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Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain)

Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:14 pm
Ty was still in shock from the sudden stab when he felt Loghain healing the wound. It was a completely unexpected turn of events and he was glad to have a partner with a cool head. The wound wasn't that serious and Typhon could have healed it easily himself had he stayed focused.

"Thanks friend. We need to hurry and catch up." He would say weakly.

After the bleeding had stopped he would get to his feet and steady himself. He nodded to his partner and followed the wolf in the direction of his attacker. The kid holed himself up in a mausoleum. Not a great idea considering there were no windows or back doors. Loghain yelled out to the boy with an intimidating voice. This was the first time Typhon was seeing the man like this. Usually he was quiet and polite but in this moment there was a certain ferocity in him. Adrenaline was pumping from the sudden seriousness of it all.

The young genin was still unsure why he was stabbed. Was the child afraid of him because of something he said or did? Or was it simply just prejudice against shinobi in general? To think that hatred could be so deep seeded seemed unlikely but not impossible. All he knew was this child was clearly afraid and cowering inside somewhere. The pair had two choices on how to deal with the situation; They could have Loghain go inside and drag the kid out, or they could try and handle it more peacefully.

Still clutching his fresh wound he would turn to Loghain and say quietly, "I think we've got to set an example here. This kid is afraid of shinobi, let's not give him another reason to feel that way."

Ty would call out to the kid, "You're trapped in there. Come on out and we can talk. You have my word that I'm not out for revenge." It was a sincere plea and he hoped it would work. He didn't want to see the situation get any worse.

To his surprise the child actually came out the door after a few moments. He had tears staining his face and he was obviously fighting the urge to keep crying. Through sniffles he would manage to say, "I-im sorry... I g-g-got scared and panicked. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt!"

He didn't seem to be lying but was an apology really good enough after stabbing a military member? Ty would look to Loghain and whisper, "what do you think we should do here? Do we still bring him in to the police station?"

(WC 438)
(TWC 2135)
Sebastian Loghain
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Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain)

Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:42 pm
The wolf's fury would simmer down slowly, accepting his comrades words of wisdom. Giving the child a reason to stoke those flames of hatred here would only solidify the kids stance and he would grow to continue hating shinobi. Taking a step back from the doorway, he would let Typhon address the culprit and try to coax him out to resolve this peacefully. Loghain was surprised that it worked in all honesty. He truly expected to have to drag this kid out kicking and screaming, since it was clear he was willing to fight for what he seemed to believe in. An admirable trait, but one that very easily could have gotten him killed. 

Now that the immediate adrenaline of the situation was waning, the terror stricken face of the child pierced Loghain like daggers, sharper and more dangerous than any blade the kid could brandish. That look of pure terror tore at the very soul of the wolf, for it was something he had been far too familiar with. He was afraid for his life, looking at them like they were monsters ready to tear him limb from limb. Shame overtook the wolf, disappointed in himself for his actions just moments ago. The boy was already afraid, yet he allowed his fury to take the reins even if only for the briefest of moments. His affliction required constant vigilance to control, and it only takes a moment for the beast to spill out and make him do something he would regret for the rest of his life. He couldn't look upon the child any longer, shifting his gaze to the ground. 

When Typhon looked to him and addressed him with the question of what to do, Loghain's whole demeanor shifted. He couldn't bring himself to look his comrade in the eyes, for the young man had seen what Loghain truly was in that brief instance. That focused fury and intensity... that was what the wolf truly was when you stripped back all of the layers and barriers he erected to subdue it. 

"I think he has learned his lesson... I don't think he will ever do that again..." The voice of the wolf came out almost like a whisper, trembling as the words were spoken. 

Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain)

Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:59 pm
Typhon could tell that the kid wasnt going to do anything hasty at this point. The fear on his face was clear as day, as sad as that is. Typhon caught his breathe while wiping the blood off his hands onto his shirt. The stab hole through it already ensured that he was ditching this outfit when he got home. Loghain looked completely shaken up by the situation. His demeanor once again changed quite rapidly, returning to the rational calm Ty was used to seeing.

Taking what Loghain said into account he would turn back towards the culprit and address them, "Listen kid, you can choose to not like shinobi. You are welcome to talk bad about us and glare when we walk by on the street." he would sigh and continue, "But never make the mistake of attacking one again. My partner and I are not bad people and I don't care for revenge. We're going to let you go but I wont lie you got very lucky tonight. Had you stabbed someone else they would be completely in the right to treat you like a threat."

It was a depressing thought, but even in the short time Ty had spent as a shinobi he had met several people around this kid's age that were already capable shinobi. This was a world where one could not be dismissed simply based on age or stature. Any individual could be a threat to your life and acting like that isn't true could easily get you killed. If it weren't for the obvious fear and discomfort on this child's face Ty would still be completely on edge.

"Just go home kid, and leave the poor priest alone. He's just trying to do his best like the rest of us." he would say solemnly. The whole situation was messed up but Typhon was just glad it didn't get any worse. His wounds were light and Loghain's healing had already taken care of most of the trouble. He would just need to do some light tending to it and get some rest.

As the child scurried off as quick as possible Typhon would let out a weak chuckle. "I don't think anyone could have predicted what happened tonight. Don't kick yourself over it, I'm fine now thanks to your quick thinking," the young Canopic would say to his partner.

(WC 395)
(TWC 2530)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain)

Fri Jan 21, 2022 10:07 pm
Typhon would dismiss the kid, but not before making certain that he learned a lesson in all of this. His comrade spoke the truth to the child, for any shinobi would be well within their rights to defend themselves from the attacks of a would be assassin. Age didn't seem to matter much, for even children in this dangerous world they found themselves in could be masterful shinobi. The kid would silently nod and rush off. He seemed to have learned his lesson, but only time would tell for certain. 

The calm demeanor of Typhon and kind words helped sooth Loghain's spirit. "It is reassuring to hear that. Thank you. Sometimes in the heat of things my natural instincts take over." He would offer, trying to explain himself as best he could without going into the reasoning behind such. That was a conversation for another time, when the wolf was a tad less shaken up. 

"Looks like the injury won't leave much of a scar, so I imagine that is a plus." Loghain would offer, shifting topics. "Do you know any medical arts?" He would ask. "If you are interested, I could teach you the basics sometime. I'm no expert, but I've learned a few useful things for patching folks up on the field."

Typhon Sepsus
Typhon Sepsus
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Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain)

Sat Jan 22, 2022 3:11 pm
Watching the child run off was an odd feeling. By every definition of the word the boy was a criminal, but Ty didn't feel any kind of hatred towards him. Even after getting stabbed he couldn't bring himself to feel negatively about him. His whole life had been filled with discrimination and although this was an extreme example, it was nothing new. He had certainly not expected the way this mission would turn out but somehow he felt pretty good. Other than the pain from the stab wound, the mission was resolved relatively peacefully. He knew that he would be filled with regret had any harm come to that child.

Loghain was kind enough to show concern for the wound Typhon sustained. With a hand scratching his neck Ty would laugh, "I'm fine really. I had a little medical training with the Hogokage's sister and she tought me the basics. When I get home I'll make sure to properly get this taken care of and bandaged." he would take a look at the wound, dark brown blood slicking over his shirt, and wince a little but put on a tough act. "This is nothing really. But I certainly wouldn't turn down training with you in the future. Or even just meeting for a drink sometime."

As the pair parted ways Ty would smile. He didn't know all that much about Loghain but he could tell the man was a good person. He could feel a bond forming between the two. He had yet to really make any friends within the shinobi forces, though admittedly he hadn't really been trying to make friends.

Once home Ty would run water over the stab wound and then pour some alcohol on it. With the bandages affixed he would head to his bed and quickly pass out.

(WC 303)
(TWC 2833)

+6000 ryo and +30 mission AP
+15 chakra

2000 words to learn Infection Rising
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain)

Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:56 pm
The wolf would listen and nod. Typhon seemed like a capable fellow, and if he thought that the wound wasn't anything to worry about the wolf had no reason to doubt him. He would offer a light smile, "I agree, we should meet sometime and train or maybe grab some food or something." Loghain could use more recreation time. So often these days he finds himself training or working. A bit of relaxation would probably go a long way to the young wolf. He wasn't against hard work, but all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, or so they say.

The wolf would part ways with his comrade, making his way towards the village gates to return to his cabin. Hopefully the wolf would find the time to honor his word and meet up with Typhon in the future. 



+6000 ryo and +30 mission AP
1000/1000 wc towards Lightness Skill
1500/1500 wc towards Furious Design
500/500 wc towards Feint
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hunting Ghosts with a Werewolf? (Ty, Loghain)

Tue Jan 25, 2022 6:19 pm
Well done you two, Good read.  Both of you receive the mission rewards and your claims are accepted.
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