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Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin

Mon Jul 04, 2022 4:11 pm
An Inquiry, and a suggestion.

Suika watched as the first of the trio would leave, the second however would stop; and inquire to speak with the kunoichi. She would give him a small smile, something that would seem genuine to him, but after years of mastery with micro-expressions and mastering the art of faking emotions; the smile was hidden in front of a blank slate of a woman with little no emotional care. This group: when they first entered had shown a lot of promise, and yet…. She found herself dissatisfied with the battle they had partaken in. She had seen their written exams; and had prepared herself from those and their own files as shinobi; she knew each one of them had been ‘wet’ behind the ears so to speak… But as quickly as the fight had started, it had ended rather un climatically.

Before Suika could answer, the third and final contestant of this battle of three would speak up, thanking her for the opportunity and chance to participate. She would nod her head; and turn her attention back to Karo, taking a seat once again, as she placed the folder on the table. “I’ve been apart of Sunagakure for a short time, before this I was what was considered a ‘missing ninja’, and prior to that a kunoichi of the village known as Kumogakure.” She would begin, “I’ve faced many a different opponent; and you’ll never find someone who is exactly suited for the style you wield. In this case, Jupiter was faster than you; perhaps even stronger than you physically. But yet, all three of you are new genin no? We matched you based on your abilities and capabilities. Something important to remember in any fight, unless you, yourself are able to fight in hand-to-hand combat, never place yourself in a position where you must. But even regardless of that, as a shinobi, as someone who wants to be promoted to chuunin of Sunagakure; you should be readily able to attempt to fight hand to hand in the most desperate of situations. Remember that you don’t need to be an expert of each type of battle style, but proficient enough to save your own hide, and perhaps those around you.

Her eyes would scan towards the third body who had yet to leave the room; knowing very well he was hoping to catch the conversation being had. “Jupiter is a strong opponent in a physical aspect, and you caught up in silly tricks that allowed for a close quarter battle, in the same sense, you could have used similar tricks to gain back you’re footing if you were careful. Just remember to pay attention to all of your surroundings, use the battlefield to your advantage. As a shinobi, nothing is a disadvantage unless you make it.

She would pause, thinking for a moment; “In the case of this battle, I think it’s a matter of time before you figure out your feeting, it will take time, and effort. But with time you will gain more experience; I suggest taking on more missions, perhaps join one of Sunagakure’s team? I have heard tell that some of the jounin of the village are planning on taking on students. Myself included. But you need to be able to gain some experience on your own as well as in a group. All good things take time, and if you don’t make the cut this year, you always have the next years exams.” She sighed, standing up, grabbing the folder once again; “All in all, you didn’t do bad, but you didn’t do great. Your somewhere in between right now. You have promise. Just practice hard and do your best in the next portion of the exam Karo.” She would smile, heading towards the exit, “That goes for you as well, Jupiter.” She mentioned as she walked past him, heading out of the building with the folder and back towards the Spire to return home.

It was a matter of time before the proctors would gather and have their meeting with the Kazekage. The chuunin exams were close to finishing, but there was just one last part. Just a matter of time before things would return to normal.


Post Word Count 702 || Total Word Count 1902 WC
1200 WC towards Blight of the Desert Trinity 3005/5000 + 1200 = 4205/5000 -- previous WC located here.

(These are from my original planned exit post, any new wc claims will be listed below. I figured to quote them to ensure there was no confusion seeing as I would have two posts with claims. <3 )

Adding the 702 WC from this post in my previous claim of the Blight of the Desert Trinity, making the WC total 4,907.
Sukiba Moeagaru
Sukiba Moeagaru
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 79000

Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin

Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:04 pm
Karo of course could not tell that the lady of Sunagakure herself was giving him a fake smile, at least, that’s what he hoped he saw as he stared back observing her and what she’d say next. His body firmly planted into the ground as he waited patiently for an answer to come from the Yuki if there was one. He knew how badly he messed up on this exam, he had failed to adequately assess the situation that he had been placed under. Not only that, but he decided to run at the individual who he knew was faster than him and most likely was stronger than him. It made Karo look and feel well…. Stupid. The great promise that he once showed seemed to have faded from most people's memories all together. That Karo… despite all the training and preparations he had for this exam… Ended up losing. The silence in light of his recent question that he asked of Yuki had been dawning on him for some time. Especially when Jupiter had also decided to try and get some words in on the matter at hand. Karo gave a small side glance view towards Jupiter before nodding his head quickly.

Her answer to his question came almost like that of a lecture in telling him that he had done something rather stupid in the almost nicest and mellow way possible. Like a stern talking to from his own parents for doing something simply dumb. It didn’t really fill him with the same kind of hope that he thought he’d have achieved by simply asking her a question. Especially given the amount of mistakes he had made as a result of his own incompetency. Especially with the last lines given to him about how he got lost in silly tricks and how he could have used similar tricks to gain an advantage.

“Thank you very much for your advice, I’ll use it to become a better shinobi then.”

And with that, Karo simply sauntered off, still a tiny bit sour about the loss, but not really angry at anyone besides himself. It did open up his head though for something as simple as tricks of the trade. He’d have to figure out how to tell a clone from the original, especially in high ninja combat in the future, no way would he fall for that kind of trick again.


100 Bonus AP

Exit & Claims:
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin

Sun Jul 10, 2022 6:34 pm
Approved for Suika and Karo And Jupiter (didn't see theirs at first)
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 6500

Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin - Page 4 Empty Re: Sunagakure Chunin Exam: Jupiter VS Karo VS Kin

Sun Jul 31, 2022 9:36 pm
Edits for Jupiter's Claims are approved
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