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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up! Empty Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up!

Tue Jul 19, 2022 4:41 pm
The clutter of footsteps along the sidewalks of Hoshigakure welled up inside of Toran’s ear. The tournament to decide who became a part of Hoshigakure’s Nova corps left a certain buzz and feeling to emanate around the village. This was a show of strength it seemed, given how the attack on the village was so sudden that there was no real time to prepare for it. The thought of what would have happened if the group that showed up ended up losing their lives in the aftermath was a terrifying thought. It gave him an almost sense of duty, he could help in the future if he trained enough to fight against others. Yet Toran was unsure of where to really start from here.

He remembered noticing how some liked to use blades or swords as a weapon in combat. Which did indeed interest him. Gleaming steel that reflected the light of the sun and moon, a sharp weapon that could always be on him was certainly desired. He remembered noticing that Yamato had carried with him a blade as well. Although he didn’t know if his sensei could actually wield the blade, or was it there simply for decoration? Toran would have to ask Yamato about that rather soon. For now though, it was a different matter of if he should buy a sword, or simply another weapon of choice. Or should he ask Morio if he could help him make a blade in the future. One that particularly held together in intense amounts of heat without breaking or melting. He felt the small gust of wind pelt at him during the hot spring day, it would only be a few more weeks until the end of spring and beginning of Summer. Oh how much of a joyous occasion that would be. Toran continued to walk along with the crowds for a moment, breaking off in order to grab something for himself to eat. He had acquired a fair sum of money during his time within the village doing missions and tasks for others.

Yet he hoped that Isemori was doing alright… He hadn’t seen him for a few months… Which made the boy worry about his good friend that taught him a move that he wishes to use more in his career as a shinobi. To be able to wield a weapon without having one, your hands were the best way of fighting in the shinobi world. Yet that kept on leading him back to wielding some kind of sword or other weapon that could be used to give a swift and efficient kill.


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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up! Empty Re: Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up!

Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:26 pm
The small click of metal meeting with the ground caused Toran head to wander over towards where all of that commotion was. The shuffling of feet going around him now as he decided to seemingly try and fight the crowd’s way in order to see where this lock suddenly was. The thirteen year old boy’s eyes are spinning to those scarlet red orbs. Causing a few people to simply walk past him further and further now. Toran felt those piercing stares burrowing their way into his own body. Like spiky little thorns being pushed directly into him. However it did allow him to grab the lock and bump into a seemingly fellow uchiha who had dropped the lock from earlier. Although he did not recognize her at first. Only now wondering if this was her locket actually.

“Heya, I heard that this thing fell to the ground? Is it yours by any chance? Would be a bit embarrassing if it wasn’t!” The small boy added, barely standing at the height of 5’2. Making him three inches shorter than Madara herself. A black jacket loosely hung around his arms. One of which has the uchiha’s fan emblazoned on its shoulder. Showing pride it seemed for the clan he was a part of as a result. His sharingan began to slowly dim as the two simply stood there inside of the Group of people walking around them. Toran notices a few others glaring at Madara, knowing that others as well would be glaring at the both of them. Toran could only do the best thing possible, he’d try and lead her out of the crowd so as to not draw so much attention to them. Still offering the lock that he had grabbed from the ground. Wearing a small smile the whole time as a result. The uchiha displayed a hint of confidence with his own ability. Perhaps he was being overconfident. But his smooth movement out of the crowd could make anyone at least guess that he was strong.

TWC: 775

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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up! Empty Re: Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up!

Sun Jul 31, 2022 5:04 pm
“Ah, you’re an Uchiha too, and no problem, don’t want people losing anything more than what- they already have lost right?”

His tad bit shorter height made him stand less out from the crowd, it allowed him sometimes to slink past even the thickest of people to remove himself from said crowds of people bustling to get to the next stop. Which made things perfect when Madara had decided to dip out from the crowd when she realized that they were becoming a bit of a nuisance to the rest of the people walking by the city square. Toran zips past a few people before being off to the side in order to begin chatting with his fellow Uchiha. His red vest flowed behind him constantly as he could tell that Madara was at least somewhat trust worthy to talk to. Especially with how she immediately didn’t get into a fight.

“Wait? You’ve fought Uchiha from outside of the ones here? That’s kinda unlucky actually! Well I hope you don’t have to ever fight against me!” Toran chuckled after Madara had done so, keeping his childlike excitement on hold for a moment. Scanning her up and down for a moment before she had asked him if he was still a Genin and what he specialized in.

“Oh! Well I actually specialize in Ninjutsu! But I was heading through the crowd in order to try and get my hands on a sword of some kind? Really wanna try my hand with a bit of Kenjutsu here or there? Never know when I have to get up close and personal with an opponent! What do you specialize in? If I may ask?”

His eyes slowly slid back over to meet hers, curious if the girl in front of him would give him the same kind of answers that he did. Curiosity was certainly getting the better of him, especially with how he’s talking with another Uchiha. Would that make them cousins? Some kind of relative at least in the grand scheme of things. So he’d just resort to referring to her by name… which he actually had no idea what her name was.

“Hey! Mind if you tell me your name as well? The name’s Toran!” Shooting out his hand and reaching out to try and offer up a hand shake towards his fellow clan member. It was surprising to see that there were other clansmen within the village. He wondered why he hadn’t seen her at all during his time within the village's walls. She did look older than him and a few of the other people within the village. Maybe she was some super advanced ninja like Hikari! Perhaps Madara had even left the village beforehand? Toran was curious as to who the person in front of them was, and what their name even was.


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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up! Empty Re: Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up!

Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:55 pm
Toran’s face shifted for a moment when he heard the name of Madara being ushered out from her own lips. It reminded him way too much about how Ise had apparently found out about his own sensei apparently attempting to flirt with someone by the name of Madara. Immediately the short Uchiha tightened his lips in order to prevent laughing as a result of the new information being brought forth right before him. Something about how he remembered that interaction with Isemori was something that he missed. His eyes staring back at her for a brief moment.

“If I may ask… Do you know someone by the name of Shinrei Yamato?” Toran asked with an innocent tone. Masking his intentions on why he wanted to know if she knew about his sensei, her reaction would prove to him whether or not Isemori was lying about Yamato potentially trying to flirt with the woman named Madara. Toran noticed that most of the crowd had gone as a result of the ever changing time. He wondered though mostly about Madara herself. Finding out that she was indeed a Genin made him surprised, he thought that someone as old as she looked must have been way higher than that of a Genin. Yet he was also on a team with a 20 year old and someone in their own late twenties. Everything felt so different for the young Uchiha, he always imagined that people within his own age group wouldn’t be comparable to adults or the older kids. Perhaps he was wrong on that account, Toran having yet to see just how strong some of his fellow Genin had become after the few months of time since the attack on Hoshigakure. Yet he wanted to simply make sure that everything would be alright for the village moving forwards, Toran worries about the village were more so from him not being able to do anything.

“But I’m not free at all! I’m only a child y’know! Although referring to you as Madara-San is kinda funny!” He exclaimed with a wide smile plastered on his face. A few people walking through the village gave an annoyed stare. Toran outburst seemingly causing some of the more garb wearing, religious looking folk to glare at the two of them. It only reaffirmed Toran mostly about the religious aspect of the village. Giving the Uchiha all types of creeps, Toran began to think upon what kind of mission would be useful for both the Uchiha to complete. It’d have to be something that complemented the both of them…. Toran however got the bright idea of simply hanging out and talking with Madara.

“Why don’t we simply hang out! I gotta know more about ya! Especially since I haven’t met you before!”


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Toran Uchiha
Toran Uchiha
Stat Page : The Wily Amusing Uchiha
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 62500

Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up! Empty Re: Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up!

Mon Sep 05, 2022 2:48 am
“Oh! Well it’s probably not important if you don’t remember it much. Although jeez, I thought Yamato-Sensei would be a lot more memorable.” Toran gave a small shrug with his own shoulders. Apparently dropping the topic altogether due to Madara not remembering much about Yamato himself. Who would have thought people would forget meeting Yamato. Toran could only give a small shake of his head without a second thought. Toran figured that it was best to begin with hanging out with Madara! Perhaps she could teach him all types of different jutsu if she was able to. Seeing Madara begin to play with and flick her hair back made Toran wonder why she readjusted her hair like that. He found the action to be particularly strange, given that he didn’t think that it needed much readjustment at all.

“It certainly would be great to hang out! I know I can certainly learn a lot from my peers! I’m the youngest on my team too!” He shouted without a care in the world. A seemingly more outspoken Uchiha then some would think. Yet when he mimicked her glancing up towards the skies itself. With the dark clouds seemingly materializing out of nowhere. Their whole talk would have to be cut a bit short as Toran gave a small goodbye towards Madara as a result. Dashing around the maze of people in order to quickly return back home. He knew that hanging out with other people then his parents would be great for him. Especially given that he didn't know what to do around his father anymore. His eyes flashed a crimson red at the mere thought of that meeting. He remembered seeing his own father’s eyes for the first time. However his father did not speak much of the matter. Only showing great worry that his own son would be cursed with these special types of eyes.


Bonus AP:40

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Ninjutsu Amplifier(B-Rank):1125/1125
Ninjutsu Amplifier(A-Rank):1875/1875
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up! Empty Re: Meet Up for a (Potential?) Team Up!

Thu Sep 08, 2022 7:31 am
Approved for both
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