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Alister Yama
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Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:58 pm
Yen chuckled at sal's request. It was a fun idea yet he had progress to be made amid the little aura. A little longer was all he needed. For he was finding the correct way to go about his theory.

"Ill utilize some ninjutsu sal. No need for gen, but for  the moment sheild will remain. Im studying something rather important momentarially..... ah!"

Yens single eye widend as he seemed to have gotten an decent idea on how to proceed with the technique in hand. Although costly in the current case. Well it was training.

"Mightve used a little too much chakra already... but its doable, will not be perfect still it shall suffice. So lets see. Activation seals now."

Yen muttered to himself as he  weaved seemingly random handsigns and frowned. He did not like bans  approach.

 :ban consider this. To improve you must keep uilizing your chakra. Your not gonna just sit there and cry to your enemy. I ran out of chakra! Woe is me! Time to rest and work your chakra. You sit out for a moment ban. Focus your chakra into your feet. The earth. And imagine moving through it like water. That is your tip here. Do that while you recover your strength. Although i expect that sal will give you pressure regardless. But know this. You rushed through your techniques too quickly. This leaves you vulnerable amid  combat. Use too much chakra, and you may as well consider it better to do nothing.  Yes you used hidden mist, water needles, and water clones. However you never waited. You assumed a single combination outta do it. Now i may not know taijutsu, but i do know this. A single punch no matter how strong can easily be dodged... but several calculated punches and kicks should do it.  Never over do it ban."

Yen stated as his chakra seemingly randomly flaring around him like a lashing  wind. But yen remained composed it was an untamed effect. His attention turned towards puma as he gazed at him.

"You lack confidence. Genjutsu requires confidence and knowing you must do the illusion. It is very complex. And doubt will only make it falter. Control yourself in fear, and dispair. Then you can control your opponents chaos. A simple technique i know that will give you an edge puma. Although weak it does what genjutsu is supposed to do which is put an obsticle before the opponent. Rat, and tiger handsigns. And focus on making it seem like ghostly figures are comming from around the area... note genjutsu does not differenciate between allies and enemies. So here you must know amid practice you will find it easy to break free from. But you must not see it as failure. Each extra seal used is one less problem your opponent  will cause. Each genjutsu used means you are in control."

Yen stated as he smiled at sal.

"I wont be going on genjutsu i merely need a moment to settle this. As the aura you saw before was rather a set back for myself... this will be comfortable for me to flex my musles a bit buddy.... however"

Yen stated canceling the body and soul technique. His chakra returned to normal yet his chakra still flowed around him in a sporatic motion. Slowly calming down.

"I wont need to use this right now."



-30 body and soul (ended)
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:10 pm
Ban sighed at Yens words. He definitely did not like what he was being told but he knew that he should heed. Due to his newly found respect for Yen, even if it was little, it changed what his answer would be if it were a random stranger. He gave his answer to the group as "Alright fine. I can keep going but if I pass out or even die I'm haunting your guys asses. And you over there kid. I'll kick your little ass so just shut the hell up or I'll send you flying with one punch, back to your mommy. Got it? You're lucky Yen and this annoying punk are here otherwise you'd be knocked the fuck out. Both of you have pissed me off already so just shut up." Ban didn't like the way Puma was talking to him.

Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Mon Jul 31, 2017 4:26 pm
The Uchiha saw everything occurring until the point that Yen drew nearer towards the Uchiha. These words were leaving him it felt extraordinary and upbeat for the Uchiha. Puma felt these words were great words where he began to comprehend and mull over these words. He shook his head once his discourse to Puma has finished. At that point, his partner began to go hard and fast at Puma sending this sort of state of mind at him. He murmured and strolled towards him. Puma had enough of him. " You call yourself a ninja, yet you don't see how these folks are willing to train you." He lifts his finger at the face and talked a similar way how boy addressed him. "Watch your tone or else there will be issues." he would lift his sleeves up just on the off chance that any moves would make.

Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Sat Aug 05, 2017 8:42 am
"What a nice little party you got there, Yen. It seems they're more willing to fight each other more than their actual opponent." Salzem let out a sigh before raising his hands defensively, his eyes mainly locked on Yen. "Of course, they were mine a moment ago. He was disappointed that they hadn't attacked him yet, especially since they had many opportunities by now. He found himself growing rather impatient with this delay, especially with Ban's annoying voice ringing out across the air like some perverse, warped and twisted bell that sounded defeat. He didn't think one could both be over confident and a coward... but hey... everything was new to him at this point.

"Yes... Well... Lets get this started some time today." The lycan stated, ripping off his necklace. Suddenly the beads began to float around him rapidly akin to how electrons did around an atom, the cord snaking around his right arm, just above the skin. Not that they would be able to see anything BUT the cord, considering that each bead was moving far beyond their reaction time (speed 125). The only thing they would see is the occasional dust-cloud forming at the base of Sal's ankles where the beads strike the earth in their little random dance. The Lycan then reached behind him and grabbed a very sharp but fragile blade from where it rested on his back, the one-winged angel. If Yen was going to be using any large-scale jutsu, he was going to NEED that air-walking ability...

"Shall we...?" He asked, adjusting his hold on the weapon's handle. "If you find me annoying, come shut me up... Or are you all talk? It wouldn't surprise me. You're not even unique... The number of people like you running around this village would make you rather sick, I think." Best tactic of being a good enemy: Make your enemies mad and enraged before a battle. Every decision they make afterwords will be marred and made sloppy by their anger.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:02 am
Yen listend as sal spoke. Edgy words which made yen smile slightly. It was defintley worth the jab, but seeing that he did something much faster than yen would naturally percive. It was defintley interesting nonetheless. 

Well they are gonna have to be careful for certain. I guess ill have to do it nonetheless im gonna be real low here.

Yen thought as he absentmindedly weaved  several handsigns as he was fine tuning the jutsu at hand he had been working on. Several handsigns being woven by yen as he spoke up. Each seal made the aura more poyent, and real. Untill it was up and fully flowing, sweat dripped from yens forehead as he became slightly breathless. (Ram, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, boar) 

"Eyes up you two. Sal prepared a few things, ban if you get goaded into attacking it will lead to a loss. It is also how you  would get caught in any genjutsu. Perceptive and learning the smallest detail..... if i tell you to step back you are to go back at least 15 meters. You must adapt to an ally's movements and your opponents. 

Puma. You must not try to cause a insticate or contribute to an teamate's dispute. If you fail to stay under control you will miss things. As of now you both wouldve been struck down. Stay focused on the task and watch sal's movements. On assault you must compliment an attack. But stay save. Use a ranged attack and conserve chakra use. In this case take care to utilize distance as your advantage."

Yen said as now a dark grey aura sprouted around him and he huffed slightliy as he took a second to get used to the effect. As it was like any other technique of yens. It was unusual. Sprouting 8 inches from his body was a solid aura once more. But for if he knew better it was a new and improved one. One that after knowing his own techniques long enough enabled him to be a bit more flexible with technique use. However, his chakra reserves were well past half way now and it was taking a toll. His breathing became labored slightly, as he wasnt pressed this far since he developed his other secret technique.

 Who would to think that raw chakra control would be soo dense... still it will suffice for now. To the next step. Time to focus. If it be a part of me... it shall extend to my will and way. And be me as an extention of my body, wether seen or unseen. Lets give you a wirl shall we?

Yen thought as he with concentration and solid focus had a thought and a disire for his aura to do and fufill. Be the extention and power he never could attain without sacrificing more than he could chew. To be the physically strong part of him that even in weakness and doubt. It will not fail him in protecting him, or try its damn best to go the distance.

A tiger handsign and the aura flickered slightly as he at the immideate thought had it where it would burst out and envelope the field, but it flickered and a very visible sign of dissapointment showed across yens face. It was there for a moment as the aura resumed its normal consistant flow around him. But he felt a diffrence. Perhaps a hidden firocity in the chakra. Something was diffrent as its flow was almost ensuring that yen was safe. More built up within him as he nodded his head slightly. As if confirming something. (Yang art: yang aura: power: 100, speed:100, health:100, the aura is blunt,  damage reduction to yen from elements, tai, and weaponry techniques and attacks. :50, effects active: awakend aura: Read if any questions)

" you two flank left and right. Mind your distance please. No chakra usage. On my mark you two will proceed. If you go in alone especially against one like salzem here it will be disaterous. This i assure."

Yen stated  in a knowingly fashion as he preformed the (rat, boar) handsigns at a speed of 22. Yen felt his sense of time slow down slightly. There he saw it that which was a crash earlier were infact several of salzems beads which danced around him in a simply expected manner, unpredictibly, which only meant that they were meant to defend or attack at close range, to semi mid range. Although these beads moved much too fast for yens own speed to handle them.  (Flicker movement: speed +10, reaction time: +15 final speed: 32, final reaction time: 132)

"The balls around salzem are fast so be extra careful you two. Come in after i strike you two. Now Go!"

Yen spoke in a commanding voice as he proceeded to close the distance carefully. As he would approach yen would aim a punch at salzem's stomach. (Speed:32, strength:3)  The aura shimmerind defensively, yet to yen's surprise should sal attack or should his weaponary beads wish to make an attack. Sal may be surprised. As the aura would flare to life expanding at a frightening speed with the thick chakra  creating a 10 meter 360 degree dome of grey chakra.  If hit of course sal will find that the aura would be like a giant wall smashing into a person at high speeds. Perhaps broken bones. As yen was first preforminfg this he would be unaware of the effect and the genin well hopefully they would keep their distance. 



-100 yang art yang aura.

-50 yang art ability: awakend aura (increases the technique upkeep by +10 ap per post)

-15 ap for flicker movement.
Ban Senju
Ban Senju
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Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:47 am
At the last second Ban made his final decision. "On second thought, I'm outta here. These two... Bastards? Is that the right word? They're getting on my nerves. The kid and this uhhh werewolf or whatever the hell he is. Yo Yen I'll see you later? I appreciate you but I can't work with these two I hate them with a passion. Ban turned from the group and began a slow jog off the scene and back home but not before glaring at the kid and Salzem and mouthing to both of them "Fuck off." Then turned back and kept his path.

WC: 102

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Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:07 pm
(since tried to contact puma and failed, plus we need topic donzeo.)
yen stopped his assualt and smiled at sal. notably the boy ban senju decided to leave and such. The major problem with this was that ban's desire to leave was more apparent than improving. However, yen was not going to hold back the boy if he so much as disired to not improve. Instead the grey aura merely flickered as he nodded at sal and smiled. 
"i guess we  should take this another time buddy, besides, i need to work a bit more on a few more thing's, but they shall be quick work for me. as for you puma you did well, but head home and rest, take a minute to get used to the combative experience at hand. Sal thank you once more for helping. It well enabled me to examine alot here. But yeah lets go and rest up a bit ok. Nah you two go on ahead. Ill be here for awhile ok?"
yen placed a hand on puma's shoulder and the hand stopped 8 inches from the boy. yen smiled slightly as he knew it was successful to isolate the aura for protection, but then set it for attack at a whim. a sort of offensive defense as he would call it. but more so it would not inhibit him with the restrictions of the parent technique, but last in an clearly more controlled and longer state. This was a pleasing development for the aburame.
after the boy puma and sal if he respectively left. Yen continued to train quietly as he felt the very draining force of the jutsu. This was noted as he created a clone and played with the technique, testing it's limitations and it's weaknesses. for this yen kept a close eye on his overall chakra reserves. Exhausted from the training prior to the groups arrival. yen still kept to his work silently keeping to himself as he slowly broke down a few more techniques in disire. as unlike the nody and soul jutsu he made, he was not restricted in the moment and was free to utilize his full chakra force. an relaxing improvement from the latter technique. Hence while maintaining his control of the juysu yen continued to consider his work on several jutsu.
Since regaining his grasp on ninjutsu yen continued to apply a disire for more offensive power. It was a promise he kept to himself as he thought on the nature of his previous trials. That boy ryu had a knack for the fire element by the looks of it so hence yen began to work on a way to produce more water while at it. Unlike the rain tiger at will technique he once used, yen desired something that could grant him more control over an area while the offense was pressing. It then dawned on him to make use of a jutsu that will allow him to keep him in a dreadfully advantageous situation. Hence yen proceeded to work on forming up a large amount of water from within his mouth to the area. However it was not formation for merely more water. It was the formation for a powerful torrent of water to be used and utilized. 

How often yen pressed himself varied. But once he began training as he knew himself very well. He would continue pressing. It was good training ethics after all for improvement. However, yen noted it as soon as he began working on the technique. He was nowhere near his halfway mark. Which meant that he had to  know it was not going to be till dawn training, but a late night of training at the latest.
The training was at least five times as exhausting as natural training. With the grey arua active he knew it was good for him to work on this at the same time. He needed to push himself to the maximum. The sunlight was turning a ruby red as he continued of the long and audacious task at hand as it was justifiably so. Yen felt that over the time it took the area was spewed with water that was soaking into the ground. Yet he felt the improvements as his chakra decreased over the time at hand. He formulated several large waves in the practice that speeded out over the area slightly of 20 or so meters. It was an improvement but he felt that along with this he needed to also produce well more than enough effort behind the wondrous technique.  Hence yen took a momentary break as the grey aura faded and relaxed as he regained his strength. The dimming light as the sun set in the west. Yen stood up not quiet at full strength he was ready for another go at training. This time his focus was working with his earth chakra. As simple as it was time was truly and exhausting factor in yens chakra.  Still he pressed on with the working of the jutsu at hand. Although he understood earth very well. His work in it was limited. So by working  water chakra throughout his body as a reminder of what makes the water element powerful. 
Where Earth relied off of being one that required the sturdiness of the world to guide them through the endless depths of success and prosperity. The water rules it’s self, forged by it’s self and shall be moved. What carves a mountain only changes it’s face to be carved to a younger face. Old becomes new in the might and love that water holds. The water hold’s power and strength. Unmoving as it’s stubbornness to change, but absolute in it’s willingness to stand it’s own ground. No feet, but sheer mass and will behind it. To flow and ebb eternally throughout ages in the endless dance that is called life. Water shall not fall nor subjugate itself to those that shall try to hold it back, or hold it down. This is the will of water and how water runs through me and empower me through my life and will. Water will flow from sea to sea, and shift through the ages beyond my years, what I will drink will only return to the very source of life. With water as my ally I shall not fall, but I shall rise up and beyond.

Yen thought as he felt the flowing water within him stir and surround his skin like it once did long ago when he was a different shinobi but fought for the same goal in the end. He felt his boy lighten but knew that his very cells were infused with water and its power. With a breath he knew that it was nessary to keep this up at the least to keep himself able to fight for long periods of time. Still he was relaxed. It was a nice return to the basics of his training. The long tasks that lay ahead only showed yen that he had much to do in the coming career, but it was a good solid reminder to return to his roots and embrace his basics. 

For the remaining time yen spent time taking it slowly as he thought to repractice the water jutsu once more. His throat and body was sore but he continued to formulate watet chakra as he by the time most of the shinobi that were switching shifts. He was half dreary with exhuastion from the training. Late night was drawing near and hence yen knew it was time to finally leave for home. A single handsign to remind him of his training. A ram handsign as it was the eccense of the technique he was preforming.

The night was late as yen returned home. Tired and exhausted he took to scribbling a few notes down by the candle light. His wife and twin children were asleep as he wrote in the night over his notes. And exhausted bit of paperwork on the progress of the two genin as he needed and required in the work. The moon was above the village by the time he finished his work. The aburame went and rested next to his wife watched his children till he drifted off to sleep.

(Exit and requesting topic closure)




7,500/7,500 words for (was 10k -25%discount from max stats)

3,000/3,000 for (-25% discount due to max stats)
Sakana Meijin
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Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:14 pm

Day training (training, nk 4 ppl) - Page 6 Empty Re: Day training (training, nk 4 ppl)

Sun Aug 20, 2017 12:21 pm
(I'm just gonna exit)

TWC: 4000

Claiming 20 AP

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Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:33 pm
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500 to Genjutsu release.
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