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Suraida Kiryu
Suraida Kiryu
Stat Page : Stat Page

HP: 300
AP: 406

Vigor: 25
Chakra: 150
Speed: 100
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 8500

A Short day of T(Raining) Empty A Short day of T(Raining)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:51 pm
The day was a cold and rainy day, the dark and gloomy clouds overrun with so much precipitation their raindrops were fat and fell fast to the ground, as the villagers of the Leaf were trying to shelter themselves from the rain in whatever ways they could. They would use the weak cloth of their shirts, if they forgot their jackets, to cover their heads as they ran for any building that had it's doors open for them. Others who did bring jackets had their hoods up and walked peacefully as the sounds of the rain hitting their hoods gave their ears a pleasant and calming whisper. In a way the chaos that the rain manufactured to the unprepared brought peace to the ones who didn't really care about getting wet. In fact, it even brought a happiness to those that had been looking forward to the rain as it provided an excuse to not leave the house and simply relax by the windows of their homes all to listen to the sounds that were happening outside. It actually provided a good way to get into a nice and meditative head space as it was providing exactly that for Suraida as he was sitting atop his comfortable bed and listened to the sounds of the rain hitting the side of his home. He could hear it tapping onto the glass of his window and on the wood of his outer walls which gave his senses a nice little sound for him to delve into the deeper recesses of his mind with.

A sudden strike of lightning beside his window, however, would snap him out of his meditation as he jumped up in fright from the bed and fell down over the side crashing into his floor headfirst. He yelped in pain as he shot straight up and rubbed his head as his impact caused a book to fall from his nightstand which crashed into the floor where his head had been. 'Well, that was lucky.' he thought to himself as he picked the book up and placed it back onto the bedside table before getting up and stretching his body out while looking out of his window at the steady rainfall. The rain dripped down from the roof onto his outer windowsill as he watched the water pool along the sill for just a moment before dripping off and down the wall to the ground. Suraida was happy and at peace watching the rain fall as he walked over to his fridge and got out a nice and cold bottle of water.

He could feel his chakra was growing from all the training he was putting himself through with all the meditating as well as jutsu training with the new jutsus he had recently learned. It was proving to be a challenge to really understand the inner workings of anything though, but he wrote that off as him just starting out learning the techniques and it would be a bit of time before he could truly know how to utilize them in the best ways possible. Drinking the water, he thought about whether or not he should give meditation more of a go as he wasn't finished with his training just yet but given that he could see flashes of lightning happening in the air he had the feeling he was going to be interrupted once more so maybe it was a good time to get some more physical exercises done. He drank a bit more of his water before he knelt down onto the floor, cleaning a spot here and there as he did so, before getting onto his hands and started performing pushups.

Physical exercise wasn't really something he was used to doing though, with all the running he often did, he could tell that he was getting faster with his exercises though he wasn't really getting any stronger. While he had gotten plenty of lower body workouts working with kids in the past upper body workouts... weren't really his thing as he could quickly feel the burn in his arms after having done several pushups. It didn't take long for them to give out completely and his body fell onto the ground with a thud. He could feel the soreness in his arms instantly subsiding letting him know he didn't give them all that much of a proper workout but he didn't really feel much in the mood of trying his luck again with a second set so he decided that he would stick with exercises that he was familiar and comfortable with. He got up to his feet, rolling his arms around in order to get some feeling back into them, before he then started doing some squats in order to get his legs warmed up. All the while the rain outside just continued to fall and drip along the side of his house giving him a nice sound to listen to as he started jogging in place.

He would do so for several minutes before he felt his legs getting tired, his lungs doing what they could to gather every bit of breath they needed to push onward, before he finally stopped in order to catch his breath. He took another swig of the nearby water as he figured that that would have to be enough for the day as he walked into his bathroom and turned on the shower. He could feel that his chakra had grown a bit from the training, but he was going to need to continue on with this type of training everyday if he was truly going to get anywhere. After his shower he put on a nice set of clothes that would keep him dry as he realized that he was in need of a few groceries as his stock was running low in a few items. Thus, he would step out into the raining weather in order to make his way along the streets towards its shops. Another day another dinner to cook.

WC 1,006

Claiming 10 stats to go towards Chakra as well as the tech Chakra Absorption at C rank (2 out of 5 C rank slots)
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
Remove Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 723800

A Short day of T(Raining) Empty Re: A Short day of T(Raining)

Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:26 pm
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