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Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Dissidents of the Mist Empty Dissidents of the Mist

Thu Mar 14, 2024 12:09 am

Izu was amongst the ninjas of the hidden mist who apprehended the small vagrant, who earlier this week vandalized a wall of the market district, covering the brick with a profane graffiti, scandalizing the village hidden in the mist and trying to create unrest and rebelion. While he was quick to surrender and weak in his fighting capacities, the mind of the man along his emotions were sharp, and Izu remembered that his apprehensions was really something. Indeed, the man ran away for a few minutes once cornered by other shinobi of kirigakure, but he didnt give up either. With a swift combat, Izu managed to immobilize him with her needles, in a non remarkable fight. What branded her mind for a long time was how when captured and put to the iron, he kept debating and resisting arrest, yelling rebelious things, like how he wanted to see kiri destroyed and its buildings razed to the ground, its people slaughtered and lingering dead in the streets. Of course, the blonde hyuuga didnt let that kind of talk get to her cool and calculating mind, but it was still troubling nonetheless. 

This day was already a few days from today, and now Izu had been tasked to simply clean the graffiti and the total mess left behind in the market, where the area affected was still enclosed and off limit to the public. Izu as usual after waking up readied herself in the same way as usual, donning her under armor, along all of her weapons and hidden mechanisms of war strapped to her arms. Over it, she wore her oversized blue vest of the seven swordsman of the hidden mist, along her regular outfit. For this day, she would attach her hair in a bun, as it was getting longer and longer, but also messier, her long blonde locks always unkempt and savage looking. As she got out of her house, a walking arsenal as usual, Izu sighed at the tought that some people could rebel against kirigakure, and that maybe the village wasnt as clean and cohesive as showed. After all, it was for that very purpose that the village hiddne in the mist had hunter nin, special shinobi who would hunt the criminals and defectors of the land hidden in the sea, and its hidden village too. Izu wanted to become that, and this type of mission and situation were perfect situation to gain experience in that domain. 

Making her way to the back alley where it all took place, Izu pale skin shone under the bright sun of the warm island climate of Kiri, walking slowly but surely trought the streets filled with countless denizens, along the strong maritime wind, the air filled with salty aromas of fish and the sea. As she reached the place, Izu could see the large graffiti on the brick wall. 

''DEATH TO THE MIZUKAGE AND ALL THE WATER INFUSED BASTARD SERVING UNDER HIM!!!'' was on the first wall in bright dark red letters.

''MAY THE VILLAGE IN THE MIST DISAPEAR UNDER THE THOUSAND WAVES OF THE DEEP SEA LIKE THE  PREVIOUS KIRIGAKURE'' Another one wrote, this time in thick black letters across the opposed wall.

''THOSE WHO ARE TRUE TO THE SEA WILL FOLLOW THE WHALE'' was written bellow the first one, in smaller letters but still huge and visible.

At first, Izu watched the message while shaking her head in disaproval, sighing audibly enough to be heard in sign of despair and disapointment to those who could do that or think such things. The first two messages were quite clear and direct, altough very offensive, but the third remained a mystery. Prehaps a slang term? An insult? The instinct of Izu and her knowledge of the field and world of shinobi lead her to believe that this might be the nickname or secret monicker someone would use, and that the dissident citizen who made those graffitis would entice the people who are discontent to inquire and join this 'whale'. Nonetheless, the blonde chuunin would have all the time to think about it, as her task was to clean it all up. As she brought forth a large bucket of soapy water, along with dozens of folded cloths to clean, Izu started scrubbing the first wall where the bright red ink would slowly disolve under the scrubbing and pressure of her rubbing it off, as well as the soap acting with the hot water to erase as much of it as possible. After almost an hour of scrubbing and cleaning up, the majority of the graffitis were gone and cleaned up. The only issue was that the walls were still full of colored dripping and paint slur, the water diluting it but still spreading in the bricks. To not waste any more time with it, Izu had a bright idea. Smiling a bit in proundess of her creativity, Izu started to weave handseals for a jutsu she knew but rarely used. With her hands moving swiftly, Izu would weave the hand signs of Tiger, followed by the sign of Rat, and finally the sign of Boar. Immediately after the last sign, Izu would spawn in her hand a loose ball of water before in a fast slapping motion toward the wall releasing the water in the shape of thousands needles of water pressurized to hit the wall and scrub clean the soap and remaining paint and pigments into the wall, making the brick and mortar appear clean and brand new.

Now that the first part of the mission was done, Izu would take it uppon herself to investigate a bit more, to go beyond was was asked and expected of her. As a chuunin, she was always looking to prove herself and to go beyond expectations, taking the initiative and trying to impress her superiors, namely the Mizukage himself, Akabayashi, but also Shiro, her brother and sensei. As such, she would go back to the jail of the village, the holding cells inside the HQ of the shinobis tasked to keep the local peace,  where the prisonner waited to be transfered to the penitentiary of Pelican Island, the maximum security prison of Kirigakure, infamously known troughout the world to be impregnable and impossible to escape from. As she arrived at the facility and into the hold cells to interogate the small time criminal, Izu was surpised to see him energetic and peachy, not at all having his moral diminished. He was a simple man, appearing with pale blue hair and pale skin, seeming pretty young too for this kind of life. As usual, before interogating him, Izu had planned a few details by looking at his file: His name was Kojin, and he was from the Hozuki clan, even if he didnt inherit their kekkei gankai. This cause most of his life as a shinobi to be filled with disapointment and intimidation, as people only saw him as a failure, leading him to make poor decisions. After becoming a genin, he was arrested for petty thefts and in the end discharged for dishonorable conduct. He was arrested and spent his second year after the academy in jail, and was released recently. It seems his friends in jail were of the bad sort, and influenced him to go even deeper into the rabbit hole he was before. 

''Kojin. Im Izu Momochi, Chuunin of the hidden mist. I'm here to get the truth regarding the graffiti you did on the wall. I suggest you talk.'' said the calm and cold serious looking Izu, her pale psychopathic byakugan look fixed directly to his eyes amplifying her intimidation. But of course, the man would only laugh, not talk, pushing Izu to torture him and make him scream in pain, a talent she excelled in with her medical knowledge and needle expertise. After about an hour of intense interogation techniques, the man finally squeeled, giving the answer. He was a part of a group of missing-nin or defectors, serving under an individual called 'The Whale', who planned a Coup d'état against Kirigakure, seeking to disrupt its population and to create unrest, so that the masses would rebel against the current regime under Akabayashi, the current Mizukage. He revealed being the newest recruit, hence why he was doing the low task of only doing vandalism, but revealed too that the rest of the group were doing much more: key citizens assassinations, sabotage of Kirigakure assets in the neighbouring isles, swaying kids in the academy to lend their power and future to them and to even spy on their behalf. Hearing all of this, Izu understood the gravity of the situation. It was on her to track down those criminal and the leader of the group, this Whale, to bring them to justice, either by her own blade or to the Mizukage, should she capture them alive. 

As per protocol of Kirigakure and their vow of secrecy, Izu quickly eliminated the man in his cell by injecting a lethal dose of liquid mercury in his system while employing her needles of acupuncture, a fact not even known by the receiving man, who would die in the next hours or so, taking his knowledge and sensitive information with him into the shadow realm. With now enough evidence to confront them, as Kojin provided their local meeting place of secret inside of the village, Izu readied herself, donning a large cloak of black fabric over her outfit, as well as a black half mask covering the lower part of her face, with only her byakugan eyes and her head band of kirigakure visible, as well as the top of her head, with her long locks of blonde flowing hair. Waiting until the night arrived, Izu jumped from roof to roof, doing parkour in the total silence that her silent killing technique granted her, shine on only by the pale hue of the moon over the island city. Reaching the docks, Izu could see the adress that the now dead defector gave her: an abandonned large warehouse with a red stell rusted roof, which used to house salted fish recently caught to get aranged, salted and sold at the adjacent market.

As she approached the door, she could see the interior by looking over her shoulder, peaking stealthily trough the corner of the openned door. Inside was 4 individuals, not goons, but trained and skilled Missing-Nin, proper criminals who had Kirigakure headbands on, all marked with a large gash over it, signifying their abandonnment of their allegiance. One of them was a Hoshigaki, a tall shark man armed with a huge sledgehammer. Another one was a small oranged haired man, armed like Izu with seemingly hundreds of needles in pouches on his side. The other was a tall and slender woman with long dreadlocks of black hair, and scrolls attached trought her back, with no weapons whatsoever attached to her, meaning that she was surely a more ninjutsu focused missing-nin. The last one was muscular and brawny, covered in scars and bandage, with short and spiky hair on his head, and his bandana wore to the side as an eyepatch. He was bare chested, and wore large ample linned pants classic to Kirigakure shinobi. In his hand, he wielded a huge sword measuring easily 2m long, with a large serated edge ending in a pointy end, shaped like a giant steak knife or saw blade. In the middle of them all, and in the cut out floor of the warehouse, was a small ship with a lowered sail, docked under the floor of the building in a secret way to escape. This scar man was clearly the strongest and more fear inducing of them all, but nonetheless, Izu made her presence known to intercept the group. 

''Surrender now or die a painfull death!'' Would say loud and clear Izu, drawing her long senbon sword and  readying herself to fight. But sadly, none of them today were surrendering. Almost all of them simply started to run away as soon as they were discovered and jumped into the boat, except one. Izu was damned, as the one left behind was too strong to be ignored, preventing her from preventing the escape of the others. This would have to be resolved another day, and they would need to be pursued by ship,but for now the man remaining with the large hammer was the one Izu needed to deal with. 

The combat raged for long minutes, intensely fighting and drawing blood, the clashing of metal causing sparks and loud clanking sounds troughout the neighbourhood, but in the end Izu prevailed, and managed to empale the shark man trough the head, making him fall immediately, dead on the spot. Swiftly catching her breath, the blonde Chuunin looked at the emplacement of the ship only to see it empty, a dock without a ship. This was but the start, and they wouldnt be allowed to escape without impunity and consequences. Izu would make sure of that.


TWC: 2169

  • +2D mission completed
  • 4000ryo+4000ryo for mission rewards+ chunin rewards per mission
  • +40 AP (745 new ap) 
  • WC claim to be made later.
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 124370

Dissidents of the Mist Empty Re: Dissidents of the Mist

Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:49 am
Izu Momochi wrote:

TWC: 2169

  • +2D mission completed
  • 4000ryo+4000ryo for mission rewards+ chunin rewards per mission
  • +40 AP (745 new ap) 
  • WC claim to be made later.


For future reference, do add the "before and after" for mission rewards. Example (1,500 > 4,000)
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

Dissidents of the Mist Empty Re: Dissidents of the Mist

Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:16 pm
claims for WC at 25% off for max stats:
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Dissidents of the Mist Empty Re: Dissidents of the Mist

Thu Mar 21, 2024 6:51 pm
Izu Momochi wrote:claims for WC at 25% off for max stats:

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