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Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
Stat Page : Snowflake
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2970

Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:52 am

To Aura's surprise, when she received her brilliantly printed braille mail in the morning, it was revealed to her that she had been chosen to participate in the 'Rule of Two' - a way of helping the younger, or more inexperienced shinobi get stronger, by pitting them up in matches set up by either higher ranked members, or simply more powerful entities. Not only that, but the missive following that was what she actually signed up for, and according to the note attached to all of this, her partner would be the same for both. Now, wasn't that interesting? Just like her first missions. Would it be Ren again, maybe? She could only hope, because she doesn't even know of any other Genin in the village that are actually weaker than her, so it's only natural that he'd be the one to test her mettle. For whatever reason, she could always tell he's a lot stronger than her, despite the fact he acted like a complete tool at times, at least in her eyes. All she can look forward to with this type of encounter was that their spar can be fun, instead of either drawing blood on one another. She reckons she won't need to hold back whatsoever, and that he will be the entire time, so at least there's no fear in the thrill of the strife they're being set up for.

There's not a long trip when it comes to making her way to the training grounds, considering Lord the Eleventh's house just so happens to be conveniently located nearby. So instead of rushing to her destination, she takes the scenic route, of which consists of lots of interesting scents and noises instead of sights. Freshly baked bread, recently cut grass, and the clamoring of morning footsteps and busy people fill her head, and she smiles to herself throughout it all. Soon, all that will be occupying her mind is the feeling of her fists making contact with skin tougher than her own, and she didn't even get the chance to learn more offensive techniques yet before all of this. With what she has, she'll figure something out, she reckons. There's probably not a whole lot he can do, either, after all. They're both Genin, regardless of if she just graduated. It'll be alright. She's been spending the last two years of her life in the event a fight could break out, so this should be a peace of cake.

Finally, she makes it to the training grounds, garbed in simple kunoichi's attire, her headband set firmly on her forehead, and a blindfold right under it covering her eyes. "No use in dirtying up the merchandise," was her thoughts on how she dressed for such occasions. Besides, the fishnet on her legs felt nice, letting the breeze filter through her clothing when need be, and the freedom of movement was also appreciated. Whether or not she got here first was up to how quickly her ally made it to the site in comparison, but whatever the case, she'll stand on one side of the arena dedicated to the area, her arms crossed as she lets the wind mess with her ponytail, of which she lovingly braided in the morning to make sure that it would not get caught up in a fight very easily. With hair as long as hers, you had to be cautious, after all. Her breathing is calm and collected, though she'd be lying to say she isn't nervous. If it really is Ren, she wants to impress the cocky asshat. He'd paid her due dividends on their first missions together, sure, but that isn't enough for her. Aura had to make sure he wasn't dealing with the average shinobi warrior anymore. No, she's Aura Yukimenoko, and she isn't here to play the damsel in distress anymore. It's time the world learned that, and it'd start with the most bullheaded kid she's ever met.

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Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:23 am
Ren woke up to the blaring of his alarm. and Leisurely got out of bed. He shuffled his way into his toady kitchen and made a cup of coffee. He had two missions to handle today. Luckily it seemed the the administration was finally willing to give him mission that he felt fit his skill level. A c-rank mission acting as a body guard and a c-rank mission reward training session with a new graduate of the academy. He was excited at first when he thought he would get to fight someone, but after he looked at the file he saw a familiar face. It's gonna be Aura? He was surprised and a bit disappointed. The girl might have a mean clone jutsu, but Ren didn't think she posed him much of a threat. He brought his plain dark mug up to his lips as he flipped through the pages. Ren wasn't going to be her new master or anything just show off his power as a way to encourage and train a newer genin. That seemed to be the purpose at least to him. But, I'll have to take it easy on her... He would usually never hold back against an opponent, but he remembered the protest incident. A young Kumogakure shinobi with a hole through their body. Blood trickling down his arm as he removed his fist. The shinobi was surely older and more experienced than the woman he'd meet quite a few times now. Though Ren did remember one moment where she had seemingly dealt with a fellow genin with a single blow. Ren smirked a little. Perhaps she was more powerful than the appeared. He turned up his mug and set the paper down on his empty pristine counter top. After placing the mug down he got into the shower to prepare for the day.

The boy was dressed no differently than he usually was. A leather top, a white fur cape, his headband as a belt, black dark pants, with the typical shinobi shoes. He walked into the arena right on time. His opponent was across from him. It seemed like they'd be doing the rule of two first. Are you sure you wanna do this first, Aura? We have people to guard after this don't need you all broken and tired. He might have sounded arrogant, but he was looking out for her...and his paycheck. He did a few stretches' expecting the girls general flare for danger as the coming response still he would hear it first before they started.

Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2970

Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:14 pm
Within a few short moments, it was easy to tell who she was feeling turn the corner. Fashionably on time, Ren Kaguya stands directly opposed to her, and by the last step he makes, she can reasonably assume that he's ten meters away. The sound of his voice makes her straighten her stance, attempting to be as still as possible in their presence, and not show any movement whatsoever. Complete concentration had to be applied here, and she wouldn't want him to believe she was at all afraid of their encounter. Plans aplenty flow through her mind, and she smiles widely at his surprisingly touching sentiment to not fight right here and now. Truthfully, he was correct in the logic of it all, but deep down they both knew who the winner was already here. At this point, this wasn't about winning, and more about sending a message; a message she would send with the cold, precise movements of her hands, and the contrast of what can only be described as an all out slugging to the face.

"Oh, please, we both know you're going to hold back the entire time, Ren. So save the lip, alright? Besides, this is about helping me get stronger, and you're just going to have to help me with that by seeing what I can do, and showing me what I can improve. With that in mind... fight start!" The white haired woman only gave him until 'start' was finished to actually react, before she goes about initiating the battle. For now, she's going to keep it simple, and give herself enough time to gauge his reactions to a sudden battle scenario. Swiftly, she sends herself backwards with a little leap, to give herself more distance away, and hopefully prevent her opponent from intercepting her hand seals automatically. Speaking of those seals, since they're in a non-lethal battle, she decides to show off to her friend by only activating her Ninjutsu with one hand. The seals of Tiger -> Horse -> Ram -> and the Clone sealare formed in that precise order, with a relatively fast pace. Assuming this is successful, two perfectly crafted Shadow Clones of her appear two meters in front of her current location, standing side by side. Unbeknownst to Ren, however, these weren't the simple illusions he remembers her being able to perform...

That realization would possibly be had when one of the two body doubles form the Ram hand seal, a puff of smoke surrounding them immediately afterwards... and in a flash, the first clone is traveling at speeds nearly double that of Aura's usual movements towards Ren, barreling at him through the use of the Body Flicker technique! Meanwhile, her secondary copy instead goes with the Dog seal, in which it transforms itself into a small brick wall, after guiding itself in front of Aura. It's essentially attempting to be a temporary barrier between Ren and the real person, presumably to give her additional time to plan her next moves. All of this, in the end, is the ambitious Genin putting different problems for her trainer to overcome, and maybe present flaws in her overall battle strategies. For now, she keeps at least five meters away from the newly made wall, alert for how they plan on reacting to the obstacles created.

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Last edited by Aura Yukimenoko on Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to add where the first clone was going while using Body Flicker.)
Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
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Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Tue Jun 21, 2022 12:07 am
Ren wasn't exactly ready for Aura to start the combat immediately, but Aura seemed confident that she would lose. Fair enough... He started as she suddenly began the fight all on her own. A bit hasty~ he would say as she leapt backwards he wanted to use his new technique to sweep her off her feet immediately, but that wasn't in the spirit of the mission. He was suppose to play the roll of an immovable wall for her to overcome. He hadn't given it much thought before now, but ending the fight immediately because she made a mistake or just because he could, wouldn't be all that useful to her as a lesson. She need to know what her limits were. She needed to use everything. Ren was determined to make her use everything she had. 

Ren just crossed his arms as he watched her weave her signs. One handed huh? He hadn't seen that before but the academy did mention that was something some shinobi could do. He let her jutsu go off and saw two clones appear. The number of hand signs were too high the normal clone jutsu, which he knew, so this was a full clone. Showing off huh? He would comment as the first clone rushed towards him using the commonly know body flicker technique. That jutsu isn't a teleport Aura you're still... right...there! Ren spoke as if he was timing the clones movements. When he swung, his fist collided with the clone who couldn't control herself at all and ran right into his outstretched attack. It disappeared into a puff of smoke after a short gasp from getting hit so hard. Without a word Ren shot forward at [70] speed and punched the wall causing it to also disappear into a puff of smoke. He'd seen the second clone transform into it and even if it was real he doubted he couldn't simple break through it with his [75] power [70] speed punch. You won't have time to think with an enemy barreling down on you. Ren commented as he saw Aura standing behind her makeshift wall. He would move directly at her at his full speed of [70] with an outstretched fist. There was no trick or jutsu just Ren's powerful body surging forth to deliver Aura to a non lethal world of hurt from 5 meters away. How would the girl respond? Regardless ren wasn't so daft to think this punch would connect. He was pressing her to get her to use something else. He would stay fully alert and prepared to counter anything she threw his way.

Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
Stat Page : Snowflake
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2970

Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Tue Jun 21, 2022 7:33 pm
At first, all Aura had was the sounds of her clone and Ren beginning to brawl. Just as planned, this doesn't last long at all, thus causing the Body Flicker double to dissipate with a small, strained cry. The impact is heard very clearly through Aura's keen hearing, and on top of that, she is then hit with the knowledge of Ren's terrifying speed and strength. For certain, if she ever got hit by one of his strikes in a true battle, there's a definite possibility she wouldn't get up again. Thank goodness this is a sparring match in essence, rather than him actually trying to seriously cripple or slay her where she stands. Dully she notes that if she herself were attempting what the clone tried, it'd be a major mistake on her point, but that was meant for distraction. Secondly, there's the fact that he's not done there, heading straight for the formerly brick wall copy of her, reduced to smoke by his mighty hands. Although the distractions were still indeed enough for her next plan of attack, admittedly he's much quicker than she anticipated. Luckily, she has the advantage when it comes to weaving hand seals with her own similar speed, and the sheer efficiency of her chakra control. "Alright, plan b," she thinks, a grim smile curling on her pink glossed lips.

Right before the destruction of her last Shadow Clone, the Yuki lady floods her body with a sudden surge of invigorating energy, through the use of Chakra Enhanced Strength. Not only is this going to greatly improve her strength, but it also ends up boosting her speed by the same amount, which would allow her to perform her next course of actions much more swiftly. Ripping off her overshirt with one hand, she utilizes her remaining free hand to cast the Tiger -> Boar -> Ox -> Dog -> Snake hand seals in quick succession, allowing her to target the very shirt she just tore off her body to turn it into yet another double, only instead of being a clone, it's more like a dummy. From there, she stands right behind it, and has it pose in a way that's easy for her to mimic from behind, which has her ducked in a way as though she's attempting to get ready and either defend, or strike at Ren. Indeed, that's exactly what's going to happen.

Inevitably, she expects the Kaguya, in his battle lust, to strike down her Substitution. Assuming she is correct about this, she's prepared to send a powerful sucker punch straight into his jaw, which while normally would result in basically nothing on her end, the enhanced capabilities she has acquired with her medical knowledge will let her actually get a decent hit in on him. The hope here isn't to damage him severely, though, because she doubts even this is enough to do a whole lot. Instead, this was merely to catch him off guard, as well as continue to show him what she can do, so she can then trick him a few more times before running out of any last minute ways to continue the fight. The reality is she is nowhere near ready for a true battle, and she knows it... so why not mess with Ren instead, so they can both learn more than they bargained for?

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Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 17500

Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Wed Jun 22, 2022 12:21 am
Ren saw the girl standing there as he barreled threw the wall and into a colorless version of Aura. This set him on alert. Even though he punched through the target, Ren had activated his bone armor to shield him from any incoming attack. He was right to be cautious because an attack came. The girl was ballsy enough to try to punch him on his chin. This little... He couldn't stop or react to the punch but the rock hard bone that shifted under his skin absorbed the attacks full power. As the punched landed squarely on his chin, Ren wasted no time acting and pulled his left arm back towards him and into his body. This created a cone of force like the boy was pulling the fabric of reality towards him. This cone stretched back towards him starting 3.5 meters away behind Aura. This cone covered a radius of 20 meters allowing almost no room for Aura to evade except towards the Kaguya boy. This pull moved at 95 speed and had a power of 95. His right hand had changed to a large grabbing hand. It would attempt to reach out and grab the girl by her throat. Ren was a hardened veteran of hand to hand combat even now that she was faster she didn't have a lot of places to move considering they were in punching distance. Should the grabbing hand catch his target she would be unable to move unless her strength surpassed 90. 

Assuming his maneuver had worked the boy would ask to be sure she didn't have anymore tricks. Do you yield? Gripping her tightly just enough so she would know that she was unable to escape, but not enough to truly hurt her. At least that was the Kaguya's intention. She wasn't half bad, but she wasn't half good either... This was suppose to be a learning moment for the both of them. Ren let his mind drift a little thinking of what he should say to her about what she did, and what she should do next. Am I even qualified for this? He started to think for once maybe he wouldn't have the answers. He was still getting stronger himself, but he was given this mission for a reason. This raced through his mind as he held the girl. What would he say next?

Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 2970

Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Wed Jun 22, 2022 2:13 am
On one hand, half her plan worked flawlessly, resulting in her fist connecting in a direct blow to Ren's jaw after he'd broken through her Substitution. Meanwhile, the other half of her strategy was greatly hindered by the fact his defense was practically on par with his offense, for a multitude of factors she has no way of knowing about. It felt almost like she was attacking a solid sheet of military grade steel plating with how tough this guy was, and he barely moved an inch from her as well, showcasing his ability to stay as sturdy as he was defensive. That's why when he decided it'd be best to essentially corner her in with more of his bones, when she attempts to step back to get some more distance, she falls right into his clever tactic, dragging her right back in so he could try and hold her in a death grip of sorts, of which she'd have no chance of escape with how much weaker she is in comparison to a Taijutsu specialist. This is why you left the physical combat to the pros when you can, because even with excellent chakra control, physical might sometimes is just going to outlast you in the long run. If her body could handle it, she would probably get into the physical arts as well, but she didn't need it. What she needs is more techniques to use... of which she has no access to now, rendering that point moot. Oh well. She has one more thing she can do before she's completely trapped.

Right as she's getting dragged in, she forms the Ram hand seal with a single hand, allowing her to conjure a small amount of water for her to spit right into Ren's general face area, with the Water Release: Fish Spit technique, once she's two meters away from him. Whether or not this actually hits, or even does anything is up to debate, since she couldn't get an accurate aim on him with the way she's being moved around, but when she's finally in that powerful grip of his, she doesn't try to resist at all, a silly grin on her curled lips. The moment he asks her the two word question, there's a nod from her as she wiggles against his tough grip, very happy that he isn't trying to hurt her, but still feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable with how close she's gotten to a real injury. At the very least, he's decent at holding back, which might be useful knowledge for her later. "Yep yep, I yield! I don't got anything else that'd be useful in a fight right now. Hopefully we can have a better fight later when I know a lot more~ Now... can you let go of me, please?" She requests, giggling like the trickster she is.

When she's put back down, she respectfully bows towards her sparring partner, and gives him a thumbs up, only a little bitter with how quickly this battle has ended. At least she isn't very tuckered out, and he's probably barely affected by anything that actually happened. Now there's more pressing matters for them to attend to, though the timing of it is not too close to their current position, so she at least feels comfortable with walking away, expecting the Kaguya boy to follow her. "So, did you figure out any advice you can give me, Ren? Also, did I help you figure out anything too? I hope I did, it'd be a shame if this was super one sided on the learning front, too." It's all she can think of to talk about right now, since their mission would come eventually, and they'd have plenty more time to speak to one another if they wished while they were escorting the couple they're in charge of. She wonders how pleasant they might be to stick around, or if she'll just hate every moment of it. Time will tell.

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Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 17500

Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Wed Jun 22, 2022 11:00 pm
When Ren was going to grip her neck he wasn't paying much attention to her hands. He was happy to have caught her. He didn't have a lot of other techniques to use that wouldn't hurt her in the process. In a way she had gotten close to defeating him as he'd bee forced to over step his bounds and give into his more hellish battle tendencies. He was glad he could get away with just the bone armor. His lack of attention did reward him with a splash of water in the face which was blocked by a plate of pure white bone shifting through his skin and blocking it. If the girl had working eyes she'd have seen his power clearly, but luckily for Ren she did not. Ren was glad she yielded without much of a struggle. Her smile kind of pissed him off though. It was like she wasn't scared of him. He wasn't doing to kill her, but if had gone on too much longer... Ren released the girl placing her on her feet rather gently in comparison to his usually personality. 

Yeah when you learn a few more techniques and hit a little harder I'll fight you again, but next time I won't hold back. He said crossing his arms giving her the once over. She didn't look any worse for wear save the spot where she'd punched him.. good. He wasn't worried about her more that she wouldn't be able to do the mission. He was hoping that since they'd been assigned again. She would do the talking and he could simply relax and look out for goons to punch. The girl started tottering away and Ren knew at this point that she expected him to follow. This unspoken communication was something he liked. He followed her, but now came the tough part. She asked for advice. He almost thought he'd get away with just winning the fight. Oh well guess it's time to do my job... He cleared his throat, and then spoke. Well for one you need more techniques. There are times when you might face someone as sturdy as me alone. You need to keep them away from you at all cost. Never do what you just did and try to punch a close combat fighter ever ever again. Even if I hadn't defended that punch wasn't going to do anything. Once again he spoke in a matter of fact way not intentionally condescending, but if could come across that way.

You were faster than I expected though that was good. He only said that because it was true. He also felt like this might not have made her really covet his power if he just told her what she did wrong. annd what did I learn? hmmm I learned that you're fair more mischievous that I originally thought, though that wasn't something I only learned today. I also learned that I should stop barreling through every obstacle just be cause I can. It has gotten me into to trouble. Ren was dense, but pragmatic. This wasn't the first time charging in had gotten him into a rougher spot than he expected. It was the fist time he got tricked by someone so weak though. He didn't want that to happen anymore. Did you learn anything? I don't think I'm actually a good teacher, not sure why they picked me for this. He was honest and open with the girl about his emotions in a non confrontational way even if it was just a little. Spending lots of time with someone will revel a crack in their armor every once in a while.

He would listen and walk with her until they made it to the meeting spot the couple was already there. They stood next to a fruit stand clearly over dressed for being out in the streets of Kumogakure, but they didn't seem like complete rich nobility assholes based on their appearance either. They had a bit of an air about them like they had worked out in the past. even so they looked nervous. Anyone would if their life had been threated. You'll do all they talking there about 5 meters ahead of you the nervous looking well maybe nervous feeling ones. lets get this over with. Ren attempted to point out the targets to the girl as they approached together.

Aura Yukimenoko
Aura Yukimenoko
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Ryo : 2970

Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:11 pm
Aura had time to reflect on what Ren had to say regarding their encounter before they made it to their secondary mission objective. Pretty much all of Ren's pointers were mostly solid, and in general she made a few mistakes due to feeling safe at that moment. That being said, by his own account, she should try to avoid close combat whenever possible if her opponent is an expert at such arts. That's easier said than done, in all fairness, but she may have to use the compliment she received for her speed as a way to attempt and handle herself better later on, once she's gotten access to better techniques, as well as a higher quantity of them. She actually had a decent amount, but most of them were for utility or support purposes, seeing as she was trying to become a medical specialist, not a frontline fighter. That being said, as for what she learned personally? Such an easy question to answer dear Ren. Supposing she owes him an answer, all she said in response to it was this; "I learned you're great at punching people."

Anyway, back to the actual mission; she had to do all the talking, right? That'd be fine by her. After all, she feels like Ren would probably intimidate their party if it came to it, without even trying. That just made her just as important as him, when it comes to dealing with any potential goons they might come across. Nodding quietly at her partner's directions, she stands right in front of the couple and greets them both with friendly handshakes, a wide and sunny smile on her face. The duo look rather goofy together, and maybe not the best shinobi material, but the enthusiasm in Aura's tone should hopefully carry them through the aspect of convincing them they'll be fine. Also, she holds up her identification card so they know who they are. "Hey, my name is Aura, and that's Ren! We'll be the Genin helping you out today. We heard you're scared of some pretty bad folks, but I can assure you that we will be alright. Ren here is very strong, he can literally punch walls open! And I might not be able to see, but I'll smell the filth before they even get close. So, get behind me, and Ren will stay right at your own tails, so you're nice and bunched up between us. We won't let you come to harm!" The couple looks rather confused, but they just silently nod and listen to what Aura has to say, their anxiety giving in and not letting them speak up at all. Seems they were taking this very seriously.

Fortunately for everyone involved, at the very least, no one actually attacked them the entire time they had taken them through their various shopping locations. Whether that be due to their large numbers, Ren's dangerous and frightening looks, or maybe just being offput by how much of a weirdo Aura is, it's safe to say the mission is a success, if not completely asinine and boring. Aura even picks up a few knick knacks for herself along the way, and to somewhat make up for how dull their time was, she bought Ren a coffee jelly at the dessert shop they stopped at, so he'd feel better. Of course, she didn't actually know how he felt, but it's a pretty safe assumption to have with how grumpy he is all the time anyway. With everything said and done, when the two grownups part ways with the dynamic duo, Aura tilts her head towards Ren and extends a hand to shake his, before walking away without a care in the world. "I'll file in our report this time, you can go home. Thanks for training with me, Ren- I'll promise to be stronger the next time we fight! Good work today, too."


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Last edited by Aura Yukimenoko on Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:00 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Changed Suiton: Mizu Senbon to Suiton: Wild Water Wave in claims)
Ren Kaguya
Ren Kaguya
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Untapped Potential [M - Ren] Empty Re: Untapped Potential [M - Ren]

Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:12 pm
Ren watched on as Aura handled all the talking. He would simply nod along to what the girl was saying he had no problem with going with her game plans. He didn't think he was the best at protecting people, but he'd at least be good at "punching people" as Aura had highlighted. That seemed to be all he was good at. He kept his head on a swivel watching as the crowd. The mission was uneventful it seemed all the action had happened in his fight with Aura. He was in a little bit of a sour mood. He didn't think he'd done very well in either mission, but the mood was lifted by the coffee jelly Aura gifted him. He was able to return to his usual levels of grouchy, once the mission was over and Aura offered to write up the repot. He'd finally learned how, but he still didn't really want to. 

Yeah you better be. I won't take it easy next time. He wasn't serious about that he'd probably do it again, but all the the same. He waved and the two separated for the day. A job well done, and a sweet paycheck on the way. Guess I'll get to keep my apartment yet...  



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