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Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Fukuro Uchiha
Alister Yama
Makashi Nara
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Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:33 am
Salzem had long filled up the paper the guards had given him with doodles of all shapes and sizes. Some dragons, some lions, etc., etc.. All half finished. Even if this was so, He had to say his drawing was getting quite good. At least, better than when he went in. Salzem went about shading in the different doodles appropriately, making them appear like their real life doppelgangers. Sadly, in the middle of shading a.... crab-lion-thing, his pencil lead had snapped. Salzem cursed silently to himself, his moment of tranquility broken. In frustration, Salzem plopped himself down against the concrete wall by the door, catching the vague shadow of a grin on one of the guard's faces.

Idiots. Salzem thought to himself. He was going to get out of shape if he didn't do anything resembling training though... He couldn't do any combat training, lest he destroy the cell he'd been put into, but he could do some basic exercises. Salzem flipped himself over so he was now standing on his hands and  began doing pushups. With his strength, it would take him a good long while before he got tired, but exhaustion is a great way to alleviate the boredom.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:30 am
Mako had heard the rumors....The boy he once fought chained behind bars.  From his last fight with him he had acquired some worthwhile info though it wasn't much.  Beyond sword fighting with his mouth and a sign that he was skilled in close combat though Mako was still unsure to what extent.  Mako walked up to the bars both hands behind his back, he noted how the sun shone into the cell making the shadows of the bars caress over the boy's currently exercising form.  

"Salzem...Last Name unknown...Skilled in weaponry...And some Taijutsu....Having gone MIA not too long ago and declared a Missing Ninja...reasoning unknown, do these statements sound correct to you, Ex chuunin of the leaf?"  Mako stated both in an informing and saddening tone.  He was here for a purpose and it wasn't just idle chit chat.

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:21 am; edited 1 time in total

Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:42 am
Salzem looked up from his exercise, noticing someone at his cell door. He flipped himself back on his feet and walked up to the bars, wiping his hands on his pant leg. Salzem's eyes widened when he saw it was Mako. That one guy he sparred with that one time. He honestly didn't expect to see him again, especially these circumstances. Apparently, he wasn't there to spread the words of a kind Samaritan nor was he there to prophesize his inevitable demise. No. He just started listing off information as if he were answering a test question.

"Your information is close enough to be accurate. The reason I did what I did I know. And believe it or not, I know my last name..." Salzem eyed Mako curiously. "...Alright? What brings you to my humble cell? Surely you're not here to tell me I'm going to die tomorrow? Because If so, I'm just going to go back to my pushups."
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:53 am
"Under the assumption that it becomes likely that you could assimilate back into the Hidden leaf smoothly, I have taken it upon myself to evaluate the likeliness of you becoming a flight risk again.  Both as evidence either for or against you, which I will soon evaluate." Mako would state valmly.and cool and unflinching as fear of the boy was not had.  He was much more powerful than the last they met

"Please keep in mind Salzem, that you are in no position to be unfriendly, and working with me could help your cause.  Much in the same way that defiance has hurt it..." Mako left hanging that statement his posture perfect and upright, with his legs shoulder width apart.  His arms left his back as he reached into his pouch and produced a long white cigarette which he would swiftly light with a sterling silver lighter and slip back into his pocket.  His eyes beaded on Salzem and the dimly lit room scattered in shadows.

"First question: Why did you leave the leaf, and why was noone notified of your actions?"

Second Question:What occured while you were out, any additional Missing Nin met? Information regarding them could be paramount to your release."

The cigarette dangling from his mouth it seemed Mako was a vault preparing to store valuable material.

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:22 am; edited 1 time in total

Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:27 am
Salzem rolled his sanguine eyes as Mako went through all his official blathering. He'd heard WAY too much of this crap on his way in. Blah blah cooperate, blah blah or else. People just can't resist spouting gibberish about his well being, as if that was what this was about. Truely, they either can't or won't change their system of interigation. Salzem actually looked a little bored with the way Mako went about his job. He wondered if Mako was even sent to talk to him. Perhaps. Perhaps he had something to prove with this little charade. It was actually more of an insult that Mako wasn't speaking plainly, rather, using a template.
"Mako, really, talk. You're speaking like you're being controlled. Like you are one of my guards. Why would I tell you anything if you don't talk to me like a person?"

(Sorry for the short post. Phone and all that?)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:07 am
Mako looked at him quizzically legitimately surprised by Salzem's question.  He resisted the urge to crook his face in pure confusion.  

"Why Sal? Do you really want to know why?...." Mako said stressed.  He didn't care if he received Salzem's true cooperation in fact he understood Sal giving him some trouble, but he thought Salzem truly comprehended the situation he was in, but it would seem to Mako he didn't at all.

"The possibility that you may not survive through the week is very very real Salzem......" Mako said almost pleading.  He would rearrange himself and stand back upright as he had lost some.of his demeanor trying to explain to Sal exactly how serious the situation was.

"I am not threatening you, I am simply telling you the truth whether you wish to comply or not.  Though you should know that lies and rebellion will not lead to a positive place for you.  Failing to comply to that which is being asked of you as a prisoner fully shows your unwillingness to cooperate, and thus your lack of dedication to your old home.  We no longer tolerate Missing Ninja in the hidden leaf, and now Salzem.....It is time for you to do what is necessary and prove where your affiliations lie....If they do not lie here I can be.of no further you, and if that is the case I must humbly ask you to.reconsider.  Beneath Mako's silver aviator shades he was currently sporting Salzem could see what apared to be a small trickle of water though just as quickly as it appeared it was gone.  Mako stood still and silent waiting on Salzem's next response.

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:26 am; edited 1 time in total

Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:31 am
Salzem only said nothing as Mako began to speak to him for the first time since he'd gotten there. He took careful note of Mako's emotion, the "WE don't tolerate" the fact that he wanted to know where his loyalties were. Salzem didn't know what he was expecting. Mako was an extension of the village and acted as such. If his actions said anything, and it is would have told that his loyalties lie with himself. Salzem frowned, loosing his daredevil demenor in exchange for a more serious one.

" I knew what the risks were when I left." Salzem said flatly. "I also knew that I was probably going to be executed when I was thrown in here." Salzem looked around at the walls of his cell, smiling to himself. He knew every second he stayed here was an opertunity to break out. He bet Mako knew this too.

"Do I look like a threat to you? Am I the face of evil? This is what I find so funny. I'm a prisoner by choice and you're talking to me like you care about my life. I may have been captured, but I'm not criminal. I believe you know this."
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:44 pm
"I see, and their lives are more important than your own? Like a big clubhouse it would seem.  This is your last chance to help yourself and you even refuse any chance at prefer to argue and fight than answers a few very simple questions.  Answering questions regarding a few Missing Nin to save yourself, and you still can't do it"  Mako bowed he understood, at this point Salzem was beyond help and beyond reason, he no longer cared for the village in the same way Mako did.  

"Salzem.....You are helping noone, and only hurting yourself.  A case could be mad positively on your behalf depending on what you give us, but instead you choose to hide their identities, and intertwine your reasons for leaving selfishly, and your unwillingness to help is making it more and more abundant that you refuse to be a leaf shinobi or even allied with the leaf......and that is even sadder."

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:25 am; edited 1 time in total

Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:43 pm
"Feh. I may be selfish, and I may be a liar. I may be a fool on top of that for saying this, but you and you Leaf ninja are hypocrites indeed, talking to me about 'clubhouses.' I've aided the leaf. I would have continued in my own way were I not thrown in here." Salzem looked around at his cell before his eye flicked back to Mako's.

"Who would even make a case for someone like me? A selfish, lying traitor in your own words. Answer this and I'll answer your question. An exchange of information." Salzem grinned at Mako through the bars. He really didn't expect Mako to put forward anyone but himself. People will say almost anything to get what they want. He also half-expected Mako to begin the threat process as so many before him. Salzem did mean what he said though. If Mako answered him, he will receive an answer in return.
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open) Empty Re: Made of Iron, Made of Stone (Open)

Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:48 pm
"This is a village, a village that was built on one philosophy.  This philosophy is beyond important, it is everything.  Though many of our villagers do not follow it I am one who does.  My will of fire burns with radiance and will never be extinguished, this is why I must help.  Salzem as a member of the leaf you helped many aiding in the growth of genin on a constant basis, myself included. Your actions to help the leaf cannot be ignored, but human beings only notice the bad and easily discard the good.  So I tell you, you cannot know what I plan you can only trust me and answer my questions, providing me with what I seek. "

Mako said this by staring directly in Salzem's eyes with a passion that could not be rivaled, he meant what he said.  Salzem did not fear the executioners axe and this could not see the importance of Mako's actions, but he truly did mean to make Salzem's time as a missing Nin as valuable to Salzem, the village and himself as he possibly could.

Mako looked in the cell and likely down at the boy as he towered some 6 and a half feet tall.  His eyes seemingly burning with the will of fire he carried.

 "Once a member of the hidden leaf village always a member of the hidden leaf village, a statement that will always be true.  However, in cases like these all it takes is proof that nothing traitorous occured and that you'd be willing to tell your old village about actual enemies of the leaf.  Even if you don't wish to stay, this could provide you with enough amnesty to see you walk. Consider this your only chance at a plea bargain."

Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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