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Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:50 am
items I forgot to post in the first one:

He felt weaker, like his chakra was leaking. He deduced it had something to do with the smoke, and was sure he couldn't last long inside there, so he must not go back in. The only help he could offer the Uchiha was throwing his Bo staff at his opponent at a speed of 55 and Impact Force of 48, angleing it to fly over Kouga's ally. If Zunair paralyzed Izuna he knew he wouldn't really hurt him. Right? Either way when seeing the Hyuga spit out the first fireball he knew he had nothing to stop them, he had to win some time. He was around 10 meters from the golden-eyed boy at this time, and since he couldn't re-enter the fumes, he had to get him to come out. He couldn't achieve this if he was standing by the edge, so he decided to keep moving away from it at his full speed of... 30. As he was running he could feel the heat of the fireballs getting closer and closer, but just as it got really hot they vanished behind him (at this time he was a bit further than 22 meters from Zunair's original location,  and just outside of the explosion radius of the fireballs). He then stopped and spun around, ready in the case of Zunair catching up with him.

WC: 225
TWC: 1306

Vigor: 50
Chakra: 25
Speed: 30
Strength: 96
Current AP: 280

Heated Blade: 1 post
Bull Rush: 2 posts
Izuna Uchiha
Izuna Uchiha
Stat Page : Izuna
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1500

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:04 pm
He watched Zunair closely, he had one option if the Hyuga moved to attack him and prevent his escape from the hellish mist. As soon as he sees the Hyuga finish his hand signs and begin moving towards him, Izuna would begin forming hand signs of his own. HORSE BIRD OX HORSE BIRD, With Sharingan enhanced vision he track the Hyuga's pace towards him, releasing his jutsu just as the Hyuga moved to strike his neck.

A dome shaped electric pulse explodes out from where Izuna is standing, at a power and speed of 75, anything caught within it would suffer severe electrical burns as thousands of volts of electricity course through their body. If he succeeds in this he he would make his way out of the mist and continue to move away from it. If Zunair still performs his fire jutsu both Izuna and his clone would attempt to retreat from the fireballs at a speed of 71, with the goal of moving out of range of the fireballs while keeping 10 meters apart from each other and Kouga.
WC 181
TWC 1138

AP: 421
-20 Sharingan
-40 Gigavolt
-175 Mist
186 Remaining

Clone: 302
-20 Sharingan
282 Remaining

Body Flicker 1 Posts
Lightning Clone 1 Posts
Chidori 2 Posts
Gigavolt 4 Posts
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
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Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:58 pm
Zunair will give Izuna props, at least he tried one last defense against the medical ninja. However, his efforts were futile as Zunair's mystical palm, with power of 95, clashed against his gigavolt with the power of 75. A valiant attempt but the mystical palm pushed through the electric shockwave, making it go into immediate cooldown, and striking at the back of Izuna's neck, paralyzing him from the neck down.

Then from approximately 10 meters away, Kouga decides to through his staff into the fog at Zunair. Shaking his head, he simply stepped to the side and allow the stick to fly past him. Immediately dispersing the mist, he honed his eyesight on Kouga. Before sinister thought crosses his mind. After the fireball's weren't sent off, Kouga ran away. 22 meters away from in fact. 

Looking down at Izuna, "Nice little trick you did there. With more training and practice, it might have worked." Zunair said cheerily. Bending down, Zunair formed the hand seals: Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog, and a light blue aura formed over his right palm in the shape of a sharp razor. Grabbing the back of Izuna's hair, he would lift his head off the ground to make sure he is looking at Kouga.

Placing the chakra scalpel against Izuna's neck, Zunair announced. "Give up, or I'll slit his throat right here." Zunair said in a dark tone. Before pausing for a second to give out a slight chuckle. "But you would like that wouldn't you? The Uchiha, oh the mighty Uchiha, how they look down on all of us. It would feel really good to watch his blood cover the ground. Wouldn't it, Kouga?" Zunair said giving off a sadistic look. "Just the word, tell me what you want." Zunair said. Obviously, Zunair isn't going to slice Izuna's throat right here. In fact, this was more of a test Kouga.

Leaning down, he would whisper into Izuna's ear, "Don't worry, if he says the wrong thing. You'll watch him die and you'll just have to lay there and watch".

TWC: 1,694

Vigor: 100
Chakra: 175
Speed: 95
Strength: 5
Current AP: 1,698

Byakugan: -5 AP
Chakra Enhanced Strength (1/3)
Chakra Devastation Agent (1/3)
Mystical Palm (Offensive): (1/3)
Pheonix Flower: (1/2)
Chakra Scalpel: -30 AP (25% Reduction via Chakra Control)

New AP: 1,663
Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:12 pm
Zunair's demeanor changed in second, threatening Izuna's life. He wouldn't actually hurt the boy, right? But he couldn't be sure, and besides he was out of tricks and almost out of chakra. The accusation caught him off guard. It wasn't completely baseless, there were a lot of people in Konoha who looked down on him because of what his surname was, or more accurately what it wasn't. He hated this prejudice, and that's exactly why he tried his hardest not to judge a book by it's cover. And Izuna was one of the good ones. He started speaking with his sword still in his hands.

"It is true, there are people in this village who are stuck up and look down on my kind be they Uchiha, Hyuga or otherwise." - when saying the word Hyuga he gave a hard stare to the golden-eyed shinobi, making it clear that his clan was no better in this regard. "It is true that sometimes I'm looking for some kind of petty revenge for these prejudices. There's also the fact that you are most probably bluffing." - as he finished his sentence he threw his sword a good few meters from him to the ground. "But I would never wish death on a comrade no matter how stuck up they are. I would never risk their life over something so meaningless. If this was a mission I might decide differently, but it is not. And if it was Izuna I might risk the mission if I saw a chance to save him." - with this he put his hands in the air, signaling his surrender. He was scanning Zunair's face for any signs of aggression, though he wasn't sure what he could do if he decided to hurt his friend. The Hyuga wasn't aware of his swords ability to return to his hands, but he was way too far for him to actually be able to do anything. The seconds seemed like ages, his nerves were threatening to give up on him, but he kept on looking straight into those white eyes, awaiting his verdict.

WC: 349
TWC: 1655
Izuna Uchiha
Izuna Uchiha
Stat Page : Izuna
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1500

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:09 am
As his last technique failed Izuna's hearth sank, before he lost all ability to feel and he couldn't even contemplate on how much it sucked that his most powerful technique had been brushed aside so easy. He wondered if he had had time to amplify the power of the technique more, or if he would simply not have had the time. Well he was officially out of the fight now, so he could muse about whatever he pleased. That's when he felt a sharp tug at his hair and his head was forced upwards, looking at Kouga. His sharingan had faded at this point, leaving deep blue eyes in its place. He met Kouga's eyes, though his facial expression didn't betray a thing Izuna was terrified. He had no idea where this exercise was even going anymore.

Kouga's response made some of his apprehension go away, at least if he was going to die. He wouldn't have been left to his fate by a comrade. Izuna decided in that moment that the redhead was a precious friend to have indeed, not to be traded for anything. He attempted to shift his impassive glare to Zunair, although from his position he wouldn't manage to do much more than roll his eyes to the top of his sockets. He wondered about what Zunair had said, what was all that about clans and the Uchiha. It was rich coming from him, Kouga had been right to bring the Hyuga into it, where Zunair was the heir of his clan Izuna was a bastard reject, he had more in common with the clanless redhead than he had with most of his own clan.

He didn't actually think Zunair was going to kill either of them, his comment about "more training and practice" seemed to indicate they would be alive to participate in said training. Never the less having a sharp scalpel to your throat while you were completely paralyzed from doing anything was anything but a therapeutic experience. Izuna decided not to respond to Zunair and hoped Kouga would have caught the unsaid thank you he tried to convey with his eyes. For now Izuna would stay still as his body attempted to recover from the Hyuga's attack.

His last clone was still alive, having managed to escape the fireballs it was watching the exchange with a neutral expression. Unable to intervene in fear of the originals life.
WC 404
TWC 1542

AP 186
Mist -175
11 remaining

Clone: 282
Sharingan -20
262 remaining

Chidori 1 post
Gigavolt 3 posts
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Fri Jan 27, 2023 2:50 am
Zunair's face went from sadistic to emotionless as his eyes became lifeless in look; setting Izuna's face back on the ground and deactivating his chakra scalpel, Zunair listened to Kouga talk. Of course, Kouga would try to call out his bluff. What if he wasn't? What if Zunair just slaughtered the poor Uchiha in front of Kouga. What would he do? Only in a hostage situation, the hostage might survive if the hostage-taker is in need of something. Zunair didn't need anything from Kouga, so the Uchiha would've been good as dead.

Standing up from his position, "I see," where the only words to escape from his lips. Zunair looked down at Izuna and then back up to Kouga. Izuna, paralyzed, sustain significant damage. Kouga, not paralyzed but still taken some major damage. If Zunair persuade this even further, it would most likely result in the duo dying. The Hyūga could've killed Izuna right there, which would disperse the clone, leaving Kouga by himself. And which Zunair's dust release and teleportation tactics, he would've soon fallen after that. In a game of chess, this was checkmate. Even the duo could see this.

After the thought, Zunair's stoic expression soon became lighthearted once again. "Should've been an actor, I was phenomenal, wasn't I?" Zunair said as he clasped his hands together. "The test is over; I've gathered enough information on how you two are progressing," the golden-eyed Hyūga said as he looked back down at Izuna. "Let's see if we can fix you up," he said as he bent down once again performing the hand signs: Ox - Boar - Rat - Monkey - Horse - Tiger, a red aura formed around Zunair's body as he places his hand on Izuna's back, healing the damage done and wiping away the paralysis effect that subdued his body.

"You, come on over, I know you need some healing too." Zunair said as he waved Kouga over to heal him as well. If he allowed Zunair to heal him, Zunair would continue on with the talk, "I say, let's go grab a bite to eat something to drink, something that is strong, if you know what I mean," Zunair chuckled, offering to take the two younger Genin out. Of course, they can deny the invitation and go on their marry way, but continuing with their meeting, they could learn more of from the noble of the Hyūga Clan.

TWC: 2,093
Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
Stat Page : Stat Page
Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Fri Jan 27, 2023 4:05 am
Relief washed over him like a cold wave. It was all an act, thank God. Suddenly it was hard to even keep standing, he felt extremely weak. His body was close to its limit, he almost only went on adrenaline by the end. He started walking back towards the pair, his blade snapping into his hand as he walked past by it. As he made his way to them, the fear and shock slowly started to subside, and he started to think what their proctor thought of their progress. They didn't manage to do too much in the end. He even ran away from his comrade, albeit he didn't feel like he had much of a choice.

After getting fixed up by the Hyuga the boy extended his invite to them, and Kouga didn't even hesitate in accepting it. He was very much intrigued by this person, and wanted to know more. He was strong, the heir of a powerful clan, and yet he wasn't arrogant or condescending. Seems like recently he found the outliers in the big families, and he quite liked this change. Not even talking about the fact that this assessment wouldn't really mean anything if they weren't actually told in which way they should continue their training.

"Yeah, I would quite like that." - was all he could muster to say though.

WC: 225
TWC: 1880
Izuna Uchiha
Izuna Uchiha
Stat Page : Izuna
Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1500

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:36 pm
Izuna was surprised as the Hyuga decided to let him go and began healing him. The sensation of all the stimulation in his body suddenly returned, and so did the exhaustion that overcame him as his brain realized just how low on energy and chakra his body was. In a hurry to get some of his chakra back Izuna dispelled the remaining clone. Sighing in relief as the chakra returned to his body, significantly improving the state of his chakra network.

He felt nauseas from being in the mist for so long, and the combination of sensations being sent through his body was too much. He began dry heaving while Zunair talked. He got most of the discomfort out of his system by the time the Hyuga had started talking about going to dinner. He idly wondered how well he had done on the test, guess that depended entirely on what they were being tested on, or maybe it was just a progress report to see how they were progressing and wouldn;t affect his shinobi status at all. Either way Izuna was glad this particular exercise was over.

"Yeah, dinner sounds really good right now, feel like I used up all the energy in my body. Ill take something strong as well, Shinobi are considered adults when it comes to drinks no?" He joked half heartedly. "But seriously I really need something to eat."
WC 237
TWC 1779
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
Familiar : Hebitsukaiza
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:16 pm
"Awesome, let's get going!" Zunair excitedly shouted as he took off in a walk towards the center of town.

Dark and stormy clouds hugged the skies as they began to cast a bleak indifference over the rocky terrain of the Kage Mountain. It was getting ready to storm, and from the looks of it, not a very friendly one either. Not a very unusual occurrence for the land of fire. The nature of the skies seemed to predict the hassle and torment that was to come to the village being kind of close to the sea. Still looking at the Kage rock, he was surprised that they had so many Hokage's and none of them were Hyuuga. Heck, twenty-five percent of them were Uchiha with the Senju not far behind that. Both clans were basically the left and right hand of Konoha, ruling with an iron fist.

Zunair didn't speak much on the journey to this destination besides the usual topics regarding ninja life, asking them questions on if they've been on any missions, what they hoped to achieve in the future, things to those nature. However, he did answer on how they did in spar. He would tell them that they did okay, but Zunair really feels like it was a huge mismatch for them. While Zunair is obviously more experienced in combat, his fighting style and jutsus gave him a huge edge over the duo. He can fight both close-up and long-range, poison, teleport, subdue opponents with gravitational techniques plus with the byakugou seal, he was very hard to wound, let alone kill. Maybe once the duo progress through their training and promotions, they will be able to stand toe-to-toe with him.

With all his thoughts, he finally led the duo into the Ginza district of Konoha. Basically, where the rich people come to shop and eat out. Elegant stores and eateries packed the area, scent of high-end pork filled Zunair's nostrils. The aroma was mouthwatering. However, none of these places were what Zunair had in mind to eat at. Yes, he did do most of his shopping here; but exquisite dining was not his forte, so, they were going to a tavern right outside the district. It was loud and rowdy, excellent food, and decent party goers.

It didn't take long for the trio to find themselves outside the tavern. From the outside it looks cozy, rustic and humble. Large and small stones and hard wooden pillars make up most of the building's outer structure.
It's hard to see through the large, stained-glass windows, but the inviting music from within can be felt outside.

As Zunair entered the tavern through the well-crafted, metal door, he was met with a lively, warm aura as chatter filled the area. It's as enchanting inside as it is on the outside. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the large candles attached to them. The walls are swarming with photographs, some of what undoubtedly must be famous people and others of happy customers.

The tavern itself is packed. Several long tables are occupied by separate groups who, after having had quite a few drinks, seem to be trying to prove which group is best. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are indulging in great food and drinks, while some do try to strike a conversation, others can barely speak a word between eating what must be delicious food. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

Scanning the area, he found a table that was empty. Giving a slight wave to the duo, Zunair led them to their seats. It was right next to a window in the back corner, but since it was stained-glass, sight wasn't an option look outside. However, with a bright light and a low roar, you could tell that the storm has started. Zunair was very thankful not to be caught in it.

Looking and the surrounding area once again, one of the serving wenches took notice of the new table and quickly made her way to them. While the place was packed, it seemed everyone was taken care off for the time being, so service should be quick. As she approached the table, she sat down three menus for them to look at and then started off, "Hello, I am Mieko, I'll be taking care of ya'll today, what can I get you started to drink."

"Ah, yes. Can we get two bottles of Daiginjo and three glasses." Zunair said with a smile, and waited for the other two to order something if they did not want the sake. Of course, Zunair ordered the most expensive and very potent alcohol in Konoha. They said they wanted to drink, so they are. The server took no time getting the drinks and made her way back and took their order, Zunair had his usual: beef ramen. He was more wanting to drink than eat, but he figured he better get something in his stomach.

"Let's get drunk!" Zunair immediately shouted as he poured the alcohol contents into the three cups and giving it to their respectful owners. The Hyūga shot gunned his and could feel the burning sensation all the way down into his abdomen. He knew this was going to be a good night.

"So, what else you two like to do fun besides getting fucked up?" Zunair giggled.

TWC: 3,000
Kouga Hinomatsu
Kouga Hinomatsu
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 2000

Let's See What You're Made Of - Page 2 Empty Re: Let's See What You're Made Of

Tue Jan 31, 2023 2:44 am
As Zunair took off suddenly and quite quickly, Kouga had to increase his pace to match his superior’s. As they were making their way to their – from his perspective – mysterious destination, the Hyuga was making small talk, asking them a few questions. At first he found it hard to put himself over how quick his transition from psychopath to your average kind fellow was, but as they talked he started to warm up to the boy. He was treating them to food and drinks after all. As part of talking he told them that he had a few small missions he was assigned to, but nothing too crazy, and that he hoped to become an ANBU sooner or later.

It took some time for him not notice the gathering storm above them. The dark clouds enveloped the otherwise bright blue sky like a comfy blanket. As he breathed in the scent of rain, he couldn’t help but smile a bit. He always liked storms, they were exciting, unpredictable and beautiful. Something with these attributes warranted some admiration in his opinion.

When the golden-eyed shinobi got to talking about their trial, he didn’t really say anything that wasn’t immediately obvious after the fight. He was a bit disappointed, as he was looking for some guidance regarding the direction of his training, but hearing some about his fighting style was interesting, and the emotional support was appreciated.

Now as they arrived in the Ginza district, he quickly started to feel out of place. He never even entered the place before, and it was quite the experience. Everyone seemed to be way too well dressed for a bit of grocery shopping or grabbing a bite. Even the people manning the stalls looked rich compared to the Hinomatsu boy. He should have guessed the heir to the Hyuga clan would bring them here, but it just never crossed his mind. It wasn’t a place he thought about at all, he almost forgot it existed. But here he was in a whirlwind of rich people in expensive clothes, and stores with prices he never saw in one place, and food stands working with quality ingredients he never knew existed, but smelled absolutely amazing, he had to admit.

As they got deeper and deeper into the district Kouga’s anxiety grew. He was sure at this point they would enter the most fancy restaurant there is in the village, and he would have to pretend not to notice everyone looking at him, talking about him. They slowly reached what he assumed was the centre of the district, and he was ready for his dark prediction to come true, but they just kept on going. The crowd started to become smaller again, maybe even a bit less well dressed, though he wasn’t an expert at dressing well. Zunair took a turn into a smaller street, the two genin right behind him, wondering where exactly they are going. At least Kouga was wondering, Izuna seemed more casual and a lot less flustered by the rich district. The street seemed mostly empty, and he even had a thought cross his mind, if it was safe, but if he wanted to harm them they would already be dead. Even though he couldn’t help being a bit suspicious after the hostage situation.

The Hyuga suddenly stopped before a relatively big building, made from stones and wood, something that gave Kouga a cozy, homelike feeling after all the fancy edifices they walked by in the past minutes. There was some lively music spilling out of the building, the glass windows were stained and the wooden door creaked a bit as they entered. The place was almost full, the people inside a mixed bag, from poor old men getting drunk through musicians to young nobles, any class you can name was present. Kouga was relieved, and thanked Zunair’s choice in establishment to himself.

The golden-eyed boy found them an empty table, and they settled down around it. Soon a barmaid made her way to them and gave everyone a menu, and looked at them expectantly. Zunair ordered two bottles of Daiginjo, since his mother worked in sake making, he knew that was one of the most expensive drinks the village had to offer. He never tried it before but was more than curious. Most of the meals on the menu he never had either, but he felt adventurous and ordered one of them anyway: the one he chose being natto. He hasn’t eaten since morning and just realized how hungry he really got. Meanwhile outside started to rain, the sound was soothing and he wished he could observe it somehow, but the windows gave no such opportunity. The Hyuga seemed eager to start drinking, but he Kouga being recently graduated never really had the chance, or money for that matter, to try sake before. He had a single round with his parents after he got his headband but that was it, and so he wondered how he would be after the two bottles were gone.

“To a great proctor!” – he offered a toast, as a way of thanks for the meal, the drinks and the young Lord’s time. To Zunair’s questions he pondered it a bit, took his time to think what he would say and then answered: “I like to do things that are slow, I think. Working on something detailed, be it steel or wood. Watching nature, the animals, the rivers, sunsets, the rain, anything that let’s me wonder about. Wonder about how things are and maybe how they should be. That type of thing. I know it’s not the most thrilling way to pass time, but training and missions has it’s fair share of thrills, so I appreciate peace and quiet when I can.” – he said. After waiting for Izuna’s answer, he would return the question. “And what about you, Lord Hyuga? What do you spend your idle hours with?”

WC: 989
TWC: 2869 (nice)
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