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Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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With the Tide - Page 2 Empty Re: With the Tide

Mon Jan 09, 2017 10:40 pm
As Xyxer began unwrapping his weapon, strapping it to his back, Haru’s instincts told him to strike. Everything inside him wanted to kill the man before him, but he remained tethered to earth by one fact: Aryll was in the other room, and Xyxer knew this. If Haru mimicked his predecessor and turned traitor, Aryll would be put in jeopardy. Though she was a ninja herself, she couldn’t stand against Xyxer himself, nor could she combat Wraith or Jester.

”Promise me first. Give me your word.” Haru said, his expression grave. ”Promise me that you will not harm Aryll, and I will do as you ask.” He continued.

If Xyxer answered in the affirmative, Haru would stay true to his own word. He would kneel before Xyxer, just as he had as an ANBU. He had enough honor to bow before the leader of his village, but he had never been in this particular situation. He wanted to plunge his fist through Xyxer’s heart, but to do that would be to endanger Aryll. So, he would stay his rage, something he'd grown quite good at doing during his months of meditation.
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With the Tide - Page 2 Empty Re: With the Tide

Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:49 pm
The moral binding of words had always confused Xyxer. Simply saying you wouldn't do it was no guarantee that you wouldn't attempt to do so, and all that you could use to depend on such an oath was the honour of the man. If Xyxer was considered a tyrant, why would such a lie even have to be told? He shrugged his shoulders and spoke out towards Haru, inching even closer in case he wished to act on his one punch man fantasy, "I won't consciously harm Aryll. It'd be awfully cruel for me to remove every single person from your life, Haru, what do you take me for?" Of course, it amused Xyxer that the male hadn't even inquired about his new position in the village he had abandoned. Did he believe he could return with the same title as before, or at least.. the same reverence? What example would that leave for those who left the fold? "It's a pleasure to have you as my ANBU Captain once more, Haru Hyuuga." He smiled for a moment, as a friend, and nodded his head towards Haru as he made his way to the exit.

[Exit unless interrupted]
Haru back as Kiri Shinobi, temporary demotion to ANBU
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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With the Tide - Page 2 Empty Re: With the Tide

Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:14 pm
"Fine. Now get out of my house." Said Haru.

Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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With the Tide - Page 2 Empty Re: With the Tide

Thu May 18, 2017 5:42 pm
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