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In Search of Training (Private) Empty In Search of Training (Private)

Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:37 am
It had been several years sinnce Inazuma had been to the Island Village, though once again she had been drawn to it by the pursuit of knowledge. Originally she had come here in search of answers regarding the former Akatsuki, though today she was looking for a man. Ina had heard of ninja excelling in the use of the water element, who could supposedly for it with such mastery and density that the water itself could form a defensive shield. She had also heard rumors that there ere some who could even manipulate the chakra within to form physical attacks. However, in her expedition for such a shinobi she had only collected information on one; a ninja by the name of Laxus Nara, who resided in this village.

Approaching the looming gates, Ina focused her attention on the guard to her left. Without formality or introduction she inquisited, "Do you know where I can find Laxus Nara?" The guard sighed obviously annoyed by the interruption to an otherwise, uneventful day. "Stay here," he replies, "We will send for him. If you are cleared then we will allow you access." With that, the gate's sentry nodded his head toward his compatriot on the other side of the city's entrance, causing him to tear off into the village.

Ina took post up against a nearby tree, tapping her foot impatiently on the ground. "This better be worth the trouble..." She muttered aloud.

Word Count: 240

This is a work in progress, and upon completion I will make a post saying so. Thanks admins!
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In Search of Training (Private) Empty Re: In Search of Training (Private)

Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:36 am
[OOC: Sorry...kinda busy lately...]

Out of the blue, the guard walked back to where Inazuma is, he himself pulling Laxus by his ear. "Oh come on! Seriously, i didn't do anything!! I never leave this Island to start off with! Ask Kidan! I said i didn't pulled any prank within this few days!" said Laxus as he tried to walk along the guard showing a sign of struggle to insist within the strength of the guard and the pain on his ear.

How did it ends up like this? Let go back to the past 10 minutes.


Laxus was eating his ramen, enjoying it with the money he just made from doing mission. For the past few days, he had been doing a bunch of missions just to keep up with his daily expense. Most of the time, he spent it playing with Kidan, or pulling some pranks but since he's busy, he was forced to completed some missions just for the Ramen he had been eating up until now.

"Another bowl please!" said Laxus, grinning as he slide away the finished bowl of ramen to his left. He chuckled, waiting for the next ramen, drooling all along. He rubbed his hands as the new ramen was put on the counter.

He stare at the new ramen, still drooling. From it, it's reflecting his face, but now there's another face. A face of an angry man, the guard. He pulled Laxus by his ear, as he pulled him forcefully from his stool.

"Ouch! Dammit! What are you trying to do!? Dammit, stop! I'm not a kid anymore!" roared Laxus, resisting while glancing back at the ramen. "Fool! I know you pulled some prank and get yourself into a trouble with some Kirigakure Ninja! Sort, your problem, Laxus. Don't lie, idiot, everybody on this island heard of you, everybody knew you! The brat who keep pulling pranks, with his brother, Kidan!" replied the guard.

And that's how it ended up like this.

Laxus walked toward the woman who's looking for him. He sighed, still regreting the ramen. He glanced over the guard who's now sitting on his chair, ignoring the two. He sticked out his tongue before walking to the woman. "I never know you before! Be my evidence, please...tell that man that i'm innocent. This sucks...i want my ramen." said Laxus.
Danzo Hoshigaki
Danzo Hoshigaki
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In Search of Training (Private) Empty Re: In Search of Training (Private)

Fri Jul 13, 2012 12:18 am
With all the spare time that Danzo seemed to be having, he spent reading about the element know as suiton. This was Danzo main element yet he had nothing special to do with it, not any cool jutsu or anything. This is what brought Danzo to this point where he had become addicted to reading about the true power of the Suiton Element. Many things had caught his eye but only that he would take the time to learn and master to perfection. This jutsu was known as Water Sky Convergence and was a very powerful jutsu that Danzo just needed to learn but there was only one person in the world who knew it. This made it hard for Danzo but it seemed that this one person was willing to teach anyone the technique which motivated Danzo. His name was Laxus Nara and lived in the Island village. It wasn't to far from where Danzo was at the moment and he knew he had to do this ASAP. Closing the book Danzo shot out of his chair and headed the for Island village.

Before Danzo knew it was was approching the gates, being a missing nin he didn't know how this was going to go down but it was worth a try. Danzo approched wearing a Jet Black Cloak, and a hidden Mist Anbu mask which was going to make this very easy for Danzo than he thought it would. Just as he got a couple feet away from the gates a gaurd stood up and took a good look at Danzo for a long time or so danzo thought that he did. "You hear for Laxus Nara?" The guard said as danzo didn't say anything to him but only nodded giving him a yes that he was here for that person. "Go on in he's right there with that other Kiri ninja" He said an Danzo walked back him and towards the two standing by the tree. As he walked up Danzo overhead the kid saying something about his ramen which made him chuckle. The two ninjas standing before him would of head it but only if they were paying attention to him. "Are you Laxus Nara?" Danzo said as he approached him " Sorry don't mean to interrupt yo two but if you don't mind could i ask you a question about a very powerful jutsu?" Danzo said as he waited on a response with his hands at his side.

(word count 412 if that matters? and Laxus said i could post here)
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In Search of Training (Private) Empty Re: In Search of Training (Private)

Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:31 am
"Relax..." Inazuma stated calmly, "I'll buy you another ramen. I just came here to talk, and possibly get your help." She already disliked this young man, standing with his hand nervously rubbing the back of his head, complaining about his food, asking to be bailed out with the guards. She had only met him, but Ina had already made her own assumptions about him, seeing him as weak and whiney. As she began to explain herself, she was interrupted by a dark figured ninja, standing nearby. "Sorry don't mean to interrupt you two but if you don't mind could I ask you a question about a very powerful jutsu?"

“Excuse me… We were having a discussion here, do you mind?” Ina asked sarcastically, obviously annoyed at the rudeness of the guest. She smirked back at him, hands held firmly against her hips.
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