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Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Sun Oct 09, 2022 11:39 am
Upon establishing the safety of Konohomaru, Moyasu's clone setting him down on his feet and checking him for injuries while speaking to him in order to calm him down, the original Moyasu gave a small sigh as he looked at the smoldering smoke that was the monster tree and the house it rooted from. He had known that there was no way they were going to be able to get rid of the tree without extreme methods but it still hurt him to destroy another's home without anything to give in return. On the other hand now that the tree was destroyed it no longer posed any danger to the people and their homes so this could certainly be considered as a huge win for the Kumogakure ninja. With his task done his clones would disappear into plumes of smoke that blew away to the gentle breeze that washed over the land before he got out another cigarette and lit it with a flame atop one of his thumbs. This was mostly so that he could have something to mask the lingering smell in the air as he blew out a ring of smoke from his lips while looking around at the other teammates who appeared to be mainly unharmed.

He didn't say anything to the other teammates as they deliberated with one another even after Jun received a scroll that was giving the group yet another mission to tackle. And, surprise surprise, it was going to involve yet another demolition. 'Oh boy...' Moyasu thought to himself as he took another drag from his cigarette. 'Either the mission boards are backed up with destruction of property missions or our superiors want to see what we can come up with. Now it's a haunted mansion this time? They need to leave my boy Casper alone.' He chuckled a little bit thinking that before listening to his teammates some more as Saturn established he had something to do and Jun decided he would guide the people who wanted to watch the destruction of the mansion first hand. With so many witnesses to such an event if the higher ups decided to do a follow up after the mission was done the civilians might give them commendations. Whether that would do anything or not was totally up to chance but it was still a possible chance which made Moyasu happy. Once Jun had told everyone to follow him Moyasu would follow as well, outside of the line of people Jun had made, as he would look around at the surprisingly quiet fourth member of their group. The Meijin didn't know what to make of Z but he wasn't going to strike up a conversation if the ninja didn't want it. Thus he would quietly walk beside the line towards the destination to the mansion all while smoking the sweet tobacco of his cigarette.

WC 480; TWC 2,528
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Mon Oct 10, 2022 8:26 pm
Z Ne

Z had been called 'the stinky ninja' by Saturn, which was... interesting.

And dimwit too? That seemed harsher than totally nessecary. And rather odd, considering they had literally done what Saturn had directly asked them to do, in the only way they could realistically do it in short order. Gain easy access to the building, and get the skunk to a place where it would burn, as was requested by the very ninja now choosing to call Z a dimwit.

Some people just could not accept the consequences of their own actions. Oh well. Z simply shrugged and would continue to ignore their fellow ninja as the person demanded their entire cut. Not happening, of course, but truly, the most evil thing to happen would be Saturn flashing a light into and out of Z's eyes.

At one point, they had wanted to apologize.

At one point.

No more. Saturn had chosen, somehow, a very specific thing that really bothered Z Ne. Whether he somehow knew, or lucked out, did not particularly matter.

He was now on the shit list.

And... well that's about it. Z Ne didn't actually know what happened to anyone on the shit list. Just that they were on it. They were not one for revenge, not really. Not now, for something this minor. But... it certainly would needs be addressed. Eventually.

"I have a big question," Z ne would ask. "If the house is haunted, why am I supposed to deal with something vaguely in the forest? Is the plan not to deal with the proposed haunting? Which would presumably be inside the building?" Z thought it was a fair question. And very likely, unless Jun gave a remarkably good reason, they would start the search on the premises, around the building, and if need be, inside the building.

All told, regardless of how Jun or anyone responded to the questions, Z had no issue with the overall assignment, just that single specific. In this case, they would almost certainly start by exploring around the house, and noticing quite quickly things like scratch marks and overturned garbage bins. Z remembered back to the mission area earlier, there was an open mission to deal with a bear incursion into occupied areas. Deal with them nonviolently and relocate to safer, more suited habitats.

...They were fairly certain Jun had totally lucked out about the 'haunting' being a totally mundane thing that would be found inside the forest.

Z Ne sighed, accepting their fate, and ran off into the forest, doing their best to track down the bear that was likely the result of 'strange sounds and objects moving when nobody was around'.

The bear was not that difficult to locate. As Z Ne got even somewhat close, the bear started reacting.

Reacting to a scent.

Z had someone forgotten that Saturn called them a 'stinky ninja' earlier, and this... This explained that, after bringing it to the forefront of their memory. They must have been sprayed by the skunk.

That meant... many unfortunate things.

Why hadn't anybody bothered to mention it?

...Fuck they had no reason to know that Z could not smell skunk, and was completely oblivious the whole time.

That would have to be explained post haste, when they grouped back up later.

For now, it was BEAR WRASTLIN' TIME.

Well, actual bear wrestling. The staged stuff really bothered Z. The bears were declawed, and often muzzled. They were not creatures that really understood fighting, so when they had to fight a person...

There was so much space rife for mistreatment of the poor bears. Maybe they lived great and happy lives, but Z honestly doubted it.

But that was neither here nor there.

Z had to subdue a bear.

Without killing it.

It was marvelous! Spectacular! Bloodshed, knockdowns, comebacks! It was the fight of the century!

And it was over.

Z Ne laid upon the back of the bear, arms around its neck. The bear was unconcious, having fallen to a choke hold. The bear was largely untouched. Z Ne? Less so.

Simply put: these clothes were never being used, ever again, and the fact that their pants were staying on was almost a miracle. Z Ne praised whatever being was supposed to exist up there (ask different people and you get different answers, and who's to say who's right?) that they had decided to wear an extra long sweater, which would hang low even if their pants suddenly failed at the most inopportune moment. That was unlikely, though. Z had pulled the belt tighter and sure, part of the waistband was straight up missing, as well as a not insignificant gouge in their upper thigh, but... it was only barely not insignificant. Some wrapping and gauze would offer enough coverage for what they had planned next, and some of the other injuries, like a clear scratch mark that ripped their sweater and marked their stomach, was worse.

Well, it looked worse. Technically, Z was not totally sure. But either way! They were not so bad as to leave Z Ne unable to ignore them for awhile, lifting the still alive but unconscious bear onto their back and walking back to the meeting place.

Z Ne would stop a decent distance away from the party, finally aware of the stench that likely permeated them by this point. They dropped the bear (carefully, so as not to risk waking it)... and then dropped themselves.

Minor blood loss and exhertion do not go well together.

WC 919
TWC 2550
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:15 pm
Jun walked through the cozy Alpine village, leading the line of wealthy and weird businessmen, for a few good minutes until they finally reached their destination: The Mayberry Mansion. "Who the hell wants to see a building being demolished? What a weird group of people...And now I have to babysit them... I did not sign up for this, not at all..." lamented the young Shibasaki. And that wasn't the only thing that bothered Jun. The cologne smell, the damn cologne smell... it surprisingly made Jun miss the skunk smell that was coming from Z Ne.

After finally arriving at the mansions site, Jun instructed the guests to stay in front at the mansion at a safe distance, so they could have a good view of its destruction, but staying far enough so they wouldn't be burned by the flames produced by Moyasu's powerful fire jutsus.
- Gentlemen, we will soon start our spectacle, I ask you to wait a few more minutes while we finalize our preparations. I strongly do not advise anyone to go near the mansion during the show... in fact, do not enter the mansion under any circumstances - Jun instructed the wealthy elderly weirdos – I’ll be back in 5 minutes, meanwhile my associate Moyasu will take care of you all!

In fact, there was no preparation to be made at all. The reason Jun asked everyone to wait was that he REALLY needed to go to the bathroom. When they arrived at the site of the Mayberry mansion, Jun had already noticed the small encampment of the demolition crew that refused to do their work, claiming the mansion was haunted, and that was where the young Shibasaki hurriedly followed. 
"They must have a bathroom I can use...". And indeed they had, a portable toilet it was, but Jun really needed it so whatever. The genin rushed into the toilet to relieve himself, hastily closing the door behind him.

When he was almost done using the toilet (number 1, by the way), Jun began to overhear a conversation between two demolition crew members passing outside the portable toilet:

- These bastards sent us to work in the middle of the mountains, in a place infested with bears, and they still want us to work for that shitty salary? I've already written a letter to our union! Until they at least get rid of the bears, we won't move a muscle!

- Did you say...bears? - Said Jun, surprising the workers who stopped their walk, unaware of his presence and startled by the sudden question coming from inside the booth. Jun then pulled his pants up and walked out of the portable toilet, heading towards the two man to inquiry them. - I thought the reason you weren't doing your damn job was that the mansion was haunted... – continued the genin, in a threatening tone now.

- Jeez, did I said bears? I must have confused myself, I meant ghost bears, terrible creatures that are wondering around the mansion, seeking revenge and…

- Shut the hell up! – said Jun, while again facepalming himself.

Well, at least we’re not dealing with any supernatural stuff here…I just hope that Z Ne doesn't get eaten by bears in the woods” -  thought Jun, not knowing that the stinky ninja already succeeded in his task. The real reason he sent them out to clear the woods was to get rid of the horrendous smell coming from the genin, which he later regretted as he found out that old people’s cologne smell is much more atrocious. Jun then looked at the two workers again, this time activating his Tengan, which caused his eye to burn and glow, scaring them both.

- So, this is how things are going to go from here on out: we're going to absolutely burn this old mansion to the ground, and then you two maggots and your stupid crew are going to clean up our mess without complaining, or you're going to have to deal with me, are we clear?

- Ye…yes sir - replied the two in unison, completely terrified by the flaming eyes of young Shibasaki

Jun then returned to the place where he had left the group of weird elderly people in Moyasu's care. He approached the ninja, who was enjoying his cigarette, and told him privately:

- Yo, there is no haunting in the mansion. Those idiots from the demolition crew are just afraid of some bears that live is this woods, we’re good to go, the mansion is clear and you can burn it down. Give these old timers a show so we can all go home at least, okay?

Jun then moved away from Moyasu and positioned himself behind the group of elderly people, in order to keep an eye on them and at the same time see the destruction of the mansion, when suddenly he remembered: "where the hell is Saturn?"

WC: 820
TWC: 3530
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 80000

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:23 pm
 The smell of salt and vinegar reeked from all corners of the worn out room. The rotting wood around the eccentric shinobi Saturn was frothing with ancient termites and webs of fungi. He pinched his nose as he cursed at the Gods for placing him under the most vile of circumstances. First it was the stinky ninja and their dead skunk, and now it was the Rot. The Rot was a significant symbol of Kumon history, to those who were aware of the reign of the terrible plague. Thousands of Kumons suffered in poverty and lack of access to proper hygiene. For Saturn, his current filthy predicament was a choice. Looking on from the single window in the grand room on the first floor of the haunted Mayberry Mansion, the ninja observed the party finally assemble at the meeting point. He had made sure to conceal is presence to the best of his ability by suppressing his chakra using Chakra Nullification although one among the group may be able to detect his presence with the proper sensory techniques. It was a test of capability and willpower that he had devised to scout his teammates - to learn their abilities and compile a mental list of whom to call under what circumstances.

  The ninja had in fact been to the very same mansion just days earlier with two other Kumon shinobi to investigate an identical report of a haunting that was slowing down a renovation project. He had come to learn that the project was funded by the old butler of the mansion whose original residents had perished in a fire. According to the public records, it was a wildfire. According to the butler, it was a man by the name of Haju Yayate or something like that. Whatever was the case, no construction company would go near the site as there were multiple reports of a curse that plagued the charred mansion including a case of a whole crew of construction workers going missing in the very same mansion. Upon inspecting the house, the trio of Saturn, Rizuke and Majima uncovered that a homeless man, in his mid to late 70s, was responsible for the so called haunting. When Saturn had sparked his lighter, thousands of deafening screams echoed in the halls as though terrified of the flame that came forth. It was a convincing story, and his Genjutsu had fooled the unskilled workers and amateur shinobi for months while he took refuge in the remnants of the mansion. Upon evicting the man with force, Saturn had declared that the case was solved, and trusted his teammate to file the report. Mysteriously, Rizuke had not been seen or heard of since.

 Saturn however did not connect the case of the missing Genin to the haunted mansion, as he was sure about that particular case being cracked then and there with his teammate at the site. This is why when the mission popped up again to the party he found it to be most peculiar. Still confident that he had solve the case, he decided that he would go ahead and hide in the mansion to spook the party of ninja in the spirit of Halloween. That is why he took the time to paint the walls of the house in ungodly amounts of vinegar, and lay rivers of salt all across the wooden floors. As he looked on, however, he noticed the most unwelcome pattern. As the crowd of civilians were lined up to witness a spectacle, the ninja observed Jun as he spoke to the chef. Although he could not make out the words from so far away, his fellow Genin's body language spoke more than enough to reveal the nature of what his plan was. Unless he acted quickly, he would be in the house yet again when Moyasu burns it down! And why was the stinky ninja bruised up like that?!

  "Hold on, just a moment! There's no need for that.." A broad shouldered shinobi of an average to slightly taller than average height, with thick blonde hair and icy blue eyes approached the party of ninja from the road, as if coming from away from the mansion, to the site. He looked just like Saturn. It could be a shadow clone, or it could be Saturn himself but given that shadow clones are perfect replicas, he would hope that the trio would not be able to tell the difference. He looked over at the white haired ninja and for the first time did not cringe - he was prepared with sensory deprivation to suppress the nasty stink and now he needed to convince them to go into the mansion with him to take in the delightful smell of vinegar - and without hesitation he even unzipped his cyan hoodie and handed it to them! Underneath, he wore a plain black short sleeved shirt. "How did you get bruised up like that, and Jun and chef here are not even sweating?" He tried to deduce the situation but found it to be much too bizarre. "Here, put this on for now so you can look decent in front of all those oldheads over there. You can return it to me after you wash it." Saturn shrieked as the ninja fell back from their blood loss, and leaped to the side instead of catching the stank. "Get up.." He pleaded, dropping his hoodie on top of the collapsed ninja, "Mint?" He offered.

"Listen, I don't know what those oldheads over there heard about a spectacle here but the mission report says the haunting is inside the mansion." He tried mansplaining the situation to the trio, trying to pitch the idea that they go venture inside before burning it down so swiftly. Besides the stench of vinegar and the salt that was scattered across the wooden floors, the trio could expect to find a wide array of procurements that Saturn had planted in the halls using False Surroundings technique. Among the illusions were large crowds, loud noises, surprise parties, talking to strange people, pineapple on pizza, The Moon, Bright lights, fingers dragged across chalkboards, mint, more vinegar, cat tongue, harsh food critics and lastly Saturn himself (or his clone) who waited to fine tune the debauchery. He had to convince them to explore the mansion or all his preparations inside would have been for a waste, and he couldn't allow that to happen, "Before you burn the whole thing down so quickly, why don't we actually go take a look inside and find out what all this talk is about? ....Unless you're wussy."

WC: 1063


Shadow Clone
Chakra Nullification
Sensory Deprivation
False Surroundings Technique
Sixth Sense (Skill)
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Tue Nov 01, 2022 11:02 am
The air that was surrounding the forest had become slightly smokey as the smell of the cratered tree was reaching the nostrils of the chef. A slight stink occupied this smokey smell but the aroma of his tobacco cigarette helped in masking it. 'This is turning into such a drag.' he thought to himself as he walked along the roads of the forest towards the group's next destination. 'I usually like letting loose and destroying things but why do we have to have an audience? They're literally getting in the way.' The group would make their way to the mansion before events would transpire that made Jun have to leave the group with Moyasu... wait what? Jun would walk off to take himself a shit or something. Moyasu didn't know. All that left for him, though, was the group of people they had been escorting and the lonely hearts club ninjas Z and Saturn. Whatever they were up to Moyasu didn't pay much attention though that was because he could hear a distant huffing sound that was coming from deeper in the woods.

'Right... they had said bears live in these woods. Whoever used to live at this mansion must have had to swat them away somehow else they could've easily broken into this place... Maybe they didn't have to do that at all? They might've used something to repel the bears away that didn't require a lot of effort. Either way it isn't going to matter in a moment.' He looked to the group that was standing by as he got an idea. 'If they want a spectacle...' He then walked over to a far off tree to the side and he took out one of his kunais out of his pouch. Twirling it in his finger he would quickly slice a tiny cut on his thumb, large enough to draw blood, before he put it back in his pouch and formed a few hand seals in quick succession: 'Boar, Dog, Bird, Monkey, Ram.' With a gathering of chakra in his hand he would place stick his bloody thumb on his palm before placing that palm on the tree. 'Summoning Jutsu!' Light would erupt from his palm as small steam erupted around the wood of the tree. "Come forth, Dalamud!!" Suddenly a cloud of smoke would rapidly explode and spread out from the tree and his palm. It would envelope everything within a 50 meter range diameter and Moyasu had made certain the crowd, the mansion, or any tinkling ninjas as that would've potentially put them all in danger due to what was now currently lurking in the fog.

The surrounding lands would soon be filled with the low rumble of a deep growl and the booming footsteps of whatever had now entered the field. Moyasu would casually walk out of the smoke back towards the group that had been watching, smoking his cigarette still, as the sounds of the heavy footsteps would follow him from behind. From within the smoke a pair of bright glowing orange eyes would appear, the smoke now parting to make way for the large beast that walked within it, before the large head of a dragon would poke out from high up showcasing how tall the dragon was. At least 30 meters tall as the head was looking down towards the humans in it's presence, smoke pluming from it's closed yet toothy maw as though it was preparing to rain fire on everything around it, as Moyasu took a drag from his cigarette and turned to Dalamud. He would give a bow of reverence. "Thank you for coming, my queen. I've called upon you to ask you for your services."

With a flap of it's large and long wings still within the smoke the smoke would clear away revealing the rest of the dragon's body as the wind that came from the flap of it's wings caused a slight shockwave that caused a gust to blow across the forest. It's large and clawed feet had left craters as it walked before the head of the beast would turn it's focus downward to the still bowing Meijin. "And what services would you require from me, young Darastrixethe." The voice that came from the throat of the creature carried all the weight of a creature of such size yet was feminine and soothing as the smoke that had been coming from it's mouth dissipated. Moyasu stood back up and took another drag before looking up to the eyes of the imposing dragon. "I hope you will forgive me for summoning you for this but I'm currently on a mission that involves property destruction. That property in particular." He would then point over to the mansion as Dalamud looked over to what he had been pointing at. "The catch is that the mission parameters require that I, as well as my fellow ninja with me, give this crowd you see a show when we destroy it. Also we'll have to clean up the mess right away after."

The dragon looked back over to the crowd before looking back down to Moyasu. "Munthrek and their understanding of what entertainment is always confuses me... but if it is you requesting it I shall give you what you want." Moyasu would bow to her once more before putting a finger up. "Give me a moment to defer to my teammates really fast before you do anything." With that he would walk to Saturn who seemed to have something to say. Upon hearing what Saturn had to say in terms of exploring the mansion first before going inside Moyasu would simply take a puff of his cigarette before simply stating "No." With a thumbs up to Dalamud the dragon would swing it's large tail around as the mansion would completely shatter to it's strength, hundreds of pieces of the mansion's foundation flying everywhere, as the dragon would then spread it's wings and give a mighty flap of them towards the remains causing a maelstrom of powerful winds to erupt from them completely cleaning the land of any pieces of the mansion that was remaining. Trees would also be uprooted from the sheer power before finally the winds died down and the mighty dragon folded it's wings back up. She would remain among everyone as Moyasu blew out a plume of smoke from his lips. "Another mission accomplished."

WC 1,067; TWC 3,595
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Sun Nov 06, 2022 6:16 pm
"Hello there", the skorpiovenator said, licking its left eyeball with a tongue that seemed the perfectly normal size for a member of its species.

"Hi" was all Z Ne responded. It was not every day that got to meet a skorpiovenator in the flesh, after all. They simply were not prepared for how a meeting of this sort was supposed to happen.

"Are you feeling alright?" asked the skorpiovenator. It seemed genuinely concerned, in a way that was perfectly normal and expected for a dinosaur that definitely still existed in this day and age.

Z Ne looked around. They did not feel particularly strange. They started to examine their body and noticed something totally normal that happens all the time. "I am fine, I just seem to be missing my legs is all."

Z shook their head. Something was perfectly fine with all of this. Why were they completely able to think about how totally normal all this was?

"Do I know you?" asked Z Ne to the skorpiovenator.

"But of course!" it responded. "My name is William Spleglsworth Von Torben Struber the Fifth! I am your father's brother's friend's uncle's third nephew twelve times removed! Do you not remember when we met at the family picnic?"

"I absolutely do remember you." Z shook their head again. What the fuck?

The skorpiovenator looked them up and down once again, before opening its mouth. From its mouth flew something entirely normal and expected based on a skorpiovenator's standard diet: a liquid rainbow and many gemstones of various types and quality.

The liquid rainbow struck Z Ne. This was very normal and felt quite good.

Then, Z saw the world around them shift, and distort. The skorpiovenator, William Spleglsworth Von Torben Struber the Fifth, grew longer. Squatter. And wider all at once.

"Look at me! I'm Wide William!" it shouted, raising its once tiny arms up above its body in a way that Z Ne was convinced was entirely physically possible. What was next?

WC 332
TWC 2882
Jun Shibasaki
Jun Shibasaki
Stat Page : Databook.
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 183470

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:09 pm

2x Mission Rewards with Beloved Presence; 40000 ryo, 200 AP
New Balance: 43970 ryo

2063 WC towards learning  Taiyōton: Rēzāaizu (Sun Release: Laser Eyes) (25% discount by having max stats)
1125 WC towards learning Pheasant Hunter  (25% discount by having max stats)
342 WC towards Stage 3 Tengan [384/4500] - 25% discount via max stats. - I already had 42 words toward this as stated in my stat page.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Tue Nov 08, 2022 7:24 pm
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 80000

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Wed Nov 09, 2022 6:11 pm
From inside the mansion, Saturn peered out through the grand window to witness the most bizarre spectacle. A dragon, in the flesh. A dragon? In the flesh? Impossible... The shinobi thought, watching intently and squinting his eyes to focus at the sight in the distance. What could it be trying to achieve? He pondered, and watched on as it seemed to talk to the chef. Upon reading their body language, Saturn's heart pounded faster in his chest upon realizing that his comrade seemed to be ordering the impossible beast to demolish the mansion. He watched on eagerly, resisting the urge to bite his nails, No, I prepared for this. Surely, my clone will..

"Wait, no!" The clone extended his hand out at Moyasu, gesturing at him as he pleaded but it was too late. As the colossal tail of Dalamud whipped the mansion and reduced it to rubble in the blink of an eye, the clone vanished in a puff of smoke and made that familiar sound that those things make as it disappeared. As the dust cleared, strange gusts of wind carried the debris into the air, cleaning the site. Then, there was silence.

Saturn laid flat on the ground like a snow angel where the hall of the ground floor of Mayberry Mansion used to be. His vision was dizzy, but he was resisting the pull of the strange gust, watching the dust and debris fly up all around him. He pointed at a point in the sky, and manifested a rip in the air with invigorated chakra, a pitch black tear in the fabric of space and time. Within moments, whatever dust was dispersed in the air by the gust would begin to rapidly get sucked into the newly birthed crevice in the sky, until there was no trace of any of the bizarre circumstances that the squad had introduced into the site, except for the dragon and the two bodies that both oddly laid flat on the ground.

"You.. missed a spot.." A distressed voice could be heard barely grunting out from the distance, "Wide Will? Is that really you? You're so wide."


WC: 354
TWC: 3777


Last edited by Saturn on Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:39 am; edited 2 times in total
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Don't Play with Nature! - Page 2 Empty Re: Don't Play with Nature!

Sat Nov 19, 2022 2:56 pm
After the carnage of the dragon's fury, having taken down the entire mansion with it's powerful limbs and wings, Moyasu yawned and stretched his body out as his dragon turned her head to look down upon him for further instruction. "That'll do. Thank you for the help, ma'am." He bowed to her as her eyes glanced over to the remaining people in the surroundings before Moyasu stood back up and looked over to his fellow ninja. He would bring up a hand in order to form a seal which caused the dragon to disappear into a thick and large cloud of smoke. The wind that came from the smoke caused the leaves in the trees and on the ground to blow and rustle as Moyasu's hair and clothes fluttered before he put his hand down. "This was a fun couple of missions I took with you guys. Please don't hesitate to call upon me again should you require my services." He would give a smile and a wave before turning and making his way through the forest in the direction of the village. Even though everything he had done was child's play for him it ultimately still did take a lot of chakra for him to accomplish thus a little replenishment was in order and a celebratory one at that.

As he walked along the winding roads that led back to the village, the gentle breeze of the mountain air blowing across all the trees and cooling his body off from all the fire he had just expelled out of it, he would hear the snapping of twigs and branches from within the forest as he kept his senses sharp in case any animals were to rampage and attack him. He could see through the trees a pack of bears running in the distance, more than likely tracking down either a warm meal or a cool stream, as he noticed that they were all of various sizes giving him the impression that it was a family. He tried to keep himself as stealthy as possible so that they wouldn't be made aware of his presence as he did not want to give the bears any cause to believe he was dangerous. He did this the whole way to the village as his senses would soon be filled with the sweet smells of nearby restaurants beckoning him in to try out their foods. He was indeed going to have a really good night.

WC 412; TWC 4,007


Claiming mission rewards (40,000 ryo and 200 AP ((BP enhanced)); only 58 AP needed to max out trained AP stats), Vanish 3,750 WC (25% disc), and Out of a Hat 250 WC
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