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Making up Time (Cole) Empty Making up Time (Cole)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:39 am
Saluluna stood in the center of the grounds where nothing could get in her way, her hands slammed together in a collection of signs, her chakra rising from her chest into her hands... Electricity sparked out from her palms with each sign, growing in intensity as well until it seemed that a steady coat of voltage flowed from her...

"Lightning style..." She muttered, raising her sparking hands above her head. "Electromagnetic Murder." Throwing her arms down to the ground, her hands struck the earth quite uncomfortably but surly a massive explosion of power would occur soon after!


Any time...

Even the electricity stopped flowing at this point, a small cloud of dust *poofing* up all around her.

"Well... That was disappointing." She muttered, flipping back her hood and letting her snow-white hair fall free. There was something she just wasn't doing right... There had to be... Perhaps she misread the instructions on the scroll she was learning from? Maybe she wasn't putting enough power into it...? Perhaps the earth just wasn't feeling cooperative today... Something had to be up.

"Well! Time to try it again!" She sighed, slamming her hands together again for the umpteenth time today.

"Lightning Style...."
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:40 am
Cole was walking through the training grounds. It wasn't that crowded today with a few groups on different sections of the field. The sun was out in force making it hot as hell out. Cole figured that it was probably the reason their wasn't a lot of people out training today. He did note that it was nice to have the breeze roll through every now and then. Cole had been putting in a lot of training for the chuunin exams coming up next month, and he wasn't about to let the heat beat him out of training today. He still needed to get stronger if he was going to pass the exam. After all he didn't know all the genin in the village or how strong they was. He had met a few and they was pretty strong but most of the people that was stronger than him that he had met was chuunin or higher. Cole wanted to be stronger than they was and this was the first step he thought to himself as he walked around looking for a good spot.

It was at that point that he saw her. She had silver hair like he did he watched her practice the jutsu she was working on, but failed at it. Cole didn't know much about ninjutsu but she looked strong physically and cole hadn't met her yet, so cole walked over hearing her say something but he couldn't make it out. “Hay hows it going” cole would yell over to her as he was walking over to see her. Once their he would extend a hand “the names cole” he'd say while lifting his hand for a shake.


Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:24 pm
"Electromagnetic Murder." Again she threw her hand down, striking the earth hard enough to make her wrist ache, a small spark arching across the ground in response to her efforts along with a bigger dust *poof*. HEY, it was progress! Well done to her. Saluluna sighed happily, glad to see that she was making some kind of headway with this technique. Soon, it might actually be functional!

It was then, her one eye would catch movement ahead, the girl glancing up to see some kind of shirtless kid in a cloak walk her way, waving his hand at her in some kind of greeting. Now that wasn't something you saw every day... Was it in fashion to to not wear shirts anymore? Were cloaks a new thing...? She'd have to make more once she got home... Maybe finish that pentagram design she was working on.

"Uh... Hi!" She greeted back, raising a hand and greeting him awkwardly. As the guy drew closer, she could make out the fact he kept his hair as long as hers and they even shared a similar tone in white. The real difference was that it looked better on her and a shirt would look better on him. Drawing within Arm's reach, the boy held out his hand, introducing himself as Cole as casually as he pleased. What an... uninteresting name for someone who dressed so unusually. She wondered if there was a story there... Perhaps she'd find out if she probed.

"Hey there... uh... Cole." She greeted, taking his hand. The woman that stood before him was clad in a black Kimono-like robe, the hood pulled over her head. A long black cloth wrapped over her head and around her left eye, hiding it's damage beneath. She wore black, loose pants a boots, as well as black gloves, a true dichotomy to the smile she offered to the boy. He looked friendly enough. Perhaps he'd stay that way.

"My name is Saluluna but call me 'Sal'. Nice to meet you. I'd say 'my shirt's off to you' but it seems you were ahead of me on that one."
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:13 pm
The girl took coles hand in greeting and shook it gently like most women do. Cole didn't think much of it cause he noticed that she had one of her eyes covered with cloth. This made cole curious as to what happened and why she covered it. He figured that he would learn eventually she seemed nice enough, and for cole that was enough to keep talking. He had met people that was strong in their own right, but was complete ass's and cole didn't like it. He didn't care for people that was full of them self's, and he enjoyed putting them in their place. She though was nice a little shy it would seam but cole didn't mind as long as she was willing to get stronger he was fine with it. He knew that peoples attitudes didn't matter when it came to strength and fighting abilities. Cole would introduce him self and she would intern to the same.

"My name is Saluluna but call me 'Sal'. Nice to meet you. I'd say 'my shirt's off to you' but it seems you were ahead of me on that one." she would say cole found it amusing that she would say something like that. Not a single person he had met yet said anything or asked why he never wore a shirt. In part it was because he didn't like shirts they made him feel to confined, but on they other hand he got tired of having to keep buying them. It was easier to just take off the cloak than it was to take off a shirt, so in short it was a combination of him being lazy and cheep.

Yea I really don't like them they get in the way” cole would tell her in response. “What you practicing out here anyway if you don't mind me asking” cole would add.

(WC-315 TWC- 603)

Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:11 pm
"You wouldn't believe how much I'd like to find out if that's true." Saluluna joked, shaking her head in response to the kid's opinion on shirts. "But society would evict me for trying. Apparently it's unlady-like to have your chest all hanging out. Can you believe it?" She shrugged, sighing whistfully as if she actually longed for a day she could run about half-naked. Inside though, she was just laughing her head off, imagining all the naked women dropping men with their... features. Ah... what a true masterpiece that'd be...

"Well, my shirtless acquaintance, they call it the most misleading name ever: 'Electromagnetic Murder!' The reason it's so misleading is the lack of electromagnetism and murder going on right now. Just... static and dust! Now it that isn't false advertising, Cole, I don't know what is."

Of course, she knew this had more to do with her failure to preform the technique than the technique not living up to it's name. It was drilled into her head at the academy that anything could be a weapon in the right hands... She just had to be those right hands...

"What about you, shirtless short-stack? What brings you out here and to little-ol' me?"
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:50 pm
"You wouldn't believe how much I'd like to find out if that's true." she said in a joking manner. She even had a bit of a smile with it. "But society would evict me for trying. Apparently it's unlady-like to have your chest all hanging out. Can you believe it?" she would continue. Cole thought about it for a while and joined her in laughing at the thought. He would find it funny, and couldn't help but relies soon after that it would probably end bad for most man on the planet. What with all the nose bleeds that would be going on. It would flood the streets of hoshi with blood plus the churches would have a field day with it as well.

"Well, my shirtless acquaintance, they call it the most misleading name ever: 'Electromagnetic Murder!' The reason it's so misleading is the lack of electromagnetism and murder going on right now. Just... static and dust! Now it that isn't false advertising, Cole, I don't know what is." cole thought to himself he wasn't the best with ninjutsu but he had learned one ninjutsu. His talents lead him to taijutsu, but he probably could help her get the hang of it. He thought to himself as he listened to the girls explanation of the jutsu. Cole was lost in thought and didn't even respond till sal moved onto the next question. Dam I must look like an idiot he thought to himself.

"What about you, shirtless short-stack? What brings you out here and to little-ol' me?" she asked him. Cole didn't really know what to say, so cole figured that honesty was the best choice. “Well I was out here going to do some training, and I get more experience learning jutsu if I try to use them in battle” cole would tell sal. “I was walking around looking for someone to spar with for some practice. When I noticed you standing over here all alone, and I thought maybe you would like to spar” cole added as he rubbed his hands on his pants. He was a bit nerves, and had never really talked to any girls before this, so he didn't really know how act. Cole would wait to see what sal would say, and hope she didn't tell him to get lost and come back when he was taller.

(WC-394 TWC- 997)

Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:38 am
Saluluna blinked as the kid explained his purpose here. Ignoring the fact he just mentioned sparring in two tangential sentences which threw off his entire request, The kid looked like the kind of person someone like her would avoid sparring with unless she had a death wish. Don't get her wrong, Cole was hilarious in appearance and someone on his level would have to take wearing the wrong socks like the end of the world to treat him with great respect. It was his honed, bodily features though that made her second guess her option to fight him.

"A spar huh?" The girl murmured as Cole rubbed his hands on his (assuming) pant-leg. Kid looked like he hadn't missed gains day since the moment he was conceived and he was offering a spar...? WELL WHO WAS SHE to turn down such a generous offer? They say beating sense into people actually worked. She wouldn't know of course as she had trouble opening a bag of chips but hey... it was a NINJA bag of chips. More to the point, perhaps fighting Cole would give her the intuition or subconscious motivation to figure out where she was screwing up and fix it.

"Sure! Have at thee!"

Without warning, Sal would throw out a straight punch right down into the kid's face in an effort to knock him flat (speed 15, strength 5). She'd be an idiot to expect with her meager muscles that it'd do little more than hurt her own fist but hey... Where was all the fun without adventure?
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:04 am
She had agreed to the spar, and cole was excited he didn't know how strong she was or what kind of jutus she would be able to pull off. Cole was just wanting to see what she could do really. Then she threw a punch a straight punch right at coles face. Cole was so preoccupied that he didn't even see it coming. He was not expecting her to just start with out any warning. After all it was a spar not a fight to the death on the battle field. Her punch landed square on coles face hitting him right below the nose. After cole would jump back at a speed of 50 putting some distance between the two of them.

“That was a cheep shot” cole would say in a voice high enough he knew she would hear. While undoing the fasten on his cloak. He would let the cloak drop to the side of him while telling her that he would get her back for that. Cole then started to push bones out of his palms, elbows, knees, and the back of his shoulders. He would make the bones blunt that way not to hurt her if he hit her. He still didn't know much about her aside from the fact that she don't fight fair in a spar. He would expect such things on the battle field, but he just couldn't get over the fact that she hit him in the mouth. The copper taste in his was a reminder of it as well. She had managed to slit his lip a bit he didn't know if it was from her punch or his teeth, but it was caused by her that much he knew.

Cole was wanting to test her a bit and see just how strong she was so he would hold back the lions share of his strength and speed for now. Moving at a speed of 30 cole would charge at her he would attempt to land a blow to her belly with the bone spike from his left palm. (str of 10) If that landed than she would probably double over to her holding her belly and cole would follow up with an bone spike from his right elbow on to her back (spd 30 str 10) than wait to see what she would do to counter.

(WC-397 TWC-1394
dance of the willow -AP-20

Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 10:18 am
Saluluna couldn't believe that her punch actually landed, striking the kid full on and causing him to recoil... quite fast too. Almost a blur actually. She wasted no time slamming her hands together, completing a single seal by the time the kid started pushing bones out of his flesh...

"Oh... gross..." She cringed, squinting her eyes as the putrid sight... It looked like something out of some kind of horror story... why did he had to do that...? She didn't have time to openly question his bone-deformation technique as the ninja rushed her down again, a spear-like bone aimed right at her torso. She managed to weave two more signs as he charged. The moment he thrusted his hand forward to drill his hand-pike into her stomach, Sal shifted to the side, barely quick enough to avoid such a seemingly painful blow (speed 15, reaction time 60). More importantly, this gave her time to complete the fourth seal, lightning crackling and buzzing about her like she was some kind of battery, coagulating into 3 electric balls that hovered around her body.

"Lightning-Style..." She whispered, her one icy blue eye staring into the bone-man's soul. "Lightning Rat Violent Quake...." What a name indeed... It almost made her feel stupid to say, so long was it's name but then... who cared about such things?

Pointing her finger at the child, the three energy balls rushed him, one after another as they homed on his location (Speed 20, Power 20 each). The electricity she summoned ripped up the earth somewhat, a satisfying result for her fist attempt trying this jutsu... It seemed far more complicated than electromagnetic murder, what creating homing murder balls so... Was this just luck...?

One this was for sure... it was draining... Half her stamina gone *snap* like that. Already, Saluluna's breathing was heavy, her eye drooping somewhat If these attacks hit, Cole would be subject to tons of volts of electricity, hopefully stopping his attacks dead. If not... Saluluna was gonna have a bad time.

Lightning Rat Violent Quake -20 ap -10 for 2 extra orbs.
Travin Iburi
Travin Iburi
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Making up Time (Cole) Empty Re: Making up Time (Cole)

Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:41 pm
Cole was surprised that she was able to dodge it. He didn't think she was going to be fast enough, but she rolled to one side and finished her hand signs. Cole kept going a few feet before stopping he had saw her making the hand signs, and he knew that jutsu could be bad. He saw as the lighting aura take effect great she uses lighting attacks cole thought to himself. He then saw the three balls of lighting form out of the aura around her. “Well thats not good” cole said to him self as he focused all his power into the spikes on his body. He figured that their was no way those balls of lighting was stronger than his bones. Cole pored all the chakra he could making the bones as strong as possible. ( health 80)

Once he had he Sal had let the three balls of lighting loose flying at cole. (SPD 20) cole took off hitting his max speed of 90 in short time hitting the first ball with the spike out of the palm of his left hand shattering the ball and giving cole a jolt of electricity, but the bone had taken most of the damage and cole just got a good shock out of it himself. Cole then slammed his other palm spike into the next ball of lighting with the same effect, and finishing with a knee to the last. After all three balls had been delt with at a speed so fast that Sal probably hadn't realized they was gone yet. Cole slips behind sal “Not to bad” he would say in a low tone letting his back touch hers, as the bones slid back into coles body. Cole didn't want sal to know the weakness to the bones yet. While they was sharp and powerful they decay while out of the body, and while he was able to take on the balls of lighting the spikes on his palms and knee had been cracked from were the decay had already weakened them. Cole would stand with his back to sal waiting to see if she had any more tricks try.

(WC-363 TWC-1757)
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