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Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Tidal Blessing
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Training while its Raining {p/nk/io} - Page 2 Empty Re: Training while its Raining {p/nk/io}

Tue Jun 21, 2016 2:41 am
Holy Shit! He was expecting a reaction and possible to be blocked but he wasn’t expecting this, and even worse, he wasn’t expecting to fly into a wall either! He didn’t scream in pain or anything because he was to stunned! He  laid there for a second in a lot of severe pain! Altar was definitely way stronger than him. Something Altar even said when he addressed him! Maybe he should just tell him he was clueless and didn’t know any jutsus because people never wanted to train him or train with him because they feared him! Yeah, he would tell him as soon as he was able to move when the feeling came back to his body. Ouch!  He carefully moved again, this time he let his self turn into a puddle and basically melt hoping it would ease the pain a little. No, sadly it even hurt to reform into a person! The voices were screaming in his head, but he was able to ignore them, not like he had time to talk to them anyways.
“Altar, I must be honest, i do not know any jutsus or attacks except basic fighting. I have never had anyone to train with, your the first person to not turn me away.” He said trying to stretch his back and joints, damn this guy was good!
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Training while its Raining {p/nk/io} - Page 2 Empty Re: Training while its Raining {p/nk/io}

Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:03 pm
Altar would shake his head at the boy, a sad frown deepening his young features. "That's not the point, Miz. Through your adventures there will be times when you'll face adversity. You'll come face to face with a guy that's bigger, stronger and faster than you. And no amount of jutsu will change that. However, if you learn how to use that against him, then it takes that away from the equation, and makes it your benefit instead of his."

As Altar spoke, he thought of all the people he had fought that had been so much better than he had been. Xyxer and Haru were two names that seemed to always find that true. They would always be bigger and stronger than him. But if he could outwit them... it was no longer a problem.

"If you'd like, I will teach you some basic ninjutsu. However, you can't come to rely on it. It's a double edged blade." Altar would say, awaiting the boy's response.
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Tidal Blessing
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Training while its Raining {p/nk/io} - Page 2 Empty Re: Training while its Raining {p/nk/io}

Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:32 pm
Miz looked at the expression on Altars face and could see disapproval of his actions! A long sentence explaining actions wasn’t necessary all Muz would need to do at this point would be simply shake his head and say yes. Which he did in hopes Altar would train him in the basic jutsus. Even he knew not to fully rely on them because they are only used with other jutsus and can not fully protect you or be used to win a battle.

“If I may say, you are stronger than you look.” He said as he prepared to learn whatever Altar was nearly  going to teach him. The rain around them made  him even more anxious to learn and the fact that Altar had just singlehandedly took him down, he knew he had to learn to defend himself.    
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Training while its Raining {p/nk/io} - Page 2 Empty Re: Training while its Raining {p/nk/io}

Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:26 pm
Altar would shrug at the boy's compliment. "It's part of being a ninja. No one expects you to be able to do the lucrative things you do, until you do them. That's why you never underestimate an opponent. Ever. And that's also why you never tell anyone what your entire arsenal is. The element of surprise is one of the most powerful in the ninja world." Altar would say, signaling the boy to follow him. This was an empty, desolate street yes, but in order to properly learn you had to be in a large, empty area. It was just...better.

As they reached the empty lot, Altar would look to Miz. "Seeing as you're an Academy Student, for right now i'm just going to start basic and teach you what you need to know to pass the Genin exam. Then, once you're a Genin, i'll start teaching you the true offensive jutsu you'll need." Altar would say, hoping to motivate the boy. Promising to teach him jutsu as a reward for passing the Genin exam would be like a carrot on a stick for Miz. Crude and rude, but effective.

The best thing to start with would be Transformation. It was easier than clone to learn and uphold. So, demonstrating, Altar would form the handseals and perform the jutsu, transforming himself into a dragon roughly the size of a human, holding the transformation a few seconds before dispelling it. He would then turn to Miz. "That is the transformation jutsu. A simple jutsu used to disguise yourself as anything, so long as you can picture it, and it's not larger than you are normally. To perform this jutsu you must constantly mantain chakra emission, picture what you want to be and mold your chakra around your body in that form."

Altar would signal the boy to try, before evaluating him afterwards.
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Tidal Blessing
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Training while its Raining {p/nk/io} - Page 2 Empty Re: Training while its Raining {p/nk/io}

Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:51 am
One small attack took Miz out, and he was still in pain, though it was now starting to fade, maybe this was a good thing. He listened as Altar explained to him why it was not a good idea to tell someone what you could or could not do, this as well made since to him. That would after all, give the enemy the upper hand and know what to expect, and you can’t win a battle when you tell them your plan. So far, he was learning from Altar. An offer to train more effective jutsus? An offer to learn from someone of his status? Hell yeah! His eyes lit up at the thought! But first things first, he must learn the Genin basics. He must do what he must do, and he was a quick learner. The transformation jutsu eh? This one would be easy he did  after all read about this at one point.
He very carefully watched as Altar transformed into a Dragon! This slightly startled him. He began to focus his chakra as it flowed through him as he tried to decide what to transform into! His favorite animal was a fish but he couldn’t do that, his second favorite was a wold. Yeah, that would work, transform into a wolf! He made the proper hand sign and in a quick puff of a smoke he felt his body mold into that of a  wolf! It didn’t last quite as long because im a matter of 20 seconds he broke the jutsu and turned back into a human. At least he assumed he did it, he couldn’t see himself after all, but he followed the instructions he was given and the proper hand signals! He waited on the evaluation from his trainer, Altar, hoping to get a good review.

[1486 words total so far, putting 250/ 250 towards transformation jutsu since I believe you can cut word count in half if it is taught to you]
Altar Shinkou
Altar Shinkou
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Training while its Raining {p/nk/io} - Page 2 Empty Re: Training while its Raining {p/nk/io}

Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:02 pm
Altar would look over Miz's transformed body. Not perfect, there were a few flaws here and there, but otherwise it was good. Upheld for a decent amount of time. All problems could be ironed out with time. The boy took note of Miz's choice in animal, a wolf.  Common, yet surprising for a Hozuki. Something aquatic would've fit much better.

As the boy broke the transformation, Altar would look at him and nod. "Good. Next comes the Clone Jutsu. This is a jutsu that creates afterimages to follow you. This will typically trick an opponent of low caliber from afar, but up close it's easy to spot the differences." Altar would say, weaving the simple handseals and performing the jutsu. As he completed the seals, two mirror images of Altar would appear, one on each side. Altar would perform simple things, such as moving his hands and arms and blinking, before dissipating the clones.

"The clones are, as I said, afterimages. They're projections. Not solid, and they're not independent. They do exactly as you do, when you do it. However, due to them being intangible and uncontrollable, they take a more see-through appearance and can slip up if you use them too close to an object. They'll move right through it." Altar would say, before awaiting Miz's attempt.
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Tidal Blessing
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Training while its Raining {p/nk/io} - Page 2 Empty Re: Training while its Raining {p/nk/io}

Sun Aug 14, 2016 4:15 pm
Listening intently he realized something, even though these jutsus were basic, if a person was in a serious situation, these jutsus could possible be used! If necessary he could use them to escape an enemy. And when you think about it, these are basis for other jutsus! Well, maybe he would have to look into this later! Miz watched closely as Altar performed the clone jutsu. It was beyond perfect. His were not even see through, and if they were, Miz couldn’t tell! Of course Altar was very high ranked and surpassed Miz in EVERYTHING!
“Shit…” Miz mumbled as he knew he had to at least make the jutsu decent so Altar would consider him worth training. Or maybe it was the voices making MIz feel inferior at this moment. Yes, that was it! Damn voices!
“You are worthless Miz, he won't train you. You are nothing compared to him!”
“Show him you are better than him!”
“He defeated you, you are not even worth holding the Hozuki name!”
Miz gritted his teeth as he shook his head trying to rid himself of the voices and then mimicked the hand sign that Altar had done attempting to create a clone that was decent! His chakra left his body creating a replica of him and sure enough, the clone was see through but yet you would have to look closely to see through it. And it moved the same way as he did! When Miz shook his hand the clone shook his hand, and when Miz looked back to Altar, the clone looked up at Altar.
“Was it good enough?” He asked as he made the clone disappear.
(1763 words 250/250 towards clone jutsu)
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