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Kujaku Uchiha
Kujaku Uchiha
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 5000

Holy Helpers Empty Holy Helpers

Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:29 pm
Mission Details
Rewards: 1,500 Ryo, 8 AP

Kujaku was on another bender, taking every mission he could for days on end without rest. He enjoyed wor, and it kept his mind off the fact that his dad died; but working so much wasn't good for someone. Kujaku had to beg the mission office for another assignment, they simply couldn't stand to see a ninja work so much. In fact there were some questions on how well such behavior affected Kujaku's health. The office denied his request at first, but Kujaku persisted.

"Please Ms. Ochiwana." Kujaku said to the mission attendant. She replied softly, "Kujaku I just can't go against orders." Kujaku tried for another fifteen minutes and eventually requested to speak with a higher up.

After quite a bit of pleading Kujaku was allowed one more mission provided he passed a wellness exam. The test was only about twenty minutes and consisted of a lot of yes no questions. Kujaku scored amazingly. He was a well to do shinobi and had his wits about him, Kujaku was definitely prepared for the exam. After approval he proceeded to get a mission from Ms. Ochiwana.

The young girl gave Kujaku the first mission on her stack and he was happy to recieve it.

"Holy Helpers.." Kujaku read the details of the covert mission. He was excited to get the chance to utilize some shinobi techniques in his work. Usually an E rank mission was sort of fetch and go, but this one had a twist to it. Kujaku was stoked and as he left the mission hall he pulled a military grade stim pack from his pocket. He stuck it in his mouth and began sucking on it. After he walked for ten minutes to the rendevous where he would recieve the care package for a church in the city the tim began working. Kujaku felt as if he had swallowed ten caffeine pills. He was ready for a long night of work.

Kujaku strolled into the building where rations were being dispensed. There were a few Hoshi shinobi attending to directions and Kujaku went up to one of them. They instructed him to go down the east end hall and Kujaku did. After a short walk he made it into a large cafeteria where there was food piled up. Kujaku got in line with some other ninja. Most of the people in line were quiet, and Kujaku took the time to conceive his disguise.

"An old man, with a cane. Salt and pepper hair, with a long, tied up beard." Kujaku thought to himself as he stepped forward in line. He was up next.

When Kujaku stood at the front of the line he was faced with a stern looking ninja. An older man with an eye patch and a tough exterior. "Name." He said.

"Kujaku Uchiha."

"Mission details."

Kujaku pulled the mission voucher he recieved from the hall. He read from it. "Delivery of two packages. One first aid kit, one food ration supply." Kujaku folded the voucher and put it back into his pocket.

The stern ninja read from his own paper and nodded as Kujaku finished. "Get the food here, and at that table over there will be the first aid kit." Kujaku turned his head to where the ninja pointed.

"Alright, thank you." Kujaku said and grabbed the tied up bundle of food rations. It seemed to be a lot of bread, but Kujaku could definetely smell fresh peaches in there. He hung the supplies from a provided stick on his back and then walked over to where he was to pick up a first aid kit. The man at this table gave him another supply sack and Kujaku tied it to his ruck sack stick.

When Kujaku was exiting the building and heading for the church where he was to deliver the supplies he cast a Transformation jutsu. He assumed the guise of an old man with long black and white hair, and a long beard that was tied up by its end. He walked with a cane down the street and towards the church.

After an hour or so of walking Kujaku made it to the church and was welcomed in happily. He could sense a tense aura from the priest, and Kujaku wondered what was going on in the church. Nevertheless he proceeded to finish his mission and give the rations to the church. Kujaku attracted zero attention and no one suspected he was a ninja in disguise.

The shinobi left the church and walked back home. He was to turn the mission in on the next morning, and he did just so after laying awake in bed all night zooming on military grade stims.

WordCount: 784

Mangekyo Sharingan (Previous Training)(4,391/8,000)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Holy Helpers Empty Re: Holy Helpers

Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:24 pm
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