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Hiroshi Inugashi
Hiroshi Inugashi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 750

Escorting Granny Empty Escorting Granny

Sat Apr 22, 2023 9:54 pm
Mission Name: Granny escort
Rank: C
Mission Location: Any

Challenges: -Arc
Task: Your friend's grandma is needing an escort to a nearby village. There has been reports of bandits along this path. The village escort is between two villages in the characters origin village.

Word Count Requirement: 2000
Reward: 5000 Ryo / 25 AP

The sun was just starting to rise over the village of Hoshigakure as Hiroshi met up with Jigaku. Jigaku had warned Hiroshi that his grandmother could be stubborn and difficult to deal with, but she had a kind heart. Moreover, the road they had to travel through was known to be frequented by bandits who targeted wealthy-looking individuals, so Jigaku was worried about his grandmother's safety. Hiroshi assured Jigaku that he was a responsible and skilled genin and accepted the mission to escort his grandmother to a family reunion in the nearby village. Hiroshi and Jigaku would share some inside jokes and would discuss their perspective missions and then the pair split up to accomplish those missions.
Hiroshi headed to the town square to meet with the elderly lady, whose name was Mrs. Tanaka and introduced himself. She was a kind and gentle woman, but she also had a strong will and insisted on bringing a large amount of expensive jewelry and other valuables with her. Hiroshi tried to persuade her to leave most of her belongings behind, but Mrs. Tanaka was adamant that she needed them for the family reunion. She claimed she wanted to give a few pieces to her grandchildren and children as heirlooms. Hiroshi knew that this would make them a prime target for bandits, but he couldn't convince Mrs. Tanaka otherwise.
They set off on the journey after a few minutes of heated debate. They decided to follow the winding path that led up into the mountains. The scenery was beautiful, with tall trees and rocky cliffs towering above them. Hiroshi kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, alert for any signs of danger. As they traveled, Mrs. Tanaka regaled Hiroshi with stories of her youth. She spoke of a time when she was a young girl living in the village, and how much it had changed since then. Hiroshi listened attentively, fascinated by her tales. As they journeyed through the perilous road, Mrs. Tanaka regaled Hiroshi with stories of her youth. She spoke of her husband, who had passed away many years ago, and of their travels together when they were young. Hiroshi listened intently, amazed at the incredible life experiences of this kind-hearted woman. As they talked, Mrs. Tanaka's initial apprehension and fear began to dissipate, and she began to trust Hiroshi more and more. Hiroshi found himself relaying stories of his grandparents to Mrs. Tanaka, this made Hiroshi miss them deeply he hadn’t seen them in a while.
They stopped for a brief lunch break, and Hiroshi made sure to provide Mrs. Tanaka with plenty of food and water. They didn’t need too much it wasn’t a long hike at the point, but Hiroshi didn’t want Mrs. Tanaka to get exhausted along the way. He also checked their supplies, making sure they had enough to last the rest of the journey. There were enough supplies to make it the rest of the way at the current pace. As they continued up the mountain, the path became steeper and more treacherous. Hiroshi took extra care to make sure Mrs. Tanaka didn't stumble or fall. The fall would be enough to kill a trained shinobi that wasn’t paying attention.
Suddenly, there was a loud cracking sound, and Mrs. Tanaka cried out in pain. She had broken her leg on a loose rock on the path. Hiroshi quickly sprang into action, assessing the situation and devising a plan to get Mrs. Tanaka to safety. He set up a makeshift campsite and built a shelter to protect them from the elements. He tended to Mrs. Tanaka's injury as best he could, stabilizing her leg and making her as comfortable as possible.
He knew they couldn't continue the journey until Mrs. Tanaka's leg had healed, so he started working with medical ninjutsu on her leg, being a new shinobi to the medical jutsu so it took him a bit longer than a seasoned shinobi would have. Hiroshi spent the next few days taking care of Mrs. Tanaka, making sure she had enough food and water, and keeping her spirits up. He would continue administering medical jutsu as he was instructed to. Despite the delay, they eventually resumed their journey. Mrs. Tanaka was walking with a slight limp, but she was soldiering through it. Hiroshi found a new respect for her because she was able to keep up even as Hiroshi quickened the pace.
As they traveled, Hiroshi's worst fears were realized when they were ambushed by a group of bandits. Hiroshi quickly drew his kunai and sprang into action, engaging the bandits in a fierce battle. He fought bravely to protect Mrs. Tanaka and their belongings, but the bandits were well-trained and well-armed. Hiroshi realized that they were outnumbered and outmatched, and he knew that their only hope was to keep the bandits away from Mrs. Tanaka.
Thinking quickly, Hiroshi performed a genjutsu to keep the bandits busy and grabbed Mrs. Tanaka dragging her away from the fight. He knew that they needed to find cover, and fast. Hiroshi led Mrs. Tanaka to a nearby rock formation and hid her behind it, making sure she was safe before he turned back to the battle. By this time most of the bandits had been able to escape his genjutsu. It was a group of six well-armed bandits and just Hiroshi.
Hiroshi fought with all his might, using his ninja skills to outmaneuver the bandits. He knew that he could defeat them all, and he knew he would need to at least cause a distraction. Hiroshi unleashed a flurry of shuriken, aiming for the bandits' weapons and equipment. The bandits were caught off guard, giving Hiroshi a chance to perform more jutsu to defeat them. Suddenly the field was filled with clones of Hiroshi headed toward the bandits.
Hiroshi was able to separate one of the bandits from the group and used his chakra absorption to siphon the chakra from the bandit and supply himself. The bandit was too tired to continue fighting. He then threw more shuriken at the bandits causing them to lose focus. Hiroshi was able to sneak behind a few and use his chakra scalpel to subdue them. He had taken down three of the six bandits by now and his clone army was mostly gone. Suddenly a shuriken hit Hiroshi in the neck, there was a look of shock on Hiroshi’s face. Then poof, a log had a shuriken embedded in it.
Hiroshi had already moved behind the remaining three and placed them under another Genjutsu, he was able to subdue and restrain them. Mrs. Tanaka was able to see the battle take place and she was excited to exit her shelter. She was quick to meet up with Hiroshi and give him praise. Hiroshi was a little beat up and was grateful for the praise.
“Hiroshi, you’ll make a great shinobi someday.” She told him not realizing Hiroshi was already a shinobi. He took the compliment in stride and didn’t focus on the slight at all.
“Thank you, ma’am. I think it’s about time we move out and get you to your family. I’m sure they’re worried sick about you; they don’t realize you’re with me.” He would say flashing a sly smile and a thumbs up. He knew he needed to get them moving he was exhausted after subduing the bandits. He knew they were a half-day walk to the village.
As they continued on their journey, Hiroshi and Mrs. Tanaka shared stories with each other. Hiroshi told her about his training as a genin and his dreams of becoming a great ninja someday. Mrs. Tanaka listened with interest and shared stories of her own youth, including memories of her late husband who had been a great samurai.
Despite the danger of the journey, Hiroshi found himself enjoying Mrs. Tanaka's company. She was a warm and kind-hearted woman, and Hiroshi was glad to have the opportunity to get to know her better. As they neared the village where the family reunion was to be held, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that they had made it safely through the dangerous journey.
Finally, they emerged into a clearing, and Hiroshi saw a familiar landmark in the distance. They had made it to the nearby village, where Mrs. Tanaka's family reunion was taking place. Hiroshi breathed a sigh of relief as they approached the village gates.
Jigaku and his family were waiting for them, and they rushed over to greet Mrs. Tanaka. Hiroshi handed her over to Jigaku, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride. Despite the danger they had faced, he had fulfilled his duty as a shinobi and protected Mrs. Tanaka.
“Thank you, Hiroshi, I had a quick mission and have been waiting here for a couple of days. What took you so long?” Jigaku asked Hiroshi with a wide smile. The pair walked away from the festivities. The pair looked over a mountain and shared a cigarette.
“I heard there was a problem over the pass, what happened?” Jigaku inquired while pulling a few pulls off his cigarette. “I knew bandits were moving in, but I thought Nova had cleared the path right before you guys took off.” Jigaku finished his sentence sitting on a boulder with his arms crossed passing the cigarette back to Hiroshi.
“We had made it over the first pass just fine until the cliffs, your grandma is a champ, I can’t believe she was able to finish the journey with the damage to her leg. I repaired it the best I could, but I’m so new to the medical field.” Hiroshi said between pulls of his cigarette. “After I did what I could we continued on and she kept my pace. You come from a long line of strong individuals.”
Hiroshi looked down at his feet as he dropped the butt of the cigarette and squished it with the heel of his foot. “When we got to the bottom of the second pass, they were ready, I was able to fend them off long enough to get your grandma to safety. These guys were better trained than the other bandits caught last week though.” Hiroshi lit another cigarette and pulled the smoke into his mouth softly. He released the smoke through his nose and looked up at Jigaku. “I hope the trip back is easier, I could use a break.”
The two finished the cigarette and shook hands. Hiroshi was happy to have a friend like Jigaku, being able to talk about his mission was a nice way to decompress. As the pair worked their way back to the party, they saw a group of kids playing and running around, Hiroshi smiled at this, he thought about his childhood and how he was carefree, and he would protect the youth of this village until his last breath.
Hiroshi rounded the corner and saw Mrs. Tanaka helping put the food on the table. He waved at her as he approached and a huge smile crawled across her face. “How is your leg feeling?” He asked as he closed the space between them.   
Mrs. Tanaka hugged Hiroshi tightly, tears in her eyes. She told him that she was grateful for his bravery and his dedication and that she would never forget what he had done for her. Hiroshi felt a sense of fulfillment, knowing that he had made a difference in someone's life.
As they all sat down to enjoy the family reunion, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had faced his fears and come out victorious, and he knew that he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.
Hiroshi returned to the village feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew that he had done a good job, and he had gained valuable experience as an escort ninja. He continued his training, determined to become an even stronger and more capable shinobi. He had turned in his mission slip.

WC: 2000
ryo: 5000
ap: 25
stats 20
chakra: 10
Vig: 10
chakra enhanced strength 1150-2000=850 
Damage Reduction Shield 850-1750 = 900 wc left to learn
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Escorting Granny Empty Re: Escorting Granny

Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:12 am
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