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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:29 pm
The past few days had been weird for the young Meijin. He had fallen asleep during meditation and woke up with a cooler filled with an odd organ in it. He didn't remember the dream other than something about zombies and cults...but the organ was new. He decided to pay a visit to the hospital to see what it was and if it could be of some use to him, with his bodies restriction to elements anything that could make him stronger without compromising that would be amazing. Walking in he would wait at the receptionists desk until he was noticed and smiled," Afternoon ma'am is Lord First in? I would like to inquire about the contents of this cooler," he'd wait for any instructions and once given he would follow them until he was at the door and would knock on upon it.
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Ryo : 0

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Sun Nov 14, 2021 2:09 am
Mia would give a small smirk at the cheek of the lad, Ken would like this one

"Just follow the black line on the floor and you'll reach his office. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to see you. Just be sure to knock."


Assuming the lad followed her instructions, Kenshin would hear the knock on his door and turn away from his desk, closing his aging black journal in the process

"Enter" He would call, and his red eyes would watch the door
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:51 pm
Mita would give a small nod and thank the lady before walking onward, following the black line where at the end of his journey he would knock on the door. Once he had heard the voice on the inside, he would walk in, blue eyes looking at the red eyes of the male inside of the room and bowing," Afternoon Lord first. If I understand correctly you are the one to come and see when one is wanting insight on...transplants and you are the best at determining what could be in this cooler? It was left on my doorstep and figured if it could be useful to me in some way i'd see what i would need to do to use it," of course he would walk in and close the door behind him, but just being in the presence of this man was a little daunting for the young Meijin.
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Ryo : 0

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Fri Nov 19, 2021 4:46 am
The First Kazekage would blink twice in surprise… this was certainly a first, and it seemed this boy had some kind of secret admirer that decided to leave him organs instead of flowers… well, at least they were practical.

“Well, this is certainly new. Not a problem though, let me check it out and I’ll tell you whether it’s anything special.” The Ragdoll would say, a light smirk splitting his pale lips as he extended his left hand out. 
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:36 pm
Upon request the cooler would be held out for the Kazekage to take and look into. He wasn't too keen on transplants or even what they do, but here he was trying to do some research to see what it would do for him. He would wait for a moment before inquiring," So what do you think this would do for someone like me who can only use one particular element?"
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Ryo : 0

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:02 am
The Ragdoll would practically shiver at the feeling he recieved when holding the organ, the sheer natural energy permeating the flesh told him everything he needed to know about what it was.

“This, my young friend, is one of the most valuable organs you could have possibly come across, regardless of any chakra maladies you may possess. It alone will bolster your chakra tremendously and give you access to a power that very few possess, something known most commonly as Natural Energy or Nature Chakra. I will spare you an in depth explanation, but just know that this alone will make you far more formidable.”
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
Remove Taijutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Sun Nov 28, 2021 5:57 pm
Far more Formiddable? That alone made it apparent that he wanted it. With a small nod he would take a step back and inquire further," Okay...I want to go through with the procedure to add to it my abilities...Also would you happen to have something that could potentially add on to my taijutsu skillset as well?," for now he would wait for that answer and go from there.
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Ryo : 0

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:59 pm
Kenshin would give a small smirk at the young mans next request

"I have just the thing, and you are in luck, because it is the last transplant I possess for the bloodline in question. Now, remove your shirt and please lie down on one of the tables" The Reaper would say, and provided Mitacho did as he asked Kenshin would retrieve the liver of Nobunaga Hiyu. He would waste no time in using the Chakra Anaesthetic technique on Mita, removing the boys left kidney and his liver. He would replace them with the kidney he had brought, and the liver of Nobunaga. With that done, he would activate his Mystical Palm Aura and ensure the organs were both functioning and properly placed. 

"And with that we are done. All in all, that will be 15,000 ryo."
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Mon Dec 06, 2021 5:51 pm
Mitacho's eyes would light up, the dim amber eyes would take on a glowing akin to a fire burning in a pit. Without further ado he would take off his shirt and lay down on one of the tables as requested. He would feel something going on but due to his body being numbed he wouldn't know what had been going on. Once everything had been done he would flex his fingers and ask the late Kage a question as he handed over the ryo he requested," Do you know anything about the Meijin clan?," whatever answer he would get, would suffice. Taking in the information he would nod to the male and slowly put on his shirt," Thank you.," and with that unless Kenshin needed anything else from him, Mitacho would leave a happy bundle of fire.

Claiming successful transplant of both Jugo and Hiyu.
569 WC
Claiming 50 AP and all words toward
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Ryo : 0

Put it in me Doc (Kenshin) Empty Re: Put it in me Doc (Kenshin)

Wed Dec 08, 2021 5:22 am
The Ragdoll would take the offered ryo with a small smirk on his face, and at the question from the youngster he would give a nod.

"An old student of mine was a Meijin, I know a fair bit about the 'bloodline' of the clan, if you want to call it that. It's not a bloodline in the most traditional sense, in fact to call it one would probably be an insult to legitimate bloodlines like the Sharingan of the Uchiha, and the Wood Release of the Senju. They are Bloodline Limits, special mutations in the DNA of clans that give them abilities others don't have. The Meijin, on the other hand... well, they actually started off with a simple chakra malady, a true defect in their chakra systems that will only allow them to learn a single element in their lifetimes... however, due to this malady being passed down and mutated over generations... it is has become both a defect and a true Bloodline Limit. The Meijin DNA has mutated and they now have far greater control over that singular element instinctively than most would be able to get in a lifetime of study. Truly a fascinating clan, with a bloodline that is only as much of a weakness as the user allows it to be... frankly, the idea of a Meijin that truly masters their element scares me more than most other clans could."

"Oh, and while I still have you. The new liver you have is from a clan known as the Hiyu, and it will give you almost supreme control over your own body. You'll be able to go so far as to turn your flesh and bone into iron and rubber if that is your wish, and so much more. A truly devastating ability for those who focus on Taijutsu... so try to do Sunagakure proud with your new gifts will you?" 

He would say with a final parting grin, before turning back to his notes.

TWC: Not gonna bother adding up


No WC claims. +15,000 ryo (669k + 15k = 684k), -1 Liver (Nobunaga Hiyu0
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