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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:06 pm
Yurei nodded at Damon as he leapt quietly walked into the crowd of shinobi and villagers alike. The Uchiha closed his eyes and focused on his chakra, flooding the area with it. He stretched out, feeling the chakra signatures around him. They all felt different, but in subtle ways. They were still easily distinguishable, however, and that was without Yurei’s chakra vision.
The Uchiha wandered around the area, subtly eyeing the shinobi and then Damon with each one he passed. Making them out was easier than he thought, but memorizing which was which was very difficult. The flood of information made things more complicated.
Again, Yurei would eye Damon as he passed a shinobi. Blatantly calling it out would cause too much trouble. He only hoped Damon would pick up on what he was doing. The pale Uchiha maneuvered through the crowd, checking the individuals’ chakra fluctuations. Some were calm, other were brimming with power. Yurei narrowed his eyes, cutting through the air with them, but not activating his Sharingan. That would make things to easy, and he wanted to see their chakra without the use of his eyes.
And then, Yurei finished. He presumed he had detected all of the shinobi in the general area like little dots on a radar scanner. This technique was very effective for situational awareness.
The Uchiha then returned to Damon, nodding as he did so. “So, how did I do? You noticed I looked at you a few times, right?”

WC: 1733
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Wed Jul 26, 2017 5:57 pm
Damon was confused at first, but then eventually picked up on the fact that every time Yurei suspected that he had found a shinobi, he had turned towards the chuunin to confirm. Most of the time, he seemed to be right, although he appeared to have missed one or two of the weakest signatures, but no matter. He watched as the pale skinned boy weaved through the crowded marketplace, careful not to run into anyone or cause any trouble. When the boy had completed his rather mundane task, Damon knew that it was time for their impromptu sparring match to finally occur. He smirked before talking to the genin, who was now his subordinate in a way, “Follow me. Our makeshift arena is not that far from here. Try to keep up.” And with that, he took off, weaving his way through the marketplace just like his clan member had just done, albeit at a faster pace and without stopping to smell the roses. He glanced behind him to see if the younger boy had managed to begin to follow him, before Damon turned his attention back in front of him, avoiding a near crash with a food cart. Instead, he jumped above it, landing on the roof of the mobile wagon, and leapt even further from there, grabbing onto a windowsill of a nearby building at the edge of the marketplace. He then proceeded to pull himself upwards, grabbing onto the window frame, and lifting the weight of his body upwards. Of course, he could always use surface walking, but climbing was much more fun. He used his feet to kick off of the window, pushing his body far enough back to grab onto the roof, catching himself by reaching upwards and grabbing the gutter. He then pulled himself vertically until his torso was above the line, lifting up a foot to fully push the rest of his body onto the orange shingled surface.

Glancing back for a mere second in order to catch a glimpse of Yurei, Damon would take off once more, running along rooftops and down small rope bridges that connected buildings over walkways, most likely these would be used to hold up flags for celebrations and whatnot. The boy ran. He kept running until he reached a building, slightly taller than the rest. Whereas other buildings were more colorful, this one had more of a greyish tint to it, and was rather square. This just meant that its roof was flat. With another confident smirk, Damon allowed himself to feel excited for this new challenge to face, which was a wonderful change of pace for him. He now used surface walking to scale the building, running upwards with his arms flown backwards in the classic anime style of running. He would eventually reach the roof, where a small structure stood in the back right corner, housing the stairs for that led to the top of the building. It was there that he would wait for Yurei to arrive, which he did not expect. After all, he believed that he was the superior shinobi in regards to speed, which he may just be proven wrong. Chakra flooded throughout his body, ready to be turned into either lightning or fire style jutsu. Their arena was a flat, stone surface, twenty meters by twenty meters, a perfect square. Damon stood opposite of where he had entered, prepared to try out some new techniques on his friend. He just had to wait now.

WC: 2200
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Wed Jul 26, 2017 6:14 pm
As Yurei followed Damon through the streets, the boy thought about his Uchiha clansman. He was fast, but not faster than the pale Uchiha. Yurei had learned much since their last encounter, and the pale Uchiha stayed closely behind Damon, careful not to flaunt his full power before their sparring match had begun.
But, winding through the busy marketplace, Yurei could make out where Damon was going. That tallest building. The dark-haired Uchiha ran up the side of the building, finally making use of the surface walking. Excellent. So, this was their area of play. Yurei slowed, casually walking up the side of the building at a slow relaxed pace.
When Yurei finally reached the top of the tall, grey building, he gave a bright, uncompetitive smile, placing his legs in a defensive position. “Well, Damon,” he said, smiling, “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

WC: 1877
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:30 am
The challenging tone in the voice of his albino clan member only solidified his resolve. Damon signed the chain of handseals needed for flame whirlwind: Monkey → Bird → Dog → Ram. Fire engulfed his body at a speed of 60, swirling around him in a five meter diameter, causing the flames to flicker over the edge while also taking up about a fourth of their arena. Not that Yurei was able to see it, but Damon flashed a cocky smirk. The flaming technique then launched towards Yurei at a speed of 60. He blinked as his sharingan activated. The two tomoe swirled around his pupil in a sea of red as he would allow himself to have sharper vision in order for him to be able to see how Yurei responded. Now that he knew the secret behind his eyes, that they were part of the advanced bloodline of the Uchiha clan, he was able to use them more efficiently. Last time he had seen Yurei, he had two tomoe whereas the albino had only just unlocked his first tomoe.

Damon did not expect for his fire jutsu to really affect the tide of the battle or anything. It was merely cover for his follow up attack and currently his favorite move. Chidori. At a speed of 75, his hands rapidly signed the handseal chain that consisted of Ox → Rabbit → Monkey or Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey, causing the sound of a thousand birds to cry out. CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP Obviously, he would be causing his chakra to appear to be showing some restraint, no blow being powerful enough to kill his friend, only wound or potentially maim. Wink wink. His arm fizzled with a blinding white and blue surge of electricity as coils of lightning natured chakra danced along his forearm, arcing across his hand. For a moment, he considered yelling the name of a jutsu simply because it seemed to be almost nostalgic in a way and was nearly just an impulse. However, he bit his tongue. Perhaps Damon could become the unbeatable shinobi one day, known far and wide for not announcing what moves he was using, so people would not know what to expect. Truly the most genius of all battle tactics. Damon charged forwards at what would be a speed of 40, not the fastest that he was able to move, but he had to build up speed after all. Stupid physics and logic and whatnot. This was currently the strongest jutsu in Damon’s arsenal, so he figured that he should go big or go home. To his knowledge, he was the superior shinobi of the two, as his rank indicated, so he did not expect much of a fight. Although, he could be very wrong about that. Damon had been so caught up in his own promotion, that he had missed out on training, while Yurei had been.

WC: 2700
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:21 am
Damon wasted no time. The dark-haired Uchiha began signing handseals, enveloping himself in fire. Yurei raised an eyebrow, watching carefully. What was this fire technique? It wasn’t phoenix fire. And it wasn’t great fireball.
Suddenly, the fire launched forward. The pale Uchiha narrowed his eyes. Launching himself back of the edge (62 speed) with a thrust. Yurei quickl flipped, channeling chakra to his feet and clinging to the wall. The fire passed over him, and the heated air around it touched his face gingerly. The boy began running (62 speed) along the side of the building, activating his three tomoe sharingan (+10 speed, bringing it to 72 and an RT of 210). The boy ran sideways, circling the building on foot and at an upward angle. By the time he got the the far side of the building, he would be back at the roof.
As Yurei ran, treading across the light grey building, he narrowed his eyes, refusing to his any ninjutsu. He wanted to test the water with Damon, for now. Should he reach the opposite end of the roof, Yurei would stare at Damon with his more advanced Sharingan, weaving the Sharingan Genjutsu should the dark-haired individual make eye contact, while circling him, maintaining speed.
Assuming he did, the Sharingan Genjutsu would subtly activate, slowly increasing the heat Damon felt at a constant rate, magnifying the sun upon him.

WC: 2109
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:50 am
After Yurei had cleverly dodged the flaming whirlwind, Damon’s follow up attack had been rendered void, as he no longer had a target. His arm still flickering with lightning chakra leftover from chidori, he looked over the edge to see if Yurei was still down below, only to discover that he was not. “Not bad,” he said aloud. Perhaps he was toying with Yurei, or maybe Yurei was toying with him. Faint chirping came from his right arm as it seemed to glow brighter with white chakra. He’s fast. Faster than I remember. Just how badly had Damon been slacking? Yurei was weaker than him the last time the two were together, but now it seemed as though they were equal. This was good for reasons like political correctness and whatnot, but Damon needed to be stronger. His legacy relied on his power. Turning to face his albino opponent, their eyes met. “Th-three?” Damon recalled that he had only achieved the second state, but it appeared that Yurei had surpassed him in visual prowess as well. His voice low, he only let a single word slip, “How-” before his voice faltered. He smiled before projecting his voice, “I see you’ve gotten stronger, brother.” While the two were not directly related, they shared the same blood. The blood of the Uchiha clan. Their kinsmanship would only grow in the future, however, for now, Damon needed to prove his worth. “But not strong enough.” His arrogance caused a greater surge in chakra than he had used before. I need to be stronger than this. On mere instinct, he raised his right arm upwards, aiming at Yurei. I will be stronger than this.

The newly found sensation of chakra flooded throughout his body, surging towards his eyes as the chakra discharged through his arm. The blinding white stream of light pierced through the sky as much as the noise it produced broke the silence as well. CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP. The beam was Damon’s own chidori, modified to protrude from his arm to become a ranged attack at a speed of 75. Once the beam was fired, he slammed his eyes shut. His body temperature began to rise for two reasons: one, he had been caught in Yurei’s visual genjutsu and two, the sudden surge of chakra throughout his body affected his eyes. Looking at the results of his chidori sharp spear were now a pair of three tomoe sharingan. Damon had no way of knowing his eyes had improved, aside from being able to see the events unfold in greater detail than before, while his body seemed to become stronger in order to keep up with what he could process.

WC: 3150

Last edited by Damon <3 on Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:26 am
Yurei stared at Damon, analyzing his opponent as he circled him, now moving at 135 speed. Yurei cut his eyes at the Uchiha, witnessing a change. His eyes had evolved into the third tomoe. Already? Impressive. He must have used the Sharingan a lot. Still, Yurei was a more practiced hand at the evolved Sharingan.
The pale Uchiha turned the heat up more, now roughly at 115 degrees Fahrenheit. “Brother,” Damon had said to him. It felt nice to hear that. He and Akio were the only things close to that, and, now, he  felt less lonely. The death of his father hit him hard. But Yurei had people to fill the void. Damon, his brother in blood, and Akio, the mischievous, carefree Inuzuka who liked to smell people. Yurei could not help but smile at the word. Maybe Damon felt the same way after the loss of his father-figure.
It was a shame that his ego needed a check.
Yurei saw his chakra swell and his hand raise, revealing a long-range lightning jutsu. Impressive arsenal, but the pale Uchiha evaded it with ease, closing in on Damon with incredible speed. Should Damon not move, Yurei would be at about a 10 meter distance before he quickly signed Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger while holding his chakra back, kneaded the chakra within his chest, and released a volley of fireballs, all two feet in diameter, at Damon’s feet (40 speed, 4 power).

WC: 2357
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:11 am
Damon had a feeling that if it weren’t for his activated sharingan, that the albino Uchiha may have been running faster than a speed of which Damon could keep track. What speed… the chuunin mused to himself. The boy was somewhat disappointed that this newfound ability had missed its mark, thanks to the impressive speed at which Yurei was running. Or did it? Damon shifted his arm, still raised. The beam continued surging, at which he would turn counter to the direction that Yurei was running, meaning that unless the genin came to a stop and dodged, that he would become stunned by the lightning spear. Sweat visibly dripped down the face as well as from the brow of the chuunin. Why is it so hecking hot. Even in his own thoughts, Damon practiced his habit of not cursing. He was beginning to feel rather exhausted as he glanced towards the cloudless sky for a moment. Before they had arrived on the roof, it had not been near this arid, even with them living in a desert. He looked towards Yurei, who did not seem to be suffering from the heat near as much. Although this observation came with another reveal. Damon had turned just in time to see the handseals Yurei used before six fireballs were launched at him by the genin. Mentally, he seemingly recorded a video. Damon was not quite sure what was happening, but leapt backwards as the fireballs seemed aimed lower, all the while maintaining his chidori sharp spear. The sweeping jutsu would cross paths with the genin unless he dodged, a straight beam of light threatening to intersect the boy at a speed of 75.

If it did manage to touch Yurei, the lightning spear would immediately be manipulated into several smaller spears on contact, contouring itself into four smaller, albeit slightly weaker, spears composed of lightning chakra, stunning the boy where he stood, and forcing him to stop running. Either way, unless he was exceptionally clever, there would be no manageable way for him to keep up his momentum. He would either need to dodge and be slowed down or stopped altogether by the power of Damon’s lightning jutsu. If the move did not make contact, then Damon would drop his arm, now free of a jutsu, and mimic exactly what he had just seen Yurei perform: Phoenix Fire no Jutsu. Without planning out ahead of time, Damon would find himself instinctively signing the handseal chain that consisted of Rat → Tiger → Dog → Ox → Rabbit → Tiger, before feeling fire chakra quickly being kneaded in the pit of his stomach. He would open his mouth and release flaming armageddon as the chakra infused fireballs would rain down from above towards Yurei at a speed of 40. The power was unimportant, as this was just a friendly sparring match, so the chuunin was holding back his chakra. Damon would then blink in surprise, as he had never even used the technique before today. Is this the power of my eyes? he would wonder to himself as he landed back on his feet in preparation for a counter attack. The heat plagued his body, causing him to be more tired than he had expected himself to be. Was this a result of the strain of his newly unlocked dojutsu? Or was this a side effect of the sudden call of fiery chakra that he had called forth?

WC: 3725
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:47 am
The Uchiha had discovered his abilities quickly; however, Yurei had much more experience with the third tomoe Sharingan. As the chuunin’s lightning blade came to intersect Yurei, the genin intensified the heat Damon would feel even further, nearly reaching 150 degrees fahrenheit. However, this simply acted as a distraction.
Instinctively, Yurei gazed at Damon. Or rather, behind him. The boy, moving at 135 speed, formed the ram seal, body flickering at an astounding 235 speed behind Damon where he would then sign the tiger seal, hopefully stopping Damon dead in his tracks with the Temporary Paralysis Jutsu. 
Should this succeed, Yurei would release the Sharingan Genjutsu over Damon, but would keep him petrified until he delivered a punch to Damon’s gut at 6 strength.

WC: 2481
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Awakening (IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Awakening (IO)

Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:23 am
Damon’s body began to burn. What in the… Any fire jutsu that Yurei had used had not made contact with the chuunin, meaning that there could only be one reason why Damon felt so hot. “You sly dog,” Damon said as he channeled chakra throughout his body, particularly at his eyes, with his mastery over the genjutsu release. Yurei’s visual genjutsu would dispel itself as the temperature returned to normal. The chuunin was well aware of Yurei’s capabilities with genjutsu and decided that this time, it would not work as he wanted. The tide of the battle was turning. At a speed of 180, Damon’s body became surrounded in a blue aura. Lightning flooded throughout his body, boosting his speed and strength greatly, by 30 in each field. Damon began to sign the handseals required for chidori: Ox → Rabbit → Monkey or Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Bird → Ox → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Monkey, but was unfortunately cut off at the Dragon seal when he noticed the flicker of Yurei’s body. Damon smirked. One of the first rules of combat was never body flicker, or at least be the first to do so. The chuunin ducked to the ground as Yurei activated temporary paralysis. Feeling the chakra exude over him, Damon’s strength of 50 was more than enough to break the grasp that the technique would have held over him. If only Damon did not have a mild booster, this battle might have seen Yurei as the winner.

Damon was set to be crouched on the ground as he looked behind his shoulder, turning his body on his way down to the ground nearly instantly until he faced his opponent. Using his body as a spring, Damon then proceeded to kick the boy, who would be unaware that the Uchiha had not been caught in his technique. And Yurei had even been so kind as to set up Damon for a taijutsu move. At a speed of 150, 
Damon’s leg shot up, which would kick Yurei just above the head when he tried to perform his technique, launching the boy into the sky, as his newly enhanced strength would allow him to. However, he still held back his total potential, as he did not want his 85 strength attack to crush the boy’s chest inwards. Now here is where the fun part begins. Although Damon was more inexperienced with taijutsu, he had taken some time to learn some techniques at the Hoshigakure library that held all the answers to everything ever. The follow up taijutsu technique to the move that Damon had just performed, Leaf Rising Wind, was dubbed Dancing Leaf Shadow. Damon leapt into the air behind Yurei, priming himself for an attack on what would now be the vulnerable albino. Damon’s strength and speed were even further increased, however, he held back on his strength, but allowed for the full speed of the technique. Continuing at his speed of 150, Damon would try for the Lion’s Combo, only to find himself unable to fully call upon the technique. He would need to focus on that particular follow up move later. For now, he was left with a weaker kick that would connect with Yurei’s stomach, slamming him into the ground. Damon would land on the ground as well with a thud, as he was not used to the effects of Dancing Leaf Shadow just yet.

If this technique went through, which there was very little reason for it to have not succeeded, then a small crater would be left on the ground from where Yurei had landed due to the sheer momentum. Damon would quickly push himself off of the ground and approach the now downed genin, who would probably be too winded to be able to counter attack from his position. The blue lightning aura continued to flicker around Damon’s person. He would look down on his opponent with a grin. “Better luck next time, brother.” He would then offer a hand for Yurei to pull himself up with, believing that their spar was now over. As long as Yurei conceded and decided to admit defeat, that is. Which he should.

WC: 4400
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