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Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

Granny Escort Empty Granny Escort

Wed Oct 11, 2023 2:00 pm
Mission Link: Granny Escort

It was already midday, and unseasonably warm as Jiro stood in the village square, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the townspeople at market. He pulled his hood forward a bit to shield his eyes from the sun, while he looked about for his charge for the day. It was to be an elderly woman, from what he was told, and he'd be escorting her to the other side of the village with a partner. In truth, he didn't know why the old lady even needed an escort - they weren't leaving the village after all. Though he supposed they'd be passing through some rougher areas of town, with fewer patrols than the rest, so the presence of two capable shinobi would probably be enough to deter any thugs from trying to rob her.

Not far from the gate, and seated on an old bench was a woman who matched the description of who he was looking for, so he approached her and gave a small wave to signal his arrival. "Afternoon, granny... You're waiting for an escort, right? I'm Jiro, one of the Genin they assigned for you... My partner should be here soon, and then we can get going." Speaking of his partner, Jiro didn't see any sign of them yet. In truth, he wasn't even sure who he was waiting for, but they'd most likely make themselves known when they got there.

"Oh, bless you!" the little old woman said. "You know, I was just telling my friend Kumiko, so many young people today are so lazy and entitled, they don't want to work for their community! But you're not like that, are you Jiro? So helpful, yes very helpful." Jiro eyed the woman with a bit of a skeptical expression as his tongue fiddled with the toothpick in his mouth. 'What a pain,' he thought, sighing and putting his hands in his pockets, deciding not to answer. Like he was gonna tell her that most days, all he wanted to do was sleep and watch the clouds. His eyes scanned the crowd absently, looking for whoever it was that was showing up so he could get this mission over with.
WC: 364
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Granny Escort Empty Re: Granny Escort

Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:44 pm
In front of a Town home, OKisho was seen adjusting his standard issued shinobi sandals. His focus was clear, his mind set on today's mission. Nothing too crazy, infact, with this week's hectic scheduling, it was nice to get a breather mission every now and then. He wasn't too sure as to what caused to backlog of work. The higher Ups have hand their hands full with quite the problems lately. Lack of higher shinobi taking on students, and influx of genin... If the problems continued, eventually they begin to build on one another, laying down a clear indicator as to why such things are around in the first place. However, by then solution may fix the problem, but the damage would then become permanent. A lost generation, creating yet another and another. Perhaps, Okisho was over reaching?

Could it be because of the upcoming Chuunin exams? There was much talk about the upcoming exams. Many from all over, coming to witness the event. Sometimes, other village shinobi would participate in the exams, depending on the world's current state of affairs. He wouldn't be too surprised if it happened this year, foreign shinobi coming by, with the exception of the Sand village.

Nevertheless, Okisho grabs the parchment stuck between the lantern's iron frame and the sturdy oak beam it as attached to. With his garb and personal effects all in order, he ventures out with hasty steps towards the market area. There, he would hopefully meet up with his teammate and the person of interest. A simple escort mission, within the village, like he thought before, nothing too crazy of note.

As for attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all light grey shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.

Arriving to the heavily congested market area, he already came to the conclusion that escorting a frail old lady might become an issue. The mission details gave a complete description of the person they were to escort. The higher ups could stress it enough about the, questionable constitution of the old lady. He pursed his lips, his thoughts swirling with questions as he searched the heavy traffic, looking for her or his teammate. Eventually, he finds them near a bench; somewhat away from the traffic, which was a miracle on his own. He very much disliked it when the Market area gets this packed.

'Hmm, this would be the time when I would head over to my home away from home, and wait out the storm with a nice fresh churro', he took a glance towards his favorite sweet spot before walking over towards the lady and..., a hooded figure who's familiar name was given out mid sentence.

"Jiro?" he asked. If it was the same Jiro from the graveyard mission, he'd continue on. "Oh, Hello, Jiro. I guess We were given the same mission back to back", he said while holding up his folded up mission slip. He was in arm's reach from his fellow shinobi, and was ready to hand it over for if he needed further confirmation. After which, he would then focus his attention over to Lady Kagali when he was free to do so.

"Hello, Lady Kagali. We're here to escort you across town, to the Jade Manor Community. If you need anything else from the Market, now would be the time to get it", he finishes with a quick sweep around the area. It was still the same,a sea a people with no end to them.
TWC/ 661
Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

Granny Escort Empty Re: Granny Escort

Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:31 pm
Jiro was starting to feel impatient by the time his partner showed up. He recognized the Uchiha almost immediately when he appeared in the crowd, realization dawning when Okisho walked over to join them and handed him the mission slip. While Okisho was talking, he gave the paper a once over, confirming that they had in fact been put on the same mission team once again. Jiro frowned slightly as he handed back the slip. Their last interaction had ended on a bit of a tense note, making their reunion now somewhat awkward. Jiro didn't have a lot of patience for 'awkward', as it was just another uncomfortable situation that he couldn't be bothered with, and would usually avoid altogether. But it seemed he didn't have a choice but to bite the proverbial bullet, today. As much of a pain as it was.

Thankfully he didn't have to say anything in reply, as the old lady started talking again. "Oh, aren't you the handsome one! They didn't tell me they were sending such fine young men to be my guides, my husband will get jealous! Ohoho! You know, dearie, I think I would like to get a sweet before you take me home, if you would indulge an old woman." Waving the boys to follow her, she made her way in the direction of the sweets shop, where she stood in line, patiently looking over the display. The crowd was still bustling, and so Jiro stood just to one side of the granny, shielding her from the bumping bodies of passing pedestrians. When it was her turn to order, she stepped up and smiled brightly at the young man tending the window. "Four churros please young man," she said, and carefully counted out her ryo, placing the coins on the countertop while the attendant packed a paper bag full and handed them over. Her errand done, she looked to her escorts and smiled, clutching the bag close. "This way then, dearies," she said cheerfully, starting to move back through the square and onto the road that would lead her home.

Jiro continued shielding her the best that he could until they were out of the bulk of the crowd, sighing under his breath with exasperation as he was knocked by someone's stray elbow for what seemed like the twentieth time. There was visible relief on the boy's face when they made it onto the side road, where things were a lot calmer. "The market has grown since I was a little girl," said the granny wistfully. "There are so many more people about, now. Tourists and villagers - I've seen the strangest looking people in the square, sometimes! I'll tell you, once I saw a man with a puppet shaped like a dog! And he was taking it on a walk! That has to have been the silliest thing, I told my husband about that and he almost died laughing! Quite literally, I'm afraid," she added on grimly. "The poor man's heart isn't quite what it used to be."

Jiro glanced at the woman, his eyebrows skeptical as she recounted her tale. But on hearing about her husband's weak constitution, a flicker of sympathy flashed through his eyes. Still, he figured two old codgers like them, they were luckier than most. "At least you have your years," he said quietly. "Some of us don't dare to dream of living to a ripe old age, like you have." His thoughts returned to his brother. He had been four years older than Jiro was now, when he met his death on a mission outside the village. Seventeen. Not even old enough to share a cup of sake with friends. He thought about how much of his life he'd missed out on. It was part of the reason why Jiro liked to take life slowly, and part of the reason why he wanted to make sure his life meant something. But in truth, he still didn't know how to accomplish that. He just felt lost, most of the time. He practiced Taijutsu so diligently because it was a distraction from the hard feelings, because he wanted to be good at something he chose, because he didn't want to die. But none of those things really filled him with any sense of purpose. These thoughts milled around in his head as he walked, though he tried not to become too distracted by them. It wouldn't bode well if something bad happened to granny because of his lack of focus.
WC: 754 / TWC: 1,118 / MWC: 1,779
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Granny Escort Empty Re: Granny Escort

Tue Oct 17, 2023 12:41 pm
Taking the piece of paper back from, Jiro, Okisho folded it up and slide it right in his right pants pocket. The air around the two seemed as cold as the graveyard they met in a few day ago. He wished to rectify the odd moment between them, seeing how there would be a good chance the two would be teamed up again. This sort of thing usually happens when there's a over flow of mission request. A backlog of tasks yet to be fulfilled, would only upset daimyo. Which would then be projected to the Hokage, only for the whip to land on shinobi... useful or not. At least, that was how his father explained it to him, the politics of a village was a strange thing.

He chimes back into reality, his face slowly forming a slight smile while hearing his elder complement him on his looks. He was rather helpless and bashful at this point. He never really saw himself they way his elder spoke of him, then again, it would explain all the attention he got during valentine's day. Speaking of being helpless, Lady Kagali's next request rather left his sweet tooth rather sore...

He could feel his get tighten upon the request of buying a few churros for the road, the ultimate finger food for the road. Although his face remained stoic, his professional demeanor was challenged. He asked himself, why? Was his cosmic karma, a butterfly meeting its end by his heel, or perhaps maybe the fates weaving him along as the helpless puppet within a grand scheme of things? The smell waft of sweet cinnamon and fried dough teased him to no end. He simply stood there, eyeing each churro being placed in the basket for Lady Kagali to enjoy...all alone. His right eyebrow twitched at the sight,his suffering seemed endless. But, nevertheless, he remained professional as always. A testament to his training to not give in to temptation, no matter how fresh it was.

Moving along, rather harshly, Okisho, along with Jiro continue to guide Lady Kagali through the thick bush of people. It was just a pain trying to go shopping for supplies anymore. Hence the reason why Lady Kagali needed help being escorted out during peak times. Peak time, was basically the whole day. By the time the sun goes down, the shops would already be closed, and the night life for the young adults would take over. Eventually, the trio made it out, now coasting through calmer grounds as they made their way down the lonely road that led to the Jade Manor Community. It was night and day, the difference in traffic.

They really needed to do something about this, it just couldn't handle this amount of traffic. Even Lady Kagali pointed it out. "You're right, Lady Kagali. There are along of strange people here, the infrastructure in Okinaga District just can't handle the amount of people moving in and visiting anymore. The Uchiha, and now parts of the Hyuuga district are now going through the same problems. You've noticed it too, right, Jiro?", it left a very sour note in his mouth that even a churro couldn't fix. First it was the Uchiha district, now the market place. If this keeps up, the true locals might have to pack up and move to Tanzaku Town.

Then, the chat took a turn. Speaking of our mortality was always a uneasy subject. For most, like Jiro stated, they don't really look forward to a life of frail and slow pace. To lose your abilities, one after another really takes a toll on one's mind. You either remain in the past, or move on and embrace it. He sighs, he was too young, not as young as Jiro, but not old enough to reminiscent. What has he done in the past? He was only a genin, a genin with nothing of note to speak on.

The two finally reached the Jade community. "Here you are, Lady Kagali. Enjoy the rest of your day" he turns slowly towards Jiro, once Lady Kagali left the two. "It's not an easy subject to talk about, mortality, well for me at least. It always reminds me that there is a timer on everything, that every day you waste, you can't get back. But I keep going, because I want to honor those who devoted their precious time and health towards strengthening the Leaf. Why do you do it, Jiro?", he waits in silence for a reply.
TWC/ 1414
Jiro Nara
Jiro Nara
Stat Page : Jiro Stats
Mission Record : Jiro Nara Mission Records
Taijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 54720

Granny Escort Empty Re: Granny Escort

Wed Oct 18, 2023 5:45 pm
As the trio approached the manor gates, the old lady smiled and turned to the pair of them. "Thank you so kindly for seeing me home, boys. Here, why don't you take a treat? Gods know that sugar isn't good for my diet." Reaching into her paper bag, Lady Kagali pulled out a churro for each of them, handing them over with a warm smile. "You boys take care, now. And don't hesitate to come by and say hello."

Jiro looked down at the churro in his hand as the old lady disappeared inside her house, a bit surprised at the spontaneous generosity. But then, old ladies tended to be that way. He remembered the Nara granny that used to invite him over for tea and board games, when he was younger. Back when he was still just a student, in the first few years after his brother died. She probably figured he could use the company, as he didn't have many friends. Jiro's eyes were somewhat distant as he lifted the churro, slowly taking a bite. He remembered the cinnamon and sugar dusted cookies that she would give him while they sat together on her patio. This was kind of like that. Part of him wanted to go and see her again, but she had died two years ago, just before his graduation.

Eventually, Jiro became aware that Okisho was speaking to him. His words took some time to sink in, but when they did, he felt a certain bitterness hit the back of his tongue. He frowned quietly. ".. For the leaf... I fight because I don't want to be like them. I don't want to die for nothing... Some needless sacrifice because some higher up made a bad call. I fight because I want to live... simple as that. And the only way you get to live in this world, is if you're stronger than the guy next to you." He turned to face Okisho, his eyes meeting those of the Uchiha with steel behind them. "I have to live... because he didn't get to... none of them did." He held the older boy's gaze for a moment longer, before finally sighing and turning away, starting to make his way along the back roads. He wasn't sure yet where he was going, but the burial grounds were out that way... maybe he'd pay them a visit.

WC: 398 / TWC: 1,516 / MWC: 2,930

Mission Claims: 5,000 Ryo, 25 AP
WC Claims: +5 Vigor, +10 Strength; 1,500 WC toward Heavenly Body (1,500/2000)
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Granny Escort Empty Re: Granny Escort

Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:30 am
Jiro Nara wrote:

WC: 398 / TWC: 1,516 / MWC: 2,930

Mission Claims: 5,000 Ryo, 25 AP
WC Claims: +5 Vigor, +10 Strength; 1,500 WC toward Heavenly Body (1,500/2000)

Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Granny Escort Empty Re: Granny Escort

Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:46 pm
"Yes, thank you, Lady Kagali...", he droned. he slowly reached out and grasped the churro as if it was a holy relic. He'd forgo his mission wages for this mission if he had to chose between this and the money. There was something about this warm delight that filled him up inside. It was actually quite spiritual really, more uplifting than satiating of the appetite.

His attention, before he could bite into his churro, was pulled towards Jiro.

It was as if time came to a halt, his fellow shinobi explaining the reason as to why he continues to fight everyday, despite his everyday struggles. He felt he was making progress with the rather dark individual. Every moment, he would set his gaze upon Jiro, a cloud a despair and hopelessness hovered over him. He knew it since the day he met, he was carrying a burden, a sense of lost he was trying so hard to replace. After hearing his speak his first segment, he finds himself locking eyes with him. Okisho, widened his eyes a bit. It was as if he was starring into am abyss.

This look about him, it was agony, wrapped in a firm determination to press on. Okisho always spoke of how admirable it was to serve the village. To lay down your own life for others, because even if you met your end, your death would be carried on for others to avenge. Your actions honored by all who donned the Leaf headband. But, in Jiro's case, he held hatred for the administration. Part of becoming a shinobi, was to follow orders. To have faith that those behind the wall, with a litany of resources, provide the shinobi with all the intel needed to carry out the mission. But at the end of the day, we were all human. Mistakes were made, and those mistakes tend to fester into something that tends to bite back at the system.

"Till Next time, Jiro", he said only to bite into his churro. He makes his way towards the Uchiha District.
Exit TWC/ 1,759 Claiming 5,000 ryo and 25 Ap, 34 Ap due to maxed stats, and using 1,505 words to finish This, and the rest towards this 892/1200 (Max stats 25% discount) Previous Training
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Granny Escort Empty Re: Granny Escort

Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:59 pm
Okisho Uchiha wrote:
Exit TWC/ 1,759 Claiming 5,000 ryo and 25 Ap, 34 Ap due to maxed stats, and using 1,505 words to finish This, and the rest towards this 892/1200 (Max stats 25% discount) Previous Training

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