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Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:05 am
The morning had begun to creep inside of the room of Hoori who had been sitting in a chair closest to the desk not far from his bed, leaning back with a cup in his hand. He had been doing mission after mission with his long standing friend Shin and a new person in their fold, Enrai. For some reason Hoori didn't feel as if he had been doing enough which was far from the truth given his reluctantly to do any kind of work to get stronger. As the shine of the sun hit the cup he had been holding to create a rainbow effect within his room, he decided to pay a visit to a rather well known figure within the missing ninja community. A person he really only knew by name and the slight stories told about him, but one thing was for sure he was a peddler in a certain trade that could help Hoori. Setting the glass down he would grab his shirt and head out, leaving a note on the door of Shin to let him know he would be a bit busy today. Stepping out into the streets of Suna, he would begin to head to the hospital after asking around for the man he had been looking for and quite a few people were more than happy to point him in the right direction. The more he asked around the more people referred to the figure as the First Kazekage of Suna, which as he pondered on the thought made sense. He did hear about the destruction of what could be called the old Sunagakure, so it would be apparent that it would be a new one. Either way he would make his way into the hospital where he had found the secretary behind her desk. Smiling he would walk up to it and gain her attention before speaking," Morning. I am here to see the First Kazekage...I hear this is his place of work?," he would of course wait until he was granted clearance to head to wherever he would be directed.

351 WC
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A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:30 am
Mia would eye the young man that came up to her desk with a hint of disinterest as he spoke, the long hours that she’d worked lately and a less than great nights sleep leaving her more than a little over… well, everything. 

“Follow the black line on the floor and it’ll take you to Kenshin’s office. Knock and wait for him to call you in before you enter” The young woman would say in a semi-bland way. 
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 9:49 am
He wouldn’t say he was offended by the tone of the woman. As he looked at her features he could see that she was wearing it so well though maybe she just needed more sleep or a day off. He wouldn’t bring it up but instead would smile and nod,” Thank you very much for your time and I hope you can get some rest soon,” and with that he would follow the instructions until he arrived  at a door. Knocking on it he would wait for a response before opening the door and walking in,” So you’re the big man many missing ninja have made stories of. My name is Hoori and I have heard that you deal in many an abstract ways to gain power. “
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A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:08 am
Mia would offer the man a somewhat tired smile 

“Thank you, and I do apologise if I came off as rude… life has just been a bit hectic lately.” She would offer not unkindly, but obviously not wanting the conversation to continue further. All she wanted right now was to get some sleep.


Kenshin would eye the door for a moment when he heard the knock, closing his leatherbound journal carefully before turning to face the door.

“Enter!” He would call, and when the man entered he would find himself under some intense scrutiny from the crimson eyes of The Reaper. He… didn’t really seem like anything special, but who knows, maybe he would end up being more than Kenshin expected. The Ragdoll would smirk when The Hunter spoke… so this man was in the market for power… heh, if there was anyone that could help in that regard it was him. 

“Indeed, I am Kenshin Uzumaki. It is a pleasure to meet you, Hoori. I wouldn’t say I have many ways of offering power, but the methods I do have are proven and effective. The main service that you’ve likely heard of is simply me transplanting the organs of specific bloodline wielders, to give people access to said bloodlines. I wouldn’t say that the services I offer are cheap, but I can promise you they’re most effective. So, do you have any ideas of what you’re looking for. If you just give me a description of the type of benefits you’d be interested in I’m sure I can accommodate you… I have quite the large supply of bloodlines.” The Raggedy Man would explain with a small smirk on his face. 

WC: 281
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:32 am
His steps were slow as he walked in, setting his bow to the side but one thing he noticed as he entered was the look he was given…he knew the look all too well. He grew up with that look being on the faces of those within his home and family but even now it struck a chord in his mental that he casually brushed off,” There is one that comes to mind when I think of what pairs well with my abilities. They were known in ancient times as the wielded of thousands of skills and rivaled the Uchiha. The abilities of the Senju are what I am after. What is your price for that?,” he’d simply inquire as he looked around the area.
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A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:36 am
Kenshin would smirk when the man mentioned the Senju… one of his most popular transplants by far, and truly he could understand why, he personally had access to Wood Release thanks to them… and he knew of the power it had.

“The Wood Release of the Senju, along with their naturally sturdy bodies and powerful chakra, makes them one of the two most expensive bloodlines I sell. I charge 25,000 ryo for an organ, and I will personally perform the transplant for you.”

WC: 84
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:43 am
A sudden withdrawn look appeared on his face as he held up both his hands,” Tw-Twenty five thousand?! Who has that kinda money just laying around. That’s craz- no wait. Dammit,” the Hyuga would fall silent for a moment as he began to contemplate an idea,” If that is 25 thousand how much would you buy… a prized possession of the Hyuga clan for?,” he’d let the question linger in the air for a moment while he continued to think over just what he was implying.
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A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:49 am
Kenshin would resist the urge to chuckle as Hoori realised that the transplant was a little out of his price range… but the mans follow-up question would cause his smirk to turn into a true grin.

“A Byakugan is… very valuable, and due to being a Dojutsu it is quite the limited commodity… I typically charge 100,000 ryo per eye. If you’re implying what I think you are… I will make it more than worth your while.” The Ragdoll would explain, his sharp eyes watching Hoori intently. 

WC: 88
Hoori Hyuga
Hoori Hyuga
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : The The Dragon's Herald
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134100

A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:01 am
…The money alone was enough to make the man drool but then it came with the implication that he would be missing an eye. Thoughts ran rampant through his head but he knew of many a Hyuga who he only one eye but were still weapons of destruction on the field of battle. It wouldn’t take him long to make up his mind as he nodded for a moment,” Okay. For this to work though I will need another eye to replace the one I am giving for this procedure.”
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A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin) Empty Re: A Bargain of Sorts (Kenshin)

Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:24 am
“Of course, I would never dream of simply leaving you with an empty eye socket, or even a simple non-dojutsu. I’ve got a few other Dojutsu that I can offer you, but based on the bow I saw you wielding… I think I have one that will fit you better than the others.” The Ragdoll would explain with an easy grin

“The eye belongs to the Pendragon clan, a clan most well known and renowned for their prowess with Weaponry. And, of course, if you’re interested in that specific eye I will provide you with the bloodline of the Pendragon to ensure it adapts well to you AND gives you access to all of the clans abilities.”

WC: 117
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