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Well, We Made It. Empty Well, We Made It.

Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:21 pm
Daiko cracks his neck, walking through the doors into the training grounds. For whatever reason, it had felt like it had taken a very long time for him to actually go from outside of the building into the interior, even though it was mere moments. He wondered if it was possible for someone to actually walk slow enough to make it so that it would take them a month in order to enter a simple training grounds. Though the thought could've easily left his mind, he decided that it would be best to try out some sort of tech on this new guy that he had been planning on training with, rather than just let it sink into the abyss of forgotten things. Stretching out his arms, Daiko would find a decent place to start training before waiting to see if the person whom he had invited had actually followed him. It wasn't the craziest thing in the world to assume that he would be coming with, as he had directly led him in here. He had plenty of techs up his sleeve currently, and with this, albiet strange, kiri ninja by his side also having Doton as their element, he assumed they would be able to learn quite a bit from each other.

Daiko had figured that even if he didn't have anything necessarily to teach him, they would at least be able to pick up some new techniques together. Daiko wondered if Niko had ever researched the libraries of Kirigakure, or the clans that there. Unsure, he decided it would be best to ask later on when he got a bit closer to the man. As it stood right now, they were mere acquaintances, though Daiko did respect him for taking on the spicy wing challenge. It was always fun to see people go along with his antics, whether it actually caused them any damage or not. Though his primary concern was learning different jutsu that would be able to be used in the trials ahead, he was also wondering about his own combat prowess. Daiko hadn't had many battles except for the ones prior to meeting this man, which were pretty few. Daiko recalled that though they had defeated one person pretty gruesomely, there also managed to be some sneaky dude that had escaped. Decididly, Daiko would never let that happen again. 

Stretching out, Daiko would look at his companion, wondering what they would want to do. After the man made some sort of introduction after joining him in his endeavors, Daiko would likely start breaking down the different ways and tactics that they would be able to create some sort of jutsu together, or at least break down what it was that he was able to teach. Daiko had quite a few tricks up his sleeve, and all in all he wanted to see what this man would be able to pick up on, as well as what he would be able to learn himself. He would find out soon enough. 

Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Well, We Made It. Empty Re: Well, We Made It.

Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:30 am
Nico would follow the man from the exterior of the building to the training ground itself. Though for some unknown reason the man seemed to have taken 26 days for the man to enter the building. Though in all reality it had taken a few seconds to transfer themselves from the doorframe to the training area. Nico would look towards the fellow doton user and would look mildly irritated for a second. Though would wipe the facial expression before the smaller ninja could turn around to meet him. Reaching into his backpack as quickly as possible he would take out a small jug of milk and take a slug before stealthily returning it to his sack. He still had the spicy taste of the wings in his mouth from earlier. After returning the milk to his sac he would then look towards the man and answer an unsaid question.

"I have not looked very far into the element of earth. I know probably the bare minimum so it is more likely that you have more to learn than what I have to teach. Though we could also look into learning some jutsu together I have heard of a jutsu where one hides under the earth. Maybe you have heard of it?" Nico would say and then look at the shorter man inquisitively. The hiding technique could be useful if used in conjunction with his puppets though he would need some way of seeing what he was doing or else he would be shooting in the dark.

"Though I have recently picked up water release as well if you would like to learn more about that. Knowing more than one element is always useful especially in combo attacks. Why don't you chose what we do?" Nico would ask Daiko. He honestly had no idea where to start with the training and threw some ideas out in the open.
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Well, We Made It. Empty Re: Well, We Made It.

Tue Jul 27, 2021 5:49 pm
Daiko raised his eyebrows for a moment, hearing what the man had to say. Ah. So he was new to this, as well. Currently, Daiko wasn't entirely new to what it was that he was learning, though it was someone confounding to him that this man didn't know anything at all about ninjutsu. Oh well. Daiko looked at the man and decided to reply to him in a somewhat short manner, though still trying to be respectful at his core. "Of course I know of a fucking jutsu to dig through the earth. That's some of the most simple shit to learn." Daiko shook his head, but then regained his composure. "But, yeah. I was a beginner once too! I'll show ya. Hold up." Daiko then held his hands up and showed each hand seal as he did them. "Check this shit homie. You're gonna wanna do the Ram hand seal, then Tiger, then boar. Easy as shit." Daiko did the hand-seals at only 1 speed, making sure that the man in front of him was able to see. 

After doing the said hand seals, Daiko would sink underground, with just his head sticking out. "Pretty fuckin' sick, right?" Daiko would then burrow underground, and grab onto Niko's leg. If the man didn't resist, he would pull him underground so that only his upper torso and head would be above the ground, and he would be forced to learn the technique if he wanted to escape. Daiko himself came out of the ground and sat in front of Niko. "So, yeah. Ram, Tiger, Boar. Should be pretty easy. Do those seals, and then picture the chunks of dirt around you being only grains. Push yourself around with the earth, and you'll be able to manage. Don't worry about breathing underground, either. It all works out. For some reason." Daiko shrugs, and sits 1 meter away from the man, watching to see if he struggles or if he is able to pick it up pretty fast. It was no matter, truth be told, and Daiko was interested to see if the man could pass this test as well. If he could, he had a handful of other useful techniques that he would be able to teach him, that wasn't specifically earth in nature, nor were they ninjutsu.

Daiko thought that it was important that ninja keeps a varied arsenal of tools at their disposal, making sure that they would be prepared for any situation that would come their way. It was every shinobi's job to be able to take on any tasks that might come their way, and simple training like this was no different. Daiko figured that if Niko didn't know it already, he would also be able to teach him some simple fuuinjutsu and genjutsu, as well as ways to escape simple traps laid about by other ninjas. It wouldn't be too long of a training session, but an important one nonetheless. Daiko stretched out and continued to watch Niko. 

Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Clan Focus : Sensory
Village : Kirigakure
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Well, We Made It. Empty Re: Well, We Made It.

Sun Aug 01, 2021 2:16 am
Looking at the shor- I mean averagely sized ninja as he proceeded to appear incredibly respectful while utterly destroying Nico verbally was quite the sight. Nico would grimace slightly at the verbal abuse. Though he was thankful to be in the favor of a practice partitioner of the shinobi craft. Though at the admittance of the average-sized man's initial adversness in the element his otherwise diminishing morale was increased. He would force up a smile and then nod at his fellow ninja. Before basking in the slowness of his hand seals. Watching his temporary teacher do the seals as slow as humanly possible he would imitate them at the opposite with his 90 speed. This process would take exactly four minutes. During the process, Nico would pay close attention while slowly reaching for his side pouch and taking out a deck of cards which he would proceed to shuffle and then reshuffle. Looking to his left quickly he would notice a bench he would then proceed to play solitaire taking notes as Daiko switched between the hand seals every minute. After the time was up Nico would then copy the seals entirely and would practice them but without inputting any chakra. He would then say.

"Thanks for showing me and taking the time to teach me but is there any chance we could speed up the process for next time." Nico would not even notice that he had said 'next time' as the words flowed naturally out of his mouth. Just as the words escaped him he would turn back to the man and notice that he had disappeared then he would realize the hand grasping around his leg and before he had time to escape he was pulled under the ground. Trying to writhe around for a bit he would take a decent time to notice what his trainer wanted and so Nico performed the hand seals required to do the technique and then funnels the appropriate amount of chakra then suddenly the earth around him turned into liquid and the lack of oxygen that he was experiencing prior ended. He would then imagine himself floating towards the surface in which he would see his temporary trainer looking at him.

"Well, that was quite the experience. You think I could get the briefest of warnings before you ya know to drag me under the ground!" Nico would exclaim loudly before calming himself down and muttering a few choice words that the opposing man would be unable to hear. Nico's mind would run fast so he would then say.

"Well, then master of the forbidden wings. I mean Daiko what more do you have to teach me?"
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Well, We Made It. Empty Re: Well, We Made It.

Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:11 am
Daiko chuckled at Niko. What he enjoyed more than anything was when someone would play along with his jokes. Though in his heart(s?) Daiko was very serious and took his tactics more seriously than having fun, he felt that for whatever reason it was pretty easy to let his guard down slightly around Niko. He wasn't sure if it was because he was only a centimeter taller, or because he was so jumpy. Either way, he had a few techniques up his sleeve that he thought Niko would like to know. "Yeah. I gotchu. So the next few I got for you. These are some ones that I consider essential. I'm going to lay them all on you, and I want you to try and remember them as best you can. If you have any questions, all I ask is that you wait until I'm done with the explanations."

Daiko nodded his head. "First things first. Moving Earth Core. You do the Hare, Ram, then Snake hand seals. After you complete that, you can freely manipulate how tall and how deep some earth is. It also makes it more difficult to burrow through and can lead to a pretty decent field advantage when used correctly. Check it." Daiko did the proper seals, and then created a platform a few meters to the side of both of them, that shot up 5 meters and then sunk back down to the floor level before sinking down 5 meters. "See what I mean? It can be really useful, though I wouldn't recommend it unless you know what you're doing." Daiko then had the ground return to the flat surface before moving on to the next technique. "So, this one is pretty dope. It's kind of like... Having a backpack on, without needing to wear a backpack." Daiko did the Rat and Dog hand-seals, and a single paper scroll materialized in his hand. "That one is called Storage Displacement. It's essentially like a piggie bank that people will have a harder time trying to get at." Daiko nodded his head, continuing on to the next task.

Daiko pulled a paper scroll out of his pocket, pointing to it. "Next. We have the basic sealing technique. This one is really simple, though it can be very useful if you know what to do with it." Daiko formed the Dog, Snake, Ram, and then Ox hand-seals, and picked up a small rock off the ground, about the size of a fist. Touching the scroll, Daiko seals the rock inside of the paper scroll. Tossing the scroll to Niko, Daiko nods. "Go ahead and practice with that scroll, and you can keep it if you figure out how to use the storage displacement technique." Daiko nodded his head and took a few steps away to sit down and watch what goes on. He would be available to answer any questions that the young man might have at this point, though he figured most of it was pretty self-explanatory.

Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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Well, We Made It. Empty Re: Well, We Made It.

Sun Aug 22, 2021 9:02 pm
Looking at the technique that Daiko had displayed Niko could obviously see the advantages of this technique. While lowering and raising the ground may seem like the only thing that the tech could do this would add a number of advantages. Especially the lowering the ground. This would create walls of the earth in the middle of a village or plains and allow more earth techniques to channel through them giving the user an advantage in their natural element. While raising the platform would give the user an easy escape if used with the hiding like a mole technique both aspects had their advantages so Niko would try his best to learn and recreate the technique. and he would succeed in doing so, recreating the display that Daiko had just showed him.

After doing so he would watch the storage displacement skill that Daiko had used and decided that he had nowhere to start with this one though he would take not of the proper hand seals and try to recreate it on his own time he would comment on his failure to his current teacher. 

"I have no idea where, to begin with, this. Is this similar to the summoning jutsu or is there more to it?" Niko would ask Daiko. Whether or not he got an actual response or a sarcastic remark Nico was unsure but he would not care either way instead of watching Daiko store a rock using a scroll and hand the scroll to him in which Niko would accept the sealing device and speak.

"Thanks for your teaching I feel like I have learned a lot already is there anything more or?" Niko would say making sure to hang the final word so as to give the shorter ninja more time to respond.
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Well, We Made It. Empty Re: Well, We Made It.

Mon Aug 23, 2021 4:34 pm
Daiko nodded his head. "Yes, theres many other things that I need to and want to teach you. For the moment right now, however, I'm going to have to give you a hint on the technique you don't currently know. It's essentially like a pocket that is far out of reach of yourself, and others. Basically like a piggy bank that only you can access. It isn't anything too crazy, though on that same token. It's very useful. I have some things that I need to take care of.. We will be in contact soon. I'll see you later, young Niko." 

Daiko would then take his leave, not stopping to answer any kind of questions or anything of that sort. He had a lot on his mind right now. 


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Mon Aug 23, 2021 6:11 pm
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Well, We Made It. Empty Re: Well, We Made It.

Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:05 pm

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Thu Oct 14, 2021 7:13 pm
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