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KRATOS HOZUKI learning Genjutsu Release Empty KRATOS HOZUKI learning Genjutsu Release

Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:46 am
It was a normal day like always. Kratos was in his room, in his house. Kratos thinking about something new to learn and he can't come up with anything. Kratos was thinking about the genin exams. There is still many days left for the genin exam. Kratos wants to become strong as he could before genin exam. Kratos was started to think he should learn something new. Kratos thought it would be a good idea to ask his sir what will be good to learn. Kratos prepared for going to the academy. As he is open his room door and walk to foot he found his uncle reading something. Kratos uncle sees Kratos and asked, "where are you going Kratos today". Kratos reply, "I am going to the academy to learn something new, I can't come up with anything new so I thought I should ask my sir." Kratos uncle goes in deep thought and after 5 seconds Kratos uncle says, "you should try to learn genjutsu release, it will come handy when you fight a genjutsu user and good luck whatever you learn today" Kratos thanked his uncle and start going toward the academy. Kratos going toward the academy thinking what his uncle says about the genjutsu release. Kratos thought he should take his uncle advice and learn the genjutsu release. 

Kratos reached the academy in 30 min. After reaching the academy he goes to his sir and asked him about genjutsu release. Like always Kratos sir was busy and tell him to go take a book of the genjutsu release and learn it with yourself and like always Kratos thanked his sir, take the book from the bookshelf to the desk. Kratos open the book and start reading it. Kratos read the book in just 2 hours and closed it but he did not learn read whole book. After closing the book Kratos thinking about how should he Practice the genjutsu release. Kratos first practice what he has to do to release genjutsu in the real world. he starts specific seal that caused Kratos chakra flow rapidly. Now Kratos know what e have to do in genjutsu to release it. But for Kratos, it is not enough. Kratos know he has to practice it in real genjutsu. Kratos goes to his sir and asks him to cast a genjutsu on Kratos. Kratos sir don't have time like always so tell Kratos that he will do it tomorrow. Kratos now thinking about is there someone else that know how to cast a genjutsu. Kratos then remember about his uncle. Kratos then take the genjutsu release book with himself and goes toward the home. 

Kratos reached the home in 30 min. After reaching the home he goes to his uncle and asks him " do you know any genjutsu uncle, if yes please cast it on me". Kratos uncle replied, "why not, here you go" without knowing and asking the reason. now that Kratos is in a genjutsu he is ready to use genjutsu release. he used the specific seal to let flow his chakara repidly in the body, get out of the genjutsu and praised by his uncle.

Kratos was happy that he learned genjutsu release.

WC. 535, requesting learning of genjutsu release and 2+ stat for my work

Last edited by KRATOSzs on Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:12 pm; edited 2 times in total
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KRATOS HOZUKI learning Genjutsu Release Empty Re: KRATOS HOZUKI learning Genjutsu Release

Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:12 am

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