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Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Tue Nov 22, 2022 4:01 pm
Listening to her story, or at least the parts she allowed herself to share, Akaboshi couldn't help but wonder how much the woman had lost, or how many people of her past were no longer around. "Yes, going back to the old ways is something I would advise against" he softly spoke, simply stating his thoughts, aware it was not his place nor business to make any suggestions or even try to tell her what to do. Eventually she would find her way, a new direction to follow, perhaps even a goal to work towards. "It's easy to repeat the same mistakes of the past, but I believe you to be smart enough to do things different this time". The woman paid a price, whether or not it was justified was not for him to decide.

The topic of their conversation slowly shifted, but not before she mentioned a purpose, something new for her to do now that she got out of prison and back to the normal world, for as far as the one they were living in could be called that. Get out and be around other people, so to speak. "Although there are things and people you have lost, this could be a fresh start". The ones she used to know, people that could be considered friends or even family, were all gone, leaving her with an opportunity to learn about everything that happened while being locked up. Catch up, as she so called it. 

Not much longer after finishing her sentence, almost simultaneously, she would glance at the stone faces of the previous Hogokage, making Akaboshi believe that the individuals who had been crafted and put on display were part of the many changes the woman could possibly be curious about. "How many do you recognize?". Some of them she might remember, while others would be nothing more than a vague memory or even completely unknown.

(WC: 320, TWC: 2137)
Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:25 pm

(TWC: 2137)
Claims, using 25% max stat discount:
- 2062/2062 Black Hollow
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
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Living Clones : Natsuki
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Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
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Ryo : 435700

Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Thu Oct 26, 2023 2:28 pm
Akaboshi wrote:(Exit)

(TWC: 2137)
Claims, using 25% max stat discount:
- 2062/2062 Black Hollow

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