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Tatsuo Nomura
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Learning Genjutsu Release Empty Learning Genjutsu Release

Wed May 09, 2018 4:35 pm
”Who here can give me a definition of Genjutsu?” The entire class looked around expectantly as they waited for someone to give a response to the instructor’s question. Kether never understood the aversion people had to answering questions in class. He knew there were at least some intelligent students in this class who would have no problem answering the question, so why was there always this period of hoping that someone else would be the one to speak up first instead of just getting it over with?
Eventually one of the students managed to give an answer about how Genjutsu was a classification of jutsu that dealt with illusions. ”Good. Yes, Genjutsu is focused on trapping your opponent in an illusion for various purposes. The use of Genjutsu can give a shinobi a very powerful advantage if pulled off successfully.” The instructor paused for a few seconds to let his words sink in. ”The use of Genjutsu is beyond what you will be taught here as an academy student, but it is important for each and every Kirigakure shinobi to learn how to release themselves from the Genjutsu of other shinobi. I will not allow any of my students to go out into the world and be tricked and manipulated by other villages’ shinobi.”
Wait, Kether thought as his ears perked up. Does that mean…?
”In order to ensure this is the case, I will be instructing all of you in the Genjutsu Release technique.” Kether inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. The Genin exam was coming up soon and he had yet to learn the Genjutsu Release, the last of the five techniques he was absolutely determined to learn before becoming a Genin. He had been worried that they wouldn’t be able to receive instruction on it before the exam, but it looked like that wouldn’t be the case.  ”The Genjutsu Release technique is a relatively simple technique when compared to some of the others that you’ve already learned while you have been here. The tiger handseal is the only seal required for the release and it will cause your chakra to increase in flow throughout your body. This will break the hold of your opponent’s chakra and release you from the Genjutsu.”
That seems much easier than I expected, Kether thought to himself in surprise. Simply increasing the flow of chakra in one’s body was enough to snap someone out of a Genjutsu? Why was it considered to be such a terrible thing to get caught in a Genjutsu if that was all that it took to get out of it?
”The difficulty in releasing yourself from a Genjutsu comes from realizing that you are in a Genjutsu in the first place. A powerful Genjutsu can make you believe anything, even bizarre situations you’d normally never believe. While I can’t give you the full experience of a true Genjutsu, I will ensure that each of you is able to practice the technique itself.”
When the instructor finished talking, the entire class gasped in surprise as the room faded away and they found themselves on a small island with water as far as the eye could see. I see, Kether thought with a small smile that betrayed his excitement. The instructor used a Genjutsu on us. We must be expected to break it on our own. While it was true that this was a very obvious Genjutsu, it would still be good practice to try and break it. He took a deep breath and formed his hands into the tiger handseal. ”Attempt number one,” he whispered as he started to swirl his chakra. ”Release.”
Kether’s chakra began to flow much faster through his chakra network, overloading the Genjutsu that was affecting his brain. Suddenly the island faded away and Kether found himself sitting back in his seat in the classroom. He glanced around and saw that he was among the first of the students to break out of the Genjutsu. It wasn’t super impressive since he hadn’t had to realize that he was in a Genjutsu in the first place, but it still allowed him to feel a measure of pride that he had finally learned how to break a Genjutsu that was cast on him. While he may not have learned any Genjutsu of his own, at least he knew that in the future he’d be able to protect himself as long as he was clever enough to spot a Genjutsu when it was performed.
”Those of you who managed to perform the release are free to leave,” the instructor said as he looked around. Kether noticed that there were a lot more of the students who had come to as well by this point. The classroom buzzed into activity as the students started to make their way out of the room, talking to each other about their experience under the Genjutsu. Kether, on the other hand, simply gathered his things together and calmly walked out of the classroom to make his way to the training yard. A little more training never hurt anyone.


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Learning Genjutsu Release Empty Re: Learning Genjutsu Release

Wed May 09, 2018 4:36 pm
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