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Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Recruiting for a mission Empty Recruiting for a mission

Tue Jun 04, 2024 8:59 am
A-rank Mission:

Shikami Shinkou had taken His recent loss at the hands of the kage that came after, the Cyclops of the bloody Mist, Shiro... Seriously. The Once white haired man partook of a particular black substance and underwent a drastic change, his once white hair now black as night, he was slightly taller, and his build more defined. He even took to studying and becoming more educated in techniques. He was preparing himself for a rematch eventually, but Shikami needed to prove to himself that he deserved the chance to be Deputy Kage once more. Shikami would rub his arm at the point where the surgeons had to reattach his arm from where Shiro cut it off.

Shikami could have hit the man almost as hard, but it seemed like the man had an answer and seemingly unfazed by everything Shikami could throw at him. So he focused less on certain aspects of life, like the control of chakra, he no longer needed it to keep the Yuumei at bay, that was now his to alter and control at his whim. And Focused on growing his chakra, detoured down into the rabbit hole of studying Sealing type jutsu as well. The library offered a good amount of knowledge to someone if they would just ask the questions.

Shikami standing in front of the mission directory board broke him out of his trance and he grabbed a rather high ranking mission, he needed to make a name for himself, and not with the village, but one he could be proud of now that he was in control and no longer worried about the Yuumei destorying the village. He would look at the mission he took and read the description. There was three steps to this Mission, two of which he could easily handle by himself, his Doujutsu and Sensory skills allowed him to track with the best of them, his Sheer power would allow him to handle the thugs in question and make them stop any further activity.. it was the possible amount of supplies to be carried back that concered him.

If he brought back the people as well as the supplies, he himself could not do it all, and he doubt that people being taken in for justice would willing make themselves into pack mules to return the goods without some sort of deal or the likes... He needed a team. So Shikami would set out and begin to look around the village for anyone who seemed capable and willing to help in such a venture. And Maybe while they are at it, earn some kudos with the ex mizukage, while he did not have the pull he once did, some sway was still had due to the title and power he displayed facing Shiro.

So Off the Dark one went to gather some souls for such a journey.

Kaikos Blossom
Kaikos Blossom
Stat Page : Plum Tree Garden
Mission Record : Kai's Blossoming Career
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 8823

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:06 pm
Kai made his way steadily towards the mission directory. It had been a little while since he had taken on his missions as he had been preoccupied with his training though he was satisfied with the results and the pace at which he had been learning new techniques though there was still much more for him to learn. Along with his training he knew that he would need to earn his place in the village in order to gain access to stronger techniques and greater opportunities. If he one day wanted to join the hunter-nin he would have to prove himself to be not only incredibly skilled but also dedicated and loyal beyond question to the village. Kai knew there was every possibility they would not accept him into their ranks yet he understood the importance of setting a difficult if not an impossible goal. Many had believed he would prove useless to the village let alone become a ninja and he reflected on how may times he had failed the genin exam over the years, how many students had surpassed him and gone on to do great things or perhaps died in the pursuit of greatness. At one time he had felt like a ghost, haunting the halls of the academy yet his goal had always been clear. Kai had already completed one seemingly impossible goal and so he had set another in its place.

He walked holding the seal of confrontation at his side and aiding his vision and surroundings, the pole section of his naginata acted as a kind of walking cane which he used to hover a few inches over the ground in front of him in controlled sweeping motions. With the naginatas blade stored in his kisatsutai uniform it appeared simply as  metal pole. Kai did not need to use the pole and those familiar with him might be slightly taken aback as it was usually more normal to see him walking around the village unaided, the ever present grin fixed on his face as he wandered by and returned greetings if given. Kai had recently taking to using the pole in order to practice using it as though it was actually required. He figured that pretending to be dependent on a cane would serve as an excellent cover outside the village, why would anyone suspect the blind man to be a shinobi after all? The illusion would certainly be ruined if he could not use the cane correctly though so he practiced diligently, just as he would any other technique.

Kai rounded a corner and instantly recognised the unique mixtures of chakra that formed the signature of the former Mizukage Shikami Shinkou once he entered Kai’s chakra sensory range. The Shinkou’s chakra was a strange mixture of chakra colours that kai had not seen before which made him doubly recognisable, kai was uncertain precisely why his chakra was so different and he felt it was not his place to ask such personal questions. Kai stopped and gave a polite bow. “It is a surprise to bump into you again Lord Shinkou, though a good one. You seem to be moving with some purpose in your stride, is there anything I can do to assist you? I was heading to the mission directory but I would gladly spare some time should you require any additional help, little as I can provide.” Kai’s smile remained as he asked the question. Either Shikami would say yes or no and Kai would take no offence if rejected. The former Mizukage was surely powerful beyond Kai’s ability to truly comprehend and he likely had little need for a blind genin following at his heels.

[Gaining 1 stack of Heavenly Body]
[Chakra Sensory active]

WC: 615 TWC: 615
Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:04 pm
Shifting silhouettes began to stir under the glowing hues. The bustling in the streets and the quick greetings could be heard all throughout Kirigakure. Trickles of light begin to envelope and consume the shadows brought by the waning moon and the distant, but yet ever-present, stars. Those celestial bodies disappeared as the heavens above flooded the sky in a light shade of Azul. Massive bodies of misty vapors were not in sight as far as the eye could see; but the cooling breeze that was felt, one could tell that a tempest was brewing in from the seas. A calm before the storm, so to speak.

Malevolent eyes peered from the hospital balcony on which they rested upon, to the sights below. Civilians and shinobi alike progressed through the streets as they began their day, either for business ventures, missions, or just a stroll. However, one could tell that something was unusual about the people that inhabit this place. Unusual in the good way as for they all seemed in joyous spirits. While most villages had their happy days, they also had gloomy ones as recent attacks from the last couple years upon the major villages, the shifting of powers, had left one to worry. However, since this village has been taken over by a shinobi of Hoshigakure, they must feel that they are out of danger. 

A smile cracked from the scorch user’s lips as he too felt the same emotion as they did. He closes his eyes for a moment to feel the cool breeze flush against his skin. Taking in the feeling, he let a smile appear before he slowly opened his eyes again. Yellow wings. Pale purple speckles. Some light dappling of red. These were the only splash of color to be spotted against the drab blue of the overcast skies above and the urban structures all around. The only natural, organic thing, besides the inhabitants and vegetation below, to be seen amongst the mangled limbs of bent wood within their pulverized husks of plaster and masonry. All packaged in this tiny, fluttering thing, hardly managing its paper-thin frame against the gusts of that day's particularly capricious breezes. The little creature seemed hardly disturbed at all by the warm-blooded fingers outstretched toward it.

A ferocious gust of wind came forth and blew the butterfly far from Kaimera’s grasp. 'How unfortunate,’ he thought as he watched the spectacular insect flutter in the air as it descended to the lands before. Something that Kaimera should be doing at the moment. While working in the morgue of a hospital, it doesn’t mean that it didn’t come without the occasional mission. Discovering new poisons and creating new antidotes were the many that have followed in that topic. Thus, he needed to turn in his report to the ones that placed a mission on these various cases.

Placing a foothold upon the wooden railing, Kaimera launched himself to the ground below from the second-story balcony. Passerby paid no heed as he landed gracefully on the shaggy grovel road and began moving in the direction of where he was supposed to headfirst: the administration building.

Kaimera started his elegant stride inside the village's complex pathways, all surrounded by differently built houses and businesses. He adorned his normal attire but forgot to put up his lab coat in his locker. Thus, he would need to take it home and wash it. The sweet aroma of a nearby bakery filled his nostrils. Strawberry pastries are a guilty pleasure of his, but now was not the time to stop and indulge his sweet tooth. Giving a sigh with a sad undertone to it, he ventured forth on his path.

Continuing on his journey through the resident/eatery district in Kirigakure, he entered the trade district. It was impeccable. The trade district is a vibrant tapestry of lights, colors, and bustling activity, especially at night. The low-rise commercial buildings form a canyon of commerce, each storefront adorned with bright, glowing signs and window displays that beckon visitors. The air is filled with the enticing aroma of street food, creating a sensory symphony that envelops the area. Hundreds of people throng the streets, weaving through the labyrinthine alleys and avenues. The hum of excited chatter, laughter, and the occasional street performer's melody create a lively ambiance. Even with the sun out, the glow of paper lanterns and hanging fairy lights overhead casts a warm and inviting hue on the animated scene.

It was a beautiful sight indeed, something he could not experience right now. Perhaps when he gets the paper returned, he could come back, but that could always just be wishful thinking. There is always another mission around every corner, and as he rounded the corner to head to the administration building. He noticed a few unfamiliar faces, well, one is. One of the individuals he casually remembers as a high-ranking officer that fought Shiro-sensei for the title of deputy kage. ‘What was his name again?’ Kaimera thought to himself as he placed a finger upon the bottom of his lip.

After pondering for some time, he finally gave up on trying to remember. Instead, he decided to walk up and greet the man in question. “Oi, beg my pardon. But you’re the one that lost to Shiro-sensei, are you not?” He questioned with a devious smirk. “One might not expect it out of a student of his, but I was rooting for you to win.” He said as his smile turned into a more subtle yet gentle one. “I’m Kaimera Yakedo, it's a pleasure to meet you. Both of you,” he introduced himself as he turned to the other that is not Kaikos, looking him up and down to take note of all his features and insecurities.

WC: 962
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Fri Jul 19, 2024 2:04 pm
The Darkest of Shinobi within the village of Kiri stumbled upon a familiar face, The blind kid he had met before, than shortly after they finished asking their questions, another suddenly joined, and knew who he was, apparently they were a student of Shiro's and was actually routing for Shikami to win rather than his own sensei, this made Shikami question to himself why, and maybe later he would ask later, but for the time being he would just smile softly and nod to the kid and spoke gently to them " Pleasure to meet you, I am Shikami Shinkou, yes I was the one who fought Shiro for the Deputy Kage Title" at that mention Shikami would rub his shoulder for a moment and looked back tot he other " Actually I could use your help, while you may not have physical sight, you have insight beyond others, and this mission could utilize such traits, let us head to a close location before we discuss further, Kai you are more than welcome to tag along as well." At the end of his Words Shikami would begin to head off in the direction the mission told him to go for the start of such a place.
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Sat Aug 03, 2024 12:34 am
Many questions ran through the mind of Shikami , he was curious what would make one root for the man who was fighting against ones sensei for example, the dark one would lead the pack, he would eventually lose himself in his own stream of thoughts that he did not even pay attention to if the other two were following him or not. Shikami's questions became many now, the biggest of which being, if Shikami challanged Shiro, and he accepted, could he beat the hyuuga in combat, and if so...would he even want to take the Deputy Kage title, or would he decide against trying to go for it simply because he had already lost that right alone?

Shikami finally came to when he realized that he had lost the other two, seems they would just have to catch up with him later or go about their own ways at this point, Shikami already accepted the mission and needed to get it accomplished. The Dark Shinobi went to the storehouses first to being searching for clues around the area, followed shortly after by seeking out people nearby who seemed to be frequent to the area to ask about suspicious characters. Most knew the warehouses owners being of a particular family and was willing to help if they could, sadly most seemed to be of little help, as they were only around during the day. That gave Shikami more information than they realized however, that means they strike at night. With that in mind, Shikami would begin to forumlate a plan, it would be easier if the other two had joined him, if Kai's abilities with chakra sensory was as good as he led everyone to believe, than tracking these people at this very moment would not have been an issue, sadly that was not a possiblity at this moment.

Shikami would lay in wait, having set forth new that a new small, emergency shipment of equipment came in, Shikami had taken a nearby crate and filled it with the items that he carried that he could use to lose just in case, but he did not really use, and under a piece of cloth at the bottom had placed a small mark to stay hidden away but allow him to track the crate. Than he took to a place nearby to hide. When nightfall came, just as Shikami was hoping, the trap was sprung, an a couple of people came to snag the crate and take off with it. Shikami being able to track his own unique source of chakra, having used Yuumei itself to create that mark so it seemed like a black knot within the wood at quick glance, Shikami could easily track the Yuumei's Location at a distance.

So With his safe travel distance behind them, he would follow behind till he sensed that he was closing in on his mark, the mark had stopped, so Shikami would being to approach with more caution and from a high point within the trees. Silent Killing really was a boon at this point to him, allowing him to move at full speed and yet make not a sound. Shikami closed in and stopped when he could see the encampment that now housed the equipment stolen from the Noblesse family. Shikami would trigger his Meigan, He would unleash himself fully,and without the others to worry about getting caught in a cross fire or to see a darker side to himself, Shikami decided he was going to really have some fun with this situaiton.

Shikami Would first Create a mist that would begin to roll in , Slowly going around the edges of the camp to encase the camp in the Hidden mist technique completely. Once it was fully engulfed, shouting could be heard, they knew they were under attack but they could not tell from where, Shikami would let loose a sadistic grin as he would begin to let the Yuumei's influence to take hold, while he does have control over it now, he was letting it have its fun at this point, a reward at this point. he needed to make sure that no other group would ever decided that this was a good idea ever again. So with the mist in tact , he would begin to stroll around in the mist, Silent Killing keeping each movement hidden from sound, and only those with select doujutsu would be able to see through this mist at the moment, Shikami's Aura would begin to pulsate off of him in a dark purple glow that was almost tangible. and in the middle of the camp where he now stood he let out a audible laugh to let them all know right where he stood.

Shikami would than begin to unleash several techniques , one right after the next as he needed to, to start taking out the group of bandits that terrorized this area., being careful not to unleash anything that would blow away his mist at this point, Shikami stuck to things more like his bubble bomb technique, Setting up a mine field for them to run through which was just a death trap waiting to be sprung. the next he unleashed was Laughing coffin, a series of black strands unleashing from Shikami without the use of handseals making him seem almost like a demon or a sorceror , each strand eventually as it weaved about landing on a target taking the target out, as Shikami was in a powered state, Finally some thought they got smart until they triggered the minefield he had set up with the bubble bomb technique which just made Shikami's manic laughter burst forth once more "You continue towards death like moths to a flame!" Around this time someone was starting to gather the forces together for a coordinated onslaught, the pause in slaughter made Shikami smirk as he waited to see what they had planned.

After a period of time, he could hear their feet from all sides charging at once. they figured at least one would get through huh?, Oh well. Shikami would unleash His Dark Vortex technique but instead of keeping it as personal bubble around himself, he pushed it out as a pulse in all directions, taking out his opposition and clearing out the mist. Shikami now only had a couple of them left. One of which seemed to be the leader of the group who had been poking at his defences as if testing for weaknesses. Shikami had his fun and was ready to end it at this point. He would begin to weave handseals finally, but at the same time, his tounge would begin to distort into different positions, replacing handsigns for a technique as well. First Technique that Shikami would Unleash upon them would be the Power of Kiri, Great Water Shark Bomb, Without realizing the exact technique that was unleashed at the time, they attempted to counter it until it absorbed their techniques and grew in power and continued on its path toward them.

Shikami would than release the hidden technique he had , Lightning Release, False Darkness, Firing off the Lightning technique to enhance his Shark Further, not to be absorbed by the shark but to electrify it. giving it an added layer of power and abilities. Shikami was ending the fight here at this very moment, that was the entire point of this very moment. Once the Shark found its target and eliminated the last couple of bad guys from the group. Shikami would first collect his crate of goods back, Than he would collect up what he could carry and using a clone tech to carry more, upon getting to the town, the sun was starting to rise, the sting operation and than the blood bath that was the encampment took till the sun rise, Upon his return he told locals how to get there for them to retrieve the rest of the gear he could not carry himself.

Luckily the Shark bomb washed away just how vicious he was with them, so it seemed like he was relativly quick and merciless on the group, but the fact that a singular shinobi took out the group of bandits that had been snagging goods that should have been a easy pay day should deter future attempts at least for awhile.

Shikami would take his note of accomplishment back to the village's mission board to get credit for the mission, he would fudge the paper a bit and make sure that the two Kai's that he had with him earlier would get credit for the mission as well, since they were intended to help him, he just lost them along the way and he decided not to look for them before taking on the mission by himself., Upon payment he would nod his head, turn around and walk back out. But before he did, he made sure two identical letters were written out, one for each Kai, that appologized for him taking off and leaving them behind, and explaining that he did still credit them for helping along on the mission, and that they should expect payment soon.

It was time to head home and grab a bite to eat, he had a long earned nap headed his way shortly after that as long as nothing interrupted those plans. As Shikami walked back to his house the Yuumei within would express its gratitude to him for the ability to stretch its legs as it were, it was nice to indulge in the darkness every once in awhile, and Shikami had to agree, Sometimes the only way to deal with a pest problem was to exteriminate indisctiminately. Shikami could feel that this deed did darken him some, but he was actually okay with this at this time, it was a part of who he was, and he had learned acceptance at this point. After all, was that not the entire point of the ritual he partook in back in the land of the Abyss?

Upon getting to his house, Shikami would take the clothes that he wore for over twenty four hours at this point and put them to wash , and he himself went to wash up, taking the time to enjoy the feel of the water over his skin, before stepping out and going over to enjoy himself a bite to eat before crawing into his warm bed and sleeping like a baby despite the number of people he had just killed that very night, and the bussle of the city life going on just outside of his house, he was exsusted.

WC- 1771

TWC- 2454

Mission Complete, Exit Claim, 24,000 Ryo Total (8000*2 Beloved, +4000 Jounin Bonus, +4000 Ap Conversion)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Sat Aug 03, 2024 12:59 am
Shikami Shinkou wrote:
WC- 1771

TWC- 2454

Mission Complete, Exit Claim, 24,000 Ryo Total (8000*2 Beloved, +4000 Jounin Bonus, +4000 Ap Conversion)
Note- 4000 Ryo from AP conversion due to the AP being boosted to 80 AP from Beloved Presence.
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Mon Aug 12, 2024 9:36 pm
2454 Wc

-24 Speed
+24 Chakra

New Stats

Chakra 79
Speed 66

Soul Expulsion Max Stat Discount 1875/1875 Replacing Judgement, A-rank

579 Wc Remaining to Sage Mode Trained Here 1506 /3000 Max Stat Discount, 2085/3000 new total
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:33 pm
Shikami Shinkou wrote:2454 Wc

-24 Speed
+24 Chakra

New Stats

Chakra 79
Speed 66

Soul Expulsion Max Stat Discount 1875/1875 Replacing Judgement, A-rank

579 Wc Remaining to Sage Mode Trained Here 1506 /3000 Max Stat Discount, 2085/3000 new total
Kaikos Blossom
Kaikos Blossom
Stat Page : Plum Tree Garden
Mission Record : Kai's Blossoming Career
Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 8823

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:56 am
Kai nodded in agreement at Shikami’s offer to join him on the mission. “I would be happy to assist you off course so that I can learn from a much more skilled shinobi.” Kai followed Shikami and Kaimera as they set off on the mission. “A pleasure to meet you too Kaimera. I am Kaikos Blossom but you may call me Kai if you wish. I do not believe we have had the pleasure of meeting so I look forward to working with you on this mission. I specialise in weaponry and sensory techniques by the way.”

Shikami dashed away leaving Kai and Kaimera behind and Kai worked to hard to pick up the pace and catch up. By the time Kai had been able to locate any trace of Shikami night had fallen and the young genin had been dashing around trying to locate Shikami’s signature and failing as he had yet to memorize it. Something he decided to rectify as soon as he had the opportunity to do so.  When Kai detected Shikami’s signature he was on the move and Kai followed from a distance, and had been about to approach when suddenly all trace of Shikami vanished, even the tiny sounds of soft footfalls disappeared. Kai moved closer stealthily, maintain chakra sensory as he jogged quietly, ducking behind what cover he could locate.

Eventually he heard a commotion in the distance and felt the release of several techniques as well as a very unique kind of chakra that Kai had detected coming from Shikami but not ever in such intensity. Kai was uncertain of the situation so held back at a distance as he heard Shikami laughing like a demon and taunting his enemies. Kai wondered if all Mizukage were required to be a little mad or cruel to prosper and was silently glad it was not one of his goals. He had no interest in leading a village or even a team really. Kai considered himself an efficient cog within the village mechanism and he would be content to simply perform his required functions and serve the village loyally and efficiently.

Kai heard many techniques being released and identified the sounds of crashing water and explosions before the sound of cracking lightning penetrated his sense of hearing and the ozone crackle smell reached his nose. Even from a distance he could feel the ground tremble a little from each impact and strike. Kia realised he was not the only one nearby however as his passive sense detected several people that appeared to be moving quickly away from the scene, perhaps a small group that wandered away or had been lucky enough to not arrive at the encampment in time. Kai nodded to himself and activated the seals on his kisatsutai unform drawing the handle and blade of his naginata and as he began to give chase, spinning the Naginata one handedly in his right hand as his left hand held the seal of confrontation to give him the maximum use of his chakra sensory.

Kai channelled a small amount of chakra launched three kunai at different angles using the bullseye technique. On bounced of the ground and hit the another causing them to hang in the air a moment as the third ricocheted of the other two striking the fleeing mans left shoulder as he turned to deflect the kunai unsuccessfully. From the sounds of their breathing the kunai had not been successful in killing his opponent but then Kai had not fully expected it to in the first place.  The other two moved swiftly to surround Kai and the genin reacted calmly as his right hand made one handed seals of Tiger -> Dragon -> Bird before he momentarily let go of his naginata and clapped his hands before grasping the naginata one handed once more. As he had clapped his hands he felt his senses expand even further as his chakra formed a 20 meter radius sphere inside which he could accurately sense any and all movement, allowing him not to predict but to see in real time every movement and action taken.

Kai felt the subtle movements form each opponent, the wounded one moved towards him with a  kunai in each hand, engaging in close combat, the one behind him to his right 15 meters away was drawing shuriken to throw at Kai’s back and the final assailant to his left at 10 meters was forming hand signs for a technique. Kia took a sharp breath in and out as he felt his body flooded with chakra, the total concentration breathing increasing his speed and chakra reserves dramatically as he dashed quickly towards the opponent weaving hand signs and using the reach of his naginata  to unleash a swift strike through the surprised ninja’s throat. The mettalic scent of blood erupted in his senses and Kai felt the warm crimson liquid splash across his face and hands in small flecks. Within his barrier he could still sense the ninjas head spin once, twice and three times before it struck the ground.

His opponents had adapted to his movement and three shuriken flew towards him as the other opponent dashed in now from behind. With his increased speed, focus and the canopy barrier formation it was not quick enough however. Kai turned to face the ninja dashing towards him as he ducked easily beneath the shuriken without turning his head towards them. He swung his naginata once more releasing a wave of chakra that out through the kunai wielding ninja 5 meters before he was in rage to strike Kai. Another spout of blood and Kai felt the misting strike his body as he activated another seal on his uniform, this time drawing out his spiked kusari gama and allowing the chain to slide through the handle mechanism meter by meter as he cast the chain in an arc towards his opponent, first striking his unprotected leg before wrapping around him with the binding meteor technique preventing form moving. Kai set upon the immobilised ninja and struck him heavily in head with the handle of his naginata, knowing the culprit unconscious.

Kai placed a mark seal on each of the bodies on the scalp, hidden by the hair as well as a mark on the inside of the decapitated bodies thigh before picking up the unconscious foe still bound in the spiked kusari gama. Kai did not wish to waste time burying the dead but he would be intrigued to trace the mark seals to see if any moved it. He doubted the mission office would be too interested in the corpses but Kai did not want to remove the option to locate them again.

He set off with his unconscious prisoner on his back, heading to the prison first and handing in the captured foe and advising of the mission he was on. Kai carried on through the village, smiling as usual once the prisoner was deposited and aware of the odd looks and murmurs as he walked by, face and hands streaked in blood. Though not one to show off Kai was happy to walk through the village and let his bloody appearance be seen. There was no shame in doing ones duty and all ninja could be called upon to kill or be killed as a mission required.

Kai arrived at the mission office and was informed that Shikami had already accredited them with the missions success. It was a kind gesture from the village master as he had seemingly to been aware that Kai had managed to catch up with him, not that Kai could with all honestly say he had been integral to the mission, killing or capturing a few stragglers fleeing the scene was not a particularly bold or stunning accolade to boast about. Kai recalled the sounds of various powerful techniques being unleashed in quick succession as well as the maniacal laughter and enjoyment that Shikami seemed to have taken in the wholesale massacre, for there could be no other word for it. Even Kai’s opponents fell short of what would be expected of a village genin, using only basic techniques. To a former Mizukage it must have been like squashing insects and he certainly seemed to enjoy the act.

Kai reflected on his own thoughts and feelings as he had thought, he had felt mostly calm, the barrier canopy technique certainly assisted with this and had allowed him to fight without being caught unawares and respond to techniques without even looking. It had likely given his opponents pause as he hoped it might. Kai did not feel like he had changed much given his first kills. He had thought it would be a transformative moment but he felt mostly the same as ever though a little number than usual, he wondered if perhaps that was normal but did not really have anyone he could ask. Kai returned to his home via the window as per usual and set about washing his face and hands, before carefully washing his haori and running his fingers over every inch of the fabric to locate any signs of damage or wear that he would need to attend to.


WC: 1538 TWC: 2,153 TMWC: enough/4000

Claiming mission rewards:
+8,000 ryo
+40 bonus ap (175 -> 215 bonus ap)

Memorizing chakra signatures:
+ Shikami Shinkou
+ Kaimera Yakedo

Claiming 2,153 wc (25% discount from max stats)
+ Total Concentration Breathing: Water Breathing - 1500/1500 - 1500/2153
+ 14 wc to complete Chakra Flare - 500/500 - 1514/2153 -
Previous Claim:
+ 639 wc towards Sword Storm [Incomplete] - 639/1875 - 2153/2153
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Familiar : Hakujya
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Recruiting for a mission Empty Re: Recruiting for a mission

Sat Aug 17, 2024 9:06 pm
Kaikos Blossom wrote:


WC: 1538 TWC: 2,153 TMWC: enough/4000

Claiming mission rewards:
+8,000 ryo
+40 bonus ap (175 -> 215 bonus ap)

Memorizing chakra signatures:
+ Shikami Shinkou
+ Kaimera Yakedo

Claiming 2,153 wc (25% discount from max stats)
+ Total Concentration Breathing: Water Breathing - 1500/1500 - 1500/2153
+ 14 wc to complete Chakra Flare - 500/500 - 1514/2153 -
Previous Claim:
+ 639 wc towards Sword Storm [Incomplete] - 639/1875 - 2153/2153

Recruiting for a mission JPYXIpT
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