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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
Stat Page : Nix's Statistics
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Rite Of Way. Empty Rite Of Way.

Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:35 am
Mission Name: Kirigakure Academy: A-maze-ing Tuition
Rank: E
Mission Location: Kirigakure Academy

Challenges: Arc

So you’ve had your first day, you’ve likely failed to impress but maybe this is your opportunity to get even. It’s time for a field trip.

Little do the Students know that this field trip is quiet literally a field trip. They are taken to large field, a Maze appears from underneath them, tearing through the earth.As if this wasn’t scary enough. A mist expands from the centre outwards. Those the mist touch disappear and then - a hideous scream takes their place.

The mission: escape.

Word Count Requirement: 500
Reward: 1250 Ryo / 6 AP

Character Requirements: Kirigakure Academy Student, Completed Boot Camp
Character Exclusive:

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Nix's Statistics.

Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
Stat Page : Nix's Statistics
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Rite Of Way. Empty Re: Rite Of Way.

Sun Jan 28, 2024 9:40 am
On the day of the scheduled field trip, Nix noticed a subtle calamity she hadn't envisioned transpiring from her informality the previous day. Based on the introductory session, Nix's classmates had formed an unamiable opinion of her. It may have been prudent to overlook this. However, Nix did not. As the morning sun rose over the field, the young woman with vibrant red hair approached the open space. Nix's unencumbered hubris did not go unnoticed, but she only received general acknowledgement despite her spry footsteps. However, the opportunity to make amends soon disappeared, interrupted by the sudden emergence of an expansive hedge maze.

After thoroughly examining her surroundings, Nix calmly assessed her situation. She carefully observed every natural variation in the area, taking note of every detail that could indicate slight differences in innate potential for escape avenues. With a keen eye and a steady hand, she set about her work, eager to uncover the mysteries hidden within the lush labyrinth of the maze that suddenly sprang up around her and her classmates. Many of the class were underprepared for the incident that occurred. The Clone and Transformation Technique proved ineffably insubstantial when the labyrinth randomly segregated them. Nix shrugged. The knights of old had been tested similarly, and their histories and the blue books explained it was relatively simple to escape such a scenario. "Always keep your right hand on a wall."

At first, alone, it seemed like nothing was changing. But then, after a few minutes of walking, Nix realised her fellow student's cries for assistance were dwindling. The wall curved to the right, and Nix followed it. Soon enough, she found herself at the entrance to the maze again. Her flawless analysis of the pathways she had travelled and her litheness eliminated the risk of trial and error. Relieved and grateful, Nix left the maze and took a deep breath of fresh air. She realised moving and staying in contact with the wall was the key to escaping a labyrinth. She found navigating the maze's twists and turns to be a harmless task.

A mist encroached on the labyrinth as she waited outside the hedge maze. Blood-curdling squeals of surprise filled the air as the fog overtook the slow and the unfortunate. A teacher confronted Nix, the first to escape the labyrinth, "You could have gone back in and helped them. " Nix shrugged; her stammering reply was a concise measurement of both a lack of empathy and a mingling of earnest sympathy."Could have, would have; should have, didn't. " She stared off vaguely into the depth of the densely accumulating mist. Her paraphrasing begat an uncertain amount of detached amusement. " Those Bookwyrms were right about something." Nix thought in the privacy of her mind. "Wasn't the mission to escape? " The verbal accusation made the teacher grin; he nodded as another bloody scream pierced the otherwise silent field. Nix mimicked the subtle intricacies of the sentiment he was affirming. "If I may?" The gesture that reciprocated his insinuation was one of practised temperance, "I reconcile with the sentiment of returning to help them, but..."

Word Count: 525/500
Claims: +5 Chakra.
250/250 Genjutsu Release.
275/2000 - Master At Arms.
Reward: 1250 Ryo / 6 AP.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Rite Of Way. Empty Re: Rite Of Way.

Wed Jan 31, 2024 6:25 pm
Nix Pendragon wrote:

Word Count: 525/500
Claims: +5 Chakra.
250/250 Genjutsu Release.
275/2000 - Master At Arms.
Reward: 1250 Ryo / 6 AP.

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