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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:49 am
The silver haired chunin would resist the urge to sigh as he saw the child begin to bow to him just after he admonished him for calling Kenshin-sensei. He had a feeling that the kid was about to apologise for his actions, despite the fact that all he really wanted was for the dark haired young child to stop with that sensei crap. Honestly, an apology was more likely to annoy him than Kotetsu just accepting his little request.

"My apologies, I was simply using the term as a sign of respect, since you're willing to help me learn." the child would say, once more making Kenshin resist the urge to bury his face in his palms and give a deep sigh. Honestly this Kotetsu was far too polite for his own good, but then again that was much better than him being a rude little shit. Ugh, the stitched and scarred young man just disliked children in general, but at least this particular child wasn't as irritating or dense as others his age. It was for that reason, and that reason alone, that Kenshin didn't dislike the young Yuki that stood before him...not yet anyway...but then again that hairstyle was making it quite hard not to dislike him.

But he had to admit, he was pleasantly surprised by the fact that Kotetsu seemed to grasp the reason why he had bothered to explain how to properly use Earth natured chakra. It should be obvious why Kenshin had explained the concept to him, but for those who can't figure out why despite it being spelled out in the last post, it was simply to show that each element needed to be treated a different way. Kotetsu's little assumption earlier was not wrong actually, Kenshin had picked Earth simply because of how familiar he was with the element, and as such he found it easier to explain than the others. 

As the Chunin performed his favourite little parlour trick and formed a small statue of Kotetsu with nothing more than his control over Earth Natured chakra he would take note of the fascination of Kotetsu's face as he gazed at the small stone version of himself. 

"That's's as if I'm looking at a mirror of myself, but in earth and stone, not flesh and bone. In a sense it is flesh and bone, just not mine. The world's flesh and bone" The young Yuki would say as he gazed at the small statue in obvious wonder. Honestly if he knew just how easy performing such a trick was with Earth Release he probably wouldn't be so impressed, all it took was precise control over one's chakra and a keen eye for detail. Well, at least Kenshin knew that should his career as a shinobi not work out he could always just become a sculptor...but damn would that life be boring as hell for someone such as he

But now we get to the main point of this lesson, the scar faced teen teaching the young Yuki how to use Water natured chakra properly. As Kenshin questioned Kotetsu his left hand would still be placed atop the surface of the small stream that flowed through the training grounds, ready and waiting for Kotetsu to take some guesses on how best to make Water heed his call. 

"Definately fluid, forever trying to avoid a specific shape. It's it doesn't want to fit a mold. So you'd need to create a mold for it, let it flow into that mold and keep it there so it can't find another way out" he would say, kneeling down beside Kenshin and placing his own small hands atop the surface of the stream. His attention was focussed solely on the water at this point, so he would miss the slightly proud smirk that had found itself on Kenshin's pale lips for a few moments, before once again fading and leaving his scarred face mostly devoid of emotion. 

He was both surprised and proud of the fact that Kotetsu had managed to figure it out so quickly. Most would assume that the best way to bend the water to their will was to tame it, and that was why a lot of shinobi failed to utilise the element properly. Despite the fact that earth and water could be seen as polar opposites the two elements were surprisingly similar when it came to controlling them with chakra. With earth you had to be firm and use your chakra to mold it into the shape you desired, with water you had to create a mold and allow the element itself to fill said mold, similar, yet different. 

Fire was could not be more different, it was living and wild, and as such it needed to be tamed in order to use safely. It had taken the multi hearted young man longer than he would care to admit to figure that out, but then again considering the other two elements he possessed it was no wonder it had taken him so long to figure that out. It was quite surprising that Fire, the most wild and uncontrollable of all the elements, seemed to react best to being forced into submission by the users chakra. But he supposed that may just be why it worked in such a way, the almost willful element refusing to bend to the will of those that were too weak to truly command its awesome power. 

As the half blooded Uzumaki was having these thoughts he would also be demonstrating to Kotetsu that his guess was actually correct, by forming an extremely small dragon of water and having it seemingly dance around his hand and arm. 

"Something along these lines, but without the Ice right?" he would hear the familiar voice of Kotetsu say, breaking him free from his thoughts and making his gaze fall on what was floating over the boys hand. 

The senior shinobi of Hoshigakure would study the creation of the junior shinobi, releasing a small hum of approval as he did so. It seemed that the boy had mixed both Water and Wind together to create Ice, which in turn meant that Wind was controlled in a similar manner to interesting. He was not exactly surprised upon seeing him create Ice, he did know that the young man was a Yuki after all, but it was still impressive that the young man possessed the ability to control two basic elements, and one advanced element, at such a young age. 

'He definitely has a lot of potential' Kenshin would think to himself. It was almost a shame that the seasoned practitioner of medical ninjutsu could see that the pale skinned child  wouldn't exactly be suited for learning more than basic medical techniques. If he had been quited for it Kenshin may very well have considered taking the talented child as a true student, but unfortunately the scar faced Chunin was only interested in taking on a student that was skilled in the field of medical ninjutsu, seeing as it was his main area of expertise. 

"Something along those lines, although next time be sure to filter out the Wind natured chakra." the silver haired young man would say in clear amusement.

"So, you now know how to manipulate Water...would you like to learn a few useful techniques?" the Chunin would ask, figuring there was no reason to stop training here if the kid wanted to continue

"Oh, and I mean both Water Release techniques, and basic techniques that you may find useful in the future, be they ninjutsu or otherwise." Kenshin would note as an afterthought. There was no reason for the kid to not learn the basics of some other things anyway, in fact, it would help him out in the future.

WC: 1310
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:53 am
The little water dragon floating around Kenshin's hand and arm was a sight to see. 'I wonder if I could make something similar out of ice...' Kotetsu thinks to himself as he watches it float around. His thoughts are interrupted by a small humming sound. Shortly afterwards, "Something along those lines, although next time be sure to filter out the Wind natured chakra." The older boy would say, amusement clearly in his voice. Kotetsu would blush slightly in embarrassment. "Definitely. Wouldn't want to try to use a water style jutsu and have it freeze on me. That would make things a tad complicated." Kotetsu would say with a small laugh. The older boy figured with that, the lesson would be over, however Kenshin surprised him with a question; "So, you now know how to manipulate Water...would you like to learn a few useful techniques?" The older boy asked Kotetsu. "Oh, and I mean both Water Release techniques, and basic techniques that you may find useful in the future, be they ninjutsu or otherwise."

A chance to learn more techniques, especially in an area where he would likely have a little trouble would definitely be welcome. "I always try to take advantage of any learning opportunities that come my way." He said to Kenshin. "As long as I'm not inconveniencing you. I know you were likely here for your own reasons. I don't want to be a bother after all." He says. "I do want to learn as much as possible for when I got to take the Chuunin Exams. I know that I will need to be stronger than I am now, so every little bit helps. Where would you want to start?"

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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Fri Nov 17, 2017 9:29 pm
The silver haired youth would smirk at the small blush that appeared on Kotetsu's face when he mentioned the wind natured chakra that seemed to have been channelled into his water technique. 

"Definitely. Wouldn't want to try to use a water style jutsu and have it freeze on me. That would make things a tad complicated." he would then say with a small laugh, earning a light chuckle from Kenshin himself. How strange it was that Kenshin, someone who seriously disliked most children, didn't seem to mind Kotetsu all that much... well, now that he had stopped being so nosy and annoying anyway. Ugh, he still didn't know just what logic Kotetsu had used to figure out that he was a skilled user of Medical Ninjutsu, but it bothered him a little that one so young could figure it out so easily.

When he mentioned potentially teaching Kotetsu a few techniques he would keep a relatively close eye on how he reacted. Would he perhaps be excited at the possibility of learning from one of Hoshi's Chunin... would he perhaps be apathetic to the chance and decline... who knows. 

"I always try to take advantage of any learning opportunities that come my way. As long as I'm not inconveniencing you. I know you were likely here for your own reasons. I don't want to be a bother after all. I do want to learn as much as possible for when I take the Chunin Exams. I know that I will need to be stronger than I am now, so every little bit helps. Where would you want to start" the youngster would say, earning a small smirk from Kenshin. Yes... he may be young, and he may look like a bit of a fool because of that damned haircut, but this Kotetsu truly was not someone to be underestimated. 

"That truly depends on what you want to learn first, as there are a great many things I can teach you. Would you like to learn some basic medical techniques? Basic non-elemental ninjutsu techniques? Basic elemental techniques? Basic Space/Time techniques... really, just let me know what you would like to learn first" the scar faced young man would then say, a small smirk upon his face. Really, Kenshin knew quite a few techniques from quite a few fields... even if he wasn't really a master of any of said fields sans Medical Ninjutsu.

What he taught first depended entirely on Kotetsu himself.

WC: 412
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Ryo : 42750

Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Sat Nov 18, 2017 6:55 pm
It would seem that Kenshin did not seem to mind Kotetsu as much as he thought. Probably because he stopped calling him Sensei. He definitely looked more amused than annoyed now, which was probably in Kotetsu’s favour. Kenshin then responded with "That truly depends on what you want to learn first, as there are a great many things I can teach you. Would you like to learn some basic medical techniques? Basic non-elemental ninjutsu techniques? Basic elemental techniques? Basic Space/Time techniques... really, just let me know what you would like to learn first"  There Was so much that Kotetsu wanted to learn, but he didn’t want to cause Kenshin’s mood to sour. 

“There’s at least one water-style ninjutsu I want to master.” Kotetsu says slowly. “The Hidden Mist technique.” He had to think for a moment, there were so many jutsu but like every shinobi he would likely have a limit to what he could learn, so he would need to choose carefully. “I don’t have any really powerful water jutsu, so anything like that you could show me would be great. I’m also looking to learn more about Space-Time ninjutsu, since I have been interested in that particular area of skill. I already know the Flicker movement jutsu, but any others you might know would definitely be helpful. Kotetsu paused for another moment or two, just to make sure he had everything he wanted to cover. “Oh, and I was reading up on Shadow Clones. I figure they might be handy to have for the Chuunin exam as I don’t have any other clone jutsu with a solid form.” ‘I hope I’m not asking too much…’ Kotetsu thought to himself as he waited for Kenshin to respond. ‘At least if he can show me a couple things, I will have more than enough time to learn them before the Chuunin exams start…’

TWC: 3624 (3000 WC claimed already)
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Mon Nov 20, 2017 1:40 am
"There's at least one water style ninjutsu I wish to master. The Hidden Mist technique" the boy would say slowly, earning a nod from the silver haired teen. As a relatively skilled user of water release Kenshin knew full well just how versatile the element itself was, so it only made sense that the younger of the two wished to learn a few water release techniques. The Hidden Mist technique in particularly was a great choice, especially for someone who was as low in both rank and offensive capability as this youngster.

After giving that answer though, Kotetsu would take a few moments to think of other things that he wished to learn, something that the stitched and scarred medic didn't mind all that much, as it gave him time to think. As Kotetsu thought of what he wished Kenshin to teach him, the scar faced young man would be thinking of how he would go about improving himself further... and truly there were so many different ways he could go about doing such a thing. He could perhaps try to create some new and powerful medical techniques, he could also try to expand his ninjutsu arsenal even further, and who knows, he may even be able to bring his control over his threads to new heights.

Actually... come to think of it... he really should get started on that stuff as soon as possible, which in turn meant that he didn't really have the time to sit around teaching this boy everything that he wished to learn.

"I don't really have any particularly powerful water jutsu, so anything like that you could show me would be great. I'm also looking to learn more about Space-Time ninjutsu, since I have been very interested in that particular area of skill. I already know the Flicker Movement jutsu, but any others you know would definitely be helpful." he would say before pausing, no doubt trying to think up more things that he wished to learn. Well... at the very least Kotetsu seemed to know one other field that he wished to specialize in sometime in the future, Space-Time ninjutsu... something that Kenshin himself was planning to learn more about in the very near future.

"Oh, and I was reading up on Shadow Clones. I figured they might be handy to have for the chunin exams as I don't have any other clone jutsu with a solid form." he would then say, earning a small hum of acknowledgement from Kenshin. Shadow Clone was indeed a very useful technique...but unfortunately, Kenshin wasn't about to teach a fresh Genin such a chakra intensive technique.

"You certainly have some lofty ambitions... but I am afraid I won't be teaching you anything that is not considered to be basic today." Kenshin would say in a rather bland tone, his almost lifeless eyes boring through Kotetsu. His words would no doubt disappoint the youngster, but he didn't really care... he simply was not powerful enough for Kenshin to justify teaching such high ranked techniques.

"Space-Time is a good field of study, and the fact that you've already learned how to use Flicker Movement will probably help you out with the two that I'm about to teach you. Although, now that I think about it, it will probably only help with one of the two actually... the other will probably be a little trickier for you because of how it works" the silver haired teen would say with a small smirk on his face.

"The one It will probably make easier is known as the Mass Shift. Essentially, what you need to do is concentrate your chakra on the space time continuum around a specific object. Once you've done that, use your chakra to 'pull' the object in whatever direction you wish. Keep in mind, as this is a very weak technique you more than likely won't be able to do this with large objects, and they won't move very fast." Kenshin would then explain to Kotetsu, all the while demonstrating the technique himself by holding the required hand seal and demonstrating the jutsu by 'pulling' a small rock into the air between them.

"Flicker Movement should help with this technique as it's basic premise is the same, concentrate your chakra into the space time continuum around an object, which in the case of Flicker Movement is your body, then use said chakra to slow time around your body. Mass shift is essentially the same concept, but with space rather than time." the chunin of Hoshigakure would explain, breaking the technique down to it's basics in order to help Kotetsu understand how to use it better.

"The other technique is known as Storage Displacement, and essentially it allows you to create a 'pocket' between the fabrics of realities that you can store items in. It's relatively simple, despite how it sounds. All you really have to focus on is creating a bubble of sorts in the space time continuum using your chakra. Once the bubble is made, all you have to do is form these two hand seals and touch an object, in order to transport said item into your little bubble." Kenshin would explain, once more demonstrating the technique as he did so. And once again he used the same rock as before to demonstrate an item being stored away in the 'bubble'.

"Now, the final technique I will be teaching you. The Hidden Mist technique is quite simple compared to the two techniques that I just demonstrated, and as such you shouldn't really have all that much difficulty performing it. Form the tiger hand seal and begin channeling your chakra either into your mouth, or into a nearby source of water. If you do it from a nearby source of water, simply use your chakra to 'merge' the water itself with the air, effectively creating mist. If you channel your chakra into your mouth, begin to create water and exhale, once more, forming mist" Kenshin would explain simply. Honestly compared to using your chakra to warp the space-time continuum creating mist was easy.

The silver haired teen would stay for long enough to watch Kotetsu perform each jutsu, before making his way back towards Hoshigakure without a word.

As he walked away he would call over his shoulder to Kotetsu.

"If you wish to learn the Shadow Clone technique and some powerful water release techniques, then seek me out when you are stronger."

WC: 1075


TWC: 6217

2438 words towards, Stormy Blockade, claiming (25% max stat discount

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Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:38 am
Kotetsu's initial request elicited a nod from the scar-covered shinobi, which was definitely a good thing. Kenshin listened quietly throughout the rest of what Kotetsu said in regards to his learning aspirations at this time, ending with a small hum when he touched on Shadow Clones. Kotetsu couldn't really tell what the hum was for, but it didn't really matter. The scar-covered Chuunin responded not long after that.

"You certainly have some lofty ambitions... but I am afraid I won't be teaching you anything that is not considered to be basic today." Kenshin would say in a rather bland tone, causing Kotetsu to sigh inwardly. It made sense, but he had still been hopeful. 'Oh well...' He thought to himself, 'I have plenty of time to learn about Shadow Clones...' he didn't have long to dwell on it though, because Kenshin moved right along into the other techniques he had brought up.

"Space-Time is a good field of study, and the fact that you've already learned how to use Flicker Movement will probably help you out with the two that I'm about to teach you. Although, now that I think about it, it will probably only help with one of the two actually... the other will probably be a little trickier for you because of how it works" Kenshin had a smirk on his face as he said this. Perhaps it was because he was looking forward to seeing how Kotetsu handled himself with the techniques. Perhaps he was expecting Kotetsu to fail at them? It didn't matter, Kotetsu would try his hardest to master anything he learned here. It would seem that Kenshin was not one to give respect easily, so it was now a challenge for Kotetsu to earn even a small measure of his respect. Kenshin was still in the middle of explaining the techniques, so Kotetsu made sure to pay attention to everything that was being explained so that he would not miss out on anything.

"The one It will probably make easier is known as the Mass Shift. Essentially, what you need to do is concentrate your chakra on the space time continuum around a specific object. Once you've done that, use your chakra to 'pull' the object in whatever direction you wish. Keep in mind, as this is a very weak technique you more than likely won't be able to do this with large objects, and they won't move very fast." Kenshin would then explain to Kotetsu, demonstrating the technique himself by holding the required hand seal and demonstrating the jutsu by 'pulling' a small rock into the air between them. 'That's a very useful technique...' Kotetsu thought to himself. "It's essentially telekinesis but on a small scale..." Kotetsu said out loud, more external musing than specifically to the scar-covered Chuunin. He could definitely see a lot of practical applications to the technique. Space-Time ninjutsu were impressive indeed. "Flicker Movement should help with this technique as it is basic premise is the same, concentrate your chakra into the space time continuum around an object, which in the case of Flicker Movement is your body, then use said chakra to slow time around your body. Mass shift is essentially the same concept, but with space rather than time." the scar-covered Chuunin would explain, breaking the technique down to its basics in order to help Kotetsu understand how to use it better. Kotetsu would be sure to memorize the information for now, as he will be trying to perform each technique after Kenshin had explained everything, so that he wouldn't have to stop and wait for Kotetsu to muddle through it all. As long as he had the basics, Kotetsu was sure he could manage without the older shinobi's assistance. After the brief demonstration, Kenshin then moved into the next jutsu he was going to show Kotetsu.

"The other technique is known as Storage Displacement, and essentially it allows you to create a 'pocket' between the fabrics of realities that you can store items in. It's relatively simple, despite how it sounds. All you really have to focus on is creating a bubble of sorts in the space time continuum using your chakra. Once the bubble is made, all you have to do is form these two hand seals and touch an object, in order to transport said item into your little bubble." Kenshin explained to the young Genin, once more demonstrating the technique as he did so. He used the same rock as before to demonstrate an item being stored away in the 'bubble'. 'That is also a very handy jutsu...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'I'll need to look into the specifics of that technique. What can be stored, how much space does it have? Would a living being be able to survive in that space?..' Too many questions to ask Kenshin, since it would seem he had other things on his mind, and Kotetsu did not want to keep him too long.

"Now, the final technique I will be teaching you. The Hidden Mist technique is quite simple compared to the two techniques that I just demonstrated, and as such you shouldn't really have all that much difficulty performing it. Form the tiger hand seal and begin channeling your chakra either into your mouth, or into a nearby source of water. If you do it from a nearby source of water, simply use your chakra to 'merge' the water itself with the air, effectively creating mist. If you channel your chakra into your mouth, begin to create water and exhale, once more, forming mist" Kenshin would explain simply. it was a very simple concept, and one Kotetsu was pretty confident that he would be able to duplicate, especially with them already so close to a source of water. 'I wonder if it has to be a source of water...' Kotetsu thought to himself. 'Depending on the humidity, there could be more than enough latent water content in the air for this particular jutsu. Definitely something to experiment with...'

The first jutsu that Kotetsu attempted was the hidden mist jutsu, since that was going to be the easiest one to work on. And it really was easy, especially with the water to draw on. He made the tiger hand sign and infused his chakra into the pond nearby to create the mist. Kotetsu could definitely think of a few ways to make this technique better. 'Freezing the mist into hailstones could make this a potent attack for sure...' He thought to himself as he released the jutsu. 'Anyways, on to the next one...'

The Mass Shift jutsu was definitely trickier. He did not use his chakra much for Space-Time ninjutsu, but it shouldn't be overly difficult. He used the same type of chakra for the flicker movement, and that was similar like Kenshin said, it just used a different part of the chakra. Similar to how there is Yin and Yang chakra natures. Since the rock wasn't around, Kotetsu used the technique on some water, to pick it up, and move it a little further out into the pond. 'That wasn't as hard as I thought...' he thought to himself with a satisfied smile.

The last technique was the Storage Displacement jutsu, and it was definitely easier. Creating the bubble was almost exactly the same as with the Mass shift. Except it was more permanent. Plus he could shift stuff into it. A quick pair of hand signs and a stick went into the pocket, to be retrieved at a later date. 'I'm sure I could find out more about the applications of these jutsu at the library...' Kotetsu thought to himself.

It would seem the lesson was over. Kenshin would stay for long enough to watch Kotetsu perform each jutsu, before making his way back towards Hoshigakure without a word. As he walked away, he called back over his shoulder to Kotetsu. "If you wish to learn the Shadow Clone technique and some powerful water release techniques, then seek me out when you are stronger." Kotetsu nods at the departing Chuunin. 'I will do so, and I will impress you with how much stronger I have become. I will be able to master whatever you throw my way...'

With that, Kotetsu also leaves, heading back to the library.


WC: 1384
TWC: 5008 (3000 claimed already)

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Storage Displacement (500/500, 50% Trainer Discount)
Mass Shift (500/500, 50% Trainer Discount)

250 WC towards Hidden Mist  (750/750, 50% Trainer Discount)
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Master of Winter (1445/2000)

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Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK) - Page 2 Empty Re: Water Anyone? (Private, Kotetsu, Kenshin, NK)

Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:14 am
Approved both of you
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