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Fri Feb 19, 2016 3:56 pm
Daiko thinks more about where he wants to be when he is a more mature, strong ninja. He isn't sure whether he wants to lean more towards evil, or do good in his life. He doesn't know. He might have to teeter between the two sides, trying to acomplish his goal. Whatever his goal is. Right now, he's eating some of the finest food in Hoshi and being accompanied by a very intelligent young girl. He thinks about how lucky he is. He stumbled into the right place at the right time it seems, meeting so many good people. Daiko decides that he will go to see the Leader of this village, eventually. He wanted to see who ran this village on the ninja side of things. He didn't know if the Village Leader was in town or what, but he would see to sending him a letter requesting a meeting... Or something like that. Daiko didn't really know how those things worked, he just wanted to meet whoever led this village. Daiko finished off his takoyaki, rubbing his stomach happily. The only problem would be paying for this food. It wasn't like he was rolling in ryo, most of the time he slept outside. Sighing, he figured that he would cross that bridge when he came to it.

Daiko chuckles slightly when Rei tells him not to make the fire too big. If he was going to make some fire, he was going to make it look magnificent. There was no stopping his epic fire creating ability. But now, it was time for him to master fire. He takes a deep breath, then takes a sip of the water in front of him. It's cool, and gives him a refreshed feeling as it runs down his throat. He lets out a sigh of pleasure, then closes his eyes. He puts his hands in a tiger hand seal, focusing all of his chakra into the fire in front of him. He imagines a roaring flame, towering up to his size. The fire in the pit then began to make sounds, and it flared up. The fire flared up from the grill, the flame billowing high. Daiko then opened his eyes, smiling at the fire. As he did that, the fire slowly died down to it's original size. He looked over at Rei. "I did it! Finally!" He gave out a laugh of success, putting a hand on his stomach. "This food was really good, but I'm stuffed now.. I'm happy I could learn that nature." He looks around, seeing people staring at the grill between him and Rei. An attendant came up to check it out to see if it was going to explode. The commotion caused by the fire spitting up only caused him to feel more pleased with himself. Sitting back in his seat, he grinned at Rei. "This place was great. Thank you for showing it to me." He smiled at her, and waited for the bill to come.


Katon Learned
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:27 pm
"Excelent. " She beamed happily at the boy as he finished his elemental training, exclaiming maybe too loudly in a crowded restarant. "I told you this is possibly the best restarant in the village. plus the prices are super affordable. When we first moved here we spent like a month eating here every lunch. My sister would get a really bad stomach ache from eating too much ox tail." She looked at the last of her meat with hope filled eyes. Damn it. What she found when the flames died down were six perfectly flame kissed bits of pork. There went operation order ox tail. Maybe she'd take Ash here again for dinner. With a wave of her hand she summoned over their server who placed the checks in front of each of them. The bills each were written in what couldn't even properly be called chicken scratch with only one portion of them actually readable. The total ticket prices were circled in red, each five digits long not counting the chance on the dollar. She thanked the woman, turning back to daiko. "sounds like you wont be having desert then. Their lemon torte is completely divine but I think I've had about my fill this time also." As she spoke she pulled the pieces of seared meat from their spots, popping them one by one into her mouth and chewing quietly. The flavor was perfect and the slight char on the edging added another layer to the remarkable dish. She considered as she chewed if this was going to be her new way of cooking the meat here. "Next time you should try the house bar b que ramen. You get a half plate of a meat of our choice with their special sauce as a marinade and a half bowl of their famous ramen. All you have to do is cook the meat, put the egg on the special dish they give you and let it partially cook, then you drip it into the soup with fresh bok choy, bean sprouts and a really warm savory broth and enjoy. It's completely divine and only twelve grand."


"Hoho! Ash. This is why you're my favorite customer. You know how much I love woodwork." taking up a long thin piece the man would begin to shave off the bottom. He'd helped her before in making puppets and manequins of course, and he'd been practicing woodwork as a hoby for some time now so this would be a piece of cake, even if due to the girl's unique talent she'd probably end up with a slightly better finished product. He began by leveling out the shin area, cutting inward to create the domed look he wanted as he came up to waht would be the juncture of the knee. There were small shards of wood to be carved into semi circles to create each knee cap set directly beside where the two pieces meant to be the knees were. She'd thought this through already.

"I thought I was your favorite customer because my purchases keep this shop running single handedly..." She smiled at the joke. It was true that she'd at least twice a week come in and pay him far too much to order supplies for her work. There was an issue with age limit to order things for delivery that he was always glad to ease, and she likewise was always glad to ensure the total bill for her purchases each month was at least a healthy margin over the man's rent. Still were she to come in and not pay a dime the man would still wellcome her with the same warm smile. This was just the way he was, especially if the patron was kindhearted and interested in the things the shop had to offer.

"Heh. I suppose that helps too. Here take a sip of your ramune. You must be parched from working so intently. its probably been a couple hours at this point at least!" He took the bottle he'd offered her, popping off the top as she worked on shaving the excess material from the torso of the puppet. The design she was going for looked to be sleek by the large volume of shavings she was removing. Anyone else he'd think they were over compensating but with Ash he knew it was calculated. With a pop followed by a soft fizzing sound he opened the drink for passing it to the girl who took two big gulps excitedly before setting it down. This was her favorite part of the week. This place jest felt right to her.

As they continued to work Ash's gaze shifted back and forth, pausing to point out exactly where and how large each piece should be, or the trimming should go. She had a perfect picture of the cosplay queen of amekagure in her thoughts to work with, which she'd cross refferenced with her measuring tape twice to ensure the proportions were perfect. Two pieces were finished in a flash and set down to be coated with a special sealant that would ensure rain and other water sources wouldn't ruin the peices. The shop owner slid his chair back once more to get the old slightly rusted can of sealing and split off from his work, coating the arm with long thick strokes.

"Perfect. I think you're within a thirty second of an inch. Accounting for the sealant and the coating I think we'll have a picture perfect puppet very very soon." She'd nearly finished her own piece also. The chest was a little less then half it's origional size with an indention for the girl's belly button and natural curvature of the girls breast. With this finished she took the chisel edge to place it in the center of the chest cavity. he'd need to split the wood just right to ensure she didn't ruin the piece when she make the compartments required.

"careful now. We wouldn't want to ruin it. Slow gentle strokes ash. Make sure the hammer never slips from the center of the tool or you'll split the grain. "

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Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:35 pm
Daiko looks at his bill, eyes wide. There was no way that he could afford this. Gulping, he looks at Rei. "This is.. More money than i'll probably ever have in my life." He shrugs, putting the bill back on the table along with 100 ryo. "Thanks for showing me this place, Rei. I would come back, but it's way too expensive for me." Just then, Daiko bows slightly. "I think I'm going to go. I'll see you around the village some time." He smiles, and waves, before leaving the establishment and going somewhere. Yeah.

[Exit Thread]
Learned Katon!
20 Stats!
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:38 pm
"Hm? OH. thats not a problem. I'll just pay for you if we come back." She slid the ryo back to the boy, placing a black credit card on her tray and setting his beneath hers. "Put them both on this one hun." She'd wave at the boy as he left, nodding as she awaited her change and then left to go home, assuming Ash was with her teacher at the card show and would be gone for a while.

(twc 2213 claiming 10 stats for ash and rei, claiming the nekomimis and the singer's sword trained and ending the scene with Rei on a cliff hanger. till next time readers! exit)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:02 pm
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