strange as it may seem... he actually felt a mix of both, and that in turn left him in a bit of a predicamine... as he wasn't sure whether or not he should actually teach the young man the jutsu that he wished to learn. 

On the one hand the stitched and scarred medic didn't exactly care if the boy used said techniques to kill any of the other Genin in the second stage of his Chunin exams... or anyone else for that matter. But on the other hand he simply could not run the risk of making the higher ups of the village question his judgement because he had taught someone so young and volatile how to perform such dangerous and high ranked techniques. And after that display he knew he would not be able to feign ignorance should they call his judgement in to quetion... there was simply no doubt about it... Kotetsu was a loose cannon right now,. And unfortunately for him Kenshin simply could not be seen as the one providing amunition to said cannon so soon after his promotion to Jounin.

The Jounin would surface only a few inches to the left of Kotetsu, the spears that he had impaled the clone with still standing proud on the other side of the incapacitated boy. His face would be completely devoid of emotion as he stared down at the child, who would still be unable to move due to the weight of his body.

"Did you know that was a clone?" He would ask as he continued to gaze rather coldly down at the dark haired Yuki. 

WC: 661
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:01 am
'Ah...A shadow clone...Good...' Kotetsu thought to himself as the Kenshin holding him down vanished in a puff of smoke. Kenshin, the real one this time Kotetsu assumed, rose out of the ground a few inches beside him. His face showed no emotions. He was likely not very impressed that Kotetsu had just tried to kill his clone, but Kotetsu really didn't have any option other than to take a shot and see if it stuck. Kenshin immediately asked him a question; "Did you know that was a clone?" There was no point in trying to lie, so Kotetsu gave him the truth. "I did not know it was a clone. I had a reason to attack how I did though." As he quickly explained his encounter with the other EGF user. "At one point, Thorfinn decided to stick threads out of almost every bit of skin he had. That got me thinking that his whole body was almost nothing but threads. Likely the same case with yourself, since you are a much more skilled than Thorfinn is. I figured that it's possible that those threads might re-arrange your organs in a different way where it wouldn't affect your body's ability to function. It was a calculated risk I took. Since the Chuunin exams are close, and I expect that I will become a Chuunin not long after, I shouldn't be in a situation where I won't be able to tell the difference between a clone and the shinobi behind it." Kotetsu frowned before continuing. "He mentioned something as well that had me a little concerned...He said something about being able to obtain all 5 basic chakra natures, and because he doesn't have a bloodline element, he a spot for one. That doesn't make any sense though, since you can't gain a bloodline's element without being of that clan." Kenshin likely wouldn't elaborate, and it's entirely possible that Kotetsu had said too much already, but he was hoping that the scarred shinobi didn't care to kill him from the information that Thorfinn had unwittingly revealed about their shared bloodline.

WC: 351
TWC: 1786
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Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK) Empty Re: Smol but stronk (Kenshin, Kotetsu, Priv, NK)

Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:13 pm
"I did not know it was a clone. I had a reason to attack how I did though." the incapacitated Yuki would say from within his little crater, his words doing nothing more than causing Kenshin to raise a brow as he waited for the boy to explain. The scar faced teen had to admit, he was more than a little curious why the boy had attacked him with a killing blow without knowing that he had been fighting a clone.

"At one point, Thorfinn decided to stick threads out of almost every bit of skin he had. That got me thinking that his whole body was almost nothing but threads. Likely the same case with yourself, since you are a much more skilled than Thorfinn is. I figured that it's possible that those threads might re-arrange your organs in a different way where it wouldn't affect your body's ability to function. It was a calculated risk I took. Since the Chunin exams are close, and I expect that I will become a Chunin not long after, I shouldn't be in a situation where I won't be able to tell the difference between a clone and the shinobi behind it." he would then say, causing the Jounin's face to go competely blank as he stared down at the youngster in contemplation.

The stitched and scarred medic would take note of the name Thorfinn, who based on Kotetsu's description was obviously a Tau that had joined up with the village. It seemed that he needed to have a rather serious conversation with this Tau, as it was rather apparent that he was apparently spreading around information about Earth Grudge Fear to the people of Hoshigakure. Information that Kenshin himself had gone to great lengths to keep hidden from the people of Hoshi.

Yet that was not the main thing that Kenshin took note of in the boys speech... oh no, what he had mainly focused on was the extremely bizarre leap of logic that the child had made regarding his threads. As far as he knew Kotetsu had absolutely no knowledge of the fact that the carriers of the Earth Grudge Fear possessed no bones, and while this new Tau could have told him about that Kenshin doubted it, as if that was the case surely young Kotetsu would have mentioned that in his argument. No, as it stood now it looked as if the boy was trying to justify having knowledge that he should not yet possess through the use of flawed and broken logic.. how tragic. 

And to think that the boy was so confident in this belief of his that he would dare to launch a killing attack on Kenshin and classify it as a calulated risk. And to make matters even worse for the boy that little belief of his was completely and utterly wrong... ugh, he had severly overestimated this childs potential, and it left a rather bad taste in his mouth. Worse still was the fact that he seemed to believe that getting the rank of Chunin would magically grant him the ability to see the difference between clones and their creators. Either that or he seemed to think that if he ever managed to become a Chunin he would never again be caught in a situation like that... which was an even more foolish thing to believe than the magical gift. 

"He mentioned something as well that had me a little concerned...He said something about being able to obtain all 5 basic chakra natures, and because he doesn't have a bloodline element, he a spot for one. That doesn't make any sense though, since you can't gain a bloodline's element without being of that clan." the child would then say, causing Kenshin's only visible eye to narrow on him dangerously. The sooner he tracked down this Thorfinn and had a 'conversation' with him the better, lest he reveal that they gained elements by assimilating hearts. 

"First of all what you just did was in no way a 'calculated risk'. It was a foolish gamble fueled by flawed logic and stupid assumptions and I will not allow you to classify it as anything other than what it actually was. Second, your pathetic excuse tells me all I need to know about your current mentality, and let me tell you something, you are nothing more than a pathetic child with too much power in his hands. Like any other child you seem think that you know everything, that you can do no wrong... well let me tell you something boy, just because you have a larger vocabulary than others your age doesn't mean you are any more mature than them." the teen would say as he glared down at the still incapacitated Yuki. It was taking a lot of self control not to do the village a favour and simply kill the boy, but he would not allow himself to fall prey to such base instincts.

"Find someone else to teach you what you want to learn." The scar faced Jounin would say as he sent a final glare at the downed form of Kotetsu. With not a word more Kenshin would turn away from the young Yuki and start to make his way back to Hoshi. He knew that his technique would be wearing off shortly so he had no reason to worry about leaving the boy in the same crater that his clone had initially put him in. Hopefully the fool would know better than to try seeking Kenshin out in the future in a foolish attempt to get him to teach the shadow clone technique, or some powerful water release techniques, but for some reason he doubted that would be the case.

Either way though he was done trying to help the foolish child... for now at least. Perhaps in the future, when the boy had grown a bit more mature, he would do so, but for now...

He had washed his hands of the arrogant fool.

WC: 1004


TWC: 3448

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