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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Matrimonial Bliss Empty Matrimonial Bliss

Mon Oct 21, 2019 5:07 am
Missions Details

It was another bright day in the village of hoshigakure. Sakuragi lied on his bed as the rays of the sun pierced the window in his room and into his eyes. His eyes dazzled as they slight open. The young boy woke up with three books beside him on his bed. He had been doing intensive study on the hyuuga gentle fist style. He is trying to create a gentle fist signature tech. He is close to its mastery. Sakuragi had spent several night, studying, meditating and doing a lot of work. His body feels extremely heavy as his eyes were fully opened. He would lift himself up and sit on his bed. The brown Hyuuga boy would shield a yawn with the back of his palm. It seems he woke up late again. He was not what today is gonna be about, all he could remember was that he had decided to take on a mission. Normally, he would have meet with his team mate and work with him. But he decided to so this alone. It was an A rank mission and it's  gonna be quite dangerous. Whatever it may,  he decided he would do this alone. Unless if his team mate Kuniko sneaked on him. 

While still sitted on his bed,  half naked, without top, only boxers, he would try to form his new technique in the palm of his arm. A sphere of blue blue chakra would start to fall, his eyes narrowed in concentration. He focuses all his energy and attention to the tech.  This is risky as the sphere could explode the entire building. The door to his room was locker from inside by sakuragi, so even if his grandma would come check on him, he would have to disperse the sphere before he rise up to open the door for his grandma. As the sphere forms one meter radius, it would vanish in a blur of chakra. Sakuragi didn't disperse it, the sphere disperse itself. It seems sakuragi is yet to fully learn this jutsu. He may need to go and train alone once after this mission. He wanted to surpass his teammate kuniko. Sakuragi wasn't sure if his friend, kuniko was serious with his training, but he didn't care anyway. He wouldn't care an inch if his team mate was Unserious with his training. Power is everything to Sakuragi. That's all he ever wanted so he would never be weak to anyone. He never want to be killed like his father would died in a dangerous mission he shouldn't have taken. Sakuragi believed if his father had been a bit stronger, he would have survived the mission. Sakuragi never want to be weak to his teammate, no, not to anyone.  But if he's gonna be the strongest shinobi that ever walked the face of the earth, he's gonna do some extreme training. Really hard work. Strong powers and jutsu isn't gonna come easy to him. 

He was still in  his room on his bed,  confused about how today would go. The young boy finally rose to his feet and slowly walked to where the table and chair was sited in his room. He would draw the chair away from the table and sit on it. He open some books on his table to check out some few things. His pupilesss eyes slowly rolled from left to right as he read some of the motivational quotes he wrote some years ago. He started writing at a very young writer, which was birthed as a result of how he was brought up.  He writes basically about everything. He is specialised in poetry and fiction writing. Once he was done reading the motivational quotes, he closed the books. It took him quite a lot of time to actualy finish reading the quotes, he would close the book, then he opened the book where he wrote all the details about the mission.  Some really weird stuff is going on here. Civilian and Shinobi, these two have never been United. These two have resentment against each other, especially the civilians resenting shinobis. They feared the powers of shinobis. They fear and hate everything they had. Two shinobi have fallen in love and would married, one is a shinobi and the other is civilian. Because of the resentment between shinobis and civilians, no one would marry them together. Their families and relatives are not in support of the wedding. Nearly everyone is against it. Sakuragi is tasked with the mission to find the man who will marry them together and protect them from any harm from their families, relatives or any other potential enemy. 

The brown skin spiky haired boy sighed, this was a very critical mission, first he has to look for a man that can join them together. He rose from the chair he was sitting, unlock the door and into the bathroom he went to take his bath  and brush his teeth.  He would walk back into his room and get dressed in his usual ninja attire. A black long hand jacket, white v neck inner shirt, black shorts, black shinobi sandals and a black village forehead protector. The young shinobi was ready but he would not leave the house yet. His first assignment is to locate this couples first, then find the man that would marry them together and bring him to this intending couples and once these two are married, sakuragis mission is completed. It's gonna be a very long  and stressful day, so sakurgi's needs something in his stomach, he needs something to eat. His grandma was in the kitchen already. Sakuragi would walk out of his room to greet his grandma in the kitchen and assist her with whatever it, that she is doing. She had been the one taking care of him since child birth. His real mother gave up the ghost few minutes after he was delivered. His father would abandon the child to his grandma, he was a shinobi and didn't really have time to come check on his boy. A year after, his father was killed in a deadly mission by a stronger enemy. This grandma of his, had being the one taking care of him and sakuragi really loves her and would protect her with everything he's  got. Grandma is getting really old, but not too old as she's only in her early sixties. She still has a lot of years to live before she finally depart to the underworld, by which time, sakuragi would have become a full grown man. He was just fourteen at the moment. They would finish preparing breakfast and moved to the dining. Pasta, egg and apple juice was for breakfast. It was so yummy. Her  grandma knew he was gonna like it, it's one of his best food. Though sakuragi and his grandma  are not rich, they can afford two square meal a day, breakfast and dinner. Nothing more. “Have you gotten any stronger son?”

TWC: 1,165
Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Matrimonial Bliss Empty Re: Matrimonial Bliss

Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:20 pm
“I'm not sure, I don't think I've gotten any stronger” he reply. “ don't worry, just keep training. I know you will surpass your father soon” she said again. “Thanks grandma, thanks for your encouragement and support” he replied again to which his grandma smiled. Though  she hasn't really being in support of sakuragi being a ninja for some time now, she didn't want what happened to his father to befall him. It was a tragedic moment and experience. Sakuragi grew up as an orphan. Grandma had been all he had. All his grandma did now was to support him.  She would do everything to make him fulfilled in life, to be the shinobi that he wanted to be.  His grandma was well aware of that sakuragi was going to a mission today, as he had told her everything about the mission. His grandma believed sakuragi would be safe as it doesn't sound like a dangerous mission. It's just him protecting a couple from civilians. Civilians are weaker. Shinobis are stronger than civilians. Ten civilians combine is not enough to overwhelm sakuragi, let alone beat him. He was a taijutsu expert who will finish them off in in  clean sweep, his grandma was well aware of that, if not anything. 

Once Sakuragi was ready, he would carry his ninja bag across his body, wave goodbye to his grandma and headed out. He was ready to face the day. The  first thing he needs to do is to find those couples. His byakugan would be useful here. He could search an entire mile with it, but he would need to focus on a particular direction. He set he's feet on the street of hoshigakure. Luckily he has a picture of the the couples, it would be easy that way. But before he activated anything here he wanna do some findings first to see what people know. A lot of people are on the street of hoshigakure, so if he needs to ask questions, there are a lot of people he could ask. He saw a pale guy walking towards him, by the time he would reach sakuragi, he would have brought out the pictures out of his ninja bag.  “Hey, good morning, do you know these people here” he would asked the guy once he reached him  “ Oh,  those assailed getting married, yeah, I know them. They should both know it's not possible to get married here, not two fucking assholes, unless, they moved out of this planet” the guy really spoke I'll of these two, it seems sakuragi would be dealing with a lot of haters than he thought. At least he was able to know what he was up against. He didn't need to meet everyone in the village to know what they think of the upcoming wedding, he knew now what most people are thinking. He returned the pictures into his bag, the guy was taller,  sakuragi was sure he was older than he was, but he didn't give a fucking inch about stuff like that. If he hadn't stop to response to his question, he would have simply look for someone else on the street. Fortunately or unfortunately, he'd  wait and respond to the boy's question. He watched as the guy walked down the street laughing as he goes before he turned around. He would start walking, he would walk until he reached an alley where it seems there was no one. He doesn't really like the idea of activating his byakugan in public street,  it's will make look weird to people. With his byakugan here, he may be almost to even see the entire village from where he was standing. More than a mile vision would enable him do that. He would active his byakugan, byakugan made him see everywhere. He would search the entire village of hoshigakure with his dojutsu.  He saw his grandma lying down on the couch at home, his dojutsu was that strong.  It seems he eventually found these couples. They were both in a small house alone. Sakuragi analyse the entire house very well for Openings and entrance. He wanted to make sure he isn't walking into a trap. Once he got what he needed, he deactivated his byakugan and continue head to the place where the couples are. It was a very long  walk, but he eventually got there. 

Once he reached the house, he would walk up to the door and knock as gentle as he could. He didn't want to give the impression that he was a civilian or a shinobi that wanted to attack them. No one came to open the door. Perhaps they think they are under attack and if they don't open the door, the attacker would go away . But that's a wrong way to think, if there was an attacker outside, they won't even knock, they would just force their way through the door. Sakuragi continued to knock as gentle as he could until eventually the door would be open and a pale guy taller than sakuragi would appear in front of him. He was holding a kunai, he probably thought he was gonna see an attacker by the time he would open the door. It seems to sakuragi that the wife is the civilian and the husband is the shinobi, as he could see chakra network in his body earlier when he activated the byakugan to search for them. “ who are you? What do you  want? ” the man would ask sharply. Sakuragi tried to talk as gently as he could, not wanting any tension to rise between the two of them. Still at the door post, “I'm sakuragi,  I've taken on the mission to protect you. I was able to find you both with my byakugan. But please believe, I meant you no harm , I'm only on a mission to protect you, and make sure that the wedding goes successfully” he said. The main gaze at sakuragi with doubtful eyes, this kid standing in front of him is not even an adult yet. How could he had said that he took on this mission to protect them?. Truth be told, they needed someone to make sure things goes smoothly and it seems heaven answered their prayers and sent them sakuragi. The guy was reluctant to let sakuragi in,  but he eventually let him in into the house. 

The house wasn't too big, just a small house. Sakuragi would walk in, greeted the lady and took his seat. He was sitting in such a way that he was facing the two of them, the couples were right in the front of him. “ I'm aware that civilians and shinobi are planning to disrupt your wedding plans. But we must work together to take neccessary measures,  we must ensure the smooth running of your wedding” he said. The girl was confused, minutes ago, she was taking to her fiancee and just now someone walked in that she doesn't know about and decided to start talking shit about the upcoming wedding. Is this a set up?.  She could not tell and decided to cut in, she asked her fiance about what exactly is going on?.  His fiancee explained everything to her, how he found them, how he decided to take on this mission and the likes.  Since the light is now shed and no one is in darkness anymore, they can both proceed into planing out things. “Do you know anyone who can marry you together, I mean join you together?” he said,  “ I know a man, he lives here, just go to him and explain everything to him and tell him about the date of the wedding” he said, handling over to him a card. Sakuragi received the card and read through it and dropped it into his ninja bag. It seem the plan was set already, they know the location of the man, all he need to do is to go and meet him. The couple were surprised and couldn't comprehend why sakuragi decided to take on this mission, but whatever the reason was, they were really grateful. They showed their gratitude and even told him to wait and join them to eat lunch, to which sakuragi refused, saying he needed to get to business.  He would come back later to tell them about the outcome.  He would leave the house and head for the man's location. 

Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Matrimonial Bliss Empty Re: Matrimonial Bliss

Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:03 pm
He would walk to the address given to him. It was several distance walk but he eventually got there. The house was not  too big or too small. It was more like a medium kind of house. He knocked on the door and someone came to open the door for him. There appeared the same man the couple show him the picture of. Sakuragi would introduce himself. He knew a long time, that was the best thing to do.  He was full of smartness. The man would tell him to come inside and sakuragi enter the house . It seem as though the inside of the house was neater than the outside. A moderate living room. Sakuragi would explain the situation of things to him. The man listened attentively as the explain the butter truth about the whole scenario and when the couples are getting married. Sakuragi would give him the location and time, told the man  to get ready and he left. Sakuragi once he left the man's house would continue to walk back to the couple's location to tell them the man agreed. He was so tired but he had to feed the couples on the response of the man, since they were not sure the man would agree to their proposal. Civilians or shinobi could attack him, but since sakuragi was there to protect them, it made things even easier. Sakuragi walked several meters back to the couples house. The veins in his body feels like it had been cut off as he walked. The sun was even smiling brighter now and the heat almost fried his brains. 

He eventually reached the couples house. He would knock and the husband to be, would open the door for him. It seems the two were getting things prepared when the brown hyuuga boy walked in.  The wedding dress and suite. They were colourful. It seem the  couples knew sakuragi would come back, so  they had prepared food for him. The three of them would eat together as sakuragi was invited to come join them at the dinning table. They ate porridge and fridge pork. It was delicious. The couples could see that sakuragi enjoyed the meal. Once they finish eating and drinking.the three would walk back to the living room to discuss how to go sbout the day. Their would be much ceremony, as the wedding will not even last up to twenty minutes. It would be as fast it could be, probably the fastest wedding mankind will ever experience.

So they planned the day, it was planned that sakuragi would be with them in the building . The same building where the wedding is to hold. He told them about his dojustsu, the shinobi was well familiar with it. He had seen it been used before in a spar with a friend. With his byakugan, sakuragi can watch and monitor every activities around the area. Obviously, no one knew the date of the wedding nor the venue. Sakuragi strictly warned the couples not to tell anyone about it, he also warned the man who is to marry them not to tell anyone about the wedding. It was gonna be like a secret wedding.  Once Sakuragi  was done there with the plans and stuffs,  he would bid the couples good bye. The next thing is the wedding. The next day they are gonna meet again would be on the wedding day. Then is the real job when sakuragi have to protect both the man to marry them and the the couples. Sakuragi walked back home tirelessly. His grandma could see his day was a stressful one. He walked several meters today. He sure would be rewarded with a lot of ryo after this mission is done. He simply ate dinner and went to bed. 

The day finally came to tie the knot, sakuragi had walked to the man's house, the one to tie the knot between the couples. He would walk him to building where the wedding is to hold early morning. He was in his usual ninja attire : black long hand jacket, white inner v neck shirt,  black short,  black shinobi sandals and his village forehead protector sat on his head. He carried his small ninja bag across his body. Once he had walked the man to the building, he would activate his byakugan, he told the man to enter the building while he locked the door from outside. This had been pre-planned and it was for the man's  safety. Sakuragi would run to the couples house who were fully dressed and prepared for their day. His byakugan was still active which he used to monitor the activities around the building while he was on his way to the couples house.

Fortunately, everything seems to be going on fine. Sakuragi walked the couple into the building where the man was. It was a medium sized room, not too big and not too small, it was suitable for the weeding. Sakuragi himself would be in the building while his dojutsu was still active. He was monitoring every single activity around the area. They didn't inform anyone, not even their family members, so they weren't expecting anyone. The couple wore their respective wedding dress. The potential husband wore black suites and the potential wife was in her wedding gown. The man to marry them was in blue suite while sakuragi who doesn't really care much about fashion was in his usual shinobi attire monitoring every activity. The man would commence  the ceremony with prayer. When he was done praying, he would proceed further to others things like singing hymm ,love songs and the likes. There were just four of them in the room. Sakuragi, the man to marry the couple and the couple. As the man proceeded with the ceremony, sakuragi saw some guys jumping over the fence with his byakugan. He told the man he would be right back and to proceed with the ceremony. He walked out of the building to meet these intruders. The couples immediately knew something was wrong but they trusted sakuragi, the fourteen year old boy to be able to handle the situation. 
Since sakuragi had his byakugan active it was easy to locate the intruder. There were four of them who jumped over the fence armed with swords. Sakuragi got there right in time, seconds after they all jumped in. They were still at the fence planning how to attack the couples when sakuragi walked up to where they were. He was just a small boy in their eyes. Four huge men against one small  boy. They really underestimated him, but since the brown hyuuga boy was wearing a village forehead protector they believed he was a ninja. These four armed men, though huge in size and mere civilians. “I will not waste words with you. You Can leave peacefully or leave forcefully ” he said confidently with his arms folded. What followed was a wide laughter from the civilian men. They looked down on sakuragi seeing him as just a kid. They were in fact armed, even if he was a genius shinobi, there's no way he could beat four adult at a time. 

Once these idiotic four men began laughing, sakuragi would waste no time. He knew he would have to drive them away forcefully, he knew they would attack on the day of the wedding and he was well prepared for this. He dashed at the four men and strike them with his gentle fist palm. The men tried to react to the hyuuga  swift attack but they were too slow for him. The calmed and swift  brown skin hyuuga boy would strike all four with his palm that delivered a devasting attack.  The four felt like they were gonna choke, they reliase the boy was too strong for them. The four stupid men who were send flying to the ground after the boy's gentle fist attack would rise and run out of the building through the gate.  They feared they could die If they stayed too long here. Better to survive today and leave to fight another day than to die today. With the men gone, Sakuragi would walk back into the building. At this moment, the man said “ you may kiss your bride” this was what sakuragi met. He had an idea what was going on in the building while he was away.  With Sakuragi back unharmed and unscratched, the couples knew he had taken care of the situation and the wedding was successful. The Shinobi guy kissed his civilian wife deeply and that was the end of the wedding and sakuragi's mission. The four of them left the building.  The couples thanked the man and Sakuragi for protecting them and making the wedding successful. Sakuragi would escort the couples to their house first, then the man who married them. He would  go home after that to spend time with his grandma. 

TWC : 4070

Claiming 10 stat, 4100 ryo,  10 AP

Added 990wc to  Eight trigrams One hundred and twenty eight palm (510/1500)  = 1500/1500

Added 1025wc to  Eight trigrams Vacuum palm (475/1500) = 1500/1500

Added 2000 wc to Pureblood Skill

Added 55 wc and adding my Halloween 100 wc to Eight trigrams Vacuum wall palm (155/2750)

Last edited by Sakuragi Hyuuga on Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Matrimonial Bliss Empty Re: Matrimonial Bliss

Wed Oct 23, 2019 5:44 pm
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