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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21390

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Earthen Path[Kaito]

Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:38 am
Yusuke walked over to the training grounds today at a relaxed place. I'll be on time this time! Yusuke walked through the streets of the hidden sand on his way to the training grounds. Today he wore his new lightweight body suit underneath his usual attire. The green camo half cape and pants combination never steered him wrong. He swept his hair back and pointed finger guns at two young girls passing by. They giggled at him, and Yusuke could have sworn he saw one of them blush. He smirked and kept walking. His face turned downward gaining a serious tone once he the training grounds came into view. He told Kaito that he wanted to learn more about earth release, and he had agreed to help him. Kaito seemed to be helping out the new genin more than anyone, but he still didn't know him all that well. Maybe we should get better acquainted.. Yusuke thought about what he knew of Kaito and was drawing a lot of blanks. The boy didn't talk about himself much. Or Maybe Yusuke talked about himself a little too much? Nah, I'll just ask him about his hobbies while we train. 

After a short time Yusuke finally made it to training ground 2 where he had first met to train with Kaito. He passed through the gate, and noticed he was actually early for once. As he looked around he noticed that there was nothing in sight. The empty grass field rustled in the wind. The trees were green and vibrant. One would never guess that this training ground was in the middle of the dessert. Yusuke stood in the middle of the lesser used training grounds taking in the beauty. He began to stretch out his arms and legs as he waited for Kaito to show up. A few deep lunges here. A few toe touches there. Since todays training was more about chakra control and usage, he wasn't sure how much stretching was really necessary, but it had become a habit. He did a few jumping jacks and push ups as well. He even started a quick jog around the grounds. The fresh air is really nice today... Once he'd finished his basic physical work out he was ready to get the ball moving. 

He looked to the sun and realized it was still a bit early. Man, all that break of dawn training I've been up too real shifted my sleep schedule... Yusuke remarked to no one in particular. In the short time he'd have to wait he became lost in thought about earth release.

What is earth release? Yusuke had known that fire release was super heating the chakra within his stomach or around him transforming it into flame. He had learned that after he had achieved the ability to use fire release. That nature transformation came to him naturally. He had circled and read a few earth technique descriptions in the encyclopedia, and they made sense logically, but he wasn’t sure how it should feel. He had guessed solidifying it to a level that creates earth. But what about utilizing the earth outside of my own body? Yusuke was struggling with the concept so maybe Kaito could clarify them. Kaito probably has really cool earth jutsu right? The boy's mind wandered even deeper, imagining Kaito raising a mountain to separate himself from the enemy or a giant rolling ball of earth to crush them. All of this scene was depicted with chibi representations. I’m sure I’ll get to see something cool today! Yusuke was resolved and returned to reality.

Yes it wouldn't be long now. He was sure Kaito was right around the corner ready to teach him every thing he needed to know.

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Sun May 08, 2022 2:40 am

A crisp breeze filled the air as Kaito strolled through Sunagakure's training grounds. It wasn't odd, rather normal for the nights and early mornings to be quite cold thanks to the snow-like conditions of snow when it doesn't have the bright sun to shine down upon it, but this didn't bother the young Inuzuka. In fact, he quite enjoyed a light cold as opposed to the typically blistering heat of the Wind Country.

On this rather normal and relaxed day, Kaito was going to do some one-on-one training with Sarutobi, Yusuke; one of Sunagakure's newest Genin. The two boys had first met on a short string of D-Rank missions and then did an intense training session and spar together before doing a patrol mission together not too long before, so Kaito felt as though the boys had come quite far in getting to know each other. There was a stark difference between now and when Kaito accidentally mistook Yusuke for an attacker on their first meeting, at least, so things seemed to be going in the right direction.

'He definetely seems much more practical than what I first thought...'

Kaito dwelled on things for a moment. Through context clues provided during their previous interactions and another Genin, Sumiko, reflecting on her time with Yusuke in the academy, Kaito knew that the Sarutobi had been a troublemaker. Or at the very least just a rambunxious kid who took playing around more seriously than his classwork. The boy liked to play tricks as well, something that Kaito witnessed firsthand when Yusuke had tried to trick him with a feign of fear during their training spar. Kaito knew too, however, that Yusuke was a hard worker. He had seen this hard work pay off on the missions that they had done together, and also during their time together with the Third Kazekage in the Eastertide Fairgrounds. Sure the boy may still have some playful antics up his sleeve, but that didn't mean he was any less of a shinobi.

In fact, Kaito felt as though Sunagakure was in great hands with himself, Yusuke, Sumiko, and Hinoishi.

The four of them would be the generation of Genin to lead the village to greatness, or at the very least keep Sunagakure great. The current Kazekage, Guren, was doing an amazing job of picking up the pieces the Second Kazekage had left him. The village's forces had been left in shambles by her disappearance, and along with her the disappearance of Kaito's best friend and mentor, Arantima. The Third Kazekage had wasted no time in getting things in order, and Kaito couldn't ask for a better Kazekage. In fact, he wouldn'tve minded having the chance to work under him. Kaito wanted nothing more than for Sunagakure and its people to be safe from any sort of harm, and he was willing to do just about anything to secure peace and prosperity for his home.

As Kaito thought about things, however, he realized that while he knew as much as he did about Yusuke, the other Genin and Yusuke himself barely knew anything about Kaito in return. While that was typical of the Inuzuka, stemming from the rather hard time he himself had during his academy days, he felt awkward about it all now. He wanted to be more open about himself with the others and to be someone that they could all rely upon, and he knew that deep down he would have to change this flaw about himself sooner rather than later.

Otherwise, it could ruin his chances of ever becoming the Kazekage...

'How can I ever become Kazekage if I can't even be upfront with my friends? Maybe I'll invite Yusuke out to some barbeque after our training so we can get to know each other better...'

Kaito soon entered through the gate to the Second Training Ground, where Yusuke had requested Kaito presence. The boy wanted Kaito to teach him about Earth-Release, and Kaito was more than happy to do so. He would've done it while training with the others in their last training session, but he had used up entirely too much Chakra to even dream of using what Earth-Style techniques he had up his sleeve. Today, however, his Chakra was all replenished and he was ready for some training.

Soon enough after walking a bit further into the training area, he could see Yusuke doing a light exercise and pre-workout regiment. He couldn't help but nod. He knew how important it was to stretch out the body before doing any sort of training, otherwise it could lead to cramping up or something more serious happening to the body. Kaito wouldn't be joining in the pre-workout exercises though, as he had already done them himself before leaving his house that morning, but he would make himself known to the Sarutobi.

"Yo, Yusuke!" He shouted from across the field, waving his arm in an inviting and friendly manner. "You ready to learn some Earth-Style?"

Earthen Path[Kaito] Pagebreak6

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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21390

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Wed May 11, 2022 7:13 pm
Yusuke's ears pirked up when he heard the other boy call out to him. Oi, Kaito-ni o/ Yusuke stopped his circular jogging and made his way over to Kaito. I'm very ready I've seen you got a few cool techniques I want to pick up~ Yusuke batted his eyes extra and tried to turn up the charm if for only a moment before he returned to normal and pulled out his Justu encyclopedia. The book had seen more use since the last time Kaito had seen it. He flipped threw the pages and found the earth section. 

Okay so, I picked up a few earth style jutsu just from watching and thinking about our spar. I've read about a couple that seem useful too. First Yusuke weaves the hand signs Ox-> Serpent -> Boar with just one hand and then slams the palm onto the earth below with a quick crouch. Right belowe him and Earthen wall sprouts from the ground as he focuses on the book. He brings his hand to his chin as he flips the pages, and descends the wall with a small hop. Found  'em! He barks  as the book is turned around for Kaito to see. This Rock shelter seems like a good move for lots of reasons, and the Earth Pillar spear move is pretty versatile as well. He shows the techniques on the page, which details that they are pretty simple earth style techniques that any practitioner could learn. Rock shelter is a 360 degree defensive technique, and earth pillar spear does double duty on offense with the option for defense in a pinch.

Yusuke beams for a second proud of his careful coming of the text, but then he turns to another page. The next one I think would be useful is Earth Turning palm it seems like very useful way to take out target quickly! He once again shows it to him on the page getting very close to Kaito almost touching cheeks as they share the book. I've seen you use a couple of Earth style moves that I never really new about though so here goes my best guess. On the patrol mission you used the Moving core jutsu right? I'd love to learn that one! Then first one I saw was probably the stone pistol jutsu! and there was this swamp mud jutsu? I can't find it in here what was that one? Yusuke looks at Kaito with an obviously excited look in his eyes. He's ready to get going.

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Mon May 16, 2022 1:00 am


Yusuke seemed more than ready to get right down to training with Kaito. He showed a rather exorbitant amount of charm, which Kaito chuckled at, before pulling out his own copy of the Jutsu Encyclopedia. Even though it hadn't been long since their last training session together, the book had definitely seen a lot more use from the last time Kaito had come into contact with it.

'He's been keeping up on his studying and training...'

The Inuzuka watched on intently as Yusuke formed some very familiar hand signs. Right underneath the pair of them, an earthen wall began to form. It would raise up to be ten meters in length, five meters tall, and two meters thick. Kaito would allow himself to stand upon the "Earth-Style: Wall" as it formed and continued to stand upon it with crossed arms as Yusuke continued to flip through his book.

'A B-Rank Earth Wall, huh... Not bad for a newbie.'

Once Yusuke found what it was he was looking for, he would turn his book over for Kaito to have a look. Kaito obliged and hopped down from the wall, landing in a crouched position to absorb any impact before rising back to his full height. The Sarutobi explained that he wished to learn both the "Earth-Style: Rock Shelter" and "Earth-Style: Earth Pillar Spears" techniques. Kaito himself knew how to use the "Earth-Style: Rock Shelter" technique, but he did not know how to use the "Earth-Style: Earth Pillar Spears".

"So the good news is, I know how to us-" Before the Inuzuka could finish what it was he was saying, Yusuke had already flipped to another page of the encyclopedia and began to comically push himself closer and closer to Kaito. Kaito only shook his head and punched his fist downward upon Yusuke's head. He didn't hit him hard though, just enough to leave a small goose egg upon the boy's head. "Our first lesson is going to be in personal space." Kaito glared at Yusuke for a moment to garner his reaction before laughing. "I'm just playing, Yu. I know you're more than ready to get things going. I, for one, am glad to see this. With rumors of a Chūnin Selection Exams afoot, we all need to train as much as possible..."

Kaito readied himself and turned around to stand two feet to Yusuke's right side. He would allow himself to create a single "Shadow Clone" and he ordered it to stand eight meters in front of them. As the clone backed away to the position that the real Kaito designated, the real one slowly performed the "Tiger" -> "Boar" -> and "Snake" hand signs before crouching down to the ground and slamming both of his open palms upon the grass below.

"Earth-Style: Rock Shelter Jutsu!"

A half-sphere of stone erupted around the two Sunagakure Genin to form a dome five-meters in radius. He made sure to leave two sets of peepholes to correspond with the height of their respective eyes, but Kaito didn't bother to look up outside of the shelter. Instead, he directed his attention directly to Yusuke.

"This technique here is called the "Earth-Style: Rock Shelter". As I was trying to say earlier, out of this and the "Earth-Style: Earth Pillar Spears" technique, this is the only one that I know. I wouldn't mind learning the other Jutsu, however, so we can learn that together here in a bit This shelter though is solely defensive. Clearly it can hold a lot of people and objects inside of it, which means it is a must-have for us Earth-Style users. It is also really stout, so depending on which level you use this Jutsu at, it can be nearly indestructible. That, however, is where my clone comes in." Kaito looked out of his peephole and directed Yusuke to do the same from his. "Okay! Use a basic Stone Pistol Jutsu!" The clone did as directed, hurriedly forming the hand signs for the D-Rank version of the "Earth-Style: Stone Pistol Jutsu". At [60] speed and with a decent [60] health to them, a total of five bullets were shot from the clone's mouth. They hurdled ungidedly into the barrier. They would be way too big to fit through the peephole, as this was something that Kaito had planned for, but the stones did nothing to really hurt the shelter with it's vast [65] health.

Once the assault was over with, Kaito would look back over at Yusuke.

"See what I mean? Those rocks had nothing on this shelter of ours. Now on the other hand, I would like to show your what can happen should it get destroyed." Kaito looked back outside of the peephole towards the clone. "Now hit us with the best "Taijutsu: Elemental Armor" enhanced "Speed: Sparrow" that you can! Make sure to amplify it as well!"

The clone nodded and performed the hand signs for the "Taijutsu Amplifier" technique. It then took a running start towards the shelter, and as it did, an aura of Chakra erupted from it and loose rocks and stone from the earth around it began to encase it in an earthy-like armor. Once the clone was two meters in front of the half-sphere, it would leap one meter into the air and twist its lower body to the right. As it got within kicking range of the shelter, it would untwist its body and hit the shelter with a truly tremendous [80] power.

"Step back to the center of the dome, Yusuke." A loud crashing and cracking sound erupted from the dome as the leg of the clone connected with it. Large cracks formed from the location the clone's leg made contact on the outside and within a few minutes daylight could be seen from the point of impact. The rest of the dome too quickly began to fall in upon itself. "Okay! Jump clear!"

Kaito would jump back through an opening in the wall behind him that had formed as the shelter began to crumble down to the ground. He would make sure to land five meters away from the shelter itself, and by the time Yusuke would join him the shelter would have all crumbled down to nothingness. Kaito would give his clone a thumbs up and the clone would return it before dissipating and returning all of the its Chakra back to the real Kaito. He would again direct his attention over to Yusuke.

"And that, Yu, is only one example of what can happen should you use that technique and it get destroyed." The Inuzuka would pause for a moment to grab the drink flask out of his pouch and take a swig of the water inside of it before replacing it back into his pouch. "Now I wanna see you do it."

Earthen Path[Kaito] Pagebreak6

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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21390

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Tue May 17, 2022 5:38 pm
Ow! Hey, cut it out ahah Yusuke laughed as Kaito nuggied him. It felt like they were slowly becoming closer. Yusuke would even dare to call the boy a friend. Alright, alright don't get your panties in a twist Kaito-ni- He moved slightly away and was going to continue, but It turned out Kaito was just messing with him. heh. Right, I heard they might start soon and I want to win. I've got a lot riding on this so remember I won't be showing you any mercy if it comes down to it. Yusuke crossed his arms and smirked. He watched as Kaito got busy preparing a demonstration of the Rock Shelter Jutsu.

The jutsu closed around them creating a barrier. Yusuke smiled. He thought the earth wall was a pretty good jutsu, but the rock Shelter could protect others while also hiding himself from view. Kaito explained the Jutsu and directed his shadow clone to use the rock pistol jutsu on them. Yusuke nodded along and observed, now totally focused on the jutsu. The rocks clashed against the shelter, but they couldn't break it nor fit through the peep holes. Yusuke watches the clone through the peephole, and sticks his tongue out at it. Yeah this is a pretty tanky jutsu. I think it covers for my water weakness pretty well. Yusuke knew that Kaito knew he could use fire techniques mainly so he felt it was fine to say water jutsu were his weakness. It was also only half true.

Oh shit he's coming... Yusuke listened to Kaito's instructions and backed away from his peephole. He waited for the rock shelter to begin to crumble. He then leapt in time with Kaito. He would land just a moment behind him clearing the crumbling shelter. Alright I think I got it.

Tiger then Boar and finally Snake, Yusuke weaved the signs just as Kaito did and produced a dome in the same manner that Kaito had around the pair. Yusuke's knack for sensing Chakra and learning from it was on full display. The dome was perhaps even a bit sturdier than Kaito's. Hahaha! Nice work Kaito-ni I figured it out thanks to you. You should consider being a teacher. Yusuke laughed loudly and proudly, but he was serious about Kaito's teaching capabilities.

Yusuke would release the jutsu letting it crumble around them. The next one to learn was Earth Pillar spears. So you don't know the next one huh? Oh well. we'll figure it out... Yusuke quickly weaved the sins Bird then Dragon then Monkey and slammed his hand on the ground. Yusuke did what he usually did when learn a new jutsu, throw an obscene amount of chakra at it. He tried to form a spear out of the earth manipulating it similarly to the rock shelter or an earth wall, but sharper and taller. The earth rose into about three of such spears as his chakra had directed. Unfortunately the spears were extremely tall and the point was not very sharp looking. They were almost blunt. Tch, I guess I'll need to give it a bit more practice. You wanna give it a shot? Yusuke turned to look at Kaito. Then maybe we can move on to Earth Turning palm, the swampy move, and the moving earth core. Yusuke was really ready to go on to the other Jutsu. He felt he could figure this one, Earth turning palm, and the moving core alone, but the swap and Kaito's larger earth moving core he would certainly need his help. I hope he's down for it... Yusuke watched Kaito's face carefully.

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Wed May 18, 2022 12:00 am


Kaito looked on as Yusuke prepared to attempt his own version of the "Earth-Style: Rock Shelter" jutsu. He had no doubt in his mind that Yusuke could perform the technique. Hell, the boy could probably perform the technique better than even himself.

'His knack for chakra control is really nothing like I've seen before...' Kaito allowed himself to feel outwards for Yusuke's chakra signature as the boy performed the "Tiger" -> "Boar" -> and "Snake" hand signs, and he didn't like whatever it was he felt. In fact, homing in on the signature almost made Kaito physically sick. It was surely different from when he had previously been around the Sarutobi.

It was darker... colder...

With narrowed eyes, Kaito began to ponder to himself.

'What in the world did he do to himself?' The boy was about to open his mouth and question Yusuke on his actions regarding the new feel to his chakra signature, but for the first time in a long time his other self spoke to him...

'Hypocritical as always, Kaito...'

Kaito closed his eyes with a sigh. Of course, his other self would have to speak up at a time like this.

'What do you mean by that?' He asked inside his head, having a full-blown conversation with the darker half of his personality.

'I mean what I said. You're hypocritical!' A figment of Kaito's dark half met the Inuzuka's eyes. It appeared as a black silhouette reminiscent of a wolf standing upon its hind legs, and it had deep crimson red eyes. 'You can't stand the sight of someone who has obtained true power, can you?' Kaito was taken aback by what the other him said. The other Kaito must have noticed this and laughed. 'You're just pissed off because you couldn't find true power yourself. That's why I was created in the first place!'

Kaito tsked.

'You are so damn full of yourself, you know that? Can't I show a bit of concern for m-'

'Its not concern, you dumbass! Its jealousy!' The dark Kaito allowed themselves a moment to calm down before letting out a sigh and wrapping an arm around the real Kaito's shoulders. 'Just remember the reason I'm here is because you need me. Not the other way around. And don't question the child about how he obtained that power of his. Instead, embrace it. Let that power take grasp of him and use it to your own advantage.' The dark Kaito began to walk away into the pitch-black darkness of Kaito's subconscious. 'He just may become a powerful asset in the future...'

Kaito shook his head from side to side as to shake away the other him from his subconscious before opening his eyes back up. As he did, he could see that him and Yusuke were again inside of an "Earth-Style: Rock Shelter" dome, this one of Yusuke's creation. As Yusuke was saying that Kaito should possibly become a teacher, Kaito allowed himself to feel walls of the dome with his hand. It sure was sturdy, much more than his own in fact.

'This really is impressive..'

Kaito could feel his blood begin to boil a bit, but he couldn't tell if it was jealousy or if he was just getting hyped up that Yusuke was getting a good grasp on their training.

'Maybe the other me was right..' Kaito quickly shook his head from side to side again. 'No! I'm not jealous! I'm just happy for Yusuke, damnit!' Kaito couldn't help but slam a fist into the wall of the dome before snapping back to reality. He looked back at Yusuke, who wore his typical happy expression, and Kaito chuckled.

"Ah, I could never be a teacher, Yu." Kaito said with a slightly forced smile. "Sure, I may have the mental capacity to do it, but that would mean being cooped up in a classroom all day. I need to be out in the field... I need to hone my skills and put them to good use to protect the village itself and its people... That is why I strive to become the Kazekage someday." As Yusuke allowed the "Earth-Style: Rock Shelter" to crumble around them, Kaito would change the subject. "You did an awesome job with that Earth-Style: Rock Shelter though. A fantastic job, really."

Yusuke would immediately decide to move on to the next section of their training. This would involve the "Earth-Style: Rock Pillar Spears" technique, something that Kaito himself was unfamiliar with still. He would take a glimpse into the Jutsu encyclopedia that the Sarutobi had brought with him and practice weaving the hand signs for a moment as Yusuke performed the technique himself. He seemed to do a decent enough job of creating the spear, even if it did appear more blunt than sharp, but Yusuke seemed a bit displeased with his creation. He would then invite Kaito to give it a whirl, to which Kaito obliged full-heartedly. He would make sure to stand clear of Yusuke before closing his eyes and focusing his Chakra into his gloved hands.

"Bird -> Dragon -> Monkey -> Boar..." Shooting open his eyes, Kaito slammed both of his hands upon the ground at his feet. "Earth-Style: Rock Pillar Spears!" With [65] speed, a total of ten pillars would rise from the ground, covering a tight five-meter raidus around the Inuzuka to form a defensive wall of sorts. The spears were also shaped to be reminiscent of pikes rather than spears, and rose from the ground at an outward forty-five-degree angle to stand one-meter in length each. He looked at Yusuke with a slightly competitive smirk before focusing his Chakra into the Jutsu again. " Let's see what one of these things are made of, huh?" Without awaiting a reply from the other boy, Kaito would focus his chakra into the spear directly in front of him and launch it from the ground and into the air at [65] speed. It hurdled through the air as though it had been thrown like a javelin, arching at the maximum height of its angle and sticking harshly into the ground a whole twenty meters away. The spear had enough force behind it to actually stick a whole two meters into the ground itself, more than enough to acutely kill a person in combat should it come down to it.

"Geez!" Kaito exclaimed, looking back towards Yusuke with a bit of excitement on his face. "Someone could really do some damage with that if they practice enough!" Kaito would immediately allow the other spears to crumble into nothingness; their purpose having been served. He would then address the other techniques that Yusuke had wished to learn. "But moving on with the training, I myself do not know the Tearing Earth Turning Palm technique. I do know the other two Jutsu that you desire, but first I want to focus on that one I don't know." Kaito motioned to borrow Yusuke's encyclopedia again and flipped through a few pages until he came across both the "Tearing Earth Turning Palm" and "Moving Earth Core" techniques. "Here we go." He said, inviting the Sarutobi to stand next to him so they can look into the book together. He would make a point of focusing the boy's attention to the "Moving Earth Core" technique. "In order to learn the Great Moving Earth Core that you saw me use the other day, you must first learn how to use this technique here. The Great Moving Earth Core is a much more advanced version of this technique, and as the saying goes, you must learn to walk before you can run. But lets get started first with that Tearing Earth Turning Palm technique before we move onto that..."

Earthen Path[Kaito] Pagebreak6

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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21390

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Wed May 18, 2022 10:55 pm
So Kaito wants to be Kazekage huh? Yusuke thought. He couldn't imagine Kaito becoming more powerful than Guren was, but Guren would get old eventually right? Someone had to carry on the legacy of the sand why not Kaito? Yusuke wasn't interested in such a position. He knew where his goals were. He wanted to make a place for his clan at the table. Be a part of the room where it happens. He need to rise the ranks and gain influence, but the office of the kazekage was much too public and much too demanding for him to move freely. The position of Deputy or shadow kage seemed like where he wanted to land at the very most. He wanted his exploits to be known, and he wanted to have power, but he didn't need to be the face. A supporting role a dager in the night. That's what Yusuke Sarutobi wanted to be.

Teachers can teach from anywhere even the kazekage's office. This thought made him wonder what did Guren have to teach him? Perhaps next time they met he would ask Guren some personal questions he didn't know much about the kage aside from his blood and space time jutsu and his name. Where was he from What other techniques did he know? Who were his mentors?... There were endless things that the boy could gain. I won't be star struck next time we're alone...

Kaito had complimented his skills in the rock shelter jutsu, and watched him as he performed his next trick. Yusuke wasn't expecting it to be perfect on his first try, but he also didn't expect Kaito's performance either. He watched as Kaito gave it a shot at his behest, and was shocked to see the boy ace it. Damn I thought I was a genius or something... Yusuke smiled anyway though seeing it performed correctly right in front of him meant he would nail it on his next go for sure. Yusuke was getting confident that he could learn any fire or Earth technique after a demonstration.

Kaito informed him about the moving core series of jutsu, but wanted to go for the turning palm jutsu first. Alright I've had my eye on this one for a bit longer so I'll get it first try!~ Yusuke couldn't help, but turn this training session into a bit of a competition. The two boys would likely end up competing in the chunin exam after all. Alright focus Yusuke don't screw this up you only need to affect the layer of earth at the top...You don't need to destroy just shift it like a rotation. Yusuke though to him self and closed his eyes he honed his chakra and senses. He felt the natural energy of the world around him and expelled an extra nature chakra that could be harming his control. I'll have to thank Enryu later... He though before he weaved the signs "Boar -> Ox -> Serpent" and slammed his hand on the ground. He also makes a small turning motion. The earth begins to shake and stir. Then an earthquake happens in the area in front of Yusuke and Kaito. The ground is rends and ruptures in a controlled area of around ten meters. once the shaking stops Yusuke stands up with his hands on his hips.

hahaha! Looks about right! What do you think Kaito-ni Yusuke smiles brightly proud of himself for getting the job done. But then it hits him. He's using more chakra than he usually does The nature energy starts to fill the void left by his expended chakra. His eyes go wide for just a moment as he returns to equilibrium. Easy we trained for this... Yusuke was still working on maintaining control, but everyday life wouldn't send him too topsy turvy. He was confident that he could hold out until the end of this training... most likely. 

You're turn Kaito-ni and after you nail it go ahead and show me the moving core jutsu~ Yusuke winked and tilted his head before giving Kaito some space.

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Fri May 27, 2022 11:12 pm


Kaito watched on as Yusuke would well the Chakra up within his body before performing the necessary hand signs and slamming his hand upon the earth. Suddenly, the very ground beneath their feet would begin to shake violently and start to crack and shift.

After completion of the Jutsu, Yusuke would look to Kaito with much excitement.

"Great job, man. That Jutsu will sure come in handy one day." Kaito would crack his knuckles, now even more excited. "But now its my turn..." Kaito quickly began to form the "Boar" -> "Ox" -> "Serpent" -> and "Snake" hand signs before slamming an open palm upon the earth. In much the same manner that Yusuke's attack worked, the earth one meter directly in front of Kaito began to shake and splinter with [65] speed and [65] power. Unlike Yusuke's version, however, Kaito's utilization of the technique covered a larger 20-meter radius.

But that was the difference between Yusuke and Kaito, and Kaito wanted to keep things to where he would be the top dog...

He just had to...

Once Kaito was finished performing the "Tearing Earth Turning Palm Jutsu", he would turn towards Yusuke and smirk.

"Hmph. How did you like that, Yu?" Just as Yusuke was responding, he would toss his book onto the ground next to Yusuke and begin to form the "Hare", "Ram", and "Snake" seals. "Moving Earth Core!" A 2x2 meter cube beneath Yusuke's feet would sharply rise from the ground at [60] speed, coming to an abrupt halt once it reached a total of 40 meters. Kaito knew that it was a bit of a mean trick to pull on Yusuke, but Kaito also knew that the Sarutobi learned best from doing, not being shown. If the boy wanted to get down, he would have no choice but to pefrom the same "Moving Earth Core" technique that Kaito just used.

"How's the weather up there, Yu?" Kaito would ask his friend with a bit of a laugh, one hand placed upon his hip as he shielded the sun from his eyes with the other. "My book should still be on the page that has the Moving Earth Core on it, and I know that you learn best by actually doing the thing that you're trying to learn, so if you want to come back down from there, you know what you've gotta do."

Earthen Path[Kaito] Pagebreak6

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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21390

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Sun May 29, 2022 8:05 pm
"Tsskk not bad Kaito-ni" Yusuke tapped his foot and looked away. I guess that's all the jutsu that we both needed to learn huh? What's the sco- Suddenly, when Yusuke had attempted to tally who had done the most jutsu successfully, he was raised by a slab of earth into the air a total of forty meters into the air. 

What the heck Kaito? What are you- Ahahaha I know what you're after I'll lower myself in no time flat! Yusuke picked up the book and started to read back all the steps of the technique. The feeling of how Kaito had manipulated his chakra was unmistakable. He had used his chakra to cover and area and form more earth while liftinig the area head covered. No that's not it... Yusuke thought again. It was like he was simply shifting the already present area of earth he had covered with his chakra prompting it to eject the small square he now stood on.

 Alright I got it~ Here it goes! Hare then Ram the Snake. Yusuke weaved the signs as the book stated manipulating his chakra around the earth through his feet. His chakra reached to the earth prompting it to return to it's normal state. It was a strange jutsu less forceful than other earth jutsu Yusuke had felt. Once Yusuke had returned to the normal height he smirked in the direction of Kaito. HA! Nice try Katio-ni, but a C-rank jutsu won't keep me stuck anywhere for long~ Now let's get on to the last two jutsu and then maybe we can get something to eat?  The boy was pretty hungry he hadn't had more than a banana for breakfast. Even still, he wanted to learn the two jutsu he'd seen Kaito use before even more than he wanted to fill his gullet. 

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Earthen Path[Kaito] Empty Re: Earthen Path[Kaito]

Mon May 30, 2022 2:45 am


Yusuke was able to lower the earth down with his own version of the "Moving Earth Core" technique, something that Kaito had no doubt about. The Sarutobi would seem to get a bit too big for his britches, however, and this made the competative side of Kaito come back to light.

"The C-Rank version might've been a piece of cake, but now comes time for two of the single most powerful Earth-Style techniques in my arsenal. There is one more, an S-Rank, but this is not the time or place for that monster of a Jutsu." Kaito would turn to the right before cracking his knuckles in preperation to perform the last two techniques that Yusuke needed to learn. The boy would then ask the Inuzuka if he wanted to join him for food after.

"I can totally go for some grub once we finish up here. I know just the place to go too, but pay close attention..."

The Hound of Sunagakure would slowly perform the "Hare" -> "Ram" -> "Snake" -> "Hare" -> "Ram" -> and "Snake" hand seals in succession, allowing the Chakra to build up in his hands before slamming them down upon the ground before him.

"Great Moving Earth Core!"

The entirety of the training ground began to shake and rumble ominously a mere second after Kaito slammed his hands down. With [75] speed and power the ground five meters in front of the duo would begin to sink down towards the center of the earth. It would become the shape of a 10x10 meter square, but while the original "Moving Earth Core" that Kaito had performed only went up 40 meters in total, he would allow this "Great Moving Earth Core" to sink as low as it possibly could; 200 meters in total. This would only be the second time since learning it that Kaito had found himself using it, and he felt really good about it's performance. He would look over at Yusuke before continuing.

"That, my friend, is the difference in power between the normal  "Moving Earth Core" and the advanced "Great Moving Earth Core". If you remember correctly, I was able to use it and the "Swamp Of The Underworld" to capture those missing-nin trying to scale the cleft wall and break into the village. While that is not the only combination that can be used with this technique, it is by far one of the most effective. But now I am going to perform the last technique on your list." Kaito would take a total of twenty meters back. "I definitely recommend stepping back a bit unless you wanna get caught in the quicksand."

In much the same manner that he performed the last set of hand seals, Kaito would now do the same for the "Boar" -> "Tiger" -> "Ox" -> "Dragon" ->"Monkey" -> and "Bird" hand seals.

"Swamp Of The Underworld!"

The dark brown swamp would begin to form three meters from the edge of the new hole in the ground, expanding outwards to cover a 15-meter radius. It would begin to create a waterfall effect as it poured down into the hole. Once it was done, Kaito would direct Yusuke to walk with him to the swamp's edge.

"And that, Yusuke, is the "Swamp Of The Underworld". It has the potential to drown an oponent and is very good for the shaping the terain to one that only you can use. I mean that literally, as for whatever reason nobody other than the user of this Jutsu can use that muddy earth for other Earth-Style based attacks." Kaito would pause for a moment as he turned to his best friend. "A true power move in deed, and once you successfully perform both of those techniques we can go grab some food."

Kaito would wait for Yusuke to successfully perform both of the Jutsu he had presented to him, giving him pointers and other helpful tips along the way, and once Yusuke was ready, he would wrap things up and walk with Yusuke back into the village to get a bite to eat.


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