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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:31 pm
And here Akabayashi thought these peace talks were going so smoothly. A quick denial of involvement with Suna wasn't enough to dissuade the Terumi that there wasn't some connection between them. The fact he was being tracked by Suna presently was enough to arouse further suspicion even a kage as fresh as this one had to see that. Though it would seem the time for words was at its end.

With the "Kage's" arm shifting color and the draw of a blade an energy of some sort shot out from it. Well defending a clone that was about to dissapear anyway would be a fruitless endeavor, so before he could see what this wave of energy would do to his clone he dispered it the energy returning himself before the wave could have any effect on the clone. The other clone began to move forward making seals for Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld  (power&speed 100) which would be used the moment it could spawn the technique  between the open gates (Moving 16m meters walking diaganolly to be closer to the gate entrance) to create a 30m layer of thick viscous mud that would cover the entrance and doors of the gate. He would deal with the ones outside the gate first before dealing with the rest of them. The clone would then disperse to give Akabayashi the nature stack it was carrying.

It was time for the fight to begin. It was best to target the one who used to have chakra flowing through his armor, but no longer did. "Well it seems your leader left you both outside these walls to take me on first, while they hide back with their body guards. The real fight for Kiri began when you allowed weakness to overrun this village!" The doctor would raise his hand and point it at the armored guy furthest to the Terumi's right. Almost aiming the finger at the person rather than pointing.

Seto would cotinue monitoring the area behind the Terumi and himself. Until he got different orders.

1960 AP Total
-10AP Rinnegan
+10 AP Jugo
+2 Nature Stack Wood Clones
25% Chakra Discount
-30AP Swamp of the Underworld
5/6 Nature Stacks
1930 AP remaining

1990 AP
-5AP (-10 total) Meigan Lvl 3
This post and last
+2 Stacks of Yuumei
6/10 Yuumei Stacks
1980 Remaining AP
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Wed Apr 05, 2023 11:26 am
Shiro activated a techinque to cut the clone before the clone disappeared in a puff of smoke; he wouldn't be persuaded to give up the village for such ridiculous requests. No major village would give up their shinobi after being threatened, Ban thought. She was glad that her Kage was willing to fight on the front lines for their nation. The two of them had a rocky start when he claimed kage at first as she didn't think he was worthy. Now she was willing to fight alongside him against this strange new foe.

As soon as the clone had dissipated from the attack, Ban would make her move. Right away she charged forward, away from the gate, and wove the hand signs for Ninjutsu Amplifier (+25 to speed and power) and Water Dragon Bullet (115 power 135 speed). She traveled 2 meters by the time the jutsus were complete. A massive water dragon would form 10 meters from Ban in the direction of Satoru (west). The 20-meter-long dragon would start to move around the Jugo on his right side, keeping a 2-meter distance from him, and head for Akabayashi's clone that was approaching at the same time Ban did. The dragon hovered only a meter off the ground. The clone had moved 3 meters by the time the dragon was formed. The clone hadn't woven or cast a techinque by that time. If not dealt with, the dragon would reach the clone before it reached its 16-meter mark.

If the dragon were to get close enough to the clone, the dragon would snatch him up in his jaws and destroy him. Once the clone was gone, the dragon would then turn towards the real Akabayashi, now knowing the real one, and would then go for him also try to attack him with his jaws.

After casting Water Dragon Bullet, Ban pulled out Jormundandr and stopped. She would look to Satoru and address him. "I have avoided you in my attack. Are you an ally to this Hoshi shinobi? If not, please vacate the area. My jutsu can provide momentary cover for you." Ban wasn't sure who the masked figure was and didn't want to attack an uncertain foe. However, if he chose to attack along with Akabayashi, then she would have no issue attacking him.

WC: 386
TWC: 837
Battle info :

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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Fri Apr 07, 2023 7:45 pm
Well shit. It was all about to go left.

Satoru’s Sharingan wielding eye darted in the direction of the Mizukage as he drew his blade, swinging it in the direction of the attackers’ clone. Within an instant, the tide of the battle had shifted. The Mizukage moved with intent, but it was almost as if the clone itself had melted away before being struck by the mighty blade of the eager young man.

The other clone to the Jugos western front began advancing. Their hands came together to form seals that were all too familiar to Satoru, a technique he had in his own arsenal, the Swamp of the Underworld. In that moment, his eye twitched, his gaze instantly shifting to the one Kirigakure Shinobi on the walls' outer part and within walking distance of the Jugo.

Both the Kirigakure Shinobi by the name of Ban and the 2nd clone moved in unison, yet the Kirigakure ninja caught the Jugos attention at the first instance. The Kirigakure Shinobi began charging away from the gates and in Satorus direction; he moved at 25 speed performing a series of hand seals as he faced the Jugo.

“Why on earth is he charging me?” he thought to himself as he observed the amplifier hand seals followed by seals for a technique unknown to Satoru. Suddenly, as the second set of seals was completed a massive water dragon appeared 10 meters west of the Kirigakure Shinobi, 8 meters from Satoru Jugo; heading in his direction at that very moment, with the dragon’s head being around 7 meters in width the gap the 2-meter gap that the young man attempted to create with the dragon wouldn’t be enough to entirely avoid the young Jugo.

Nevertheless, Satoru wasn’t an idiot nor was he one to sit idly by while someone charged him down. Arguably quicker than Ban, the moment Ban began his movement of 2 meters in his direction, Satorus left hand began forming hand seals, concealed by his oversized cloak and away from prying eyes his left hand performed 6 hand seals. The instant he completed the hand seals he selected a point exactly 5 meters west of Ban as the centre point for a wave of intangible, invisible chakra that would begin expanding up to a 15-meter radius. The wave moved at 70 speed and would expand 5 meters in the time it would take Ban to cover 1.7 meters of 2-meter movement which would bring them closer into the radius of the Omni Wave.

The instant the Omni-Wave contacted the Chuunin, it would impart a debuff of 50 onto both the Vigor and Strength stats which would by extension reduce the scaling of the Water Dragon Bullet at the time of being cast in the Jugos direction. While the debuff was a pre-emptive measure, now that the threat was confirmed and very real for that matter, it was no doubt time for the Jugo to act accordingly.

The moment the Water Dragon formed; anger began overcoming Satoru. He turned his body to face East, a movement that accounted for less than half a meter; his body now parallel to Bans. A chakra manifestation of his soul overcame his body; his chakra taking a demonic form that all dojutsu wielders would be able to see instantly. Now enhanced, his hands came together forming 6 hand seals. The instant they were completed a Swamp would begin forming 5 meters to the east of Ban, expanding at a Speed of 120; if they happened to be caught in the Swamp, they would require 120 strength to overcome its aggressive cylindrical pull as well as it’s adhesive characteristics.

The 6 seals for the Swamp were completed, and then the Jugo performed 5 more that were immediately followed by a further 8 hand seals. The instant the last two sets were completed 8 vents would begin forming on the Jugos torso aiming directly at the Hozuki. At 200 speed the 8 vents formed before instantly gathering and releasing chakra that would erupt out in an explosive and destructive fashion. The devastating wave of chakra would be 10 meters in height and width, charging down the Hozuki at 250 power.

Ban now faced a 250-power beam of sheer destruction from the West and a tame Swamp of the Underworld to the East. It had to go without saying that the beam would absolutely delete the Water Dragon Bullet upon contact before barrelling further towards the young Kirigakure Shinobi. Within the scope of Satorus body placement and as previously mentioned, he and Ban were effectively parallel to one another prior to the vent formation which meant that in the time it would take for a beam to clear roughly the 18-meter gap to Hozuki, the young Kirigakure Shinobi would only be able to travel a meagre distance of 2.5 meters in any direction.

In parallel with Satorus actions, the 2nd clone of the Western Delegation managed to gap the distance to the entrance before creating a large Swamp of the Underworld at the entrance to the village. This worked in the Jugos favour and while he hated to turn his back on another enemy, he was confident in the gap that he had to the Western delegation which in turn allowed him to execute this timely defensive manoeuvre.

AP 1980 -
+10 AP Jugo
+10 AP doing diddly squat last posting round?
-10AP – 3 Tomoe
-40AP [70 Power / Speed]
-40AP [120 Power/Speed]
+10AP Swamp of Underworld Chakra AP Discount of 25%.
-100AP [250 Power, 200 Speed]
+25AP Multi Lotus Chakra AP Discount of 25%.

+1 Nature Stack
+1 Infinity Stack
3 Nature Total
4 Infinity Total
Vigor: 200
Chakra: 150
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

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Shiro Hyuga
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Mon Apr 10, 2023 2:52 pm
This should be fun.

The moment that the clone had dispersed, Shiro’s byakugan would have picked up the movements of the clone heading towards them, along with that was Ban Hozuki’s own movements towards the cloaked figure. Shiro questioned why exactly Ban would even so much as try and engage with them in the first place. He couldn’t have someone like that within the village, Ban was going to be left on her own, if she were able to survive then that’s good, however for now he had bigger things to worry about, mainly that clone.

“His eyes can control our placements, he can pull and push any of us…” Shiro said, trying to say it as fast as possible, unsure if the rinnegan had the same prospects of sight as the sharingan.

Romp and Youai nodded, focusing primarily on making sure their Kage was okay

When it had gone two meters from its original position 20 meters right of the original clone, Shiro could see that the clone was prepping for something, it was weaving hand seals, similarly, the man with the cloak was also weaving hand seals that could potentially be a problem if he were to do something. It had begun to weave hand seals of Boar, Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Monkey, then finally bird. Something that Shiro would take note of and store the information for later. However Shiro’s group decided to go on the offensive. The clone would have moved another two meters, now being four meters on its course diagonally to get in closer. All three of the Shinobi, being that of Shiro, Romp, and Youai ran onto the battlefield from their original spot of being 1.75 meters away from Dave’s original clone, which was 1 meter away from the gate itself. Romp Immediately had activated his Seven Heavenly Breaths Technique. His entire body was wrapped inside of a Yellowish Golden Aura. Romp kept very close to Shiro’s west by 0.5 meters now, and Youai doing the same with keeping to Shiro’s east by 1.5 meters, both remaining parallel to their Kage in forward distance. As when the clone had moved by another meter, they had traversed 3 meters. Shiro kept a close eye towards mainly Satoru and Ban, hopeful that the cloaked man would not interfere. He could tell that the man had the sharingan still activated, his body had moved forwards right after casting that jutsu. Ban needed some kind of support.

Yet what was scary was that he could see a mass of space time chakra being summoned in order to combat Ban’s own approach.

When the group would have moved another 6 meters, Dave’s clone would have moved 2 meters. Meaning the clone was Seven meters away from its original position diagonally. With the three having moved 9 meters from their original position back at the gates moving straight. The group was now 9 meters away from the gates, and 41 meters away from Akabayashi. In which case Youai had grabbed a hold of the Kage, keeping him slightly back from the sudden destruction that was about to unfold. The clone had moved another meter as Romp had moved another three meters, before suddenly Romp weaved together 3 hands seals, and then a Unique Tiger seal, as suddenly a massive Burst of wind erupted from Romps own hands. Romp was now 12 meters away from his original spot, and 38 meters away from Akabayashi. He had summoned the mighty Hirudora, or the Daytime Tiger to blast forth. Being 20 meters in height, 15 meters in width, and 20 meters in length, the massive dragon would have moved towards Akabayashi. Youai stood on guard in case of an attack. As Shiro could only watch with his Byakugan as the massive tiger would have headed straight towards Akabayashi at a speed and power of 250.

Shiro could see that Ban was still inside of a sticky situation, immediately upon seeing that a Swamp of an Underworld would have also been cast. Youai and Shiro both decided it would be best if they remained Elevated in the air slightly, Both of which hopped by half a meter, and using the lightness skill to evade the Swamp of the Underworld from coming underneath them. Youai still holding onto Shiro's hand, as Shiro's sword was in his left hand, while Youai's was in her right hand.

AP Costs
Shiro AP:590
Cooldowns:Shimi Daikon:1/2 Posts
Spiral Cloud Passage:1/3
Byakugan -10(Apologies for forgetting last post)

Lightness Skill - 15 AP
(25% AP discount)
Shiro Stats:
Shiro Current AP:565
Current HP:290(Had actually accrued two damage markers instead of one last post)
Youai AP:1250
Lightness Skill: -15 AP
(25% Chakra discount)
+10(Heavenly Body)
Youai Stats
Youai AP:1245
Romp AP:1300
Seven Heavenly Breaths: -100 AP
+90 Speed and Strength
Daytime Tiger: - 100 AP
Taijutsu Amp(C-Rank): - 20AP
+10 AP(Heavenly Body)

Romp AP:1090

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:20 pm
Well that was surprising. The armored man moved forward and created a water jutsu based on the nature of the chakra Akabayashi was seeing. The surprising part was that it was aimed at the guy who had first arrived after the clone had spoken to the gate guard. That dude wasted no time retaliating against his "comrade"? Well one of those two were mistaken on who was on the Hoshi team whether that was the guy using earth release and jugo cannons or the water boy was unclear.

What was clear was that the "Kage" and their delegation were moving forward. Obviously, and quite literally hindered by their boss. As they had to escort the little duckling everywhere. "Talk about being dragged down by poor leadership and the workers holding the place up." He would think as they got closer and closer until. They all seemingly stopped as the big one made a couple hand seals before tapping his palm a massive tiger began making its way toward the Terumi. He would immediately make seals for Nageki a disruption of Space/time energies would spawn within the path of giant tiger when the tiger reached 22 meters in front of Akabayashi. (Debuff Power by 50). When the jutsu reached 5m in front of Akabayashi he activated his seal of Thoth (Bastet) covering him in a panther like battle suit made of chakra (Speed/Power 250). The armor with its immunity to stat checks weaker than itself would simply have the tiger clenching its jaws around the armor, but would fail to move him.

Usually, the doctor would attack, but he felt like goading them showing them the futility in this was better. Perhaps if this continued along he would change his mind. He still had to know which one of the people outside of the gates was on his side, that way he could avoid them in any blasts. It seemed the Mizukage and their delagation were completely ignoring him. Maybe it was one of their tricks, a good one if it was. The doctor was confused as shit if he would have his own people attack eachother.

Seto would simply move out of the way moving  a further 20 meters to the north. With his eyes still active. He didn't want to be anywhere near that blast.

1960 AP Total
-10AP Rinnegan
+10 AP Jugo
+1 Nature Stack Jugo
25% Chakra Discount
+30AP Swamp of the Underworld never used it since it was timelined.
- 50AP Nageki/Lamentation
-50AP Bastet
6/6 Nature Stacks
1860 AP remaining
Wood Clone: 1/5

1980 AP
-5AP Meigan Lvl 3
+10 AP using no techniques
+2 Stacks of Yuumei
8/10 Yuumei Stacks
1985 Remaining AP
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:03 am
And there it went.

Almost like clockwork, Satorus vents erupted, and the beam shredded the Water Dragon before subsequently striking the Hozuki. The Swamp of the Underworld was irrelevant, and it simply faded from existence, but the 250-power beam wasn’t done. Having only travelled 18 meters of its 100-meter range, it still had quite a way to go. As a result, it began pushing the Hozuki clansman a further four or so meters before the man’s body struck the walls of Kirigakure, instantly receiving environmental impact damage that would subsequently take the young man out of play.

The instant Bans body hit the wall with a loud crunch, the entirety of his spine was crunched by the impact and yet the beam pressed on. Using Bans body as the point of entry it would continue pushing through the walls shell at 250 powers, piercing a 10-meter height and wide gap in the wall that subsequently compromised the structural integrity of the entire wall, resulting in a chain reaction that led to the collapse of the rest of the gates. The entrance to the village was now compromised and covered in rubble up to 30 meters in height. The instant the beam ripped through the wall to compromise the structural integrity, it erupted into a secondary destructive effect.

At 200 speed and with 250 power, the beam subsided and instead, the point at which the beam impacted the wall, 22 meters away from Satoru, became the centre point for a massive destruction area of effect attack where the Jugos chakra began decimating the surrounding area, expanding 50-meter in every direction at 200 speed.

For Shiro Hyuuga, once the formation was established between himself and his comrades, the leading comrade that moved at 170 speeds would have to slow to maintain the requisite distance to the Mizukage. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be within the 0.5m range as previously defined. Within the course of the 2 meters of the clones movement prior to the Kirigakure delegation taking action, Satorus beam would have travelled 10 meters. Further to that, while the trio covered the initial 9 meters of their journey, the Jugos beam covered the remaining 12-meter distance. Then as Romp progressed a further 3 meters, the now detonated beam advanced a further 3.5 meters. Expanding 50-meter in every single direction.

It had to be noted that the beam would have detonated prior to Romp firing his Taijutsu technique in Akebayashis direction. At this moment, Satoru was a stone’s throw away from the Kirigakure delegation. His hands came together for 6 hand seals followed by 6 more; the first 6 amplifying the speed aspect of the technique cast by the 2nd set. Instantly, his body was chrono accelerated; he used his newfound power to chrono accelerate his synapses with the aid of Space-Time energy to allow him better movement and reaction times for a limited duration.

Now performing all actions at 150 Speed, he decided to move 30 meters west to avoid his now highly volatile technique. He moved 2.64 meters before Romp cast off his technique in Akabayashis direction as Romp too was covering his 3-meter distance during this period. As the Taijutsu technique was centred on Akabayashi with a width of 15 meters, it only covered 7.5 meters north and south which put the Jugo in the clear in terms of that angle of attack which in turn allowed him to go on his way.

Over 30 meters of Satorus movement, his detonated wave would have travelled 40 meters in all directions. After around the initial 23 meters of Satorus movement, the Taijutsu technique was dispatched by Akabayashi; at this point, the detonated wave had travelled 30 meters in every direction. 20 more to go.

AP 1,745
+10 AP Jugo
-10AP Sharingan
-50 Upkeep
-50 Detonation [250 P / 200 S]
+12 Chakra Discount on above
+12 Chakra Discount on above
-30 AP [150 Speed]
+7AP Chakra Discount on above

+1 Nature Stack
+1 Infinity Stack
4 Nature Total
5 Infinity Total

CDs – 1/2 1/3

Vigor: 200
Chakra: 150
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Locations at post end -
Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Kiri-Fight

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Shiro Hyuga
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Tue Apr 18, 2023 8:11 pm
Youai’s head was like a swivel, looking in any direction to make sure that she could defend her student and Mizukage well. Shiro’s byakugan could only witness Ban having to take the full force of the energy blast that was sent her way. Yet what was worse was that The beam was able to break down the walls holding up the gate on the left side of the village. Youai immediately would immediately turn her body to face South East towards the blast, her hands holding onto her blade as the tip of it faced towards the South East as well, away from Romp and Shiro’s direction if swung. Right as Romp had begun to move forwards so had the massive blast that was heading towards them. However she did have a plan. Shiro also focused, his body acting in almost a split second as a dome that was unable to be seen or sensed. The Dome expanded in a ten meter radius all around him, as Shiro was going to target the blast of pure energy that was heading right towards them. As such, Shiro moved to be behind Youai, only now being 0.5 meters away from her as this was happening. This was all done right before Romp had finished his three meter run towards Akabayashi. Which would mean that the blast had already moved 3.5 meters in all directions. Meaning that the blast was 3.2 meters away from the Swordsman

Shiro’s use of Split Second would have debuffed the power of the technique by 50. Youai’s entire body was suddenly enhanced, a smirk grew on her face. The blast reached 5 Meters away before she  had decided to use her technique that could blast away the massive engulfing AOE. However she also wanted to make clear of anyone that was actively watching her. Her chakra flexed slightly for some unknown reason.  in a single thrusting motion, a sudden massive blast of Chakra would be launched from the thrust. Youai’s blast of Chakra suddenly expanded outwards from her sword at a range of 50 meters, completely engulfing the explosion that had come from Satoru Youai’s massive blast of Chakra that had expanded outwards 40 meters in width and height at a speed of 200. The blast of chakra would Destroy more parts of the other side of the walls that were intact. Romp’s Hirudora would have already launched forwards, hopefully the massive tiger of wind would block Akabayashi’s view, as even when the Hirudora had gotten within one meter of Akabayashi, Romp had let go of the techniques unique hand seal, resulting in it exploding in a massive 20 meter radius explosion… yet Shiro could see that the blast would not have done anything to Akabayashi as it expanded outwards by 3m in all sides. Romp Stood still, ready for what the Doctor had in store. When the Hirudora’s winds had reached five meters in all directions with Akabayashi at its epicenter. Satoru had already moved 23 meters by the time the blast had reached 1 meter in radius. Youai’s whole body turned to face west where Akabayashi and Satoru were.

Youai stood with her Kage, awaiting any more kinds of attacks that would currently come their way. Romp is still standing tall being 5 meters away from Youai, and 4.5 meters away from Shiro.


Shiro’s AP:565

Byakugan: -5 AP
Shimi Daikon: 2/2
Gentle Blade:Spiral Cloud Passage:2/3
Split Second: -40 AP
Shiro Stats:
Shiro Current AP:520
Current HP:290

Youai AP:1245
Autosuggestion: -40
Disparity Between Heaven and Earth: -75
250 Power and 200 Speed
+10 AP(Heavenly Body)
Youai Stats:
Youai Current AP:1140
Current HP:300

Romp Current AP:1090
Seven Heavenly Breaths: - 50AP
Romp AP:1040
Current HP:300

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Thu Apr 20, 2023 7:57 pm
Well at least one of the people were out of the way. The one persons beam of energy crashed into who Akabayashi finally recognized as Ban. Someone whom he met when arrestesting the Kiri shinobi Kita. If he recalled correctly he was under the tutelage of the former Mizukage Murata. What this seemingly meant was the person attacking them was seemingly forced into becoming the Terumi's ally when Ban attacked him. Which was quite fortunate for Akabayashi. Ban slammed into the gate, the gate collapsed and a giant explosion was coming toward them all. Seto had enough sense to move from the tiger coming at them. Akabayashi however would stand his ground his armor kept him safe for the moment.

One of the Kiri folks had turned around to deal with the attack from the rear, but the Doctor had seen enough. The aura of Akabayashi would turn cyan as he activated true sage Transformation and a cloak of natural energy would be placed over his armor waiting for an incoming attack. Three of the five snake like appendages would dig in the pockets of the Terumi and hurl three kunai  one per in different directions. One directly behind him and thrown 60 meters. (Speed of snake appendages 240. 240/2=120 equals speed thrown. Half throw speed equals distance in meters.) One thrown to his right and up 60m so that it would completely avoid Satoru unless he walked into it while it was falling and the last 60m left and up and avoiding Seto unless he walked into it while falling as well. At the same time these snake appendages did this the Terumi's hand would make seals for ninjutsu amp followed by seals for Empty Disaster. He would aim the beam with his hand and finger fully extended meaning the cone would begin past Seto and not hit him. The beam would be aimed 3m's north of Shiro's position (The close edge of the beam) the far edge of the beam would be 28m north of Shiro's position and not fired directly at them. It would be 25m wide and 70m long and made of the earth element. If it reached its full distance it would annihilate a different section of the gates.

After expending the extra energy to fuel his laser and cloak the Doctor utilized his preplaced Chakra Storage Seal to recoup most of the battles expent energy. This other person now likely had a golden opportunity given his position to annihilate the remaining forces of Kiri. This would also show if the stranger was only on his team to eliminate his attacker or if he wished to tag team this village with Akabayashi.

1860 AP Total
-10AP Rinnegan
+10 AP Jugo
+1 Nature Stack Jugo
-1 Nature Stack True Sage Transformation
-1 Nature Stack True Sage Transformation Cloak
-100AP TST and Cloak +90 Chakra and vigor
5/6 Nature Stacks Remaining
-75AP Empty Disaster
-60AP to lower Empty Disaster CD by 3 posts
-20AP Nin Amp C rank
25% Chakra Discount on Empty
-50AP Thoth (Bastet) Upkeep
1575 AP remaining
Pop Chakra Storage Seal +410 AP
1965 AP Remaining

Wood Clone: 2/5

1985 AP
-5AP Meigan Lvl 3
+10 AP using no techniques
+2 Stacks of Yuumei
10/10 Yuumei Stacks
1990 Remaining AP
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Fri Apr 21, 2023 1:51 pm
The instant Romp started moving forward, Shiro made his move. This was a point of reaction for Satoru. Initially, his hands had come together to form certain seals however the point at which Shiros muscles began shifting with the intent to navigate northeast was the point at which Satorus plan had changed. At this moment, Satoru began the process of rotating his body; turning to face North. His hands came together as the odour of certain doom began filling the surrounding. There was no attempt to explain the actions of their comrade. No apologies or mode of rhetoric in Satorus direction so as anyone would, he could only see this as War.

His rotation began the instant he observed the movement of Shiros muscles via his peripherals; thankfully the cunning of the Sharigan was in his left eye thus able to capture the subtle movements for Satoru to react from. In that moment, a cyan aura and subsequent cloak overcame Satorus body, enhancing him while simultaneously blessing him with a beautiful cloak innate to his Kekkei Genkai. The instant his cloak began forming the seal on Satorus right cheek began expanding into the 20 meter radius at 150 speed. The cloak began surrounding Satoru at 240 speed; the instant the first appendage of the cloak was formed, it reached into Satorus weapon pouch fishing out a Marked Kunai. The appendage in question threw the Marked Kunai 60 meters south at 120 Speed the instant it withdrew it from the weapon pouch. The movement was effortless, almost comparable to ballet. The appendage carefully avoided Satoru and his equipment, effortlessly and carefully moving the Kunai around the back of his cloak before launching it.

During the period of getting True Sage cloaked, Satoru rotated his body to face North, especially now that he was certain that his eastern enemy was eliminated. His hand seals went into overdrive throughout the course of the movement, performing every seal at the highest speed available to him. The first set of hand seals totalled 5, Satoru selected a point 5.9 meters Southwest of Youais location. This spot was the origin point for a jet-black wave of charka that began expanding into the area at a speed and power of 120. The instant it intersected with any of the trio, they would find their subsequent cooldowns and AP costs doubled for a period of 3 posts. The Omoi wave would continue to expand into its maximum 20-meter radius.

The instant the hand seals for the Omoi technique were completed, Satorus hands pressed on performing a further 5 hand seals. He again selected the point 5.9 meters Southwest of Youais location as a centre point for another jet-black wave of chakra that would layer itself over the likes of the first technique, this one went by the name of Osaeru. It expanded at 140 Speed; the instant it contacted any of the trio, they would find themselves in a suppressed state, preventing them from being able to cast techniques without first offering up a tribute of their AP. This technique expanded into its radius of 30 meters, enhanced by Satorus Infinity stacks.

He wasn’t done there, as soon as Osaeru was cast; Satoru formed 6 further hand seals. Selecting the same point, 5.9 meters Southwest as an origin point for a corruption wave that was intangible and transparent in nature, the intangibility factor being shared by the previous two techniques! This technique also expanded at 120 speed with a power of 120. The corruption wave would continue expanding into a 15-meter radius.

Immediately after completing the seals for the corruption wave, he performed 5 additional seals. The instant he completed them at a cost of 1 Nature Stack an invisible intangible aura began expanding out from Satorus body moving into a 20-meter radius at a speed and power of 140. Once the seals for this Sage Art Reduction seals were completed, he completed a further 4 hand seals followed by a clap of hands. The instant his hands came together for a clap, a chakra field began expanding around him at 140 power and speed, expanding into a 15-meter radius, the Minus Field.

Shiro had to cover a small distance of 1.58 meters to get 0.5 meters behind Youai. During this period Romp would have only travelled 2.1 meters. Satorus rotation had long completed by now. By the time Romp completed his 3-meter movement, Shiro would have been in position for a relatively significant amount of time. At its origin, the detonated canons were 14.8 meters away from Youais location. So after having expanded 3.5 meters in every direction, the detonated canons had a further 11.3 meters to travel. It appeared that the Shinobi hadn’t accounted for the fact that the blasts origin point was 11 meters east, 10 meters south of them as it was centred on the Hozuki combatant and 22 meters east of Satorus current location.

As it continued to expand past the 3.5 meters, the Daytime Tiger too made its way towards its targeted destination. That meant that before intersecting with Youais location, the Jugos blast had to travel a further 11.3 meters at its 200 speed. The blast had to travel 6.3 meters before Youai decided to act. During this 6.3 meters, Satorus Corruption Wave had travelled roughly 3.7 meters from it’s origin point 5.9 meters away from Youai and as the massive blast of chakra launched from her thrust, the path of the blast fell beautifully within the corruption waves intersecting range. The corruption wave would travel a further 1.44 meters in the time it took for both the blast and the chakra thrust to progress by 2.4 meters. The corruption wave would easily intersect the Chakra Thrust, especially with its massive 40-meter width. The instant it intersected it would debuff the Power of the Heaven and Earth technique by 50.

During this entire period, the Daytime Tiger would continue to make it’s way towards the Hoshigakure delegation. While the now annoyed leader of the delegation released a potent blast of chakra towards the general position of Shiro Hyuuga. Expect there was a twist as this wave of Chakra avoided the young Kage, instead leaving him with a 3-meter clearance as it expanded into the norther quadrant of the map at 250 power and speed, what a fearsome technique. From his left peripheral Satoru observed the Nageki hand seals as and when the Hoshigakure member used the technique in response to the Day Time Tiger.  

AP 1,576
+10 AP Jugo
-10AP Sharingan
-100 AP  &
-40 AP
-40 AP
-40 AP
-40 AP
-40 AP
-50AP Upkeep
+50AP refunding
+30 AP refunding
+1 Nature Stack
+1 Infinity Stack
5 Nature Total
6 Infinity Total
-6 Infinity Stacks - 15m radius boost.
-1 Nature
-1 Nature
-1 Nature

CDs – 2/2 2/3 2/3

Vigor: 240
Chakra: 190
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

End of Post -
(Something like this... idk anymore lol)
Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Kiri-Fight

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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover) - Page 2 Empty Re: Dormammu I've Come to Bargain (Village Takeover)

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:10 pm
Whatever the stranger did they succeeded. Jutsu after jutsu was hurled the glowing beam of earth moving closer and closer to block off the path of escape to the warriors of Kiri. The sword strike failed to stop the wave of exposive energy released by Satoru and they were caught up in the blast in addition to whatever else had been hurled their way. Either way things seemed to be ending as the explosive jutsu pushed the Kiri combatants directly into the beam of Earth chakra. With their last breaths the jounin and Anbu of Kiri used their bodies as shields to defend their kage from the full force of the Empty Disaster.

When all jutsu reached their max distances. The daytime tiger was gone, the multiple lotus non-self connected cannons was gone, and lastly the empty disaster was gone. In the middle of all that wreckage the bodies of Romp and Youai did not move clearly dead. One of them still breathed however Shiro Hyuga. The obvious rise and fall of the chest was labored but present. "Bring a healer from within to save the dying!" The doctor would yell to Seto who would move toward the destroyed entrance of the gate. He could see within the rubble the arm of Ban Hozuki and from that arm chakra, a clear sign of life.

Akabayashi would turn toward Satoru with his armor still up. "I don't want to be presumptuous but you don't appear to be an enemy of mine, but I assume they attacked you assuming you were my ally. What do you want as compensation for involving you into Hoshi's mess if anything?"

Claiming: Death of Romp and Youai. Shiro unconscious.

1965 AP Total
-10AP Rinnegan
+10 AP Jugo
+1 Nature Stack Jugo
-1 Nature Stack True Sage Transformation
-100AP TST and Cloak Upkeep
5/6 Nature Stacks Remaining
Empty Disaster no upkeep cost
-50AP Thoth (Bastet) Upkeep
1815 AP Remaining

Wood Clone: 3/5
Nin Amp: 1/3
Empty Disaster: 1/3

1990 AP
-5AP Meigan Lvl 3
+10 AP using no techniques
10/10 Yuumei Stacks
1995 Remaining AP
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