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Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:12 pm
Morning came fast when one slept, their minds tending to leap from one point in time to another, a sensation that kind of felt like time travel. Komon found himself traveling later than usual, and with temporary side effects at that. The hyuuga’s brain would take a couple moments to remember where he was as he woke up in a foreign land, and an unusual house.

But the temporary side effect would soon fade away as his memories caught up to him.

Oh right” He’d say. “Hoshi

Not checking to see if his brother had made it into the slums yet he’d pay no mind to the bed on the other side of the room where his brother may or may not be sleeping, and would make his way to the sink before cupping his hands and trapping water in them. The dusty mattresses had made the young shinobi’s face feel dry, the water he was currently splashing against his face had been an attempt to rectify that.

Turning his head towards the side of his own bed he’d reach down and grab his gear strapping it all on, and preparing to set out and find breakfast. Hopefully somewhere in hoshi served waffles the boy would think as he slid shinigami into its sheath, which was resting comfortably on his waist.

Now ready to head out he’d make his way to the front door of his new apartment, unlocking the light wooden frame before exiting into the slums of hoshigakure. As the chuunin walked his head would tilt towards the sky and and follow the rays of the light, glistening from the sun. He wanted to know what time it was, and gandering by the location of the sun in the sky he’d guess it was around 10 o’clock in the morning.

An unusually late time for the boy to awaken, no doubt caused by the long journey into hoshigakure, his hunger probably from a similar cause. Stomach grumbling and feet moving his milky grey eyes would constantly scan the buildings for somewhere to eat, before long he’d find himself outside of the slums and into the hoshigakure market streets, growing increasingly aware of the dirty looks that were being thrown in his direction.

He was completely oblivious as to why however, nobody had warned him about the civilian population’s hatred towards shinobi, and to think that a village would hate their soldiers wouldn’t even pop into a Kumogakure shinobis mind on its own. In his village it was the opposite Shinobi were viewed as a higher class, to wield a sword was an honor that one didn’t take lightly, and to fight on the battlefield a chance for glory.

So naturally, he came to the conclusion that Hoshi didn’t take kindly to foreigners, placing the blame on his headband, but refusing to take it off out of personal pride. The boy wouldn’t give into this village’s way of life.

Finally after a solid half hour of adventure Komon found what appeared to be a breakfast join in the god forsaken maze of a city, half glad to have found food. And half upset that he knew there was no possible way he was going to find his way back to his apartment anytime soon. Ok slightly more happy about the newfound scent of food, it was more of a 60/40 than a 50/50.

His stomach growling as it realized there was a source of nutrition nearby would almost take control of him and guide him through the doors of what appeared to be some form of waffle house. However when he opened it, all the conversation in the restaurant seemed to stop, the staff and customers alike shifting their heads in the direction of the shinobi, clearly put off by his presence.

Awkwardly continuing through the building Komon would give slight head nods in an attempt to break the awkwardness, but anyone he’d direct his attention to would either stare daggers or shift their head. The only person to address him would be the man at the front counter who seemed to be in charge of the place. “Hey kid, just so you know it’s probably not a good idea to be walking around with weapons and a headband in this city, the people here aren’t to fond of shinobi”

Komon would blink awkwardly as he processed the statement. “Not fond of shinobi?” He’d say letting a slight pause hand in the air before continuing. “What does that mean.”, the older man would merely shake his head while shrugging his shoulders and cleaning a glass, “I don’t know kid they just don’t like you guys”. The man would say, clearly indicating that he didn’t share the same view. “Whatchu want” The man would continue, pointing to the menu as he did so.

Still trying to process what was going on with the whole shinobi hatred thing Komon would swivel his head, to meet the icy gaze of the clearly displeased customer base. “Three waffles if it's not too much trouble Komon would say with his back towards the man, not wanting to break eye contact with the assholes in front of him.

He’d stay like this until his food came, when the man finally handed him his plate he’d walk towards the back of the restaurant, and take a seat in the corner where he’d begin to take a bit of his waffles. Still feeling kind of cold he decided to heat them up a little bit, using kieren no jutsu to apply a bit of heat.

The use of jutsu in the open was apparently another thing that the hoshigakure population wasn’t used too, and Komon would take note of it as a rather large man began to angrily walk towards his table. “You ignorant little bastard!” The man would start as he pointed towards Komon, but he’d get no further than that as Komon with the flick of his wrist would send the plate crashing into the man’s throat, leaving him briefly unable to breath and gasping for air on the floor, as well as leaving Komons waffles on the wooden table.

We done here?” Komon would say as his hand rested on the grip of his sword beneath the table, and his eyes gazed across the restaurant, they however were not as daring in their glares at this moment as they focused on the largest one, just now recovering, his confidence clearly lost would angrily stomp back to his table.

As he did so a smirk would appear on Komons face and he’d begin to dig back into his waffles, content with his meal. Hoshi civilians wouldn’t find the Kumogakure ninja nearly as accustomed to their way of life.

WC: 1131
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:12 pm
Yurei reached up into the sky, awaking from his slumber. He groaned his he stretched, loosening his bones and popping his back. The Uchiha rolled his head around his neck and took a deep breath, rubbing the back of it to relieve the built-up tension. The Uchiha moved his white sheets off of his body, and he shifted his legs over the side of his cot, leaping off and landing on the cold floors below.

Yurei yawned as he turned around, fixing his bed and tucking in his sheets. The pale boy walked to his kimono, it hanging on an old wooden clothing stand, and then wrapped it around him, tying it at the waist. He slid open his bedroom door and maneuvered through the quiet hallway, finally coming to a stop in the kitchen.

Takia sat before him and looked up from her teacup. Her eyes widened momentarily before she swallowed and placed the cup on the counter. “Good morning my Little Ghost,” she said with a smile, opening a drawer below the counter.

“Morning, Mom,” he said, playfully annoyed with the nickname.

“We’re out of groceries, so I figured I’d give you some ryo to go out and eat,” she said, gathering the coins into her hand. She extended her arm, handing the money over to Yurei. “Here you go. I’ll be going out to get some supplies later today, so if I’m not home when you’re not back, that’s why.”

Yurei bowed, smiling. “Thanks, Mom,” the boy said, putting on his sandals and walking off to the front door. He took his shining headband off of the clothes rack and tied it on his forehead. “I’ll be back by sunset. I’m just going to train a bit. Nothing much.”

“Well, don’t eat too much, but at least go buy something.”

Yurei nodded, sliding open his front door and walking down the streets ahead. He passed by each of the sandy colored houses, thinking of what he wanted to eat. His stomach rumbled as he marched on, finally arriving at the marketplace.

A plethora of smells filled the air, but the aroma of maple syrup was too hard to pass up, Yurei quickly beat the crowd, rushing into the store and standing at the counter.

“Hello, Sir,” Yurei said.

The shopkeeper turned, and, upon viewing the boy headband, huffed. “More of you? What do you want?”

Somewhat offput, but used to it, Yurei went on, “Just a waffle, sir. Here,” he said, extending his ryo outward. The man collected it and went to the back, slapping a cold waffle on a plate and handing it to Yurei. Not one to complain, Yurei politely said thank you and turned to go to a booth to sit.

A small crash came from the back of the restaurant. Yurei raised an eyebrow, turning and witnessing a man gasping for air. The man quickly recovered before Yurei could rush to help him and walked off. In his stead was a younger man with pale eyes and a headband he did not recognize as it lacked Hoshigakure’s signature star emblem on the front of it.

Yurei walked past the fleeing man, his waffle in hand, as he met eyes with the shinobi. “Hey,” he said, peering into the booth. “Is this seat taken?”

WC: 550
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:27 pm
As the man walked up a child would walk up to Komon, the boy's skin tone and hair paler than his own eyes. His skin wasn’t the only thing that stuck out to Komon though, while everyone else in the Restaurant was either avoiding eye contact or staring daggers at him, this one seemed… Different. He’d say nothing as the stranger made his way to his table and would allow him to speak first, allowing the words to come out instead of preventing them with a plate like he had to the other man.

As the kid got closer he could see that he was holding a waffle, the same order as himself and, would listen as he asked his question. “Is this seat taken”. Still chewing on a waffle there would be a three second wait before Komon could reply, when he finally managed to swallow his breakfast he’d kind of pat his chest to guide the food downwards before speaking. “Not at all, You’re welcome to join me if you want” He’d say before gesturing to the chair in front of him with his hand.

“You might need to heat up that waffle though, if it's anything like mine it could be a little cold” Komon would warn him as he lifted his hand up and let electricity crackle through. “I can do it real quick”

WC: 1371
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:38 pm
Yurei sat in the booth, sliding towards the center and placing his plate on the wooden table. The Shinobi seemed kind enough, allowing him to sit and even offering the Uchiha a heated waffle. Yurei had always found it easy to communicate with others, despite his parents’ objection to forming so many connections.

However, that wasn’t the most interesting bit. Instead, it was his proficiency with lightning release, something he only knew Damon to have. “Sure,” the Uchiha replied, handing over his waffle. He’d rather not have a popsicle for breakfast.

“I noticed your headband. And your eyes, if you don’t mind me saying.” Is that a dojutsu? Or is he some magic blind guy?  “You’re not from here, are you?”

WC: 671
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:57 pm
Now in possession of Yurei’s waffle, Komon would begin to fiddle with it as the electricity in his hand warmed it up. As he did this he’d pay attention to yurei’s words with care. The stranger seemed to have taken an interest in his eyes, and by the sounds of it had never met a hyuuga. Returning his attention back to his waffles he’d give himself a couple of seconds to think before he answered.

“No not really…” He’d say truthfully. “I’m a shinobi from Kumogakure, The village hidden in the clouds” He’d gesture to the symbol on his headband proudly as he said so. Despite Youka’s harsh ways he was proud of his origin. Kumogakure was more than its kage.

“The hidden cloud army is here for a celebration of sorts, for our victories in the war, I’m just here for a quick bite to eat before I get some training in.” He’d say as he pushed the plate with the now fully cooked waffle back to yurei, and began digging into his own.

With a mouth half full he’d continue to speak, “What about you? Are you a Shinobi? Doesn’t seem to be many in this village”

WC: 1582
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 9:31 pm
Yurei watched as the shinobi heated his waffle, infusing it with his lightning chakra. The pale Uchiha raised his eyebrows in amazement. He’d never considered using his powers in such a way. He took up a bottle of maple syrup and drizzled it over the meal, cutting into it with a knife and taking a bite as the shinobi spoke.
“Kumogakure? So you’re from another village?” Yurei’s face lit up with glee and interest. The boy went on about what he was doing in Hoshigakure. More shinobi? Here? The villagers are going to freak. Yurei smiled brightly. Despite the risk of more conflict, there was something comforting about having more shinobi present. It felt less overwhelming. Still, the fear was there, justified or not.

Then the man would ask of him. “Yep!” Yurei said, pointing to the star on his forehead. “You’re not very observant, are you?” he joked, laughing. “No, but really. I’m Yurei Uchiha of the Village Hidden in the Stars!” he’d yell before catching himself. His voice slowly ‘decrescendoed’ into a soft whisper. “Yeah, there’s not a whole lot of shinobi here. The villagers don’t like us all that much, but I try to help them out anyway. I want there to be more shinobi, and I want them to feel more comfortable around us, maybe appreciate us a little bit but… well, it’s complicated. But I’m gonna make it happen one day. Are the people in your village like that?” he’d ask, a hint of hope in his voice. Yurei pleaded within himself that the boy would say no. That would mean that his goals were tangible and not for nothing.

WC: 946
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:08 pm
Kumogakure would be another village, so yah?” He’d say kind of confused by the boy’s question seemed pointless. He’d give a slight shrug as he said it before biting back into his waffle, eating rather loudly, as he did so he’d watch the pale kid in front of him point to his headband, that he had somehow neglected to notice.

His name was offered next to which Komon would give a small nod before swallowing the rest of his waffle, finishing his plate, and setting it to the side. “Nice to meet you Yurei, my names Komon Hyuuga, Chuunin of the hidden cloud.” He’d point to his headband as he mentioned his village and then shift his finger down towards his pale eyes as he said hyuuga.

As he finished up his hand gestures he’d place his hands flat against the table, letting the hoshigakure shinobi have more words in their conversation. Listening to the boy talk about goals of making the village accept shinobi into their hearts and so on. It was a noble goal, but as Komon looked around the restaurant he couldn’t help but feel some of these people wouldn’t change willingly, if he had felt that way… Well perhaps he wouldn’t have launched a plate at that mans throat.

He’d not instead of expressing this view however and answer Yurei’s question. “Being a shinobi is an honor in my village, we don’t have to deal with hateful citizens no.” He’d respond as he began to get up from the table, leaving the boy with an invitation to come train. “Anyway’s, I like you kid. I’m heading to the nearest training ground, you’re welcome to come with if you want” and with that regardless of yurei’s answer he’d walk out of the waffle restaurant and towards the training ground.

WC: 1896
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:29 pm
Yurei nodded as Komon went about his village and lineage. A Hyuuga? Now I remember… his eyes look like that guy’s. The guy who did my genin exam. It had to be his dojutsu. Komon then went on to discuss his village and the role the shinobi had. Respect? So there is hope. “Wow, thanks!” Yurei said. He clenched his fist and smiled. Now he felt like he had a bigger chance.

As Komon offered to allow Yurei to come with him to the training grounds, the boy became ecstatic, quickly shoving half of a waffle down his mouth and wiping it with a napkin. He leapt from the table, leaping at the opportunity to train with someone knew, but, before he left, Yurei quickly ran back at the table, rapidly throwing a few coins at it before following Komon into the busy hub.

“Say, I think I recognize your eyes. I had an exam proctor who had the same ones. You’re not blind are you? I mean that in the nicest way possible.”

WC: 1120
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:46 pm
I’m the furthest thing from blind” Komon would say with a sudden laugh, before chiming in on what his eyes where capable of. “This is what my clan calls the byakugan, it lets me see chakra and gives me 360 degree vision… By definition I have no blind spot, hell I can even see through walls” He’d say with laughter still in his voice, choosing to leave out the fact that he had a slight blindspot.

The walk wouldn’t be long before they arrived at the training ground and Komon began to pick targets from a pile on the ground, placing them on trees and the like all around the field while continuing his conversation with his newfound hoshigakure friend. “So what kind of ninja are you anyways… what are you good at?” Komon would ask, making his way back to the center of the field and drawing some kunai. “I like ninjutsu and weapons myself.

As he said this he’d weave the signs for soul expulsion before allowing the yellow energy to surround him, and then would channel electricity into the four kunai lodged between his fingers in his left hand.

Wanna see something cool?” He’d ask the kid beside him, before getting into a throwing stance.

WC: 2119
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Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO) Empty Re: Getting Waffles and Meeting Yurei (IO)

Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:56 pm
“The Byakugan? Sounds a lot like my Sharingan. You’ll have to show me! It sounds really powerful.” Yurei said, walking alongside him. The two walked through the hot sun of Hoshi with the training grounds as their destination. When they arrived, Komon began placing targets, likely for some kunai or jutsu test as Yurei had.

The shinobi asked Yurei of his specializations, and the Uchiha lit up with the brought-up conversation. “Ninjutsu and weapons? Cool! I focus on genjutsu. That’s actually how I plan on making the villagers become more comfortable with yes. Not like mind control though, but to, well, to make them understand what we have to go through, ya’know? There’s a lot of fighting and fear. But with my sharingan, that should get easier. And now that you’ve said your village doesn’t have mean villagers, well, it just makes me feel a lot more confident. So thanks.”

Yurei watched as the shinobi activated his jutsu, something he immediately recognized as the soul expulsion technique, a jutsu he himself possessed. Only Komon’s was strangely yellow, and Yurei could not, for the life of him, remember why or if that was even noted in the scroll he found. Still, he knew it to be quite the spectacle, and, when Komon offered to show him something cool, he eagerly agreed to the offer.

WC: 1343
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