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Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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A refugee of sorts Empty A refugee of sorts

Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:25 am
Rakka arrived at the gates of Shimagakure in a blur of speed. To most bystanders, it would appear if she simply materialized there from nothingness. She took a few steps towards the gates, before stopping, her arms folded, as she waited to be attended. She wouldn’t simply barge in, lest she end up the same way as Demetri Kori. No, better to wait and not be confused for an attacker.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A refugee of sorts Empty Re: A refugee of sorts

Fri Mar 07, 2014 9:00 am
It had been a dull day so far. Or maybe it was Naoki's mind that was so sharp, that everything seemed dull to him. That may be true, for he had spent most of the last week doing research. And he was extremely glad to know that he was done, he had completed his work on theory and was now ready to do something practical about this. This was actually the reason he found himself outside, by the harbor, and not inside his home or in the library. He had recently ordered some fine material for his research, a material he would use to craft a human replica from using his earth nature chakra. This is all fair and fine, but what does it have to do with him being in a harbor, you might ask and how is this whole situation related to harbor? Well, the thing is, the harbor is where Shimagakure shipping center was, where Naoki would go to claim his purchase. It was also the harbor where were the water gates, that led into Shimagakure, for the islands of the village were surrounded by them and they were the only way in.

When I say material he would craft a person from, do not think a human sized block. No, it was but a bag of fairly expensive dust, which he would mix with various other compounds and materials and only then sculpt the actual thing. And the bag was already in his hands and he would be about to leave the area when something happened, that made him stay. He would hear a shout from the gates. Not only that, but he could also feel a fairly strong chakra behind them, which could mean any number of things, but most certainly indicated that somebody strong, somebody he had not met before, was right now standing by their gates. Without a doubt this required investigation, as with Kaede once again away on business, he was the one responsible for the village. In what to the guards seemed like a single moment, he would appear at the gates. On them, to be more specific. Nodding, the Uchiha would let them know that he would take care of this. Looking down Naoki would see a single person, what seemed to be a woman, standing on the water that surrounded the gates. The man would be careful not to reveal his sharingan carelessly to the outsiders, but from this distance he should be safe, as such details like the eye colors would not be seen easily.

So far the woman below did not make any threatening moves, in fact she had not moved at all, nor had she announced anything. And it was a good sign. Dropping the bag on the cold frame of the gates, Naoki would sit down at the edge. As he did this, his eyes would momentarily swirl and change color as he turned on the sharingan. At the same time, to be safe he would make a subtle move. He would release about a couple dozen sunflies into the metal of the gates, sending them down through it and into water, from there around the woman. As he was in contact with the gates, the seals would not be visible for but a blink and their light would be diminished under water, to make them even less likely to notice. But, as the visitor's stance was non threatening, Naoki would restrain as well, stopping his seals as they were five meters away from him and the person. In the mean time, he might as well try to learn who he was dealing with. "Fair day to you! I see you have found the gates to the Islands. May I ask what brings you to our distant village?" The distant village part was coming from the realization that the girl was coming from the direction of the mainland. Also that Shimagakure was actually distant from pretty much everything.
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A refugee of sorts Empty Re: A refugee of sorts

Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:02 pm
In another blur of speed another person arrived. The leader of Shimagakure had once more returned to the islands. The Uzumaki had lost track of time since his departure. Beside him was a clone, whom had a body slung over his shoulder. Yep, he still hadn't got rid of the body of Demetri Kori. Unfortunately that would make it rather awkward, as Kaede spotted the familiar forms of Rakka Yuki and Naoki Uchiha. The man had gotten off a boat only moments ago, and already he had made such a mistake. The clone next to him quickly made himself scarce, moving off towards the island that housed his office. For now he would simply stick the body in cold storage, until he found of a suitable way to dispose of it. Having arrived in time to hear Naoki speak out too Rakka he simply stood back and let him talk for a moment. Even if he was the one technically in charge, it was nice to see Naoki was taking his job as the temporary Village Leader at least somewhat seriously. Yes, for now he would simply stand back and let the Uchiha do all the work.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A refugee of sorts Empty Re: A refugee of sorts

Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:12 am
As the last words left Naoki's lips, the Jounin would sense another presence. A chakra signature he would recognize as Kaede's, his village leader's. This was actually great news, first of all, he would now have to shoulder all the responsibility himself. Second, if this stranger at the gates proved to be hostile, Kaede being even stronger than Naoki would really be a help, and if she was actually friendly, then maybe Kaede would vouch for her, or at least take the matter into his own hands. Whatever the case may be, the Uchiha would take the leader's appearance as a distraction for him to move the seals further and seeing as the girl did not move or say anything yet, they would now surround her in a three meter diameter circle, all still underwater. A formation in which he could blow her to atoms with a single thought, if need be.

In the mean time, he would turn his head slightly, his sharingan now fixed on Kaede. Not to lose his focus on the girl, with a thought he would instruct the seals to rise over the water in she moved an inch, revealing her situation. This way he could afford not to worry about that front too much. "Welcome back! I trust the trip was interesting?..." The Jounin would say to Uzumaki, as his crimson eyes followed the clone leaving the scene with what appeared to be a body over his shoulder, then jumping back on the original. Or maybe this was the clone left behind, who knows. One of them was obviously a clone. "We have someone interesting here at the gates. Maybe an acquaintance of yours?"
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A refugee of sorts Empty Re: A refugee of sorts

Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:51 am
Well that was short lived. He really needed to find a way to mask his presence. A small wave was given to the welcome Naoki gave him. "Interesting is a fine way to put it." He would not bother to give any more details at this point in time. After all, it was unwise to mention a hostile takeover out in the public. Who knows how the people would respond when they learnt of it? Kaede feared that it would cause some sort of panic at any rate, "I'll tell you the details later." Now of course he had to take over again, as Naoki moved on to the matter of dealing with the arrival. Kaede made his way over towards Naoki coming to a halt a bit behind and to the left of the Uchiha. He looked towards Rakka from under his glasses, taking a moment to judge if she was hostile or not. "Refuge, as long as she causes no trouble she is free to stay here." The first part was said quietly, as to keep the public from questioning about how she became a refuge and all that bad stuff. The rest of that sentence however was plain to hear by anyone within the area. Kaede had picked up a neat trick over the weeks about how to project his voice without actually yelling, quite handy when you needed to make your point clear. "If you wish to join this village on a permanent basis then stop by my office sometime, I'm sure my receptionist would be happy to help you fill out all the forms." Kaede smiled, though that was only for show. He knew for a fact that his receptionist would not be happy to help, and that likely he would get a bollocking from her at a later date. But oh well, he'll deal with that when it happened. A yawn forced itself from his mouth, it seemed in all of the drama that had happened recently he hadn't actually slept in awhile. "Well, I'm tired. If you need me I'll be at home." He turned to leave, but not before quietly giving an order to Naoki. "Keep an eye on her." And with that he left. Damn he loved being able to make people do work for him. Of course if Rakka did head to the office to sign the forms, when Kaede got back he would sign them himself in order to make her joining official.


So yeah Rakka will join Shima as a Jounin if she wants to etc.
Previously on Rakka
Previously on Rakka
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A refugee of sorts Empty Re: A refugee of sorts

Sat Mar 22, 2014 8:16 pm
Rakka would watch Naoki approach, noting another chakra approaching. Kaede arrived and took his place next to Naoki. She would allow Kaede to do the talking, since he was the leader and all. He seemed okay with her staying, which was good, and he simply told her to visit his office to become an official ninja of this village.
”Yes, I’d like to stay here, if that’s okay. I don’t want anything to do with Yukigakure anymore. Not after that fiasco.”  She would say. She was glad she was accepted so easily. It was strange, however, that this was the third village she’d ever called home. Perhaps she was cursed. Hopefully, she wasn’t given reason to leave here. She would double take once at Kaeda and Naoki to make sure she wasn’t gonna get speed blitzed or something as she walked through the gates, before walking through the gates, to wander around until she found the office, where she would, I dunno, take care of whatever this paperwork was that she needed to fill out. 

(Exit, Rakka joins Shima as Jounin)
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A refugee of sorts Empty Re: A refugee of sorts

Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:52 am
Refugee, huh? Based on what both of them said, Naoki guess she was involved in something that has transpired on Kaede's latest trip. Well, if his leader deemed it acceptable, then he would not stand in the way, with a nod signaling a guard to open the gates for the woman. Slowly the metal construct would creak partially open, enough for her to walk through inside. As she moved, the circle of seals would follow her until the gates, where it would disperse, enter the construct and return to the Uchiha, never revealing themselves. As the gates would close behind her, Naoki's eyes would follow the woman from Yukigakure, although no longer in Sharingan state. He would stand up and grab his bag. There was that order to keep an eye on her, that slightly bothered him, he had better things to do. If Kaede was okay with her in the village, then he shouldn't have ordered such a waste of time and if he was not, then he shouldn't have let her in. But of course, sometimes there is a gray area. Guess the Jounin would simply have to manage it. He would leave one of the seals behind to trail the woman underground, in case her chakra signature exceeded certain parameters, it would detonate in a specific color, or return and report it to Naoki. Knowing that the seal would not be able to do this for a long time, Naoki would only use that time to get home and put the bag where he needed it. No point in carrying it around. Then he would find the girl, get the seal back and well, keep an eye on her. That is until she went to Kaede, at which point he would excuse himself and return to working on that mixture for the replica.

1246 w.
[Exit, +6 stats, +12 JP, +6 Sunflies, 1246 towards making a replica body]
Kanya Vi Capulet
Kanya Vi Capulet
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A refugee of sorts Empty Re: A refugee of sorts

Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:51 am
A refugee of sorts Rainbow_dash_approved_by_ambris-d4b
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