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Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Revealing Potential [Open, NK] Empty Revealing Potential [Open, NK]

Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:06 am
Yazuro would walk into the training ground, the sun shining and the birds chirping a beautiful song. It hadn't rained in a couple days so he had thought now that everything had fully dried up it'd be a perfect day to train. He was hoping that others would think so too, but it was not of a worry to him. He wouldn't mind if he trained alone but he'd much rather train alongside someone else and maybe learn the Fire Element, if they were up to teaching him. He had plenty of things to train though, so it didn't matter if he learned the Fire element now or later though. He needed to begin to further his knowledge within the field of Water Ninjutsu and was hoping to do so today. It'd be quite a struggle within his current state though, but hey that was why he was here, to get stronger.

He'd move slowly throughout the training ground and would approach the large body of water. He'd decide that he needed something that would improve his chances of winning in a match with another Genin, the Water Clone Jutsu. It would prove to be quite useful by outnumbering his opponent three to one and he'd even be able to use them to channel water jutsu, which would be amazing. Yazuro would start off by performing the tiger handseal and would remember that it'd be similar to the Clone Jutsu, he only needed to use the water to turn it into a solid clone. As soon as he performed the Tiger handseal water would begin to rise and something that looked somewhat like a body would begin to take shape. Although it'd suddenly drop as Yazuro lost control of his chakra.

He wouldn't stop there though, he was determined to learning this jutsu and would do anything to learn it. He'd once again start off with the Tiger handseal with himself as the image in his head. He'd begin to make the water take shape in the form of his body and would get somewhat closer this time but would once again fail. It had seemed that he was too focused on getting better that he couldn't focus enough on the image of the clone and controlling the chakra to make the clone. Yazuro would sit down on the edge of the riverbank and would attempt to clear his head of these thoughts. Hopefully when he attempted once again he'd be able to form the actual body of the water clone.

[WC: 422]
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Revealing Potential [Open, NK] Empty Re: Revealing Potential [Open, NK]

Sun Jan 31, 2016 1:17 am
Orokana walked into the forest, yawning, rubbing his eyes. He stayed up too late reading. As he walked around he saw a man playing in the water, he was tempted to walk up to him but said hell with it and sat down under a tree,he was going to try learning a new jutsu today, not a easy task but a doable one. Orokana felt the wind blow past him, as he closed his eyes slowly and slowed his breathing, relaxing his mind, emptying it. then he played with his chakra, molded it, moved it, he wanted to learn something new so he tried to do many things. One thing hedid was make a spark of lightning form in his hands. he knew he was good at lightning but he didnt know what else he wasgood at sadly, he wanted to get better but heknew he was weak, he needed to make sure he could save himself and maybe others, so he tried learning something about med jutsu.
(words 169)
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Revealing Potential [Open, NK] Empty Re: Revealing Potential [Open, NK]

Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:48 am
Yazuro would rise from his position thinking that he should possibly take a break but would be surprised to see that someone was sitting under the tree. It seemed that that the young boy sitting under the boy sitting under the tree was playing with his chakra and it looked like he was of the Lightning element, since lightning had jumped from one of his hands to another. Yazuro thought maybe it'd be interesting to train with the boy while sparring with him, if he was up for it.

Yazuro would walk over to him and would say, "Hey, my name's Yazuro Terumi. I was wondering if you'd like to train with me, by sparring? We could learn jutsu and train our bodies a bit, I guess." He'd then smile at the boy and would wait for his response hoping that he'd like to train with him. Yazuro had been needing to train with someone for quite a while and it seemed that this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. It'd help him learn the water clone jutsu and how to use them efficiently when he's fighting.

He'd also been meaning to learn a whole lot of other jutsu such as Hiding in the Mist and Water Trumpet. If this boy would spar with him, it'd be a great help and hopefully a few people nearby would hear the two of them sparring and would possibly join in allowing them to further themselves even more in the training. Which would be great since it seemed that Konoha needed more Chuunin and Jounin because most of the village had mainly consisted of Academy Students and Genin. 

[WC: 277]
[Sorry for the shortish post, just wanted to get a post out for you]
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Revealing Potential [Open, NK] Empty Re: Revealing Potential [Open, NK]

Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:18 am
Orokana sighed and looked up at the guy. "um yeah sure sounds like a good idea, im Orokana." He was a little annoyed but he never had a fight or a sparing match before so this would be fun, plus he could test out his new jutsu and try learning a new lightning jutsu. Orokana stood up and fixed his hair and sweater. He yawned and looked at the guy. "im ready when you are." Orokana said smiling. he started storing up chakra and was ready to do the sign he needed to do, but he waited till his partener was ready before he would do anything. By the way this guy was playing in the water he must use water ninjutsu, and maybe other jutsu like it. Orokana didnt have any offensive jutsu currently but he didnt worry, he has one jutsu that should let him win, he didnt need to worry orokana knew he had a good chance to win this match.

(333 words)
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Revealing Potential [Open, NK] Empty Re: Revealing Potential [Open, NK]

Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:15 am
Yazuro would walk back as soon as Orokana would say yes to sparring him, taking position. He'd then assume position and would look at Orokana as he did nothing, waiting for Yazuro to make the first move. So, Yazuro would make the first move and would perform the Tiger hand seal and water would begin to rise from the river making a clone of himself. It seemed that Yazuro had been successful enough to create one clone but wasn't sure if he was able to sustain it. Either way he'd still send the clone at Orokana and if the clone made it to Orokana in time he'd go to kick his ribs and then his throat and if that carried through he would sweep him off of his feet.

If all that was successful Yazuro would dispel the clone and would begin to charge at Orokana himself and would begin to jump and get ready to punch Orokana straight in the stomach. Although this probably wouldn't all follow through Yazuro still had hope that he'd be able to be Orokana unless he was able to pull out a trump card that would be able to defeat Yazuro almost instantly. Yazuro didn't think that Orokana had a trump card that strong, but it was still a posibility. Although, he'd need the Chakra required to be able to use the jutsu and he looked as if he was fresh from the Academy.

[WC: 240]
Jiro Kabi
Jiro Kabi
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Ryo : 2700

Revealing Potential [Open, NK] Empty Re: Revealing Potential [Open, NK]

Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:08 pm
Orokana looked up at the two of them and smiled Orokana had enough chakra built up to use his jutsu, bringer of darkness, this is his first time using it in a fight. He did the tiger handseal and casted it on both the clone and him. There eyes went black, they could see nothing but darkness (does 60 power, lasts two posts.). Orokana pulled out a kuni and went on the offense, he goes to run up to the clone, he was smiling. Orokana's plan was too blind his foe then either kill them or make them surrender, in this case he needed him to surrender. Orokana was a fresh student just turned genin but he was more then ready to fight, he just needed more jutsu and more chakra. Orokana wasnt a fighter but he had the egde in this fight, nothing can stop him at this point.
(483 words)
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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Revealing Potential [Open, NK] Empty Re: Revealing Potential [Open, NK]

Mon Feb 08, 2016 1:11 am
[Sorrrry, School has me busy I'll post sometime in these 2 days]
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