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Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

There's a Mystery Afoot Empty There's a Mystery Afoot

Tue Feb 21, 2023 9:55 pm
Mission Deets:

It was somewhat of a quiet day. Not too much could be said about it to say the least. Although it was barely past noon, it was the type of quiet that was slightly out of place. No one was out and about really. During lunch hour. That was the disquieting part about it. Normally, even through this awkward transitory period of the gritty winter’s run off quickly trickling down into the coolness of spring’s shimmering embrace, there would be a handful of citizens and Konoha nin alike to be running about. Milling on through the hour where most people had some free time to themselves. Then again, to solidify the stance of the potential reason as to why this was, there was always the prospect of the event occurring later this day at the Hyuuga Estate. Perhaps, most were getting ready for this prestigious gambit played by the clan. Gambit being used as a sole placeholder there, as this was the first time such a thing was happening to this capacity at least.

However, no matter how much of this was blurred between the lines of true or false, the reasoning as to why Mikina was currently out on the town would be different than that of the one or two occasional passers-by. She was tasked with undergoing a mission or two. What was actually detailed about it, had yet to be seen or heard of. But what the kunoichi did know in the here and now was the fact that she’d be paired up with one named Shin of the Wind. One of the local Chunin, but that was about as much as the dirty blonde haired lass knew about the shinobi. It was never a bad thing to start actually intermingling with the ones she might one day call friends or even fight alongside with, so now was a much better start then never.

Arriving at the meetup point, the Viperis woman would get there at quarter past 12. Covering her against the brisque temperature was a light green, cardigan that looked thick in size. Good enough to only need a single layer at least. The sleeves rolled down slightly past her wrists, right to around the center of her palms; along the back was the typical lined diamond pattern in a purple stitching, mirroring what would be seen on a diamondback snake. For pants, that’s where things remained simpler. All black joggers, sporting similarly toned shoes and socks. Last but not least, to complete the ensemble, a purple scarf had been tightly wrapped around her neck and stretched upwards. The lower half of her face would be covered by this.

WC: 444
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

There's a Mystery Afoot Empty Re: There's a Mystery Afoot

Wed Mar 01, 2023 9:13 pm
Shin found himself out and about, having just decided to eat some toast with butter for an early lunch. The place was relatively empty, which was a bit surprising at this time of day, but the boy had no reason to complain. That just meant that he was served more quickly since he was one of the few customers. A tall glass of orange juice sat beside his plate, though already over half empty from him constantly sipping it. He liked to watch the people of the village, so he would gaze out the window to do so. It would seem though that the streets weren't very busy today, much like the cafe had been far from packed. Shin would ponder for a moment as to what might have caused such a thing, but wouldn't allow himself to stew on it too much. Instead he would finish his meal. 

He was given an assignment packet earlier that day, and as always he had scanned over it when first it was handed to him. He had no real clue as to how one could fall for buying a supposed miracle cure. Such sorts of things were typically reserved to incredible capable shinobi following the path of the medical arts. On a second thought, it was probably possible that those labs that were working on those experimental drugs might be able to manage something similar to a medical technique and put it in a consumable liquid, but the man described in the assignment doesn't sound at all what one would expect a scientist to look like. Simply shrugging it off the boy would make his way up from his seat at the table of the cafe. It was getting close to noon, and that is when he was supposed to meet up with the person he was partnering up for this. After such a string of success he figured that the village might assign him to work with Jecht or Iscarot again, or even the young Uchiha lass by the name of Xena. Unfortunately, the pale youth was assigned with another person with whom he had never worked before. Or maybe that was a fortunate thing actually. He enjoyed meeting others and learning everything he could about Konohagakure and those that call this place their home like he found himself to. 

With a sudden burst of energy at the thought of making a new friend, Shin would rapidly find his way to the rendezvous location. Since there were so few people out and about, it should be an easy enough time to locate the one he was to meet up with to undertake and complete these tasks. Upon reaching the spot, he would see a figure standing nearby. Posture and figure suggested they were female, slender frame. Thick clothing might have covered it up, but the faint lines were there in all the places one would expect. Their skin held a golden hue, or perhaps it could better be described as copper? Not certain. 

Shin would approach and introduce himself, "Hello. I am Shin, and you must be Mikina I presume? It is a pleasure to meet you." The boy would offer with a light bow to his elder. He was a pale boy with large eyes, each carrying a dark ring around them as if he had never managed to get a good nights sleep. He had light cyan hair that was naturally slicked back to a point, and wore his usual garb of a light blue kimono shirt with a light grey sash wrapped around his waist. He wore white pants, with black books that matched his arm-guards. It was rather difficult not to see him coming had she been looking about, for he is probably the least natural looking thing that she had ever seen. 

"So, what do you know of the missions? Were you given a briefing packet?" He would ask politely, pulling his out in case she had not seen it yet. He would scratch his head wondering how best to approach these tasks, the boy clearly deep in thought. "Oh, I am sorry. Do you have any thoughts or input on how best to go about these? I'm usually one to follow along with whatever others decide, so I am quite open to suggestions." The boy genuinely looked happy to be here, possibly making a new friend while serving the village to the best of his ability. 

Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

There's a Mystery Afoot Empty Re: There's a Mystery Afoot

Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:55 pm
Rustle, rustle

Tip, tap. Tip, tap. Tip, tap.

As the lashes would fall to a close, colliding like a curtain being lowered; covering the yellowish irises of the lone genin. And in this moment, those sounds would be heard. Enhanced to some form of the word, at least basing and banking somewhat slightly on the theory that when one shuts of one sense, the others become slightly elevated to make up for the lack of work in the other department. To which, to some capacity and extent, was true. It could be detected that the person had passed by a cluster of leaves, either ones just laying along the path or ones which blew by. And judging from the lower tone and calmer, yet slightly jaunty tapping of the feet meant that they were more likely smaller in size and stature.

To no surprise, opening her eyes, Miki would be greeted by well…quite the sight. The daring and bold, electric like blue shaded hair combined with a similarly colored kimono. Not to mention the quite literal porcelain like skin. They stood only maybe a couple of inches beneath the Copperhead’s own height, but looked on the younger side. An almost unnatural kind of youth. But, she’d still be lying to say that this would be one of the more off-putting people she’s seen. As a matter of fact, any such thought gleamed away upon hearing the greeting given by the Konoha shinobi. Offering a kind smile, slightly cocky, but such was in her nature; Shin would be given the same courtesy in return.

”I am, please. The pleasure’s mine.” Tilting slightly upwards, so the neck would shift and rotate to a more natural position, her body language would ease to something more casual seeing as this didn’t appear to be someone who carried themself with too more formality though. ”But to answer your other questions, I hadn’t been given the run down of what we’re doing prior to this. Just the time and place to meet, so no need to worry. Give me the deets on the way to our first spot, and lead the way for the time being, at least?”

WC: 362
TWC: 806
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

There's a Mystery Afoot Empty Re: There's a Mystery Afoot

Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:11 pm
Shin would smile up at the nice lady he was going to be completing these missions with. She had a certain grace to her that he wasn't quite able to put his finger on but he was happy to be here working with her. It was pleasing to see her ease into a more relaxed state, as the young boy wanted nothing more than her to be comfortable while doing these missions. It would be rather difficult to make friends with Mikina if she was on edge through this whole series of tasks. 

"Ah, well yeah I can fill you in. First stop is to head over to a shady salesman in the market district." Shin would walk along side Mikina, only a step ahead every other step or so, his 'leading the way' much more just walking beside his new pal. Plus, it was very likely that she knew her way to the market district without his direction. "The packet said that he was selling some tonics that promised eternal youth. Not to mention eternal beauty for women and increased virility in men. As you can imagine, these tonics sold as quickly as bottles of water on a scorching summer day." He'd look over the packet once more as he walked, "But there are reports that it is all a con, and that he is swindling people out of money. Honestly, I don't know how you could tell that someone wasn't experiencing eternal youth though." He'd scratch his head, offering plenty of pause should Mikina wish to weigh in on the strangeness of this first task. 

"The second task is to gather up some snacks and water to deliver to the homeless folks of the village. Can't help but wonder why there are so many people without homes, though." Shin would look around, seeing the sheer abundance of buildings the village of Konoha had, yet it was clear that there was a known homeless population by the wording of the mission briefing. "I wonder why more efforts aren't made to simply give these people a place to stay." Shin mused, thinking out loud but not opposed to a conversation with his new friend. Perhaps as his elder, she would have some wisdom or insight into the matter that perhaps he just did not have due to limited life experience. 

"The final task is to investigate an assault and theft report. That one feels like it would be the most challenging. Hunting down evidence and leads can be a tough task." He would offer, the pair finally making their way to the marketplace and seeing the stall of the shady salesman. 

A big sign says, "Water of Life: Infused with Concentrated Chakra! Limited Time Offer! Only While Supplies Last!" 

Reading the sign, Shin would note that several people are buying this concoction. The sign doesn't mention anything about 'eternal youth' or such, but each customer has a quick conversation with the salesman and while exact words are not heard from this distance, each looks to have their eyes widen and a big smile on their face as they hand over money and take their water. 

"Should we pretend to be customers and hear his sales pitch? Or should we move in and shut him down by force?" The question was genuine. The mission just said to confront him, and Shin doesn't always know when force is and is not necessary. 

twc: 1311
Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

There's a Mystery Afoot Empty Re: There's a Mystery Afoot

Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:47 pm
Listening to the run down, it was all well and fine. Should be extremely easy and could go off without any hitches, save for that last mission. Which, even Shin did mention that this would be the toughest of the batch listing a reasoning as to why he thought so as well. Not letting it stew over for long, Mikina would be quick to respond "Agree on all fronts, save for the first. It's not necessarily about showing signs of experiencing eternal youth, it's moreso about how the seller- wait...Shin?" Yellow tinted eyes darting to and from, scanning over the small crowd of people that were also meandering throughout the streets. But to no avail, they'd come across no sign of the young shinobi. "More money for me I suppose." The Viperis would mumble to herself while still being situated right outside the shop were Shin had pointed to. And, after some minutes of lolly-gagging, pretending to 'look through' what all was in stock which was used as a cover to eavesdrop as to how exactly the shopkeep went about making transactions, she'd have the intel in which she'd need. A fast talker and a flatterer, eh? Time to con a con then. Fighting fire with fire was the best course of action when it came to scenarios like these, and so...

The copperhead would slither on over to the register area being poised as a potential buyer, waning on skepticism. The goal was to get a sample of the supposed 'water of eternal life' and then run with it. Not literally, run away with it. But, to one up the play of the man and make a display of how it wasn't actually some mystical liquid. "Why, hello there." She'd begin, a calming tone. Faked, but calming. Soothing. To get his guard down. "I am curious, how exactly do you go about making this stuff? Or, do you find it all somewhere?" The words being laced with a venomous intent. To which the shopkeep would offer his response back, clearly unaware of what was transpiring within the kunoichi's mind. "Mmm, is that so. Well, I still must say, I'm not fully in belief. How about this though, let me try a bit now, and if I like it I'll even pay extra? You could have yourself a highly valuable customer." And eventually, after some convincing, the guy would cave; he would offer a cup of the supposed eternal youth water to Miki. She'd take a swig, and that's when the show would begin.

"Well, I do declare that is by far the best wate-" She'd make a slightly exasperated coughing sound. Feigning an attempt to clear her throat, or so it would seem. "Sorry, it must hav-" Another cough, this time more pronounced and exaggerated, going so far as to even start to indicate that she was choking by placing to her hand to her throat. But, it would disappear not long after that. For now. "I just do-" Nope, there it was again, this time a full on spree. But, the dramatics would be dialed up eleven. By now, she'd be seemingly full on choking,  with the back of one of her hands tapping to her forehead in a 'oh no, I'm about to faint type of manner' whilst the other would just add to the performance by flailing about chaotically. In the fit, the front counter would be fully knocked over, revealing the many various bottles of dye which had been stocked back there, and they would all come shattering to the ground. This was the moment of realization for the con-artist as there was now quite a scene of onlookers who witnessed the display; Mikina now being right by the entrance. And for the final coup d'etat; "That man-" And she'd collapse on the ground but purposefully out of the way from where everyone would inevitably come dog piling in. A glorious site to behold at that to as the crowd would descend on the man, encircling him before he could even think of getting away. While they'd all be distracted, the Viperis would simply get up and be on her merry way. Grabbing a few of the bottles of water for good measure, because it could come in handy for her next task.

It would be even simpler than the previous one as well. One in which she was more accustomed to as well, given the circumstances of her own childhood. Being an orphan and an urchin within Konoha, she learned the importance of making a network of contacts from an early age. This was oftentimes lined with doing similar menial things such as delivering groceries, or mundane chores. Maybe even picking a pocket or two along the way to make her coin pouch heavier, but that was all in the past now. Instead of lining the thoughts with more ryo as that was already a given, it would be paired with recon. She could possibly gain any potential information in regards to it seeing as they were both based in the 'slums' so to speak. And if that didn't work then oh well, just meant it was back to the drawing board for the roguish rabble. Handing out supplies, as predicted, would go by smoothly. The 21 year old would go from house to house offering any goods in which they'd possibly need. Also using this time to vet them for any info, or just to glean whether or not they'd be good to keep around for a later need. Instead of taking a physical payment for the rations, Miki would be asking "Give as much as you'd like, all are simply donations. Information can be taken as well, if you have any on the recent string of robberies in the area." Unfortunately, there would be no luck in finding this. And she was getting down to the last of what all needed to be given away.

But then, like a gold mine, upon getting to the last house, this would all change. The people inside, a larger family of 6, stated that they actually fended off against someone who attempted to steal from them not too long ago. "It was maybe about, two or so nights ago at this point. We didn't see their face, but they did have several different tattoos running down their right leg. One stood out in particular, and it was that of a giant, six winged dragon. They seemed to be specifically only taking from families with more people in it, why we're unsure of though. But, he was after an heirloom of ours." To which, Mikina would nod and thank the family for this shred of info. Even it would be enough to make something. Now all that was left to do, was make it. Piecing things together, the lass would presume that, like the family said, they were targeting larger families. Most likely because that was a small way to wealth for those less fortunate as it could mean more income for the household, but with it more mouths to feed so it really balanced out at the end of the day which is where it tricked her for a moment. But, the heirloom notion would be the key piece. Asking around, she'd find out that there was only 3 larger families which had yet to have an encounter with the robber; from this selection, only one had possession of a family heirloom. It was enough to give the Kono police their suspect's most likely next targeted location, and Miki would leave it up to them. She'd simply complete the mission out by turning all this information over to them.

[Thread Exit]

WC: 1285
TWC: 2091

12,000 Ryo (6000 Base x2 Beloved Presence)
60 AP (30 Base x2 Beloved Presence)

1875 words to Chakra Bonding Katana, completing it using 25% max stat discount
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Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

There's a Mystery Afoot Empty Re: There's a Mystery Afoot

Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:12 am
Mikina Viperis wrote:
[Thread Exit]

WC: 1285
TWC: 2091

12,000 Ryo (6000 Base x2 Beloved Presence)
60 AP (30 Base x2 Beloved Presence)

1875 words to Chakra Bonding Katana, completing it using 25% max stat discount
Dropping the remaining

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