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Omoi Yamanaka
Omoi Yamanaka
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:07 pm
Kino stood in the training grounds, it had been a small amount of time since he had joined the village of Konohagakure. He remained under ANBU's watch, which he didn't mind too much, they didn't bother him much. Whether or not the ANBU were currently watching him was beyond his knowledge, however he was getting into no trouble should they be. Even if they weren't, he wasn't trying to get himself into trouble, least not on purpose. He had taken up a squad of genin, Kino was going to be their sensei. When he journeyed to Konohagakure, he wore no more than simple rags for clothing and a cloak, now he was wearing more cleaner clothing, not perfect, fancy clothes, but average enough for training.

Kino was waiting on the Konohagakure training grounds, Ground eleven. He was waiting for the three genin he would be supervising to arrive, he had arrived early, they were not late, yet. Though they had about ten minutes or so to prepare themselves and meet with their new sensei.. Kino was somewhat sure they were given the news, and he was sure that he was given the same time and date as them. He simply stood, waiting, sighing. He was thinking up a first impression.. what the four would do first as a squad, simple training? Or perhaps take up a mission, low ranking perhaps and let Kino analyse their individual skills and weaknesses. He wondered, so many options, though only one would allow for him to make a good impression as a sensei, a good sensei.

The weather was nice, perfect conditions for anything. The sun was out, shining brighter than it ever had in Kirigakure and Sunagakure, both his past homes, but that was the past, now Konohagakure was his home. Kino was forced to leave both, and turn to the life as a missing nin, he felt, he knew that this village would be different, he felt he would be happier than either of those villages. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, normally for a shinobi it meant less cover, more light when sneaking around, which in some situations can be dangerous, though Kino felt that it was lucky that he had such perfect weather for meeting his genin squad. The wind blew calmly, not too fast or too slow, it created a nice breeze, capable of cooling off someone after they did a nice work out. He smiled, he couldn't wait to meet his new team.

Itami Himitsu
Itami Himitsu
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:49 am
Itami wasn't surprised when he was given the news about his new team members. The regular occurrence of the three of them being set up for missions made him suspect they'd be paired up. He quite liked the idea of having Mezurashii and Nakara in the team as they were one of his closest acquaintances if not even a sort of friends. He fairly knew what they were capable of, fighting wise, because they sparred together. So the situation was almost perfect.

He didn’t recognize the name of their team leader however. He wondered who he was and what he was like. Was he going to be one of those tough guys, or a more laid back type? Whichever, Itami hoped he’ll teach them well enough. He wanted to improve and become a better ninja. He didn’t like his time wasted.

He headed towards their meeting place, hands in his jacket pockets, murmuring a soft tune he picked up from the lady living next door who usually sang it while hanging her laundry.
The weather was perfect, cloudless and the wind that accompanied the warm temperature made him glad he was outside.

Once he was near enough to see the training grounds, he looked around as he walked, curious about what the jounin would look like. He spotted him a little further away, casually waiting for his new team. Mezurashii and Nakara haven’t yet arrived.
His new teacher was younger than Itami expected. His hair was black in a way that reminded Itami of someone he couldn’t quite place. He was dressed casually and he didn’t look too intimidating.

Itami walker slowly towards him, trying to keep his expression calm and serious, though he couldn’t help but show a bit of curiosity and nervousness. He stopped a meter away from the guy. “Are you Kinominki?” he asked and put his hands out of the jacket pockets. “My name is Itami Himitsu, I’m one of the genin in your team.” He brushed the hair that was getting in his eyes and looked around. “I see the other two haven’t arrived yet.”
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Sun Feb 17, 2013 1:08 pm
It was a beautful and clear sunny day and Nakara was sitting on his roof staring into the sky, a small smile on his face as his black kosada would be flowing in the wind, and his black hair would slowly move with it. As it was almost time for him to meet up with his new team, he would often wonder who they would be, until he looked at the note his maid had just recently gave him. His smile would become bigger as he laughed," as i already figured..My team would be those two...and this new jounin huh, well looks like i will be heading to ground 11 to meet up with the," as he flipped up and looked over the edge of his house and jumped off using his wires to latch onto another roof and began to make his way to the training grounds.

On his way there he would stop and look around the village, looking at the people that were walking around the village as he continued on the rooftops, jumping off to continue running to the training grounds, his smile on his face as his purple eyes came into view of the beginning of the grounds. He would come to a stop, looking at Itami as he smiled," never late but always on time," as he looked at the man," so you...are our "sensei" eh.... i guess as much," as he rested his hands into his kododa's sleeves.
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:57 am
Mezurashii happily hopped from roof top to roof top as she went to meet her new team. Her ninja headband hanging on the left side of her belt, proudly displaying the leaf emblem.

"And I will fly on my fathers wings..." she sang as she jumped a particularly long distance to reach the first branch of the training ground eleven.

The redhead continued this way until she came to a clearing where her friends and teammates were gathered with their new sensei.

"Hey guys!" she chirped happily, her headband glinting in the light. She jogged the rest of the way and bowed slightly to the black haired adult that was their sensei.

"Good morning Kinominki-sensei" Mezurashii rose and smiled politely at him before turning to her friends "I'm glad we ended up a team, I would hate to be paired with strangers. But you should have been at my exam Itami, one of the brats from our class literally got thrown out the window" she said happily, karma was a wonderful thing sometimes.
Omoi Yamanaka
Omoi Yamanaka
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:22 pm
He saw a genin approaching, when he asked if Kino was the man named Kinominki, he replied "Yes, I am Kinominki." He said, waiting for the others to reply. The genin named Itami had introduced himself to be apart of the squad Kino had been assigned as a Jounin sensei to. "Nice to meet you, Itami." Kino said, smiling slightly. He had figured out what he would first say once the rest of the squad arrived. The second one arrived, Kino first noticed once he spoke. Kino wasn't paying too much attention, instead he was focusing on the first thing Kino would assign the genin squad as a drill, he planned on making one up for the genin to do later on in the day, perhaps a more commonly used one. "Yep, I am your squad's sensei.." He would reply, to the one he assumed to be Nakara, due to the other one being Itami. "You two are here.. so now where's the third.." He would say, sighing, then noticed someone talking, a short distance away. The voice sounded like it had been a female's, he looked over to find his third student, as she would greet Kino with 'Good morning Kinominki-Sensei' "Morning, Mezurashii" he replied, as she would talk to the other few genin. She seemed to be slightly older than anyone else here, including Kino. Kino would listen, though he planned to interrupt and begin business, he let them talk, and chat with each other, he heard Mezurashii mention the exams, is she just passing? Kino thought, in his head, though it wasn't his business. After the lot had seemed to finish talking, Kino would begin.

"Alright, now, onto business. I am Kinominki, as most, if not all of you know already. You three can call me Kino, as it is shorter, and everyone prefers to call me. From today forth, until you reach the ranks of chuunin, all three of you reach the rank of chuunin, you will be under my teachings." He made sure to make all noticeable, until the three genin standing before him were all chuunin, the team would remain a genin squad. "Under my teachings, you three will learn first hand why I call drills bloodless battles, and my battles bloody drills." He would continue on, letting a grin show to let them know he was joking on that part, though after a moment of silence on Kino's end. "Our first drill will begin later, but first, who wants some ramen?" He would ask, planning on taking the lot out for ramen, to the farthest ramen shop.

{855 WC.}
Itami Himitsu
Itami Himitsu
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Mon Feb 18, 2013 4:38 pm
“Pleasant to meet you as well,” Itami said politely and nodded towards Nakara as he approached. He turned around then upon hearing Mezurashii’s voice, smirking slightly at her greeting. “Hey” he replied and turned back to the jounin. Just as he was about to ask what happens next, Mezurashii started talking to him and he faced her again, waiting for her to finish.

“I’m glad we’re together on the team too. I was quite worried for a while. I would hate nothing more than to be paired up with someone I couldn’t stand.” He said and and smiled to both Nakara and Mezurashii. When he heard the girl’s story about that annoying kid they both met the other day, he laughed softly and added: “that must have been fun to see, It’s a shame I missed it.”

They all quieted down then as Kinominki seemed to want to start. Itami raised his eyebrows upon hearing they could call him Kino - he wasn’t used to teachers being so relaxed and okay with informalities. He was glad Kino was like that though. It made things much easier.
Listening to the jounin’s speech intently, Itami kept a poker face until he heard they were treated to ramen. He smiled then, happy to start their first meeting with something as pleasant as ramen. As much as he was looking forward to training and the challenges he would meet, he was satisfied with starting off simple, with a steaming bowl of noodles, talking to his new team members and maybe learning more about how things were going to work now that he was in a genin squad.

[twc: 623]
Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:27 pm
Nakara would look to Mezurashii as he smiled and nodded," i told you two we would be on the same team and now look we are haha," resting his hands in the sleeves of his Kosada. Everone else was all to buddy buddy with this Kino character, yet Nakara was always a cautious one. He would simply look at him as he spoke. Nakara himself was always cautious of the ones he would be around, exceptions being Itamai and Mezurashii, but for now he would just remain silent. Talk of ramen made Itami smile, but Nakara would shrug and wait for the others to get ready to go as he slowly trailed off in his mind. His mind would wonder to the sky above him as he simply smiled," i wonder how everything is at home...Mom is probably making dinner and father was on a mission," his dark purple eyes darting from the sky to the others occasionally as he sat down onto the ground and continued to listen.

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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:51 pm
Mezurashii raised an eyebrow at her new teacher, she expected drills or introductions or something. Not ramen, but she just excepted the matter of ramen but she wouldn't put it off her sensei to try something. The laid back people are usually sadists, her papa being one.

She noticed Itami was fine with it and Nakara was even more suspicious than she. The redhead smiled at her companions, before turning to follow their teacher.

"Oh Itami, I've figured out a name for that jutsu idea, I'm calling it Air Drill. So now that we've got that sorted we need to test that out, Nakara I'll explain if your curios" Mezurashii said kindly while they walked, her situated in the middle for easy talking purposes.

[current total word count: 297]
Omoi Yamanaka
Omoi Yamanaka
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:29 pm
He had listened to them finishing off their chats, and then watched as they all had seemed to have agreed. "Great! Let's go then." He said, leading them, he felt hungry, thinking of the ramen as he walked he decided to go on to the closest of the ramen stands. He could imagine the fresh, steaming bowl of ramen now. He would listen as Mezurashii would mention something of a jutsu, naming it Air Drill. "Hmm, a Wind nature release user, perhaps?" He would ask, basing the assumption off of the name of the technique. They were still some way away from the ramen shop, it would take a few minutes or so. He was wondering, what were the other's nature releases? Not something he really needed to be focused on, he could do it later, though he was somewhat curious. And the jutsu named Air Drill, according to Mezurashii, what would this do? He had an idea, though had no way of being certain of what it can do, and he didn't feel like asking right away.

Itami Himitsu
Itami Himitsu
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The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting} Empty Re: The Meeting Of Team Kino {Squad Meeting}

Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:54 am
"Yeah, you were right Nakara. Seems your intuition works well." Itami said as Nakara spoke.
He watched as his team mates didn't show much of a reaction to being invited to ramen. Mezurashii simply shruged and Nakara was looking at Kinominki suspiciously.
As they started walking however, Mezurashii smiled at him and started talking about the jutsu he once helped her on, when they were still in the academy.
"Sounds great," Itami said and smiled lightly. He was really proud of how smart Mezurashii was, she always seemed to be creating something new, or thinking things over.
"We should go to the forest as to not accidentally destroy the training grounds or something. You never know when testing a new jutsu." he said and looked at Kino as he spoke. Remembering the suspicious look on Nakara's face, he didn't want to tell his new sensei just yet, that his affinity too was wind. He wondered if he would figure it out by himself, before Itami would show him. He wondered if their new sensei already had them all pegged down and if he decided if they were any good.
Good teachers were usually able to tell at first glance if someone had potential, simply by observing their personality.

They eventually made it to the ramen stand, all four of them sitting down. Itami chose a seat on the far left, not wanting to be in the middle. He sometimes got a bit claustrophobic when around more than one person. Waiting for someone to take their orders, Itami got lost in thought again. Today was full of wondering and new expectations. He hoped their new sensei would prove useful and he wondered what his affinity was. If it turned out to be wind, Itami hoped he'd get to learn some new impressive jutsu from him.

Last edited by Itami Himitsu on Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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