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Travin Kaguya
Travin Kaguya
Stat Page : Travin
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Another day more minor Missions Empty Another day more minor Missions

Fri Sep 20, 2024 12:00 pm

Travin awoke in what had become a comfy bed during his time here. Getting ready for the missions he had for the day. He would think over it, it wasn’t going to be too hard since he was still in the process of joining the village. They weren't really letting him do much and was stuck doing minor missions while he waited for the paperwork to get done. Last night a man had dropped the Inn and gave him a mission briefing during dinner. With it being such a low ranking mission it was not sensitive and could be handled with such carelessness. The mission was simple: a shop owner had wanted to know what his competition was up to. For that he had paid the village to send a shinobi out to buy some stuff at a shop and let him know how things went. As far as missions went it didn’t get much easier than spending someone else’s money on stuff you didn’t really want in the first place. With his black and white clothes on Travin picked up his mask and slid it over his face before walking out the door to his room. Turning and locking the door behind him before making his way down the stairs.

Once he was at the base of the stairs Travin would take his normal seat by the fire, and wait for the waitress to show up for his order. However before they ever could the bartender Jhin would call across the mostly empty place this early and ask if it was going to be the regular. Travin would give the man a nod and started to think if he was getting to be easy to read and learn the habits of. Brushing it off as nothing before the thought had time to root into his mind. After a bit of time Jhin would bring the dish over to him and drop the plate off. Once he had finished his breakfast it was time for Travin to get going. Standing up from his table and making his way to the door, Travin would nod to Jhin as he opened the door.

Walking outside the cold morning air hit him like a brick to the face. Causing shivers to run up his body for a few moments as he got used to the cold. Travin started to make his way down the street to the shop that he was supposed to look into for the mission. Recalling the information that he had been given, the shop owner that had hired him was a weaponsmith that sold weapons on the other end of the village, and he wanted Travin to look into a rival weaponsmith towards the center of the village. Apparently people were going to this new shop instead of his. Travin was pretty sure that it was simply because the new shop was in the center of town and not on the outskirts of it. He wasn’t a master of business by any means but like they say location location location.

Walking up to the shop Travin walked in and didn’t really see much out of the normal. There were the standard tables with low value stuff on them and some glass cases with the more valuable stuff in them. All in all it was standard for a weaponsmith’s shop. Travin wandered around the shop for a few moments before picking up a few kunai and going up and paying for them. Asking if the guy had a bathroom as he handed over the money. The guy did in fact have one and allowed Travin to use it. Letting him know that it was in the back corner of the store. Walking over to the bathroom and walking in, there was not much to say other than it was clean. Flushing the toilet before leaving Travin waved at the guy and walked out the door.

Across the street was a man sitting in the snow with a pan out begging for money. He saw Travin walk out of the store about the same time Travin saw him sitting there. The man got up and took off running down the street. There had been an increase in beggars within the village and with it came an increase in theft, the shinobi of the village were given orders to try and track down who was setting it all up. As they were using the beggars to find the marks for good robberies. Travin had heard of worse ideas before but it was a pretty bad one, but they had gotten a few good marks out of it.

Travin gave chase after the man, he needed to know where he was going to go and who he was going to report to. All of this information would make ending it much easier than just hunting down all the beggars within the city and rounding them up to stop it. Realizing that the guy was not going to lead him to his boss while Travin was still following him. Travin jumped to the top of the building and kept pace with the guy leaping from building to building staying out of sight. Once the man thought that he had gotten away he slowed down and turned into an ally. Taking some time to catch his breath is something not that easy in the cold if you're not used to it. Travin watched as the man finally got settled down and started to make his way across the village. Still staying in the shadows and out of sight on the rooftops, Travin would follow the guy to a building on the other end of the village.

Inside of the building was another person, the beggar appeared to be reporting about Travin, or at least that what he assumed. Travin opened one of the windows as silently as possible, and climbed down the wall behind some crates. He waited for the beggar to leave before silently walking up behind the man and choking him out. Picking up the guy's body and carrying him out of the building Travin would take him to the local authorities and let them know what happened, and then go to the shop owner that gave him his mission today and let him know that it is simply a matter of location between the two stores.


Claiming 10 stats to speed new total 114
2k ryo and 10 AP
all WC to Dance of the Petal Burst C rank
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Another day more minor Missions Empty Re: Another day more minor Missions

Sat Sep 21, 2024 6:18 pm
Travin Kaguya wrote:[spoiler="Missions"][


Claiming 10 stats to speed new total 114
2k ryo and 10 AP
all WC to Dance of the Petal Burst C rank

Another day more minor Missions JPYXIpT
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