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Pein Yuki
Pein Yuki
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Tue May 24, 2016 8:22 pm
While meditating in the training grounds, Pein really seemed to not be liked in Hoshigakure. All he had done was wander into the village and somehow obtain notoriety almost as if he had been playing Grand Theft Auto and instantly obtained three stars. The only difference was that people were not trying to kill him...yet. Yet he was unsure why so many of the shinobi had treated him poorly. Then a thought came to him. Perhaps this was just the classic hospitality of this village: extreme rudeness. Then another thought sprung into his mind. What if Hoshigakure had been responsible for the destruction of Yurigakure? What if the shinobi of this village recognized that Pein was a shinobi of the village they destroyed and thus they held animosity towards him? Yeah, it seemed as if the village itself was alive and declaring Pein an enemy to them, but he had done nothing. Nevertheless, he would have to treat them like they treated him, with nothing but hatred and scorn. It didn't bother him in all honestly though. Pein already did not like people, so this was not something he wasn't used to. But it did make him think. He thought about his village again and the possible relationship it had with Hoshigakure. He thought about the traveling and years in solitude he spent by himself. Lastly, he thought about the ice release that he had begun to awaken. Pein recalled that during his training on his first day in Hoshigakure, he had done something that he had yet to do in the past; learn the wind release. Through the incorporation of wind chakra into his own, he was able to harness that power and thus be able to use it as a tool. But that was not all that happened that day. Pein had also began to develop the ice release that his father had begun to teach him about. It consisted of blending an assortment of prerequisite elements together along with his own chakra to generate a new one.

But this new chakra, the ice release, would not be one easy to obtain. It relied heavily on emotion it seemed, which made sense. One of its components was water release which seemed to be sensitive and the other was wind, which was scornful. Therefore, the combination of these two styles seemed to create a revenge seeking chakra. One that would show no sympathy for its opponents, for it was as cold and ruthless as its very own nature. But not everything was perfect and fine in Pein's world, for there was still a problem. It seemed as if during his last training session, he did not complete it. Instead, it was as if he had not been able to fully harness the ice release ability and instead he just scratched the surface of it. But Pein troubleshot the other night while he laid upon the gazebo floor and came to a conclusion. He did not put enough emotion into it. It wasn't a one time thing, it needed to be constantly filled with his emotions in order for him to make it usable. The trauma he had experienced as a younger shinobi was simply not enough for the demanding ice release. He would need to draw his power from another source. And then it hit him: his mistreatment since he had entered the village. There wasn't a welcoming committee that asked for Pein's cooperation. Instead there were shinobi forcing him to the kage, and all for what? His secrecy. 

As he sat in his meditation position at the training grounds, Pein began to grow frustrated. He hated how his life was restricted so much so. He couldn't train without being monitored, he couldn't sleep anywhere and he had no money. It was almost as if the village wanted to kill him. But no, Pein would not die. Instead, while he meditated, he allowed his anger to be the fuel to the fire enraging in his soul. He could feel his body shaking in frustration, his veins popping out of his head and his jaw clinched shut. It just wasn't right to him. His village had been destroyed and when he sought a place to temporarily call home, he was basically treated like a freak. But it made sense to him, the people in the world were scum. Scum just waiting to inflict its plague on the next victim. But Pein would not become scum, he was better than them. He was better than the shinobi he had come across in Hoshi. And if he wasn't better, than he would force himself to be. Although the thought of him becoming better slightly calmed him down, he had an insatiable craving in his mind and body that seemed as if it could not be quelled. It was revenge. That revenge, he wanted to take it out on whoever deserved it. But he knew that he could not do so in this village. The strict supervision he was under would immediately label him as a threat and he would be punished and likely killed in the process. No, he would have to wait. There was no rush, but at the same time he had all this negative energy swelling inside him from these thoughts and nowhere to redirect him.

While still meditating, these thoughts seemed to awaken something within Pein. It was that source of chakra that he sought to unlock the other day that seemed to just take off on its own while he meditated. He began to overtake his existing chakra and surge through his chakra network. It was the ice release. Now with an ample source of passion, feeling, emotion and revenge the ice release could be harnessed to its full potential. And with this new found release, Pein would realize it and begin preparations for his revenge. His eyes opened from their original closed state while he meditated, and he would now seek to advance it. 

WC: 998; Total WC for Ice Release: 2017/2000

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Akihana Akari
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Wed May 25, 2016 12:20 am

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Pein Yuki
Pein Yuki
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Thu May 26, 2016 9:49 pm
But there always seemed like something was standing in his way of advancing his jutsu. This time, what was in his way was his lack of experience. He had no experience and at the same time he knew no jutsu. He didn't know any wind release, water release nor ice release, and it bothered him. How was he supposed to extract even a hint of revenge without being able to use a jutsu? There needed to be a change. So Pein would go on to rise from his meditating stance. He would stretch his body out and think to himself. He tried to recall what he had seen his father and other great shinobi from his former village do when they would utilize the water release jutsu. There always seemed to be a series of hand seals that would be used, but Pein could not remember which hand seals there were to do. Realistically, who would remember the exact hand seals that a shinobi used when seeing a jutsu performed for the fight time? Not Pein at least, regardless of how photographic his memory was. 

Pein Yuki
Pein Yuki
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Fri May 27, 2016 8:52 pm
His memory seemed to fade in, painting a picture of a specific training session he remembered his father conducting. It was a cold day as usual in Yukigakure, with harsh winds kicking up ice and snow in its breeze, slashing at the barely exposed faces of the shinobi. Although it was so cold, the sun was shining. Or at least shining more than what Yukigakure was accustomed to. Normally there would be grey cloud coverage, shielding the village from the sun's rays. But today was different. The sun came and illuminated the village and it's small training grounds, and in the process it slightly compensated for the cold, brash weather that the shinobi were facing today. As they had trekked through the snow from their huts to the small training grounds, footsteps from each shinobi were made. Yet those indents in the snow were quickly covered up by the falling snow from above. Yes, Pein could recall this day as if it were yesterday. That Yukigakure weather and environments were something that Pein could never forget, for nothing seemed to compare to it in Hoshi. Nevertheless, his memory had created and depicted the exact scenery from this specific training session.

He remembered his father forming three separate hand seals, thus creating three separate jutsu in the process. The first of which was the ox, dog then snake. As a result, he remembered his father's body seeming to transport inside a nearby body of water. Now the next was a long series of hand seals that were quite confusing and hard to remember for Pein. But as he could recall, they were the  snake, ram, horse, hare, ram, horse, hare, snake, ox then it appeared as if his father clapped his hands. Thus, a fellow shinobi was captured in what seemed like a prison of water. He was unable to escape but it seemed like Pein's father was also unable to remove his arm from the prison without breaking the jutsu. Finally, another shinobi tested the strength of the jutsu. He used the rat then bird hand seals and launched a series of needles that whirled through the air and crashed into the prison, seeming to just get absorbed by it. There had been more jutsu done that day, but Pein could only recall those three. 

As Pein was lost in thought, he was suddenly drawn to the real world. It seemed as if a shinobi of Hoshigakure had been approaching him. This was the first time anything like that had happened. His legs still folded and arms still resting upon them while sitting on a bench, he awaited for to see if the shinobi would begin to talk to him. 

(WC: 452; TWC: 657/6000)
Keita Akiyama
Keita Akiyama
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Fri May 27, 2016 9:37 pm
Tentei was bored as fuck. Like seriously, he finally achieved the rank of Genin, however no missions have come in reach for a day or two now. Though he can go off training, he much rather be outside of the forsaken walls he's trapped in. Upon reaching Hoshigakure, he was sworn to not harm any civilians or else trouble, and though Tentei was sadistic he wasn't an oath breaker unless needed. He had some honor, though minimal. 

Now, he was just wondering around the village, though particularly the training grounds. It was quite the place to explore, though a wasteland due to being the texture of a desert, it had it's trees and wild life every now and then, to which Tentei "accidentally" would step on from time to time. Trailing on his unknown path he would plow around his domain as if he was in some goody mood, when truthfully it was just him taking nothing seriously as a sense of mockery to whatever laid their eyes upon him. Tentei would hum a good tune as he tried to disperse the boredom in his undead heart, unaware if actually attempting to train would free him of his spell of boredom, or maybe even some other sort of fun. 

Oh well. He would continue to walk in any direction he felt was right, through the surprisingly depth filled forest which fought against the natural terrain they all lived in. As he made several turns, he started to see a way out, and as he made his way out and believed he found a new area, he was disappointed to realize he had only went in an extremely uneven circle.

 Scowling under his breath, he would walk out of his past adventure zone and just dart towards the exit to go home and ignore this damned day, furious about how stupid today has been. However, he caught glance of some boy sitting down minding his own buisness, and looking like the usual fool. Tentei gained a smirk filled with malice and darted towards the grey haired fellow, wishing to investigate with his crude ways. He's been itching for some excitement, and Tentei could only hope this guy wasn't the bore he looked like.

Now coming up to this boy on a bench, Tentei would have his left arm positioned just outside his left pocket almost to rest on his hip, just as his headband swayed through the wind hanging from his left pocket. His right arm hanging loosely, and amber eyes looking at the boy with hate and sarcasm, though the boy's blonde hair would try to pity the grey haired boy and shade the eyes.

"Hey. What the hell are you doing."

Tentei spoke out with sharpness and crude words. His question wasn't asked in a question sort of tone, but more so a rude and forceful way. He waited in his position for an answer. Now it was all on him, on whether he would answer or try to do something else, either way Tentei wasn't happy.

WC: 510
Pein Yuki
Pein Yuki
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Fri May 27, 2016 10:21 pm
As Pein eyed the person coming his way, he noted the distinctive physical features of him as he made his way over. From a distance, he looked like he could have been Pein's size, but as he approached it became evident that he was smaller than Pein. In fact, significantly smaller than Pein. Standing just short of six feet tall, he felt that he would almost be a foot taller than the boy. He likely weighed less as well. Thus, Pein would hypothesize that he was older than the approaching shinobi. The person was wearing rather unorthodox clothes, clothes that he had yet to see in his time in the world. There was a button down and a low cut shirt upon his torso, not seeming to serve any purpose besides fashion. Perhaps this shinobi were not concerned about the scars and wounds he could receive from battle, but instead focused on looking good in the process. Pein couldn't lie, the clothes did look sharp, but they just weren't his taste. Pein performed the attire he wore, which served combat purposes and were still appealing in their own style. Judging off the clothes themselves, Pein came to the conclusion that the boy approaching him was likely rich. They would have to be exclusively crafted clothes consisting a pretty penny to find a style like that. Combining that thought with Pein's hypothesis of the shinobi being younger than him, he wondered if the person was a noble of Haven Country. If so, he would likely give off a snobbish tone upon first speaking to Pein.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Yep. He was snobby alright. Just as Pein would predict he would be. Pein did not abide by the universal concept, "don't judge a book by its cover" because in this day and age and in this village, it seemed as if everyone were only as deep as their surface portrayed. Thus, Pein's conception of people would thus be furthered; they were nothing more than inconsiderate scum. Nevertheless, Pein would have to entertain the lad, as he had already made his way over to interrupt his meditation. He uncrossed his legs and extended them down to let his feet meet the floor. Pushing his hands off from the bench, he rose to his feet and now towered above the other shinobi who stood in front of him.

"Same thing as you. Looking for something to do." Pein shortly said. There was a distinct lack of interest in Pein's monotone voice, for he was not pressed on having a deep conversation regarding the mean of life with someone he had just met. Simultaneously, the expression upon Pein's face was bland and bored, obviously not too intrigued by the shinobi in front of him. While his physical body was in front of the other shinobi, his mind was elsewhere. He was still thinking of the jutsu that his father and Yukigakure shinobis had done in front of him. He continued thinking of those shinobi, relating their handseals back to his own. He would think of how he was to apply those jutsu in his own way to make it more personalized to himself. Still he waited on the lad's response. He didn't give the person much to work with, instead just being short with him. It would be easy for one to get offended with Pein's lack of depth, but someone more analytical would realize that Pein was being honest. He could tell the other shinobi was looking for something to do, and that's exactly what Pein wanted out of the day. 

(WC: 600; TWC: 1257/6000)
Keita Akiyama
Keita Akiyama
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Sat May 28, 2016 12:23 am
Well this was gonna be a fun day. Tentei let out a smirk from the sure bite this guy had. He was a tall fellow for sure, but still seemed like he could be pushed around. It was also extremely obvious the man was not here right now mentally, he was staring off into space and saying nothing else and just seeming to be gone. Therefore Tentei took this opportunity to do something he just felt like doing. Bringing some excitement to the table. As the man stared off into space underestimating Tentei, he would continue to hold his smirk holding back the rage that was boiling of his pride being touched behind it. With one lift of his right arm, he would push the boy with his highest amount of strength forward by extending his arm on his chest. With the most likely strength difference and unawareness of this happening, it is likely the boy would be pushed and fall over the bench, landing on his back on the opposite side of the bench. 

Regardless of whether the boy caught his fall or not, Tentei would put his right foot onto the bench and then look down at him, with his right hand now being positioned on his knee, looking down on the fallen boy. His left hand already moved its previous position, it was now hanging behind his body, on his left backside, impossible to see whatever was going on behind there.

"Hey! Up here! What caught your attention baba? You seemed to have joined the clouds.

Tentei was giving off his usual sadistic smile that gave off his whole personality and meaning of life. Cruelty and Sadist intentions. Of course, he wasn't intending to kill this guy, but if he just so happened to fall and break his neck. Well, oh well.  He can get up and walk it off, besides Tentei was able to do the same from his past experiences, not like it would hurt either. The torturers after a certain time made it so it didn't hurt as much as it did back when he was captured, including all the other things they did to him. However his head was in the present right now, to make sure he kept his head in case anything was swung. Tentei had his eyes squinting, his eyelashes shielding his fiery eyes for the terror happening at this current moment. He truly was enjoying this, just as he liked it. Fun. Not  boring ass days of peace and prosperity. 

Tentei would look to see what the boy would do, whether or not he would flip with rage and try to attack him. That was what his left hand was for, having a kunai in his hand already, retrieving it from all the commotion. Tentei had no intentions to fight this current moment, he was actually curious what had the guy daydreaming and thinking who knows where, and plus the whole he wasn't allowed to kill anyone in Hoshi thing. Though Tentei didn't care too much for it. Anyways, as the light wind blew towards the direction Tentei was facing, it was a refreshing sight. A question to be answered, a kunai out and in the open, a man on the floor and some asshole blondie taking it all in with his right hand ready to act accordingly along with his left. Chaos is bliss.

WC- 568
Taikeo Shen
Taikeo Shen
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Sat May 28, 2016 2:19 am
After coming back from a long day at the hospital Taike was still pumping with energy so she decided to go to the training grounds and work on some of her moves even though she has no attacking moves except for her shock paddles which could most likely kill rather than injure someone and god know how Taike would hate to injure someone without a good reason. She enters the grounds and feels like meeting new people because the last people she met tried to pickpocket her and that wasn’t really good. She looks around and sees everyone grouped up then she saw two boys talking and thought she could introduce herself Taike walked right up to them and studies one that is holding a kunai “Be careful you might hurt yourself.” Taike said with a smile “But it doesn’t matter because if you do I could just assist and heal you after all I do work at the hospital.” She said in our always cheery voice she put her hand out and tilts her head to the side and gives a heart melting smile “I’m Taike and your names are?” She looks at the boy who is relaxing and wonders how he doesn’t have anything to do on such as busy day.

WC- 214
Pein Yuki
Pein Yuki
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Sat May 28, 2016 1:18 pm
Although Pein's mind was occupied, his reactions were not. He hadn't even had been looking elsewhere, as his eyes were lying on the shinobi who was speaking to him the whole time. Pein's face did indicate as if he were paying attention though, so the shinobi's next move would likely be justified to a slight degree. The shinobi had lifted his arm and moved it to push Pein. What was the point of it? Pein had no clue. But he damn sure wasn't going to let some random person he just met push him around. As the shinob's hand went in for the push, Pein would simply yet quickly slap his hand aside and prevent the intended push from happening. Pein was not in the mood to deal with an overly aggressive shinobi right now, especially for no reason. As stated before, he was thinking of other things. Yet it seemed as if the shinobi continued to persist the conversation, particularly noting that Pein seemed as if his mind was elsewhere.

"Just some things on my mind. This village doesn't seem to be too keen to outsiders." Pein said. 

He obviously was not offended or upset about the kid's attempt to push him, but still he wasn't much of a conversationalist. Before there would be the opportunity for much more to be said, another shinobi seemed to approach the two. She was warning one of the two shinobi of hurting themselves, but of what? Pein was in no danger of hurting himself so she couldn't be speaking to him. Therefore, she must have been talking about the other shinobi who stood in front of him. Looking and doing a quick scan of the shinobi, Pein noted that he held a kunai in his left hand. Pein braced himself subtly in case the boy was going to try something stupid with that kunai then took several steps away giving him some distance between him. Truth be told, he wasn't sure why the shinobi was trying to get so closed to Pein, perhaps he thought Pein was cute. But Pein only hoped that wasn't the case.

The girl then continued to speak, introducing herself. She also stood taller than the other shinobi, several inches actually. But Pein still was roughly half a foot taller than her. She seemed nice though, alluring even. Much more friendly than anyone else Pein had met in Hoshigakure, including the shinobi gripping a kunai in front of him. 

The girl's name was Taike. Pein would remember that.

Shortly after she gave her name Pein let out "I'm Pein," as he turned his head from the girl to the guy and then let out, "And who are you and what are you planning on doing with that kunai?"

(WC: 460, TWC: 1717/6000)
Keita Akiyama
Keita Akiyama
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Sat May 28, 2016 5:54 pm
Tentei would let out a small chuckle as his attempt to shove the guy before him failed. Oh well it wasn't too bad, he still got some fun out of the whole experience. Tentei would bring his hand wielding the kunai up to his head, however placing the kunai horizontal to Tentei's forehead to avoid any unnecessary injuries. From then on, he continued his malicious smirk and hanged his head low in defeat at his failed attempt. At least he wasn't dealing with some idiot, he respected the guy for having a bit more awareness then expected. The boy's next words didn't exactly faze Tentei, this tall guy obviously having to deal with previous affairs in the village which gave him such insight. It was true though, being an outsider of the village he did notice many eerie looks his way, however they meant nothing to him. He'll poison them in their sleep.

"You're right. They're afraid of us. But who cares, I rather be an outsider and disliked then born here and having to live in his overly happy village. Besides, they're worshiping the wrong God."

Tentei would voice his complaint while bringing his hands up in a shrugging sort of fashion. However this action of his was short lived as the boy before him got to notice the kunai and backed away slowly, assuming Tentei to be a hostile subject. Though the blondie was in fact a hostile person, his intent wasn't exactly aggressive at this current moment. The kunai was only meant to be used if the boy before him wanted to do anything hasty thanks to Tentei's actions. However, this falling back action of his only showed some of his characteristics. Could be a very cautious person, or just doesn't like the sight of blood. Nonetheless, given the boy took steps back and wasn't intending to fall over the bench, he would now he 3 feet away from Tentei to his right, while this harmless and grace filled voice came from behind him. 

This was all very amusing. The sight of a single weapon and everyone was fearful and backing away. How charming really. Tentei waved the kunai in the air towards the tall boy in a mocking manner, before dusting off the bench with his right hand and plopping down on it. After sitting and facing this girl before him, he would plunge the kunai into the bench and cause it to stick up with the hilt to the air on his left side. He would hold his hands up to his shoulders as if he was getting arrested, while having his eyes popping out displaying what he believed to be the others impressions, something around sheer horror.

"See? We're all friends here."

His voice being enriched with that of an untrustworthy snake. However Tentei wouldn't compare himself to a snake personally, more of a wolverine, a good friend of him in his past comparing that to him out of all things. Tentei would gaze at the distanced boy, curious to see what he had his eyes focused on now and why he wasn't talking any longer, only to see him catching eyes of their new guest. With a slight smirk, the blond would place his hands beside his hips and enter a lax state. Looking over the new guest, seemed as if her name was Taike? Eh. She was alright, seemed like they were both older then Tentei, looking more matured and taller. And the guys name was Pein. An odd name indeed, whatever the hell that meant. Seemed like he was the last person who would wish to inflict pain here, well maybe besides the girl. Glaring at the girl before them both, Tentei felt unamused, now seeing as some of the fun just left the building with her claim for peace, something he despised passionately.

"Looks like our good friend Pein here found love at first sight. Or I think that's what it's called."

He allowed the threat to set in place, though Tentei was starting to begin such a "threat" was actually the truth. The way the boy was staring at her. Or maybe he was just thankful someone was kind here, from his previous words. Either way what he said was now said. Oh well. Looking before the boy named after a sensation Tentei truthfully enjoyed dishing out, he would speak.

"Names Tentei baba. And oh this little thing? Well it's previous intentions were to stab someone if he just so happened to react a way I didn't like. However, now it seems to be some exotic item that can strike fear upon any victim who sees it. Cower at the power of a small knife!"

Tentei would look at the kunai, and then shake in artificial terror at it's sight, to show as an example of Pein's previous reaction. After doing as such he would lift his left hand, grabbing the kunai and yanking it out of the wood made of the bench, and then begin to spin it in an infinite loop while staring at the girl named Taike, whilst applying his weight to stay up on his right hand still beside his hip. He cocked his head to the right in a perplexed and questioning sort of fashion.

"And you. Uh...Taike I believe. Why exactly are you here interrupting me and my best friend Pein's quarrel? Maybe you need to practice your healing abilities on a living patient currently. In that case, I have no issues sparking the romance of you and Pein through nursing him."

Tentei would gaze upon Taike and smile kindly at her, obtaining the fun he's been craving through intimidation. 

"Or maybe you want to join in! Or even train some jutsu or whatever. I don't know what the hell you do as a Genin around these parts, supposedly I need some damned "team" to continue on missions to become a Chuunin. However no ones willing to work with a person like me. Or trusting more so."

He would now slip out his tongue and stick it at her, this playful game of his within his mind just continuing to progress and become more interesting. These two oddly interested Tentei, he hadn't met them before but something about them all together made Tentei enjoy it. The consideration of forming a team with them wasn't exactly on his mind, however he wouldn't refuse. Now he waited, keeping a good eye on Pein to make sure he didn't try to do anything rash for his new love interest. Tentei's grasp on the meaning of love isn't something he's sure he understands fully, his meters on emotions, pain, etc have been out of wack for a long time.

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