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Unexpected Training Session Empty Unexpected Training Session

Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:00 am
Salzem laid in the shade underneath the shade of a large tree, looking up at the sky. He was a bit bored and had just completed two S-Rank missions.

"If being a ninja is like this all the time, I'd have to think about retiring." Salzem chuckled slightly to himself. The ninja life had done little more for him than give him hand-full of pain after another. Sure, it turned him into a super-human monster with the ability to carry whole trees from point A to point B, but the fact that he was still a child and already killed a person and is looking to kill another was highly unnerving to him. He had come out to the forests for a moment of peace, a moment where he could recover from all the stuff thrown at him from day one of his being a ninja.  He pulled out Olympia, one of his three blades, spinning it absently in his grasp, observing it's edge. This blade tasted blood on one of his more recent missions. One of a criminal yes, but still. He was only 14, coming up on 15. He just looked up into the seemingly endless blue void in contemplation.

what does one do with themselves when they are no longer needed when they are trained only for killing and espionage?
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:53 pm
Fenn was taking a stroll after finishing a heart breaking talk with Akihana, and with his chakra senses expanded out he could sense someone a little ways off, so he decided to head in that direction, and upon getting there, he noticed it was the Taijutsu kid from Konoha, Salzem, Fenn believed it was, kid had potential, He wondered though, was the kid holding back due to the others or not? Did he keep an Ace up his sleeve? IT was time to find out. After he transformed into Yoko Kurama form, the look the kid knew him as.

Fenn would approach as loud as he could, and even announced himself loudly to Salzem "Yo Kid, Ready to do some training and go all out this time?" Fenn was getting kinda to the point true, but he had to, He had things to do and places to go, it been a few days since they last saw each other, he wanted to see if their spar had inspired more rigourous training or not.

Fenn eventually would get to the point where he was looking down at the kids face with his feet on either side of the kids head if he did not stand up before he got there, once the Kid Stood is when Fenn would stop his approach all together, He stood there with the long white hair, the sunlight making it look blonde, his black outfit with a red stripe down the side, he waited then at five meters if the kid ever stood up before he got there.

If he stood up after Fenn got to him, then Fenn would only be about two meters from him, his eyes peering down into the kids eyes, his face expressionless, Either way he waited for an answer, or even an action that he would be ready to react to, in order to stop it and even counter, he wondered if this kid might know something he don't in the maters of Taijutsu.

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:45 pm
Salzem's eyes immediately flicked to where the 'yo' had come from. It was that ANBU person. What was he still doing in Konoha? To mock him for his loss? to point out his mistakes? None of this was evident. From what he could get from him, he wanted to train. Surely someone this powerful had buddies just his strength he could spar with without consulting a child. Then again, if he did, why would he be here now. Waiting a second, Salzem got up and stretched, looking over the ANBU with his sanguine eyes.

"Alright... I'll throw all I've got into three separate moves, seeing as my other ones failed on you."

Salzem lowered himself into a fighting stance, slamming his fists together causing a 'crack' sound to ripple through the air. He then brought his arms back, then forward in a double palm strike. Nothing happened at first, then, wind began to culminate and form into the shape of a tiger, roaring with the intensity of the real life equivalent. It roared and flew above the ground towards the ANBU at speeds of 60 and with an intensity of 60. If he decided to tank the blast, Salzem would then slam his hands together, causing an explosion of 10 meters in a cone formation of equal intensity. If he did not, Salzem would cause the explosion regardless, hoping the blast would catch the ANBU.

AP: 475
-40 via Daytime Tiger
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:47 pm
Fenn Just stood there as he listened to the kids words and then watched him do some interesting things with his hands, and then a giant Tiger's Head suddenly shot at him, thankfully he was wearing his armor under his current cloths, his current cloths tearing away to reveal his red armor underneath, Fenn would then brush off his armor and sigh at his cloths that were tattered on the ground, also as a side note, when Fenn saw the Tiger fly at him he activated the fourth gate of the eight, increasing his health to just being able to withstand the double attack the followed shortly.

As interesting a technique as that was, Fenn shrugged if off and tilted his head at Salzem and nodded saying to him "Excellent, what else do you have for me?" Fenn was not taunting, he was generally intruiged, this was something he had yet to learn, he wondered if he could pull it off, but that would be saved till a bit later, of course he respected the kid so he would not fire it off towards the kid like the Kid did to him

Ap: 850- 20 for Forth gate =830

Health is now 65, Speed is 140 and Strength is 110

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:06 pm
Salzem watched in amazement as the ANBU brushed off his Day-Time Tiger as if it were nothing. What else did he have for him? Two more techniques, each more powerful than the last. Salzem then cracked his knuckles and dashed at him, throwing punches at faster and faster speed, fists soon beginning to catch on fire. It was like the punches didn't exist anymore an all that was left were a wall of small fireballs (Speed 140 Strength: 120) aimed at the ANBU's chest. This was easily much more powerful than his Daytime tiger. The Morning Peacock was a beautiful sight to be seen at night, the fireballs lighting up the darkness. Salzem would then proceed to his final technique in fluid motion.

As soon as the Morning Peacock had been completed, Salzem would let his anger and hate flow through him, a cloak of dark red chakra forming around him, looking as if a demon had lent the 14 year old it's chakra. He snarled as he brought a fist up into the ANBU's stomach at a massive speed of 160 and a crushing power of 140. If this blow connected, he would grab the ANBU by his ankles, spinning his around as Salzem spun in circles. The chakra cloak would envelope the man, before he threw him 7 meters into the air. Salzem would watch as the ANBU floated above him in the air, preparing himself for the Coup de Grace of the technique

-60 Demon Cyclone
-40 Morning Peacock

AP: 375
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:31 pm
Fenn Watched closely as the kid closed the distance, noticing a increase in momentum, that allowed the kid to suddenly stop and the momentum went to his arms, swinging them so fast they caught fire, Fenn would just keep making the minimum movements he needed as he could easily see the swings coming in, moving out of the way of each and every fiery fist by leaning left or right, moving around at the knees and up, his feet staying in place, and then Fenn noted the chakra forming around Salzem, and so Fenn would too show his aura that formed around him, the fifth gate now appearing to be unlocked, with this new power of his, Fenn would note the elbow and bend just before the elbow hit him, mimicking as if it did hit him in the gut, but in reality it didn't, then as he noticed the kid went for his Ankles, Fenn would suddenly Spring board up and over Salzem, landing on his feet, and he would duck down.

Now low to the ground and behind Salzem he spun around to sweep the front of Salzem's Legs out from under him. if this succedded he would help Salzem up to his feet, if it failed, Fenn would just stand up to his full height most likely, as long as Salzem didn't attempt to attack him, If Salzem did Attack him, then he would have to react accordingly.

Eventually Fenn would like to say after all calmed down enough to say it " Very nice work there young man, you have potential indeed, If You would like, I would like to take you as my apprentice and train you personally in all I know of Taijutsu, however you will have to forsake Konoha and leave when I do" Fenn was ready at any moment however to defend himself, in no way would he drop his guard, after all they were in the middle of a spar.

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:30 pm
Salzem's residual hate caused by the Demon Cyclone died away as his assault was thwarted yet again. This time, the ANBU dodged each and every punch he made, ducking or stepping just far enough away so that the attack missed by the smallest margin, allowing him enough time to set up for the next attack. His Demon Cyclone, his trump card in-the-works was a colossal failure as was the other two techniques. His Dark red Aura was met with an aura of his own. At first, it looked as if he had actually struck the man with his gut-punch, but as he knelt down to grab the ankles, the ANBU leapt over his back, landing behind him, crouched low. His sweep did indeed knock his legs out from under him, but he had that done to him enough times to know what to do. He threw his arms down below him so when he hit the ground, he was in a push-up position. He would then swing his legs around in a pair of defensive kicks in case the man tried to exploit on his low position. Salzem would then push himself back to his feet, invigorated at the feel of battle, although his body was spent from using all those Powerful moves in a row. Salzem lowered himself into a fighting stance again, holding his arms in front of him in a defensive fashion.

Wanting to wait, to think, before he made his next move, the ANBU spoke, complimenting him on his potential. He then offered to take him as his student, right there, out of the blue. However, this gilded opportunity was not without it's drawback. He would have to leave his village at this man's behest, going where he went, doing as he bid. Salzem did not know what to say. Joy was first (although he tried not to show it) about all this man could teach him. He wagered that if he stuck with him, he would have the power to hunt down Adam and gain his vengeance. This joy was followed by sorrow (More evident), when he thought about all the people, the friends, he would be leaving behind. Sure, he lost all respect for the village as a whole a long while back, but this one decision would either have him keep his friends, people he could go home and smile with, to hate driven hunters, always on his heels. Reminded him of himself and Adam. A sickening comparison, but one that was true nonetheless. His eyes flicked off to the lower right, considering... His sanguine eyes locked onto that of the ANBU's.

"Agreed. I will go with you. But what is your name? I seemed to have missed it the last time we met."
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:55 am
"I am Fenikkusu of Kumogakure, ANBU Ranked Shinobi, My village was destroyed, and we are going to return to destroy the man responsible, But not before we are ready, You may take your time, Say your byes and leave a message or something with your Kage, You will know when it is time to leave, till then, Shall we continue?" Fenn Asked the kid as his own Aura dwindled, he had stopped using the fifth gate, Now it was time to teach the Kid, and practice on those moves the kid showed him, he liked the first two, the third one however was not for him.

And depending on the Answer of Salzem depended on if Fenn took a ready stance, or just chilled out with the kid a bit, that was entirely up to the kid.

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:16 am
"I see..." Salzem said in a low voice as the man gave him his name and goals. This is a manhunt. Just like me and Adam... Yet another sickening comparison, but one that was true nonetheless. Whoever could destroy a village and did needed to be offed. Anyone with a heart as non-existent as that would be a colossal danger to anyone outside his territory and perhaps inside as well. This Fenikkusu over all seemed to be an over all respectable person, at least, from what he cared to show Salzem. It seemed that Fenn (as he decided to call him to keep it short) could either chill out or train a bit more. Deciding that sense he wouldn't be able to land a blow on him yet, Salzem decided to settle for something else. He got out of his fighting stance and relaxed himself.

"Do you wish to learn what I have shown? I can teach them to you if you wish." Salzem would say, wondering what Fenn's answer will be.
Takumashi Senju
Takumashi Senju
Stat Page : Takumashi's Greenhouse
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Unexpected Training Session Empty Re: Unexpected Training Session

Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:19 pm
Fenn Chuckled a little as the kid asked him if he wanted to learn what the kid shown, guess the kid Underestimated his prowess with Studying people's attacks, and then recreating them, but he would not crush the kids hopes and dreams, Fenn had noticed the change of emotions previously, something troubled this kid, and Fenn wondered what it was, so he decided to ask him "What is it that worries you so much that it makes it show on your face Kid?"

Fenn knew it could be thin ice, or a sensitive subject, but he had to know to understand the kid's emotions and why he was going through them, After sometime, rather told or not, Fenn would nod to the kid and told him "I liked those first two techniques you showed me, care to do it again but a little slower maybe? and it would help if you explained in Detail how to pull it off" Fenn waited for the Kid to begin the teachings Offered.

580/2000- Daytime Tiger
580/2000- Morning Peacock
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