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Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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matrimonial bliss(mission) Empty matrimonial bliss(mission)

Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:48 am

"Ashareial. Get. up. We have a very important mission to do tod.....what?"Ah yes. Once more we take a short look into the lives of the twin terrors ash and rei alloquitius sun. Yanno, you'd think their parents would have put a little extra care into their naming scheme. Rei rushed down the empty hall way of their large home, stopping just long enough to draw a kinai before begining the process of entering Ash's room. turning the knob she quickly slashed downward, cutting the first trip wire connecting the door to the surrounding frame. Kicking the door open quickly she jumped back, dodging a torrent of flame that poured through the opening. She counted slowly, one. two. three... and then it was time to go. The flames pulled back for barely an instance, allowing her entrance before two large wooden structures with sharpened barbs closed just past the entrance of the door, slicing off a precious few strands of the girl's long black hair as she caught the opening perfectly. This is where things get interesting. The weapon was released from her hand in an instant, cutting into the wood about two inches left from the center of the door. The floor dropped out beneath her, exactly as expected. Silently she cursed, as usual, her parents need to have two basement levels to their three story home. The kunai hit into an already opened groove exactly where she needed, and the trap door failed at its task. With one foot wedged onto the edge of the still existing floor and the second standing on the hilt of the kunai she was safe for now, though the next section threatened to stop that. Four sharp pointed logs came at her, two from the left two from the right, swinging inward to meet at high speed. Why couldn't this ever be easy?

"Ash I'm done with your shit come on. turn this off." She ducked under the first, her legs spreading into splits to protect herself for the split second of impact before she rolled forward, past the open floor as acid sprayed across the immediate area, aimed at the ground. Pushing off she flipped away, landing in a green painted box. The weapons extending quickly from each wall stopped in their tracks barely inches from the girl's body, and she let out a sigh. With a loud mechanical click each of the traps reset themselves, odd collored liquids pouring across the floor in the front and the doorway area, probably a solvent used to defend against the acid and flame. The troubles of having a sister who's a genius am I right?

"Alright. No....Where are you?!" Picking up at the first part of the post... I mean um, continuing her thought because this is actually happening and not an elaborately written story. Yep. carry on..... Rei would search around for any sign of her sister. She knew she needed to stand in this box until the second panel lit up or risk begining the sequence all over again, so she respoved simply to wonder. There on her bed, noticable once she was safely on the second strike plate, was a note form her sister.


Where the hell are you? Got up early, very important mission today. Off to talk to a priest about a wedding. If you haven't heard, theres a really cute couple trying to get married today. Unfortunately their families are completely bat shit crazy. Yea yea, I know, mom always said dont say mean things about people but still. Who doesn't let people deeply in love have happiness?! Well. While you're off being lazy I, Ashareial Deomenoria Alloquitius sun have taken action! I'll have this whole situation fixed in moments so dont stress it. If you could gather the pride and groom and give them their outfits however that would be great. Also talk to the parents I think we have a romeo and juiliette kinda thing going on, except this time the parents might.... well yah know" Beneath this portion of the letter was a crudely drawn stick figure with an animated face, the facial features colored in green and a line of red across the characters neck. As horrible as the artwork was it did explain the situation both simply and effectively. Give it to Ash. The letter went on, mostly in vague explanation of what Ash was doing that was more boastful and insulting to the black haired konoichi then anything else, and finally ended with

"Please try not to screw this up. Love is at stake."

Just like Ash. Somehow her obnoxious twin sister had found a way to learn about the mission she'd purposely made any mention of until right now, for fear of the girl doing exactly what she was doing now. Perfect. This changed things of course, her plan to keep Ashareial in check while trying to use rational thought to convince a few people that it was cruel to deny the love of two people.... and that murder was illegal, now out of the question. The plan now was simple. Play damage control. She rushed to the home where she expected the first set of parents to live, knowing that it was the vanilla villagers who would be the problem here. When she arrived the sound of crashing china and loud yelling informed her just how late she was. She could clearly hear her sisters voice, which was problematic considering the situation, and considering the combination of unidentified objects crashing into each other and the heavy thump of goddess knows what, Rei realized that she would need to move quickly. Formalities needed to be left at the door, or past the door considering the situation, as she turned the knob to gain entrance to a home that was not hers. Once inside she could hear Ash clearly.

"Listen. I don't know who you are.... well I know who you are because i'm here specifically to speak with you, but I dont know who you are to think that you can stand between love. What we have standing before you is beautiful. The fact that your daughter has found someone that she cares so deeply for is a once in a lifetime situation! Plus think of the party! How could you say no to such a grand affair!! I heard the queen might even be coming" In true ashareial fashion she tried weakly to explain the situation before her. it was clear she'd done no actual research into the situation, choosing to bust in( We use this term very literally dear readers. The locking mechanism that would have normally prevented entrance to the black haired sun sister was splintered, tiny bits of soft white colored wood spread about the door frame where Ash had clearly gained entrance. There was debris across the floor, and the door frame itself had several large cracks. Ash if you didn't know weighted about fifty pounds soaking wet with all of her gear, making this kind of devistation impossible, which brought Rei's brilliant analytical mind to one simple explanation: there was a puppet inside with her) and just talk until her target was so willing to get rid of her that they would say anything if she agreed to leave.

"You will never understand you disgusting filth! I cannot condone this disgusting blasphemy. Leave my house before I have you removed. " The wife was livid, which was clear due to her tone. Rei moved slowly through the large living room, taking notice of the simple furnishing. There was a small round coffee table in the center of the room, large divots in the bright royal blue rug making it clear that they hadn't moved any thing aroudn in quite some time. It was meticulously clean, which she found impressive. There wasn't a spec of dust on anything around her. surrounding the cofee table, which had several stark white pamphlets with plain black writing about the temple of the forgiven, which was most likely the church that they wen't to, wrapped a long black leather couch that stretched across the mahogony hard wood floors in an l shape, providing seating. Surprisingly enough there wasn't a tv set to be seen, or really anything that they could use for recreation asside for several holy scripts planted across the room. There were sixteen in total.

"Please. What you're talking about is allowing your beliefs in some rediculous hypothetical higher power who had other people thousands of years ago write a book which has been translated several times to quite a few different languages by people who are very predetermined to think that vague words mean a specific thing and could easily have simply edited this or that either so that the book now reads exactly what they'd like or in such a way that it gives them political power should dictate whether two people can or can't do something. It wasn't her fault who she fell in love with, you aren't just born one way and then make the choice down the line that regardless of what you believe in they're going to stand up and be ridiculed and looked down on for a choice like this. It's not a choice. Why can't you see that?! You need to remember this is your daughter. Who she loves is who she loves. All you can do is accept that" Ash was still yelling, her words now dripping with dose after dose of cruel venom as she verbally assaulted the couple, or at least assumed couple. We haven't actually seen them yet let me remind you, but when you do... whooo boy will you see. Um. See that its a couple. I'm totally not forshadowing to something crazy. Stop looking at me like that.

Rei, who had paused to study the area around her for a moment, looking for something she could use to turn the tide once she'd managed to calm her sister down enough to begin actual reasonable convorsation, continued once more, pinpointing the hallway that would lead to wherever the conflict was happening. She had no clue that it was in the kitchen, of course. Only those within the room and I your third person omniscient narrator could possibly know this. Yes yes, I know I'm speaking in first person but I promise I'm the third person omniscient narrator. Dont question it... Don't....... thank you.

The halllway was exactly what you'd expect, long and only very dimly lit. The walls were a pristine white, almost like they'd been cleaned extensively every single day. It made sense. Rei was certain that if she were trapped in a house with nothing but religious texts she wuld most likely find the only entertaining thing to do was clean and do house work. It really was a depressing existence.

Cosplay Queen Saya
Cosplay Queen Saya
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matrimonial bliss(mission) Empty Re: matrimonial bliss(mission)

Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:14 pm
hanging on the walls framing each side of the black haired girl's path were large gold painted picture frames. As she approached the first a quick glance to her left found the first to hold a picture of a short older woman. She looked to be in her mid fifties or so with long auburn hair that flowed across her left shoulder, tiny lines of silver feathered through the thick locks of slightly curly hair. Exactly as she'd expect considering the situation the woman had quite the sour look on her face, arms crossed over her chest and a glance that screamed her thoughts, she was better then you and there was no question. Continuing down the narrow hallway, following the trail of freshly cleaned carpeting to her goal she got to the second. She couldn't hear her sisters voice for several moments which really worried her. Closing her eyes she attempted to heighten her sense of sound, searching for her sisters voice or really anything that would let her know what was going on. While her sense of sound still didn't inform her of what was going on, she could almost feel a slight something coming from down the hallway on the left side, exactly where she assumed the living room to be. She noted the odd sensation, like Ash was calling out to her by some mystical means. Unfortunately there was of course a small problem with the plan. When one closes their eyes in order to attempt to temporarily heighten your other senses well... You see dear readers it takes away something very important to the user. namely their sight. With Rei unable to see where she was going, playing solely on her memory of where things were, she encountered a small obstacle.

The act of turning her head in order to put the sensory organ that granted her her hearing a bit closer to the target threw off her stride. This could have easily been stopped by simply stopping her movement until her eyes reopened. She did not do this, or even consider the possibility that that could be a good idea. As such her stride was shifted slightly to the left, causing her to knock another of the pictures from the wall, which fell to the ground with a loud thud. The glass was shattered by the fall, spreading a minefield of tiny transluscent terror that could destroy anything that dared to walk across it. Thankfully she was wearing Sakura corporation ninja shoes. Sakura cororation, for all your ninja needs. (this broadcast sponsored, as all others by sakura corporation, sakura corp, for all your ninja needs, Amekagure brand natural spring water, From the rains of amekagure fresh to your doorstep, and McDonalds. ) Lifting the frame proved another issue. The four wooden pieces that once housed the frame broke apart, bits of gold paint and splintered wood falling to the gound to mingle with the glass and one other item. The picture was found face down. Lifting it, rei took a first look, shifting the floppy bit of photographic paper so that she could see what exactly was within the now destroyed frame. It was the daughter she assumed, the picture depticting a short girl with olive colored skin and long black hair that seemed to shine within the artificial lighting. She, like her mother, had thin streaks flowing through her hair, though the young girl's was feathered with bits of blue and green that further emphasized the sheen of her naturally strait locks. "Hm. Interesting." She released it, along with a small pile of ryo she hoped would pay for the damage and continued on.

It had been several minutes now, and still she didn't hear anything coming from down the hall. Where there once was frusterated yelling she found only silece, which was starting to actually worry her. Even at her most calm Ash was never the type to speak at a natural volume, her voice naturally going well beyond an acceptable or often tolerable level by her second sylable. She was over-exciteable. Yea. That's what we'll call it. She passed the final picture, assumably the father, with short well trimmed stark white hair. he was clearly much older then the daughter, and older still then even his wife. He wore a well tailored white suit with a long purple cloth spilling over each shoulder to stretch down almost to his knees. She pushed more quicklay towards the destination, string to follow the odd sense she had as to where her sister was. She reached the first door, a large white door just as plain as pretty much everything else in the room and with a turn of her wrist on the handle, it opened. and as it opened a waft of fresh cool air hit her. She'd managed to find a door to the large covered patio leading to the fenced in back yard. Swing and a miss.

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