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Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:40 pm
City of Stars, it might as well be a song written about Hoshigakure. The warm, fuzzy feeling that surrounded the village would be in sheer contrast to the turbulent times everyone had been through recently. But perhaps it were exactly the same hardships that allowed those in Haven to unite and overcome them together. Or how his teacher at the Academy used to say, it doesn't matter if you fall so long as you get back up. And that is what they did. Leaving the past behind, without forgetting it, and moving forward regardless of how long it might take.

Dressed in his usual attire which consisted of the Nova's armor, completely white in color, with a silken cloak worn over the rest of the outfit, Akaboshi found himself ending up at the City Square. As the central hub of Hoshigakure it was where people could access most of the shops, markets, restaurants and places of worship and entertainment. Having just returned from the White Clock Tower after handling some business now that the Nova Tournament had come to an end, the Commander figured a welcome change of pace wouldn't hurt. Especially when he considered what else still laid ahead of him.

Passing by many of the countless establishments his mind was already at Yasaki's funeral which would be held in one of the upcoming days. It was truly a shame, the loss of their previous Kage had already happened a long time ago, but due to unforeseen circumstances they never found the time to finally mourn his death. With his thoughts slightly occupied, Akaboshi eventually came to a halt at a place where they offered food and hot beverages. He removed his gloves after ordering something to drink, grabbing the small cup of coffee before taking a little sip.

Doing so, he walked towards one of the many stone benches in City Square where he'd finally sit down and take in his surroundings. As he did, Akaboshi noticed a young woman sitting on a bench next to his, dressed rather casually in a plain shirt with a jacket worn over. The Captain did not recognize her, wondering who this pale kunoichi with brown hair could be. As he continued to look in her direction, making sure not to stare impolitely, there was one thing catching his attention. As he laid eyes on the woman's headband and the place on her body it was tied around, it was hard not to spot the almost completely missing left arm, implying she must have lost it in the line of duty.

Akaboshi knew how some people preferred to keep to themselves, disliking when others didn't mind their own business, but part of him couldn't help but speak up in case the woman noticed he had been keeping an eye on her for a while now. "Your favorite spot or simply where you ended up?". Probably not the best way to start a conversation but at least better than asking if she came here often.   

(WC: 502)

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Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:07 pm
It appeared the woman felt a bit out of place, similar to how it seemed she would have rather been left alone instead of now having to deal with another person's presence. She wasn't too sure of her own answer, a sign of being caught off guard as she most likely never anticipated someone else walking up to her and trying to engage in a conversation. Perhaps it would have been wiser to mind his own business, but for the small chance this could mean something for either one of them, Akaboshi knew it might be worth taking. After all, a bit of small talk never hurt anyone.

As he sat there, the Nova Captain would take another sip of the hot beverage, bringing the cup to his lips before enjoying the warm feeling it made him end up with. "Because you were lost in thought or because you didn't have anywhere else to go?". Some would call it ironic, the woman tried her hardest not to stand out but it was exactly that what made her catch Akaboshi's eye. A couple of questions came to mind, was she trying to get away from something or someone, or was she simply in need of a warm meal? More often than not there wasn't such a thing as a coincidence.

Assuming the kunoichi answered his rather simple question, most likely in a similar way as the one she used to reply to the first, the Commander would return to the topic of the shinobi headband tied around her left arm, or what remained of it. "Perhaps you being here has something to do with that injury?" Akaboshi inquired as polite he could be, hoping not to offend the woman in any way. Maybe whatever happened had left her with more than just a physical wound. 

(WC: 304, TWC: 806)

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Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Sat Oct 08, 2022 9:24 pm
His inquiry was met with a question of her own in return, a slight improvement to the handful of words he got out of her so far. "I think we both know you're not sitting here simply philosophizing about the meaning of life". She did mention it was more than that, the answer he received a little bit vague but clear enough for Akaboshi to understand. "For what it's worth, I'm already glad you didn't take offense to my interrogation about your injury, as I'm sure that's how you might be feeling now". He did mean no harm, but it would make sense for someone to feel as if they are being examined given the situation.

Assuming the young woman replied, or in case she chose not to, the Nova Captain would allow a brief silence to fall over their conversation, time he spent taking another sip of the hot beverage in his hands. He was aware of how strange or perhaps even uncomfortable the entire situation might seem to the mysterious woman next to him, but perhaps it would be all worth it in the end. "You are here, therefore you exist. Although it appears as though you'd rather not sometimes, given how you were sitting here by yourself almost as if you were trying to hide from something". By then Akaboshi crushed the cup, throwing it in one of the garbage bins nearby.

He would then put on his gloves after taking them off, not because he was feeling cold but because he had gotten used to wearing them. "Your arm", he returned to the original topic of his question, "with how talented our Medical shinobi are I'm sure they could help you out". It would make sense if that thought had crossed her mind as well, so perhaps there was another reason as to why she decided to carry that wound around. "Or is it guilt that keeps you from having it treated?". After all, some people chose to wear injuries as a token of repentance.

(WC: 339, TWC: 1145)

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Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:45 pm
Just when the woman was about to touch on the subject of guilt and whether or not it was something she experienced, her mind suddenly changed when Akaboshi had mentioned the possibility of trying to have her injury, old or not, treated. "It seems you didn't expect to hear such a thing" the Nova Captain voiced, noticing how the person sitting next to him appeared to be visibly confused, surprised even. He wasn't aware of her history nor her past, similar to how she seemed not to have a single clue how far their Medical research had come. 

The woman tried to recollect her thoughts, going back to the time when she lost her arm. Eventually she remembered, sort of, mentioning it happened back when Denkiteki used to be Hogokage. "Quite some time has passed since then, time well spent improving our knowledge of the human body". Not that Akaboshi was the expert on the matter, far from it. He knew about the use of transplants and some of the people that dipped their toes in said practice. The Commander wasn't a fan of it, but he had learned to accept its benefits. Regardless, the most he experienced himself had been the application and use of his Curse Mark.

Considering the woman had no idea, or at least the thought of healing had yet to cross her mind, Akaboshi figured it wouldn't hurt to give her a little bit of hope. "Although our village is quite strict when it comes to most cases, exceptions can always be made depending on circumstances". By then she most likely figured out where he was going with this. "Meaning you'll have to be completely honest about your injury, how and where it happened". The only way for them to be able and help was for her to come clean, not leaving anything out, not even the slightest detail, no matter how small it might appear.

(WC: 321, TWC: 1466)

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Nova Captain
Nova Captain
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 607500

Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK] Empty Re: Not Unlike A Good Meal [IO, NK]

Tue Nov 01, 2022 9:38 pm
As they sat there, the woman started opening up about her past, sharing some but not all information. Made sense, completely understandable even. Considering she tried her best not to get noticed by anyone around, it wasn't more than normal that she answered the question as straightforward as possible. "I see, Jaws of Grima" Akaboshi replied after her. For anyone not living under a rock it was a name well known in Hoshigakure. The Nova himself had already had his fair share of running into a couple of them, Griff being the one coming to mind. Not much longer after apprehending the red haired bastard he spent the day interrogating some of their accomplices together with Shina, hoping to get some information out of them.

Although her answer was short, Akaboshi listened attentively. "So, what's next for you? Simply survive or do you still want to make something out of life after prison?". He didn't expect her to claim to have found herself during time behind bars, or that she went through enlightenment. However, that didn't mean there would be nothing out there for her. If anything, it seemed she found peace with the circumstances she found herself in, having accepted everything that happened as it would be impossible to turn back time, at least to such an extent. Realizing that life moves on might as well be one of the most important things one could do when faced with situations like that. 

It was hard to find the right words to say, he could hardly claim to relate to what she had been through nor could he even begin to understand what all happened to her. Perhaps the woman would have done things differently, maybe she wouldn't have gone to prison if she did, or her arm would still be attached to her body, who knows. It's always easy to say, in hindsight. Akaboshi then pointed at the shinobi headband before speaking up once more. "I take it you haven't given up on that part of life either?". Maybe she was going to use this chance to finally start over. 

(WC: 351, TWC: 1817)
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