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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:57 pm
(I put that NK in there just so you don't get any ideas *squints*)

It was back to the grind for Kotetsu. He had been working hard on quite a few techniques recently, but nothing that really helped in regards to mastering his clan's techniques. For that, he would need to learn water style ninjutsu. The easiest way that Kotetsu could think of would be to practice with water. Therefore, to the Water Gardens' training grounds where there is plenty of water to work with. It was a fairly nice day out, a little cloud cover, and fairly warm out. That would make the air a tad more humid than usual, but not to the point where it was uncomfortable out. With that in mind, Kotetsu made his way to the training grounds. 'Definitely seems to be a trend for me to be heading to the training grounds as often as I am, but that is to be expected after all. I need to train to get stronger and it only makes sense for me to train where there could be others doing the exact same thing. Who knows, there may even be someone there who can help me with mastering water style...' He ponders as he heads over in that direction.

Once he arrives at the training grounds, Kotetsu will make his way over to one of the sources of water in the training ground and starts building up his chakra so that he can infuse it into the water. There were a few techniques that would be really useful to learn. Since it was a little more humid out, that might make the air better to attempt the hidden mist jutsu at some point. In order to do that though, he'll need to be able to manipulate the latent water chakra he has. It stands to reason that he would have the potential for water style, since Ice style flows strongly in his veins. In order for him to reach that point, Kotetsu will need to find out how powerful his water chakra nature can be.

WC: 334
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:58 am
(Then you'd best not do anything that would annoy Kenshin to the point that the NK tag would be void ^_^)

The snow white skin of Kenshin was covered in a relatively thin layer of sweat as he continued to go through his training regimen. It was currently around nine o'clock in the morning, and as such the stitched and scarred young man was in the middle of honing his basic shinobi skills. Basic shinobi skills were, as the name suggested, the basic skills that all shinobi were expected to possess. Accuracy with shuriken and kunai throwing, basic hand to hand combat skills, chakra control exercises. Kenshin still honed his skills in each of these fields every day, despite the fact that he had never actually had to use a kunai or a  shuriken in a fight yet, due in most part to the pitch black threads that called his body home.

The silver haired Chunin was clad in his usual training clothes, which for all those who were wondering consisted of a black, sleeveless vest, a pair of baggy black pants and a pair of worn grey sandals. Because of his choice in clothing much of Kenshin's heavily stitched skin was visible to any who looked, but thankfully there was nobody around to actually see that sight...not that Kenshin himself really cared what anyone thought of his rather harrowing looks. The youth's usually bright silver hair had been tinted a few shades darker due to all the sweat that the locks had absorbed, and had begun to mat itself lightly to his body.

He had been training for quite sometime now, but he still had a couple more hours worth of training before he could consider himself done for the day. Today had actually been fairly overcast, and as such the usual harshness of the desert sun had yet to start assaulting Kenshin's damp form...but then again, that wasn't exactly a good thing. The Chunin usually trained himself in the harsh rays of Haven Countries sun in order to make his body more resilient to the heat, and based on how incredibly durable he had managed to become since joining Hoshigakure he would say that it was working. 

Kenshin would breathe out and pull his right hand back, three kunai held firmly within and ready to be launched at the large slab of earth that he had created with his Moving Earth Core near the start of his training. With a mere flick of his wrist the three kunai would be sent at the slab at their maximum speed (95), the three knives would slice through the twenty meters between himself and the slab of earth, and imbed themselves into said slab up to their hilts.

The scar faced young man would smirk upon seeing this result, before beginning to move through some basic Taijutsu moves on invisible opponents. It was at this point though that Kenshin would feel an approaching chakra signature appear right at the edge of his sensory range. The approaching individual possessed a relatively miniscule chakra signature by Kenshin's standards, but then again, it was more than likely either a fresh Genin or an Academy Student, but if it was the latter he would actually be a little impressed by the chakra signature alone. 

Kenshin would of course do nothing to stop this person from approaching the training grounds, as he was already done with his more secretive training, but he would still keep his senses extended so that he could tell when the person had actually reached the training grounds. It wouldn't really take long for that to happen either, and when the person got within seeing distance one of the scarred teens silver brows would raise as he suppressed a chuckle. 

It was actually a rather young looking child...who had black hair styled into a fauxhawk....and it made him look absolutely ridiculous. He was at the age where he probably thought it looked cool too, and his parents had been too nice to tell him otherwise...oh well, his schoolmates would definitely not have the same problem...children could be very fucking cruel when they wanted to be, and this kid would learn that the hard way when they saw that ridiculous looking hairstyle. 

Alas, it seemed the child did not notice him, his attention fixed firmly upon one of the many small lakes that flowed through this particular training ground. Once more a silver brow would raise when he saw what this child was trying to do when he reached the stream....he was channelling his chakra into the stream in what was obviously to Kenshin a beginner's attempt at using Water Release...hmm, very interesting. 

The child was obviously did not know how to use Water Release, because if he did he would realise that how he was trying to make the water obey his call was all wrong, and the silver haired teen would note that aloud as his deep and smooth voice flowed from between his pale lips.

"You're doing it wrong" 

WC: 818
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Sat Oct 21, 2017 2:07 pm
Kotetsu heard something, he hadn't really been paying attention to his surroundings, so it took him a moment to realise that it was someone speaking. To him. Four words in total. You're doing it wrong. 'I could be doing a lot of things wrong.' Kotetsu thinks to himself. 'I would imagine he's referring to my attempt at trying to use water style. Perhaps he knows how to use water style. I should ask him; maybe he can point me in the right direction...' Kotetsu looks up and notices another shinobi a little further off. He was pale, even paler than Kotetsu.  'I didn't think that was possible...' Kotetsu chuckled at himself at the thought. Anyways, continuing on. Kotetsu noticed that apart from the long silver hair, the other shinobi seemed to have recently gotten out of the hospital from some form of massive trauma. Judging from the sheer volume of stitches all over his body.  Kotetsu was intrigued about what kind of attack would have left this person in such a state. He also had scars on his face, long healed though, likely from some other terrible injury. 'Geeze this guy has been through a lot it would seem...'  After a moment's pause, Kotetsu would respond.  "That would definitely explain why it doesn't feel like this was working the way I had hoped..." he says with a laugh."Does that mean you are skilled with water style ninjutsu?" He asks the other shinobi, a little bit of hope in his voice."I didn't really have a good idea of where to start, so I figured I would just try different things until something worked. Plus I felt that this would give me ideas when I start working on my clan's ninjutsu." The other ninja looked like he'd been hard at work, and was still in the middle of his own training; likely some kind of rehabilitation from whatever put him in the hospital in the first place, so he didn't want to take up a lot of his time. He could use all the help he could get though and could hopefully get some pointers in the right direction.

WC: 359
TWC: 693
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:10 am
The silver haired teen would have to resist the urge to raise a brow at the child's lack of any type of response to his words, no little jump of fright, no sudden tensing, nothing whatsoever...hmm, how interesting. That actually suggested that perhaps the child had known he was there right from the start and had simply chosen to ignore him completely...or he was just very hard to surprise, either way though Kenshin didn't really care. After a few seconds of the child continuing to stare at the small stream before him the stitched and scarred medicof Hoshi was just about to turn back to his own training, but right as his head began to turn away he would spot the child finally moving his head to face him.

The silver haired teen had to admit, he hadn't had anyone chuckle to themselves upon seeing so much of his body for the first time, in fact, most veteran shinobi were downright disgusted...and they really had every right to him. Hell, after he had first joined Hoshigakure and took the village's genin exam he had been passed on the proviso that he passed a medical exam, a result of the absolutely horrendous scars that used to cover every inch of his body. Thankfully he had long since healed said scars, and they simply blended into his already snow white skin, but the stitched cuts that made his body look like a rather macabre jigsaw puzzle were still there. 

Hell, the threads that were constantly writhing and squirming beneath his skin were clearly visible, making it appear that the skin on his arms was crawling. Well whatever, if the kid didn't possess the common sense to at least be wary of someone who looked like him then he wasn't going to bother trying to make the kid understand, surely he would learn with time that sometimes you really should judge a book by its cover. 

"That would definitely explain why it doesn't feel like this was working the way I had hoped" the boy would say with a small laugh, his tone exactly what Kenshin would expect from someone his age, extremely high pitched and annoying...although he may just think that because he generally tended to hate children. 

"Does that mean that you are skilled with Water Style Ninjutsu?" the still unnamed child would ask with what sounded to be a great deal of hope in his voice.

"I suppose you could say that. It isn't exactly my primary element, but I do possess a few useful techniques...and I like to think I am quite skilled in it's use" Kenshin would say, trying to divulge as little information about what his true specialties were as possible. Not because he wanted to deceive the child or anything, but simply because he was an extremely secretive person who saw everyone as a potential enemy in the future...especially his current allies.

"I didn't really have a good idea of where to start, so I figured I would just try different things until something worked. Plus I felt that this would give me ideas when I started working on my clan’s ninjutsu" the young child would say, the word clan catching the interest of the heart stealing Chunin instantly. So, this child was from a clan that obviously specialised in Ninjutsu of some kind if the childs words were to be taken at face interesting.

"Well at least you actually possess some motivation to train" Kenshin would mutter to himself, thinking of his meeting with a certain red clad swordsman some time ago.

"Well, if I'm going to be training you in Water Release I would at least like to know your name. I'm Kenshin, Kenshin Uzumaki, Chunin of Hoshi, in case you were wondering" the older male would say with a small smirk on his face.

WC: 643
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:20 pm
Kotetsu became much more interested after hearing that this shinobi, who is clearly a veteran from the scars that he wore (and very proudly too from what Kotetsu could tell), was skilled at water-style ninjutsu. ‘That was quite the stroke of luck on my part…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he makes his way to the shore, towards his new potential teacher. He had introduced himself as Kenshin Uzumaki, a Chuunin too. ‘I thought he would be a fairly skilled ninja. It takes quite a bit of skill to become a Chuunin.’ As Kotetsu got to the edge of the pond, Kenshin stipulated that if he were to train Kotetsu, he would like to know what to call him. Kotetsu bows quickly as soon as his feet touched dry land. “Of course, Kenshin-Sensei. I am Kotetsu Shinogami. I recently graduated from the academy. I am always wondering about the different members of the village. We are all comrades after all and I’d like to try to get to know everyone a little, because you never know who you’ll be fighting side-by-side with down the road.” It may be a little naïve to say, but Kotetsu is still a kid after all, so some preconceptions are around a little longer than others are.

Getting a little closer to Kenshin, Kotetsu would notice that his skin seems to be writing a little, almost like his stitches were moving on their own. Kotetsu was rather intrigued; he was not one to be unsettled easily, even for one as young as he is. When you flee for your life from your home because you will be killed if you stay, you end up witnessing a few things along the way. Horrible acts and dead bodies did not really phase Kotetsu as much as a result. Before they actually started training, Kotetsu would make an observation. “Please forgive my prying Kenshin-Sensei. I had thought that the stitch marks on your body were the result of a recent injury. That is not what they are from, are they? And the stiches themselves, they’re what’s writing in your arms right now, right?” At closer inspection, they did not look like medical sutures. Kotetsu looked genuinely interested in the unique phenomenon that was occurring in front of him. He had never seen anything like that before and he was curious to learn more, of course if Kenshin was willing to share.

WC: 403
TWC: 1096
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:51 am
“Of course, Kenshin-Sensei. I am Kotetsu Shinogami. I recently graduated from the academy. I am always wondering about the different members of the village. We are all comrades after all and I’d like to try to get to know everyone a little, because you never know who you’ll be fighting side-by-side with down the road.” the child would say, his extraordinarily naive words making Kenshin resist the urge to scoff. The Kenshin sensei thing was annoying enough for him, because to him teaching something one or two things, or offering some helpful advice, did not make one a teacher, but the naivete that followed that statement was even more annoying to the stitched and scarred young man. 

"That belief is all well and good...but you must also keep in mind this simple truth. In this accursed world of ours, you never know when you'll be fighting those that you once called allies..." the Chunin of Hoshigakure would then say in an extremely serious tone of voice. This was a very serious point for the silver haired young man, as he had once made the mistake of trusting two people without question...and in turn those two people the two had turned on him and used him as a labrat for two long and torturous years. He just wanted thep in mind that your allies today were not always your allies tomorrow, and as such the only person that he could only ever hope to trust completely is himself.

As the child got closer to him the snow white skinned young man would keep his eyes fixed firmly on his form, watching for any type of attack that he could be trying to launch. It was only then that he would notice just why he had gotten so close to him...he was staring quite closely at his right arm, obviously looking at what made it different from the arms of others. Namely the skin that was crawling due to the countless threads writhing beneath, and the extreme amount of stitched that almost seemed to be holding said limb together. The Chunin would not say or do anything to stop Kotetsu's observation, no, he was actually a little curious as to what this child might have to say or ask after seeing that.

“Please forgive my prying Kenshin-Sensei. I had thought that the stitch marks on your body were the result of a recent injury. That is not what they are from, are they? And the stitches themselves, they’re what’s writing in your arms right now, right?” the child would ask, his question causing Kenshin's unique red and silver eyes to narrow on him...this child was much more observant than he had given him credit for, it was almost impressive, but observation could only get one so far

"You are correct, I actually possess a rather...unique ability. I will not tell you how I came to obtain this ability, but I will tell you that it is known as Earth Grudge Fear. Essentially, my body is made up mostly of these black threads" Kenshin would say as he willed some of his threads to emerge from his arms. The black threads would wave back and forth in the air, almost like a snake trying to hypnotise its prey, before once more retreating back into Kenshin's body.

"The stitched cuts are purely cosmetic, and simply provide places for the threads to emerge from my body...otherwise they would be piercing through my skin each time I try to use them" the heart thief would explain, obviously not telling the young man the truth there, but then again if he truly expected Kenshin to explain the secrets of what was essentially one of Kenshin's most powerful trump cards then he was an even bigger fool than his haircut might suggest. As it currently stood there were only three people with Hoshigakure who knew the true secret of his bloodline. Akihana, who only knew because she had encountered people with this ability in the past, Sorethin, who only knew because he possessed the exact same ability, and Arashi...because he had been a naive and trusting fool back during his Genin days...ugh.

"But what of you?" Kenshin would ask rather suddenly when he was done speaking, wanting to change the subject off of himself and his abilities.

"You mentioned belonging to a clan earlier, but I am afraid that I have never heard of a 'Shinogami' clan" the older of the two would say.Now, he was by no means an expert on the clans that inhabited the Elemental Nations, and he would never make the claim that he could name each and every clan that existed nowadays, but he liked to think that he knew more than most due to just how many books he had read on clans and history in general. And as he stated previously, he had never heard of a Shinogami clan...or if he had said clan hadn't really made enough of an impression on him for him to bother trying to remember the name, which to be fair was quite possible. 

WC: 848
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:17 pm
"That belief is all well and good...but you must also keep in mind this simple truth. In this accursed world of ours, you never know when you'll be fighting those that you once called allies..." That comment confused Kotetsu for a moment. 'But why would allies turn on you?' He thought to himself. And then one answer dawned on him. "Some Shinobi are skilled at espionage. They could be working for an enemy of the village..." He voiced this thought aloud. There was another darker answer to that same question, but the thought of a genuine friend and ally turning on another simply for gain or for no reason was  abhorrent to Kotetsu, so he didn't want to admit that thought had crossed his mind.

It would seem though that Kenshin would reward him with an answer to his question about the stitches on his body. "You are correct; I actually possess a rather...unique ability. I will not tell you how I came to obtain this ability, but I will tell you that it is known as Earth Grudge Fear. Essentially, my body is made up mostly of these black threads" After saying this, some of these threads would appear out of Kenshin's arm, writhing almost of their own accord. Kotetsu was fascinated. 'What an interesting technique...' he would think to himself. 'That must mean he has some skill with medical ninjutsu, I mean...for something like that, without it affecting your body in a negative fashion he'd almost have to be a medical nin...' Kotetsu would keep these opinions to himself though. Which were then interrupted by another comment after the tendrils retracted back into Kenshin's body; "The stitched cuts are purely cosmetic, and simply provide places for the threads to emerge from my body...otherwise they would be piercing through my skin each time I try to use them" Kotetsu would nod in acknowledgement. "That makes sense; it would definitely save on chakra to have pre-determined locations for them to escape from. Otherwise you'd always be healing yourself, or getting someone else to do it for you if you weren't skilled at medical ninjutsu." He purposefully left out his previous thoughts as he did not want Kenshin to think he was overanalyzing the shinobi's skills and abilities. Not that it would matter if it came down to a fight. Kenshin definitely outmatched him in every way. He'd be foolish to do anything confrontational. Besides, he's only here to learn about water style, and maybe some hints about his Ice Style ninjutsu.

Coincidentally, almost as if Kenshin was reading his mind, he asks a question. "But what of you? You mentioned belonging to a clan earlier, but I am afraid that I have never heard of a 'Shinogami' clan". Kotetsu would smile and shake his head. "That is my father's clan, they are not particularly known for a specialty. My mother said I inherited the bloodline of her Clan through her. She said we were part of the Yuki clan. I don't really know much about them other than they are naturally stronger with chakra, and they can manipulate wind and water to make Ice. I should probably research them more at the library..." He trails off for a moment while he also makes a mental note to research that Earth Grudge Fear technique to see if the library has anything about it. He would love to learn more, but Kotetsu doesn't think Kenshin would be willing to share. "That's why I'm trying to learn water style ninjutsu Kenshin-Sensei, so that I can learn to manipulate the water with my wind-style chakra to make Ice. Where would you recommend I start in terms of learning water style?" He would ask the unwilling Chuunin instructor, anticipation and excitement at the forefront of his look.

WC: 636
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:40 am
"Some shinobi are skilled at espionage. They could be working for an enemy of the village..." the child would think aloud, his words making Kenshin's eyes narrow on the small form of the child. He supposed that was one way that his words could have been taken, and it was expected that someone Kotetsu's age may not be able to understand the true depths of human cruelty and greed...but he would if he stayed a shinobi, that much was certain. Yes, the youngster would one day learn that the allegiances of every person that he would ever meet could be changed by nothing more than time...and honestly Kenshin himself was the perfect example of that. Once, many years ago, he had been a loyal up and coming star in the Konoha Academy, but he defected from said village before his career as a shinobi had truly began. The half blood Uzumaki had then spent quite a few years as a missing nin, before finally once more pledging his allegiance to a village, Hoshigakure...but who could actually say just how long that arrangement would last. 

As Kenshin gave the little half truth that his stitched cuts were purely cosmetic and merely served to give his threads places to exit his body safely he would see Kotetsu nod in what looked to be agreement, no doubt seeing the logic behind such a statement. 

"That makes sense; it would definitely save on chakra to have predetermined locations for them to escape from. Otherwise you'd always be healing yourself, or getting someone else to do it for you if you weren't skilled at medical ninjutsu" the boy would then say, causing Kenshin's already narrowed eyes to narrow even further. He had no idea just what convoluted logic the child had just used to assume that he was skilled in medical ninjutsu, but he didn't really like it. There were actually very few shinobi in Hoshigakure that knew he was actually somebody who specialised primarily in medical ninjutsu...although he supposed that there was now one more who knew...ugh, just great. Well whatever, it's not like he knew just how Kenshin used his medical prowess in combat...although it seemed that he would have to be rather careful about what he said in this child's presence, lest he unintentionally give anything else away.

As the albino questioned the dark haired boy about his clan he would see the child smile and shake his head, an action that caused one the Chunnin's silver brows to raise in an unasked question

"That is my father's clan, they are not particularly known for a specialty. My mother said I inherited the bloodline of her clan through her. She said we were part of the Yuki clan. I don't really know much about them other than they are naturally stronger with chakra, and they can manipulate wind and water to make ice. I should probably research them more in the library..." Kotetsu would say, trailing off at the end. Hmm, a interesting. Kenshin knew a little about the clan, mostly that they were actually thought to have gone extinct before the eruption of the great volcano...but obviously that wasn't the case with the clans re-emergence after said event. 

"That's why I'm trying to learn water style Ninjutsu Kenshin-sensei, so that I can learn to manipulate the water and wind style chakra to make ice. Where would you recommend I start in terms of learning water style?" He would ask, this time getting a small smirk of amusement from the more experienced shinobi.

"First off, do not refer to me as Kenshin-sensei. I am not your sensei nor do I want to be your sensei, I am simply a fellow shinobi trying to help one of his potential peers improve" the silver haired medic would say in a slightly annoyed tone. Seriously...he was nobodies sensei, and he preferred it that way. Perhaps one day when a potential student managed to catch his eye, but until that day he would allow nobody to call him sensei.

"Secondly, there is only one place that you can actually start when you want to learn how to use an element, and that is quite simple really." he would say with a small smirk fixed firmly upon his scarred face

"You have to figure out how to best make the element respond to your chakra" Kenshin would say as he looked down at the young Yuki. 

"Each element responds to your chakra in different ways, so you have to first figure out how to get the element to respond how you want it to." the multi hearted teen would say as he turned around kneeled down on the ground, placing his right hand upon the surface of the earth, and the left upon the surface of the small stream that had been behind him.

"Let's use Earth as an example shall we. What are the first traits that come to mind when you think of earth? Durable? Unchanging? Think about what would happen if you tried to force the earth to change, to use your chakra to beat it to submission" Kenshin would say, channelling his chakra through his right hand into the ground, doing exactly what he was describing to Kotetsu. As would be expected, the earth beneath Kenshin's right hand would begin to crumble and crack under the pressure, and the albino would make sure that the young Yuki could see exactly what he was talking about.

"As you can see, Earth is not an element that takes kindly to being forced. No, in order to properly use Earth Release you actually have to be firm, but not rough, almost as if you were sculpting with clay." Kenshin would explain as he began once more flowing chakra into the earth, but this time doing what he was explaining now.

"Use your chakra to direct the Earth, be neither gentle nor harsh with your chakra, as one will cause the earth to crumble, and the other will not change it...find that middle ground between harsh and gentle, and you will find that the earth will obey your commands." Kenshin would explain as he lifted his hand from the ground, a small statue of Kotetsu rising with it.

"Now try to apply what you have just learnt to water. what are the traits that come to mind when you think of water? Fluidity? Ever changing? What do you think is the best way to make it obey your commands?" Kenshin would ask, looking up at the young Yuki, ready to channel his chakra into the small stream in front of him in any way that Kotetsu suggested.

WC: 1111
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:21 pm
It would seem that Kotetsu's observations were not being received very well, based on the narrowing of Kenshin's eyes. It would also seem that Kenshin did not like being called Sensei. "First off, do not refer to me as Kenshin-sensei. I am not your sensei nor do I want to be your sensei, I am simply a fellow shinobi trying to help one of his potential peers improve" in an annoyed tone. Kotetsu bowed quickly in response, not wanting to anger the older shinobi further. "My apologies, I was simply using the term as a sign of respect, since you're willing to help me learn." With that being said, the lesson began in earnest.

"Secondly, there is only one place that you can actually start when you want to learn how to use an element, and that is quite simple really." Kenshin had a small smirk on his face as he said it."You have to figure out how to best make the element respond to your chakra. Each element responds to your chakra in different ways, so you have to first figure out how to get the element to respond how you want it to." Kenshin then turned around and kneeled down on the ground, placing his right hand upon the surface of the earth, and the left upon the surface of the small stream that had been behind him. "Let's use Earth as an example shall we. What are the first traits that come to mind when you think of earth? Durable? Unchanging?" 'It would really depend on the kind of earth that you're interacting with, but in general that would make sense...' Kotetsu would think to himself as Kenshin continued his instruction. "Think about what would happen if you tried to force the earth to change, to use your chakra to beat it to submission" As would be expected, the earth beneath Kenshin's right hand would begin to crumble and crack under the pressure, making this clearly visible to Kotetsu so that he could not only understand the mental aspect, but the physical, visual aspect of what he was trying to do. 'I wonder if he picked earth because that's the element he's most familiar with...' Kotetsu wonders, making sure to keep that little bit of information to himself, as he did not want to annoy Kenshin further. And so the lesson continued.

"As you can see, Earth is not an element that takes kindly to being forced. No, in order to properly use Earth Release you actually have to be firm, but not rough, almost as if you were sculpting with clay." Kenshin said, clearly doing something with the ground under his fingers. Kotetsu wouldn't be able to see the chakra being infused into the earth, but that would definitely be part of the process. As if Kenshin was reading his mind, he would explain a little further in detail. "Use your chakra to direct the Earth, be neither gentle nor harsh with your chakra, as one will cause the earth to crumble, and the other will not change it...find that middle ground between harsh and gentle, and you will find that the earth will obey your commands." Kenshin would explain as he lifted his hand from the ground, a small statue of Kotetsu rising with it. It was incredibly detailed, showing almost every detail. "That's incredible...It's as if I'm looking at a mirror of myself, but in earth and stone, not flesh and bone. In a sense it is flesh and bone, just not mine. The world's flesh and bone..." Kotetsu said, in that aloud, half-musing kind of tone. 'What a novel concept.' Kotetsu thought, surprising himself with that random observation.

With the Example being completed, Kenshin then moved on to how Kotetsu would apply this knowledge to Water. "Now try to apply what you have just learnt to water. What are the traits that come to mind when you think of water? Fluidity? Ever changing? What do you think is the best way to make it obey your commands?" Kotetsu nods in understanding. "Definitely fluid, forever trying to avoid a specific shape. It's it doesn't want to fit a mold. So you'd need to create a mold for it, let it flow into that mold and keep it there so it can't find another way out..." Kotetsu says, trying to work his way through it. Almost subconsciously trying to emulate that at the same time. Kotetsu knelt down beside the stream and put his hands on top of it.

Since his other primary interest was weaponry; that would be the logical way to go about making something with his chakra. So that's what he tried to do with it. He would try to make a weapon out of water. Kotetsu did not think of water as very sharp, but with enough chakra anything could be sharp enough to cut or tear. Especially if done right. 'The simplest thing to make would be a throwing weapon, like a senbon, a kunai, or a shuriken.' Kotetsu thinks to himself. 'A senbon would be a little on the small size to visualise right at first, so let's try to make a shuriken for starters. See if I can get that to work. Then I could progress to something a little larger or more complex...' With his plan figured out, Kotetsu would imagine the design of a shuriken in his mind, making sure all the details were correct. Down to the way the sharp edge hones down to a fine point, and the hole in the center. Once he has the design firmly in his mind, Kotetsu imagines that the shape is actually hollow, and builds the structure in his mind with his chakra. From there, he channels his chakra into the water and lifts some into the air. Once there, he uses the "mold" that he created in his mind and replaces the empty space with the water he channeled his chakra into.  He must have been using some of his wind chakra along with his water chakra by accident. The edges of the Shuriken looked solid compared to the rest, which almost seemed to flow inside the shape it was given. He had accidentally stumbled upon combining his wind chakra nature with his water chakra nature which made Ice, which is what his clan is known for. Kotetsu was taken aback by the surprise change, because he had definitely not meant to do that. He looks over at Kenshin and shows him the part Ice, part water shuriken he made and said. "Something along these lines, but without the Ice right?"

It wasn't what he was expecting to do, but it almost seems like Kotetsu skipped a step, which suited him perfectly. It meant that he could try working on his Ice style jutsu now so that he could do his mother proud, since she has such high hopes for his potential.  'I wonder what will happen now...' He thinks to himself. He definitely had some work to do, he's nowhere near perfecting his control of his water nature chakra, but at least he should be able to use water-style jutsu with enough practice. His thoughts are racing as he watches Kenshin for his reaction. As much as the Chuunin did not want the title, Kotetsu was indebted to him for helping him in an area that he was struggling in. He may not call him it, but Kenshin will at least for now be considered a teacher to Kotetsu. 'I hope I impressed him with being able to make this without waiting for him to show me how he manipulates water...' He thinks to himself.

WC: 1285
TWC: 3027

Midway claim:
Claiming Water Nature (2000/2000, 50% off because taught), Ice Nature (1000/1000)
15 stats unless those need to wait until the end of the topic
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:39 am
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